

U I Saw YOU [IIL‘III “INIL'III RII III IIIIIII\ III' II \II'Ihx. 'I hur» IIII} Aug In.4pm \‘nII IIIIII IIIIr hIIII' IpIIII}IIIII I. \u-IIIIng IL'II Inp. |I'.III\ I \\;I\ n!) IIIkI'. .IIIIIIIIx II'III‘II \lllI tnp. sunglasses [7584/I

U I Saw You Shelly} \‘IIIIIIIx-I'I'I‘ SIII} mg up IIIII' IInII IIIIIkIIIg II IIIC\\. Inn InanII \cI'} III-IIIIIIIIII In IIIuII} \ and I II‘IIII} II'IIII} like )nu .I\IV[)'I' [7584/2 U I Saw You .IlIIIIIII. I muI

Inn \Ihcn _\nu [I\L'\I In (IIIIIL‘ InIn .‘\I(IIIIU\ IIIghIcIIIII Man's .Ign when I unrkcil [IIL’IC. chIIIIg

_\nu nn IIIC gIIIwIIIxI \lIIIIL'IIIIIL'\. l7584/I

U I Saw YOU \\I' \[lItIIk'II iII [IIL‘ SIIS Il'nm I‘I‘II In I‘I‘I'I‘ I’II'IIw

c IIIIIII IIIL'. SIII-cnIIgh. I hnpv IhIII I'\I'I_\Ihmg I\ “U” “IIII Inn and (‘IIIIII'Inn (iI'IIhIIIII. [7584/4

U I Saw YOU I.IIL‘ I\ IIInIxL'. )nuI Inw I\ Ihc IIIIIghIL‘I' [7584/5 U I Saw You ll )nn IIIIII II \IIIIIIIII' let-ling ;l\ I \xhcn nIII‘ mos mI'I Iiwmng IIIII\IL' m IhI' hI'IIIing IIL‘III III [IIL' II (3 (IIIIIII'I‘IIIg )nu hIIII I'L‘II IIIIII' IIIIII nI‘IIngI- III'L‘\\ [7584/(I

U I Saw You I \pnkc In _\nu III ['ngI' III'IIIIIII. YnII \\ I'I‘c \xilh \nmc .-\IncricIIn fJII'I\ pIII) mg III Ihc lemeII. I \\I\II I gnI )‘(Illl' lllllllIk‘l‘I [7584/7


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Earn points tor FREE chat with my call!

U I Saw You 'IImncI Wed

8 Aug. )nII gu} III \IIll'I IInII»uIiixlcnIII. Inngixh

hIIII‘ I‘.}L'[I _\nII up IIII IIIghI. \KL'III In IIIII'. (IIIIIL' IIIIL‘II. YI‘R (II ).\'I~.'\\'II\ unI'IIIng up Ihc (IIIII'JgL' In \II_\ IIII(':\I.I..\II1' [7584/8

UI Saw You King Bear (I! [IIC SpIII‘IIIns. _\nII “III IIIuII}\ he In} SIIIII‘Imxcc BCIII'. I Inu- _\nII InI‘cxI-I'. ()uccn III'III‘ IIkII IIIIIc BCIII' \\ [7584/0

U I Saw You call IIIL‘ tin}. I

Inxc )nur mus. }IIIII‘ \IIIIIC. _\nIII'

\niu'. )IIIII' Irccklc. )nu hnIII In} hIInII. \II' III IIIchhcr per- IL‘L‘II}. III we _\nu InnIghI IInII I‘m-r} nighI. \\\\\ [7584/III U I Saw You .-\nIIIc-.\III}. nn II cnmpulcr \\ IIII \IIIIIII‘L‘ \xIIIcI'mcIr (Ilix nn Ihc screen. I “as Ihc nnc \\ IIII Ihc SIInIII jumper IIIIII geek} specs nn. I.cI\ ch IIIchIICI‘ YL'QIIIYCII}CIII [75X4/I I

U I Saw You kissing III} IIIun me the gu) \\ Ilh L'IIIIIIC8 nn. _\nII Ihc girl \\ iIh II light blue Inp and Im \\ u \\ II pI‘cII} lIIcc. [7584/I 2 9 I Saw You (‘hm I \il“ )nII III RII/nrlight ucIII'ing II hrnnn [\IIII‘I \\ IIII "I‘hc Killers Inc .8" 'I(u'nIIII.}n1I\IL‘I'CIIIIIII‘Ing (III \UIIIL‘IIIIC\ \IIUUIIICI'8II [' nxxc mu II pIcIuI‘c ........ .. SIIIL‘} \ [7584/I 3

U I Saw You In Ihc \III'iI-I} [IIII‘ pI‘cII}. hruncllc IIIII'mIIIII. I “3h III \\ IIII II I‘I‘Icnd huI cnIIlIIII'I IIIkc m)‘ c_\c\ nI‘I"\nu. ('Im I IIII} _\nu II drink \nmclimc nn In} \IIIL‘ [III [[10 but“? [7584/I4

U I Saw You in _\nur L'iII' hut IIIIII \\;l\ II \iilllL‘ nIII \Inl‘} \Inp IIIIIkiIIg me “(till )nu InIIdx. l)nn‘t )nu IIkc mc'.’ I'd like II II )nu gIIw mc II chIIncc In he Ihc IIIL'L‘\[ In )nu. [7584/I 5

U I Saw You Ms I-‘II/cnIIII. Rncking my \HII'ItI since The

Isl [IIIIL‘ I szm u II[I[\I[IL‘ Ihc cinema 2 )‘L‘ill‘8 IIgnI & Nn“ I we }nII cwr} \Inglc mnrning. )nur III} N \IIIking \‘Ixinn & m_\ III\I cnnxcinux IhnIIghI. .-\mn Ic Seinprc MInhII I,inIIIIY BcijInhnx c \nnhmY I.n\ c Ynur \wc 'I'urncr [7584/Ih


U I See You reg. curl} mnrn- ing ((1 SIIIInIInIck I’IIIcc [ms \Inp. jumping nn 44. ynur hluc C) L‘\ Ik curl} dark hair mIIkc m} girl's IICIII‘I mcII. ('nnIIIcI Inc? I.;I pL'IIIC [IIUIIIIu [7534/] 7

0 I Saw You \VIIIIIcu-r! 'l‘cll Ihc \InI‘III )nu \xnn'I \IIInII In her \hIIIInw I hcliwd in [II‘CIIIIIIng I'm I-L‘L‘Iing gnnLI. I'III I‘L‘L‘IIIIg gzI}. .-\II )nll IIL‘CtI In [In I\ \CC that I'm I'IghI. [7584/I8

U I Saw You 3 Iig}pIIIIn glI)\ in the Spicch Icnt. I \\;I\ IIIC L‘IIIIII) hI'IIIIL‘IIL‘ [\L‘L‘plng ynu gu) \ cnIcrIIIincd. ['nI‘anunIIIcI} InsI )(Ill nn II Irip In the bar. (Inc mc II second chance. I [7584/I‘)

U I Saw YOU IN} gIrI. II;I\'L‘

II habit of \IIInding UllhILIL‘ Iign nn II sundII) owning lnnking drop dead sexy? IILItI In hIIVc II second look. .\I} mum didn't I‘Iincy hanging round IhnughI [7584/20

U I saw you 'I [111“ “Hi \wIII mg m} IIIxnIII’IIc 'IrthII IInm \cu /cII|IInII III Ihc \pn'gcllcnl. I IIII\ L' hccn ImI mlhnIII II I’lcccucc.I\c gnu III} [\IIIII IIIII'II [M584 2|

U I Saw You \II III In} I'L'\[.I[II'.III[ \\ IIh 2 f._'lI'I\ III mg chI Innk IIIIIII-x IIIIII IIIp IIIixk IIIL' hIIIck \IIII'I IInII _\k'I[[I\\ [IL' I'\t'IIIlII:_'L‘[I \mIch I‘III II['\['I [ilIkCII I‘IInt‘} .I hit nI II.III.In’ [7584/22

U I Saw you pIII)Ing III [IIk' hngs IIt'iIII.. I Inw \thII )nII [In In lIIIIl [\.I\\I :\ [II'HIIIC IC\\IIII unIIIII he mu- \ [7584/23

U I Saw You I‘IghI In Ihc IIIIII [Ilc III In} IIIIIIIL'IIt'C pI'IIIIII‘IIIIn \\\ [7584/24

U I Saw You I \II\\ _\nu .II \IIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIII. YnII hit me \\ IIh )IIIII‘ prngI'IImmc IIIIUI )nII IhnughI I IIIIII II'II'II In \[L'.II II. .\'n\\ \\I\Illllj._‘ I hIIII II'II'II In gut }nIII' IIIIIIIth‘. [7584/25

U I Saw You I'I'Ingc npcmng pIII'I}. _\nII gI‘IIhthI IInII \pIIn Inc III'nImII. YnII hIIndxnnII‘ III pink \hIrI gm) L‘III'IIigIIn. mu IIIIIII III red Inp. II “as IIII nighI Inng \\;I\III II'.",’ pI‘nmex... [7584/2h U I Saw YOU I.IIII} III RL'II IIIIIII IIIIIL'Ix \II‘IpI'II luggmgxi

III the I-I‘IIIgc I’III‘I} Indinhnrgh ()IIII}. I \\;l\ Ihc \IIII InncI‘ Inn sh} In spunk In _\nII III pcrxnn. [7584/27

U I Saw You XIIIIIIIgL-rcxx “I Queen's IIIIII [Icing \hnuII'II III II) Inc [IIIL‘ In [kc 'I‘III'III‘IN (illi- chIIIIInn. YnIII' IwIIuI) and grace \nnIthI IIIIII IIIIIII'II IIIL' hnucxci'. (‘Im \\ c mch [III II IIInI‘c pleas- IIIII cnnwerIIinnl’ [7584/28

U I Saw You Iil\[ )I‘III'. I [hid II hand and I‘III‘IIIgIIn. )nu \wi'c \IIIIPCII like IIII illIIIIL‘IICC. _\nII laughed and cried. \VnIIIII like In \cc )nu IIgIIm. [7584/2‘)

U I Saw You u [I\L'[I In he I‘chIlIIr \\ IIII Ihc IIIIIII'x I.I’Y

nnI \Im )nu IIhnuI nn Ihc scene I‘cccnll} _\nu IIIIIc ginger nno. I'umnur Iiil\ iI )nu'w I'nIInII Invc‘.’ \ \ \ \ [7584/50

U I saw You SIIII‘I‘IIL'Ix8 I’I‘IIIL'C\ SII'ch. I‘I'IIIII} 3rd .-\II- gIN 8:25am. Y()['; III-IIIIIIIIII? summer [Irst IInII IIIII \IInc\. IippcII )nuI' mug nI cnIIcc InIn cup \HIIIxL‘tI nuI III II I‘[I\II .\IIi; DIII‘k \IIII i-pnII [7584/3]

U I Saw You IICIIIIIIIIII hlnnIIc. \IIIIIIg beside me nn Ihc hIIckwIII nI the 22 inIn Inu II

nn II \unn) itIIL‘TIIIHIII. IisIcnIng In IIIIII IIIImn hrnkcn he“? (an no gct IInnIhcr hIIx IngL‘IIIL‘I' \nmcIimc‘.’ [7584/H

U I Saw You .\'.-\'I‘['R.-\l.- I’I.['.\I Ynu [\nnu \Ihcrc. (inrgcnux \IIIIIL‘. I Iikc [IIL‘ Innk nl' _\nu. .-\rI\. galleries. painting. IrIIVcI. IhCIIIrc’.’ I'II \Iinu _\nu Ihc \mrld III \I} [C \Iilrllllg' u iIh (nt— ICC. ’I‘IIkC it L‘IIIIIIL‘L‘I [7584/52 U I saw you IIImmI clown mnnIhx IIgn In Ihc Nun ankcr. I IhnughI )IIII \xcrc culc IIIIII L‘IIIIILIII'I \kIIII In \CL' _\nll IIgIIIn. Whn unuIII haw IhnughI _\nu “(IUILI \IIII \\;Ili[ In we me nan '. Thanks I‘nr being Ihcrc when I needed )nu mnxt. Ynu IImII/c me. [7584/33

U I Saw You spilling rcd “Inc on _\nur carpcI IInd gnIng'uh uh uh" _\nu arc the radgmt. I could take _\'nu IIn)IIII_\. [7584/34


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