htg chart \ongx lor )our plcaxure

I Guru Saturdays at (ittru. l lptn 3am £7 i£5i Weekl} (irahame l-ergtixon play a llll\ ol rock'n'roll while Robin keep\ it liink} uith eclectic electric and alternatixe hltx rotating lll rootn three.

I Hanoi Rocks at l~irettatcr ()plll 3am. l‘tee helotc lll 30pm. £3 t£3i alter. \\cekl} l)J\ Joe Smith and ('ratg \Vilxon pla} ltttlte lrotti paxl and present to a tll\LL'llllll;_' llltISIL' crou d.

I Homegrown al Bamboo.

lll illptn 3am £3 tUil. Wee-kl}. Stexte Sole play a lunk}. \oullul llt)ll\c \et \xith \liguel pl;t}lllf_‘ Rtkll and Dominic Martin \ttpp|_\tng the ltiiik and Jan.

I Inside Out vs Refresh at the Archex lltpni 3am. £thc. 25 Aug. l'oatn and pool pail} \Hlll Sander \an l)oorn. .\latt llatduick. Nikolax Harding attd \thltatn Daniel.

I Into The Night at the l"l_\ing l)ttck. Illpin 3am. l‘rec helore l lpm; £4 alter. l Scp. Monthly llouxe part} taml. nu “axe and Sllx lrottt Vic Strapon,

I Kaput at the .-\tllllll’;ll. llptti 3am. £4. | Sep. Monthl}. Rockabill). rock'n'i'oll. ki'aut rock and all thingx pxyche lrotn Kid 'l'ttixt arid tlte lto}\.

I Karbon Saturdays at Karhon. |(l3llptn 3am. £7 t£5i. \Veekl}. Rtkll. hip ltop and \ttlllllll ltitik ll‘tllll thix ttight at the next L‘ll} centre \enue.

I Melting Pot Summer Sessions (Part 3) at the Admiral. l lptti (i.3()atn. £2”. 25 Aug. Monthl}. Daniele Baldelli t('o\inici Joins Melting Pot residentx tor a night ol dtxco. houxe and ltalo-l'uelletl tna_\hetn. 'l‘hen it'\ all onto the boat tor the Slllll'lxt‘ lloat l’at't} which leaves l'ront the pier at the (‘roun l’la/a (Moat llotixet at 3.30am alter the club.

I The Mix Element at Stratltclylc Studentx' l'nion. lllpin 3am. £3. Weekl). (ilasgoxi \ lirxt e\ er \tudent Asian lttthiL‘ night. aii eclectic ltll\ ol' hhangra. hip hop. Bollntood and RtUl \tith l).l\ Bohh} ll attd Ja) .lagpal. and Shand}.

I Subculture at tltc Suh (‘luh

l lpm 3am. £5 before midnight: £l() alter. Weekl). Ham and l)oinenic\ extahlixhed ltttll\t‘ lll\llltllL‘ continue\ to reign supreme \\ ttli the don. Mr Derrick ('arter I Sep.

I Super Saturdays at lair} Murr} \. llptti 3am. £5 t£4i. \Veekl}. Hi Mark} I) plan chart and chce\c and Rtfill.

I Superfly ttl \Vootlfltle Social (‘lttll lllptti lain. £5. I Sep. Fortnightly Duncan attd lan pl‘m idc a \tteltering mi\ ol' tntt\tc attd llt;l}llL‘lll. rolling together a choice l‘lctttl ol' \\\ cet \otll. \c\_\ ilSSCkl l'tink. titlx [\\}Cllt' rock. hip hop. post punk tilltl neu l'L‘lL‘;l\c\.

I Tipsy at Silxet‘. ltlpin 3am. £(i t£4i. \Veekl}. Refill. hip hop and dancehall c\ct'_\ \\ eek.

I Uptight ttl \Vtttttlutle Social (‘ltlll ltlptn 3am. £5. 35 .-\ug. .\lonthl_\. l’lent} ol~ lunk. \tttll and p\_\chedelic tune\ to get _\otlr groin e on to.

I VEGAS! at tlte l‘t‘l’l'). 0.30pm 2am. £9 t£7 lot" "the lahulouxl} drexxed' i. I Sep. Monthl). The multiple anard-uinning. intilti-genrc club night lor llltH erx. groo\er\. hipxtet‘x. llipsterx. guy and dolls. red-hot lllttlltlllth and linger-poppin' tlatltlicx. No“ \etwing hot loud.

I You 8 Me at the l-lxing Duck.

Itlpm 3am. £4. 25 Aug. Monthl}. loud dancing arid quiet talking l't‘om SeX) Kidx RM and Pat.

Glasgow Sundays


I Discobadger at Bamboo. ltlpm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. Dominic Martin. D] Kaxh and .\l;t.\lt do the till L‘\ er} \\ L‘Ck.

I Jumble Sale Soundsystem at the l-‘lxing Duck. ltlptn 3am. l-‘ree before

I lpm; £4. \Veekl}. .\lu,\ical odds aitd ends \\ ith the emphasis on heats. breaks and havltnes.

I Munday Sux at (iuru. l lptn --3ant. £4 it‘ll. \Veekl). What tnore can )ou say? The final drink and dance on a Sunda} hel‘ore _\ou get back to normal on Honda}. l.0l_\ of drinks promos.

I Mytunes at Fircnater. 9pm—3atn. Free bet’ore 10.30pm: £3 t£2i alter. \Veekl).

the punter play at being I” ax .\l'\l\ l'raxer 'l'honiwn and l-anho} axk all to bring tuo ot their laxourtte ll.l£h\ on (D uhich the} nth pla} at \Hlllt' point during the night.

I Optimo (Espacio) at the Slll‘ ('ltih llptn 3am. £.\ i£'i. \Veekl}\ get llll\ part} \tarted: lltthlc. dancing. light\ arid ll\ e actx. Sa} ‘}c\‘ to another night ol c\ce\\. prexented h} ll) l“ itch and Hi \Vilkcx utth Black l.lp\ i2 Sept Dubbed 'ktngx til the pfichcdcltc garage t'ttck undergroundf Black\ are due to delixer art energetic and unpredictable |t\e perlortnance p|a}ing \ell-eoined ‘llouei punk.‘

I Stay Classy Sundays at l'tll'} \ltirr}‘\. llptti 3am. £4 i£3i \\eekl_\ l).l Notr gi\e\ )our \xeekend the xend oil it dexcnex. .-\ mix ol llltlSlc.

I Tricky Disco at Karhon. I lptti 3am £5. \Veekl}. Sunda} tiiglit tun lrotn .Ion Mancini t(’olour\i aitd Krh Keegan \Hlll old and next dance tunex uhile Miguel and Shuttle takc )ou oil a Rtkll and hip hop trip,

I We Love Sundays at Hoho.

3pm 3am. £3 tlreei. \Veekl). .\ ll-hour Sunda) tnarathon \tith l)J\ and art all da_\ harhectie.

Glasgow Mondays


I Asbo Mondays at l-‘ireuaier.

l lpiti 3am. liree. \Veckl}. l)J Anton pla'u itttltc and rock clttxxlcx until late.

I Funked Up at (iuru. I lptti 3am. £4 t£3i. Week'l}. litian and l)a\e ol Killer Kitsch rock this next \enue.

I Happy Mondays at l-‘ireuater.

0pm 3am. l‘ree hel'ore Ill.3(lpni; £3 t£2i alter. \Veekl). l‘ircnater ix no“ open xexen nightx a neck \tith a club exer) itigltt. Monday are indie. punk and rock- inxpirctl \Nilh rexidcnt l-‘ireuater l)J\ and drink\ prontox.

I Poptimism/Rocktimism at the (iarage. l lpin 3am. £4 tl'reei. Weekl}. l)oe\ exactl} \\ hat it my oit the tin. .\ healthy tlllSL‘ ol- pop and rock littt' lttttl— \xeek part} people.

I We Hate Mondays at Baiiihoo. lllpm 4am. £5 (£4l. \Veekl). 'l'oast plan a tnuxical itieltiitg pot ol‘ all thing\ good iii electro. rock. pop attd part} tunex.

Glasgow Tuesdays


I All Mod Cons at l‘irenater. 0pm 3am. l‘rce hel‘ot'e lll.5(lpm; £3 (£3! ttllt‘t'. \Vcekl). l)J l)a\‘e Stone \pinx Mottmn and Northern \oul plus a le\\ curte halls throun iti lor good titeaxure.

I DIRT at the ('athouxc. l lpin 3am. £3. \Veekl}. New 'l'uexda} tiight \\ itli I)J Muppet pla_\ing itieat and too \eg rock. l.i\e inud urextling and pri/e\.

I Dub’n’Grub at thc (ilaxgon School ol .-\rt. 5pm midnight. liree. \Veekl). lt \tartx at teatime and endx in time Mr \onte shut c_\ e. Mungo'x lli l‘i prmidex the ragga. dancehall and duh \oundx uhile lood ix pro\ ttlctl h} the Vic.

I Juicy Tuesdays at Kttshion.

l lptii 3am. £5 (£3). Weekl). A \tudent night to entertain the ltl;t\\C\ acrosx t‘.\o roomx. Room one leaturex indie pop and L'llL'L‘SL‘ while room l\\(l pltl}\ Rt&l; and hip hop.

I Killer Kitsch at the Bull.

lll.,‘\llplll 3am. £4 t£3 l. Weekl). liuan and Dine pla) all )our l'avouritc electro ini\etl iii with wine Xllx \_\lllll. hip hop and amthing elxe the) lane}. l)o\\n\tair\ Born Monk Ben arid The l‘rantic .-\nt entertain. I On Fire at (‘rih ltlpm 3am. £5 t£3i. Weekly ln rooin otte llexk) play tip l‘ront RtUl. hip hop. dancehall. garage and grime \thile Big .-\I play \el\et) \ltltttilll R&B and \oul in room No.

I Supersonic Tuesdays at l-‘ireuater.

l lptnw3atn. Free. Weekly. I)a\ id Stone (The 88x) play a mix of indie. wit] and Britpop.

I Tease at the Tunnel. l lpm ~ 3am. £thc. Weekly Sex} home. all thingx dance and a smattering of electro at thix next

mid“ eeker.

Glasgow Wednesdays

C ell?

I After Hours at The Hall Ilptt‘. iai‘ii :3 “eekl; (ieirjxljn~r1~;‘i.i}~.i't.t\of e\et_\thiii: lie lone-x lfi‘ll‘ lite \Zoitex to Hot ('htp

I Firewater Wednesdays at t :ieuate: llpiit 3aiii Tree \\eekl§ l’atiit taulord illlL‘(itlllt \oilheiii Social ;‘l.t}\ indie. toek and punk

I Gin N Juice at ('tilte l lptti 1an! 1-1 i£II \\eekl} l).l\ \aeeiti t\ \kettli get ('tilte liotitittng \tilh their nun tndi\idttal ttit\ ol laid l‘atk \i‘tll. ltitik. hip hop. lx‘t\ll and datiechall

I Octopussy at the \lclltN

‘t thtn iatti £4 \\eekl} latu//t\. l‘t‘tlllt} \.l\llk'\ and .l ( illttl‘t'l Ml l HH' .tl tlte \teheV tegtilat \ltident night

I Rehab at llo\ tiiidttight ialll ltee \\eekl\ \ii indie. ptitik iotk .itid p~yhedel1e \tttllltlllack

I Substance at (itlltl \\eekl} \ iiight ol elante atid ltattg tip to date ttidte \\ itli llt'ian \le\la\tei


Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to clubs® Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Alter Ego at l’o .\'a \a. llptii 3am £5 t£3t “cekly 'l'htit'xda} ttight lll;t\lt tip l'roin l).l l)i\et\e. pla)ing a gente \plitttng \electton ol modern attd cltl\\lt‘ llltllL'. rock. tlhc‘tt. Rik”. lllp hop. liootlegx and ltink} hothc.

I A Basement Boogie at Berlin literhaux. | lpitt 3am. l'rce. \Veekl}. lttttttiate t'exidcnc} limit the lithe l).|\. p|a_\ ttig otit cluh claxxtcx. clcctto. p ltiiik. \otll. litp hop. ht'eakx. \}nth pop aiid more.

I Born to Be Wide at the Street. ‘lptn laitt. l'ree. 33 .\tl_‘_'. \ltlSIc Illtltl\ll'_\ \ocial club that :tllll\ to bring Illll\tt\. [tilll‘llétll\l\. protnotch. record \ltop xtorkei'x atid |lltl\lcl;lll\ together \\llll (ieot‘ge tk ('laire ll on the l'itngei. Stuart ('rttickxhank tllll(' Radio Scotlandi and .‘\ll l)a\ Itl\till t\\'arnet' llt'ox .\&R t.

I Chocolate Kiss at .\la\\a.

lllptn 3am. £3 tlreei. \Veekl}. \ext night kicktttg oll \\llll rcxtdent l).l 'l'on} 'l‘.\"l' t.\latttlioi pla} itig otit the hch tn Rtkll. .\loto\\n atid ttt'lian.

I Club Vague at the lam llttll\t'. itiidiitglit 5am. Up. 33 .-\ug. llot'n ottt ol the l.o\t Vaguenexx (ilaxtonhnr) e\periencc. celebrate a iitglit ot cahat'et. httrlextluc. |t\e mime. aerial \llllll\. I).l\ atid glamour i ‘ltill' atid ‘ltte' \lltt\\\ throughout the l'L'\ll\;tl i.

I Gettoblast! at the Bongo ('ltih llpttt 3am. £7 t£oi. o Sep. .-\ ncv. night ol true hip hop. 'l'he l-unk atid litp hop \pinning i'egtilarx are iotned e\‘l).\l(' ('hantpion (‘ttttnaxtet Sutlt.

I The GOuLaG BeAt at ltgo.

llptti 4am. £5 i£4i. 3H .-\tig. l’unk. garagc. lie“ \\.’t\L‘ illlkl gtttttl. littllc‘\l t'ock'n'i'oll courtex} “Hit a Inc \et lrotn Mother tk the .'\tltllc'l\ tthe l.

I Karnival at ('aharei Voltaire.

llptti 5am. i £4 lllt'llll‘t'l'w. 33 .-\ug. .\ night \\lllc‘ll pl‘tlltll\c‘\ to indulge 'e\er} pleaxure. exer} \in' “HM lllthlc' lront write «it lzdinhurgh'x hcxt houxe l)J\. .-\tt}thttig gocx in room tuo \ttth ll- Stdcx plux titagicianx. lit)\l\ and hoxtcxxex.

I Lic It at ('ttrth ('luh. ll.3llptn 3am. l‘ree hel'ore l lpin; £5 i£3i alter, \Veekl}. Rock. indie and retro requextx ritglit \\ itli l)J Adam.

I Polyphonique Social Club at l’no (Kalle. "pm 3am. l‘rec. \Veckl}. l‘unk} dance groin c\ and electronica lirttlll

.lacek Zainoixkt.

I Red Residents a: Red loprii Rim 1" \ti:

‘t:\ of eieetto. hip hop and

lie. mart. ..;‘tl.. L- .i.tei

I ..


I Red Star Institute at Red

It'pzr' 5am ltee 'f‘etore llpiti. 1 allet lorliizghllx lhe liext up arid

i; total ltlx and \ .lx llll\ tllzfltl

:z\e\ .llli.lit'lil\ the chance to \l‘ltl iii ltoiit of their pect\

I The Shuffle Club at the \piegel (iatdeti 'i'i 15pm 1 \ug llaiitehall iti.i_\ltetii and tal‘aiet

I Siren at the “H e lH 3Hptti 5am l tee \\eekl_\ l lettio. ltotixe, liteakx and lt'tllllt‘ lottti lt‘\ltlt‘tll\ \l \laiik attd ( ’ltitlilyx (‘o\ (Illt'\l\ iiit ltide PM .33 \tig I. Rick} l’alu .iiid \l\l\\ t3" \tl'.‘ and \\ill lake to Sept

I Souled Out at (lpal l otttige

lttptii 3am ltee lielote itirdntgltt. £3 altet \\eekl\ l totn \ll\\l‘ to \otthetti \otil. (iatetli \otiitiietx the and l ta/ei

\lt( lllll\llk'_\ ltilltl tout tteedx adding .i tl.t\ll ill llt'll\t‘ .l\ lllt' lllfg'lll }'|‘\'\ HI)

I Spank! at l tidetliell_\ tiitdiiight 4am tht {l 3 5H '1" L I 5th .‘3 \ti-.' l.llltt‘\ \\ teti atid l con i lt'tlU litttig tlieit Spaiik' e\peiietite tip ltotii l oiidotr l‘ltllllllj.‘ the ltiie l‘t'l\\t‘t‘ll t ltth toiiied_\ .llttl \ ahatel l\petl |t\e lllll\l\. \ldlltl-tll‘. lllx. \llllt‘.tll\lll .itid plctit} ol other

tttit l.t\\\lt‘ t'\lta\

I Surgical Steel at ttpiiiiii

ltlpni 3am l'tee \\eckl\ ltillon tiictal .t\\.ttlll

I Synthetic at the lloiigo ( ‘ltih

lll 3llptn 5am £5 l‘t'lttlt' tntdntght. Ui alter 3“ \tig Second httthda} lot the tethno night \klllt \peeial guext lithe .letk il|\ei

I Thirtynine al the Jan Hat

ll itlpiit 3am l-tee o Sep l'tink and |.l// l).l\ atid |t\e lllll\le “Hit a hit ol cocktail iiiaktng and \liaking llllti\\ll ttt lot good lllt'.‘l\lllt'

I Vaudeville/The One O’Clock Club at the llongo (‘ltili lll 3llptn 5am

£8 5” L“ 5” i £5 5” £S 5“: l‘t'lttlt' latti. £5 altet 33.\ttg \atidextlle enilttaeex tll\\ltlt'lll cabaret. llte night ineotpoiatex the ()ne (H ‘lock ('luh tltotti lattii leattiiiiig |t\e ltatltl\ Killer Sliatk I33.\tigi aitd a \peetal lll}\lt‘l_\ _L'llt‘\l tlo \tigi IYin-Yang at Shanghai lllpni 3am Hi Neil \\t't'i\l_\ \t'\\ \kt't'ixl} llllell til electro llttll\t'. mating \ocal\ and \tttllllll gtooxex ltoiii lltigg} .ittd ('ratg Sinith

Edinburgh Fridays


I Alternanthem at ()piiiiii.

l‘lpiii 3am. l'tee \\eek|} Night ol rock and .illct'natne anthetttx

I Badaboom at .\la\\a ltlptti 3am. £5. \M‘ckl}. 'l he hut lll cotiiinerctal Rtkll and urban ltck\ \ttth gtie\t\ lroin |.\tta atid Radio l ll}llljJ Ill lot'tnightl}.

I Black Tape at llenr} \ ('ellat liar, llpitt 5am. £5 24 Aug. ;\ llll\ ot indie. L‘l.l\\lc pop. rock. \oul. punk. electtotiica arid hip hop l:arl_\ ll'ltclm and c’l;t\\lc alhtttn cut\ lrotn the hand\ )ott lt)\ e.

I Boombox at lago. llptii 4am £th 3l .-\ttg. \ttkleat l’tipp} \ Jaxon (‘ot'te/ atid l.ti\cl} \ l)ean Neuron “Hit a \pectal :Jllt'\l the.

I Club Classics at l’i\o (‘alle

5pm 3am. lice. \Veekl}. l)ancc L'l;l\\lc\ lrotti Scott l'.lllttl. (‘raig (ice atid (ia\ (irant

I Club Vague at the Jam llttthc. itiidiitgltt 5am Ho. 24 Aug, See 'lhu. I Cult at Na Na. lllptti 3am. £3.50 helot'e llpin. £5 alter. \Veekl}. |)J Nikki arid triendx dig up the \er} hext tti ltirtk. tll\c'tt. Rtkli. llttthL‘. l\ll\L'll clamicx and part} tatitx at llt|\ cool daneelloor llt;l\ll- tip.

I Dogtooth at llenr} \ (‘ellar Bar, llptti 3am. £thc. 3l .-\ug. Next club pla_\tng indie. raw. electro atid new.

I Evol at the Liquid Room.

lll.3(lpm 3am £5. \Vcckl), lzdinhurgh'x longcxt running indie night. With the USULtl llll\ ol the he~t current and clawc alternatixe. crowner tunex. liml'\ an lllSlllllllHll.

15am th'i£\ -3

.. a " me LIST 17