Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Atonement r H. iJoc \\ tight. l'K. 3007; \"ancxxa Rcdgraxc. Kcna nghtlc}. .Iamc\ \Icho} I: i mmmm Adaptation ot Ian .\\ 3002 nowl. m uhich an oldci \xoman IRL‘tIgl.t\L'l llltl\L'\ on a \lllllL' \hc committcd a\ a child I’ic\ Icn \ciccnmg only Rcucu cd nc\t l\\llL' I'm- l‘x/IIt/rmu/I ()Nllll. lat/IIt/ml'u/t

* The Bourne Ultimatum t 13m 0... tl’atll (ilL'Cllgl'.t\\. I'S. 2007i Matt l)amoii. .lulia Stilcx. l)a\Id Stiathaun lllmm (irccngraxx' \ttll\l}lll3_’ com Ill\lttll to tItc \p} lt‘llog} haxcd on Rohcit l.udlum'\ lwookx. m uhich Jttxtill Ilouinc (Damon) gctx Ill\ mctnot'} ioggcd ahout ll|\ pl'L'\lHll\ idcntit}. lllltl\ out cxactl) \\ hat thc 'l‘rcadxtonc organisation did to him. and Iinall} gch \omc tacc— tlmc \\ llll thc cltt\l\ c organgrmdcr icxponxihlc and not thc ('IA monkc'u th had to dcal \\ ith hclot'c. :\\ \mart. dcccptix c and hardedrncn ax thc \tllk‘l’~\p) llllll\t'll. (it’lli’l'tl/ I‘r’lt'rlu'.

Bratz: The Movie (PM 0

«Scan McNamara. I'S. 2007i I.ogan Ilioumng. Jancl I’arrhh. Nathalia Ramox. Sk} Ict‘ Sha}c. l 10min. 'l’hc popular tlHII\ Iliat/ I'mall) comc alnc m thcir lirxt Inc action Icatui'c lilm: a \halloxx. dcprcxxmg al'lair that \cndx out mi\cd mcwagm ahout camaradcric and L‘Ulhlllllt‘l‘hlll. (iwu'ml I'c‘lr'tlu‘,

* Breach t Izmoooo amt} Ra). ['8. 200m R}an l’hilltppc. Laura I.innc}. (‘hrix ('oopcr. I l0min. Scc ('oopcr

mtcrx lt‘\\ in l-‘twtixal Iiilm \cction. pagc X0 and .-\l\t) Rclcaxcd. pagc 33. (irrn'rul I'i'lt'llH' from I’l'l .i/ slug.

Camcorder Guerillas: Mayan Voices (Ii) (Vai'ioux. 3005 07) 00mm. A \cicciimg ol tuo Iilmx prcxcntcd h} (‘amcordcr ( iticrilla (‘mcma Rut/1o Qmun film: ’orlnul of «I .Ilmun I'll/(1gp

t7. i0pni) l\ a \napxhot ol a .\l;l_\llll \ illagc in thc llighlandx ol (iuatcmala. \lltht through thc local radio \tation a \\ cck hclorc thc gcncral clcctionx. Sit/ml \ .S'o/n/um/ml.‘ Srot/um/ am] [In /(l/’tlll\l(l\ 18.25pm) c\plorc\ hon thc Zapatistax in thc rural highlandx ot’(‘hiapa\. .\lt‘\lL‘0 arc t\\ mncd \Hlll \olidarit) gi'oupx in Scotland. 'I'hc \crccningx \\ lll hc l'ollou'cd h} a tll\L‘ll\\l0ll \\llll local lilmmakcrx.

(Y 3‘. (I‘lflfik'l'll'.

Chak de India t ISA) (Shimit Amin. India. 2007» Shahrukh Khan. \'id_\a .\IaI\‘adc. charika (ihatgc. l25min.

Boll} \xood \portx drama about thc lirxt Indian Iadicx‘ hockc} tcam and a littlc Sikh girl \iholuxt “antx to hc a hockc} pla} Cl'. Si'lt't'lt‘tl I'i’lr'ilu'.

The Chumscrubber I IS» coo

(Aric I’oxin. I'S/(icrman). 2005) ('amilla llcllc. Jamic Bcll. Juxtin ('ham in.

I07min. It'\ all \inNcr uridcrtoncs. hlack comcd} and \ccd} going\ on m \uhurhia in thix talc of xx hat happcns \ihcn a high \chool drug dcalcr hangx himxclt and hix rcmaining tricndx/clicntx turn dctcctix c. IVI/mhouu'. Iz't/I'Itlmrgh.

Conversations with Other Women t IS) 0.. (Hans ('anoxa. l'K/I'S. 2007) Aaron lickhart. lIcIcna Bonham ('artcr. Yury Ix} kun. 84mm. Intrigumg. \iord}. ultimatcl} numhmg tuo handcr in \\ hich {\H) old t‘ricndx tor \wrc thc_\ on crx‘H mcct at a \\ cdding again. I’rcxcntcd in \plit scrccn. lickhart and Bonham (‘ai'tcr arc mccllcnt and daring ax thc Icadx. (inni'cnm; Glasgow

Copying Beethoven t 13A) 00 t:\glltC\/l\tt Holland.

l'S/(ici'man) /llungar). Zoom lid llarrix. Dianc Krugcr. Joc Andcrxon. 10-1min. Anna IIoI/ (Krugcrl comcx knocking on thc door of I.ud\\ ig \an Bccthm cn'x (Harris) housc. thc xctting for Agnicvk'a Euro/m [film/m Ilolland'x Uplh. \xliich conccntratcs on ho“ Anna ingratiatcx hcrxclt into thc gi'ut‘l‘ old hull} \ holixchold and inxpircx him to grcatncsx. 'l'hc rcsult i\ _\ct anothcr bland liuro conticction. doomcd h) cpic miscasting. which hitx a

Mk“ 2W7. of As Edinburgh’s festivals wind down for another year,

don’t miss your final chance to check out this

fantastic selection of unseen international shorts from the UK, Poland, Sweden (pictured, Silent Night), Israel and beyond. From Thursday 23 August the films will be arranged in a shortlist chosen by The List's film editor Paul Dale. You need no higher recommendation. For further information please see or

phone 0845 260 1234.

I C Cubed. Edinburgh, 7hu 25‘~/W()/r 1,)? Aug.

hum notc. ('im'imrli/ Rt'll/N’H Smut. (iluxgmr; Dominion. [film/Hugh. The Dam Busters tl'i coo (Michacl Andcrxon. I'K. I054» .\lichacl Rcdgrm c. Richard 'l'odd. l'ixula .It'ltlh. ll-Imin. What ho? Bouncing hottlhx aua) hoyx. Much parodicd but \till liugcl} L‘ll]0}£tl‘lL‘ trihutc to Barncx Wallacc and Wing (‘orporal (itl_\' (iihxon. thc tuo mcn \\ ho ma) ha\ c hclpcd turn WW2 around by dcxtro}ing important Ruhr dam» A mix of gross .xcntimcntalit} arid thc lll'llhll \till uppcr lip. A Iilm \'cr} much ol' ll\ timc. Part of Summcr ol‘ Ilritixh I-‘ilm. (i/mgoii‘ I'llm Than/1'. (i/uwoii ; l'i/m/muw. Ifrli/i/uuju/i.

Daratt (PG) 0.. (Mahamat-Salch Ilaroun. (’had/l‘rancc/Bclgniiii/Atixtria. 2006) Ali Barkai. Youxsoul l)‘|aoro. I)kihril lhrahim. Ali/a lll\\L‘lllL‘. 05min. In thc al‘tcrmath of ('had'\ 40-}car cix H “at. l(i-_\car-old Atim (Barkail I\ win to kill thc man who mttrdcrcd his tathcr. hut uhcn hc mccts thc man hc is \tallcd. and thc mo form an uncxpcctcd and \tartling rclationship. Damn I\ a poignant c\pIoration of how I‘ormcr cncmicx can Inc togcthcr. (ilmgmr l't'lm 'I'ln'utn'. (I‘lilx‘g'UH'j Film/lousy. Edinburgh. Death Sentence I I8) coo

tJamcx Wan. I‘S. 2007b ch in Bacon. John (ioodman. Kcll} l’rcxton. l05mm. Scc Al.\o Rclcaxcd. pagc 22. (iv/1cm] I‘¢'/¢'(1.\('_fl'irlrt l’il‘li 3/ Aug.

Deep Sea 30 tl’(il (llonard Hall. (‘anada/I'S. Zoom Voiccx ol Johnn) Dcpp. Katc \Vinxlct. 4 l min. A 3-1) digital c\ploration of thc occan\ dcpthx and ll\ crcaturcw. [MAX 'I'ln'ulre'. (ilmqmc. Die Hard 4.0 t l5) 0.. ( \Vixcman. IS. 2007) Brucc \Villh. Timoth} ()I_\phant. Maggic Q. llts'min.


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