I Hellraiser’s Ball/Neon at thc Hm- llpin lam l lt't‘ \Vt-ckl} .-\ rogk'n'roll pilllllt'} mth all lllt' hut kUl\ trotn

t lawn lllt'l.ll to haul l”\ k llllotlgll to HR jg'lallI and gull}

I Kayos at ()piuni llpni iaIn l‘lL'L' \M-t-ll} .-\ metal and rock \oundtrat‘k plm Ll tllllll.\ kt-cp lllk‘ \lll\\tl\ a- lllH\lllllj,.'

I Orange Street at (‘IIrm ('luh

lll lllptn ianI l'Iu- hcloiv llpin. £5

It 5i .ittt-i \\ ct'kl} Ska. IlatlL‘L'hall and It'ggac lIoIn lllt'()lill1f_'t' Strcct I)J L'lt'“. I Playgirl Mansion at l.qu

hptn lain £5 \Vt-ckl} A night ol laid hatk loungt- lllll\l\ and guilt} plcaxurm. ('ulting L'dgt‘ t'lt't’tl'onlt‘ dlxco and clawa llHll\t' hiinging a touch ol Studio 5-1 to l.anhIiIgh cxci} Sunda} \Iith l)J lrcnd} \Vcnd} and gucxlx.

I Pushin’ Buttons at Rt'tl.

lllpni ltllll. l‘t't'c hcloit' llpin. £3 altcr \VL‘L‘kl} Shou L‘;I\L' Ill L‘lt't‘ll'tl tll\L'H. pllllk lunk and hip hop lllt'.’ll\\ lIoni acroxx ladinhuigh'x t'luh land lt'aturing llohhcx I'liouhlt'I. \lt-ltliuin IXpIIcItI. llahm ISnatthI. Spt-ktruin I.\lothcrlunkl and DJ luhIIlo/ Ilhggit} l.

I Shake at Shanghai. ‘lpin iant. l‘i‘cc l‘t'llllt' llpin. £3 altct Ilrccl. \Vcckl}. Soullul \tlt'ill\. \c\_\ dm‘o and lunk lam-d llUll\L' part} .‘tlllllL'lll\ lioin John llult‘hinxon Ilok)ohltil and pcrcuxxionixl l’t'pt' Santa Maria.

I The Shuffle Club at lltt' Splcgcl (iardt'n. ||.~l5pni l.-l.5;tlll, £l() I£h'I. 3h .-\ug. Scc 'l‘hu.

I Spank! at l'ndciht-ll}. midnight 4am. U“ U ‘50 It” £ l 2.5(ll. 30 Aug. SL‘L‘ Thu.

:13 Tackno at (‘ru/. lllpni 3am. £8 (£6 nit-Inhcrw. It» .'\ug. llilk'hlltl taka to thc \xawx tor a low lloat‘ \pccial lroIn the L'\t‘l \o lowl} 'l‘rcnd} chd}. playing ht'r unitiuc llll\ ol pop. chccxc and kitxch L‘l;l\\lt‘\.

I Taste at ('alial't't Voltaire. l lpttt 5am. £5 hclorc ||.l(lpm; £8 altcr (£6 Int'IIIhcer. \Vct'kl}. l‘Ixhcr tk l’rtcc \uppl) a progrcxxnc llll\ ol' hoth and gatagc at llll\ lllltlllltllh Sunda} nightcr. \VIth Martin \‘alcntinc lll'lttl} in charge ot thc hack room. cud thc l-‘cxtixal in \t_\lc \Hlll \pt‘cial gttt‘xt .\la\ llcrhcrt IStt'I‘t'o. Montrcall on Io :\ug.

I Tipsy at Mama. I lpm .‘Iam. £4, \chkl}. Rtkll and hip hop lt‘Utll l'L‘\ltlL‘lll\ Nick (‘I and l’ha/c 2 'll “hat the} pronuxt‘ \\Il| he the hotth Sunda) night part} In town.

I Vaudeville/The One O’Clock Club at tht- llongo ('luh. lll.5(l[llll 5am. £.\'.5(l £950 I£75ll £8.5(ll hcl'orc lain; £5 .Il'tt‘r. 2h ,-\ug, St‘c 'l‘hu.

Edinburgh Mondays


I Happy Mondays at l’o Na Na.

| lpnI 3am. £3 Ill‘L‘L‘l. \Vcckl). (‘luh night l'uxing llL‘\\ and clamic indic. rock. tunk. hip hop and Motoun.

I La Vida at lulu. ‘lpni 3am. l-‘rcc hcl'orc ltlpin; £5 al'tcr. \Vcckl}. .-\ head} llll\ ol~ clcctro-pop. Clil\\lL‘\ and dixco ll‘otll .lL'l lllll.

I Latin Quarter at Medina.

lllpin 3am. l5rcc. \Vcckl). l)l .lamm ('onihc \\ Ith real deal \alxa and \xorld lllll\lL'. .\'o\\ in II\ l'ourth )car and \till going \trong. like a line “inc.

itttpl‘m ing “till age.

I Red Residents at Red. ltlpm 5am. lircc before 1 llei; £2 alter. 27 .-\ug. Scc 'l'hu.

I RIM at Mood. llpin 3am. £5 (£3 \xith llwrl. \Vcckl). NC“ ga} night donn at .\lood \\ ith trcc htihhl} on cntr}. t‘rcc glo\\ -.\tick.\. topic“ \xaitcrx. dancing har \tall‘ and plcnt} ol‘ cocktailx.

I Rope at ()pal Loungc. ltlpnI-Rain. l-‘rcc before I lpni'. £5 I£4I alter. \Vcckl}. Dirt). rippcd up. l‘unk} hoth and ice cool L‘lL‘L‘lro.

I Sounds Good at l’i\o Callie.

"pin 7 Sam. Frcc. \Vcckl}. The finest retro and future \oul. jazz. funk and rcggac from Astroho) and Brcadniark‘.

I Trade Union at (‘aharct Voltaire. llpm 5am. £3. Weekly Night to gi\c

mint-thing hagk to lllL' hat and t luh \xorkcrx mth L'\L'l'\llllll:_' k'\\'\'Pl thct'vc iron) I” Brut} and \\oll|a//

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Antics at thc lll‘-k' llpni iani llt'k' \Vcckl} Rot k. cnIo. punk and halal tll\[‘ill(llk'\ troin ladinhmghk alt \tt-nt- I Code Blue at ()pIuIII lllpni ‘anI l'rcc \Vcckl} l’unk Iopl. tlaxxitx ‘U-llll lixttulx ol cum and \ka ghutkt-d Into Iht- poi lor good lllL‘.l\lll’L'

I Glove Empire at RL'tl lllpin 5am l'rcc hclorc llpni. £3 altcr Sh -\ug lndrc. clcctro and rock lroin (ia\ Ill

(il(l\ L' ll l'l} Spill—Item

I Indie Mix at l’Ixo (‘allc "pin iani l‘l'L'L'. \Vt'k'hl} llltllL'. .lllL'lllJlHt' .llltl lll.’t\lt upx lroIn \It‘k .-\K.-\ and lllk' l)a|L'k.

I l.qu at lulu. Spin 5tllll. l'It'c l‘L‘lUlL' lllpnt; £4 altcr. \Vcckl} Soultul. ct ltwtit' \ctx taking lll cwrfihrng lronI llt‘\\ \\.l\t' to rarc groow li'onI ladinhuigh‘x llllt'\l underground l).l\ llohlwx I'liouhlw and Dam lllL‘4ltl\ptlll

I Motherlunk at ()pal loungt'.

lllpni 3am. l-I‘cc. \Vcckh. (into and

H} cr arc hack \\llll tthr 'l'ucxda} lllNIIIllllUll ax the} \[Hll rarc and t‘laxxit' lullk} axxcd. lloorvxhaktttg (ill\ and “(h gromm. dccp lunk. l.alIn. thl and \o much more.

I Split at ('ahaI'ct Voltaire

| 1.30pm 5am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. l)ruin & haxx. clcctro and hrcak ht'at \\ Ith Shadouxkill. thc Dropout l).l\. Dogma and a \mattcring ol' \cr} talcntcd local gut-xtx. l)l'lllll & haw and hit-akx collcctnc lidinhurgh llaxxcd takt' (arc ol thc main room cwr} othcr ucck.

I Tuesday Heartbreak at lhc Jan Mar. l l..‘\tlpin 3am. l‘rcc, \Vt-ckl). l),l Aki p|a_\\ ll'L‘\ll \oul. l'unk. Rtkll. hip hop. goxpcl and hlut‘x.

I Vibe at ligo. llpnI 5am. £4. \Vcckl}. Mainxta} ga} night \xith .laniw l.ong\\'ot'lh Ult lllL' tlL'L‘k\. l'.\|k‘L‘l L'llL‘L‘\L‘. choonx. \llltlkL‘ niachinu and Ina}hc

m CH thc Quu'r m Iii/A lllL‘lltL‘ tunc.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I Apocalypse at ()pitllll. Itlpm 3am. l‘il'L'L‘. \VL‘Chl}. Ml\ Ul' goth. tllL‘lttl. induxtrial and punk.

I Chambles at ()pal lounge.

lllpin .‘ain. £4 £5. \Vcckl}. Night ol \cx} music. l‘antaxtic cocktailx and l'ahuloux pcoplc. l)rc\\ to llllpl'L‘\\.

I The Good Groove at l’I\o (’altc. 7pm 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. llrcadniark and Johnn) ('axhhack \uppl} the part} lunk. Al‘rohcat and Latin uondcrx.

I Hard to Find at the .la// llar. midnight 3am. l't'cc. \Vcckl}. l).l Romco pla_\\ purc. unadultcratcd rcggac. dancchall. mm and Jamaican \ouud\.

I Indi-Go at the l,lt]llltl Room. 10.30pm 3am. £3 I£l I. \Vcckl}. 'l'hc latext indic night to hit the capital \\llll the hut in new lllll\l( Iand thc l)J\ arc happ) to take rcqumtxl.

I Jerk Alert at Rcd. ltlptn 3am. l'rcc hclorc l lpin; £2 alter. \Vcckl}. '.-\chingl} uncool dancclloor fun from .\l(' lllondm and Aucwmc \Vcllx at llll\ indic Incctx )outh club night.

I Juice at Maxxa. 10.30pm 3am. £5 I£3I. \Vcckl}. The original lit-\hl} \qucucd ‘l(l\ and ()(l\ \tudcnt night rcturnx.

I The Pit at the llnc. l lpm 3am. l‘l‘CL‘. \Vcckl}. Rock and metal night h} rock and metal lam for rock and metal tam. I Roller Disco at lulu. Nplll 3am. Frcc before 10pm; £5 al'tcr. \Vcckl}. l’axt and future clcctronic clamcx l‘rom .\la\h and Jon l’lcaxcd and gucxt l)J\.

I We are . . . Electric at (‘aharct Voltaire. l lptn 75am. l5rcc before midnight; £2 attcr Il'rcc to nicinhcrxi. \Vcckl). More clcctro-punk t'rom thL' maxtcrx ot~ Iiia_\hcni (Ear) Mac and Mn. Sonia \ingingx Vector l.o\cr\ go liw (2‘) Atth follmxcd h} ltltl’} l)}ll;llllllt‘ taking owr thc backroom I5 ScpI.



36 BLAIR STREET, EDINBURGH. EH1 10R T: 0131 220 6176 new 2i a’x/ét/ST 200;;

36W 655 \4 J0@4II/ l/ 11PM

ultrogroove Q JESSE-ROSE

Stanton waniors FRIDAY AUGUST 3tst

K'd Kenob' 51d &'5huresh<'>ck S‘Qa'be

www.migarheatcltIl).(;oni P '- l‘ I 3

Wednesday 12th September a FRANK TURNER

5‘ J O N A H M I!» T l“: A N 5;; [I .’ All; L} [A ('3 {w H : a, /._‘Y \ [IT-,9“ { )I I“ j,



Thursday 13th September

0.3.1:} live

MOGWAI & IDLEWILD DJ: myspace.com/spiesinthewires


THE DOWN AND OUTS 7PM www.captainphoenix.com www.kora.co.uk

VFAHMI Saturday 2nd September


" Saturday 22nd September

P 11PM



OCT 7TH - The Departure, Clocks, Descartes OCT 8TH - Acoustic Ladyland OCT 13TH - The Blackout, Pierce The Veil, Flood of Red OCT 16TH - Los Campesinos! You Say Party! We Say Die! Sky Larkin

.5 a ' THE LIST 19