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Reviews 'FRIAG‘ILE (15), 97min.

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Reviews '& . 4.;

SKINS AMI-R KHAN’S ANGRY Channel 4. Tue 21 Aug. 10pm YOUNG MEN ' Channel 4. Tue 21 Aug. 11.05pm 0..

N ;. ' t 421891.17 t'inug'il il .1 what aim: in "‘l .‘3~"‘:I upon .l wile! .l;..:wr‘qz- .mw {‘it*‘.l\“.lf; alumni.) on E4... [\li. Tilt“, {with lit‘t‘ii it‘ ltkik .ii

fliwiiigvltvrl i.“ the mirw .1! the enlrln‘si

; :1 man.» Jpn whim", l'wm lllv illwrlllll : w. wr‘wh cl NI.‘l1mf.i: HR ilt‘ xiii Milt it‘ilg“.'. T'i ‘l‘l Mi. ‘.1.’ .1 [n‘t l inklillllt] .1“ ill‘; llldit'tl ft- .irmnqw .1 l‘.lli\. fliJlllitl .il .l ; H.1‘mni ilt‘lklillltillfl playing lwm iilldlltlllt‘. ' lininkt; um .i bulging. lwllnwmq H.lll\ ;' '.' illilt‘lii illii.Il.i\.lil«_l"‘.'t”‘, lcwmquirlliw " .- willAlum-rt.uwnuimlliil:;ltwl,il':;vlu.ii

I ;. ' i -: ' .:.- z m: it. ~l‘ll'llllt] .i :‘mlcht mi llml vw'n: Ill lwr .ll‘. LlptLiItKi/V’It‘ And ~' :w :- .'-: -- . .r z “w .ll‘- .. xiiui It» 'lldkt‘ illUlll we .lll Rims. limw .mriuvuig the central :' "lllilil‘.'.’.l\‘.lf1;\l‘lll ililllli' lll llml illi)\'|t‘ ‘Ailf. was” i .: iml Mala-nil-lwnlalt- Milt; lill'iillh sawiigqimtuiiilliisllugnl

; :'- " ;' 2 " ' : ' . 2' 2 MUT‘UAL .r. T'w narrator kuidlx llliilllllt. Lira? lf'» Milw BJIIQW who plays the .- ' '.- ' APPREC'ATION .:° w wwm; . :1 (null {Mli llw l)t'llll.ill(“lli|\, i)t?lllllf;tfti dilti sexually 3"” _, _ ... ;, '.« . :' : :.' '. (15)108min ' 1 4 ”MPH! .iii iii-writ; ()ll |lli‘(>lll[)t?it.‘lli Sill. Bill hi2; .ippuglllnglt I ' . .' z " ', '.I 3,‘ .I .. -, -. - -. ' _: :"l vull‘w, ‘.u'illi. Ii) pill (in l)(?li()llll.illt1(‘ is; drowned Ili .‘l am of FRAG‘hE '- «.~-' : 2' s : ' "- Q... . " ' ; l .1 ». v".2*."- ll ‘.(‘llglil Hint; .‘mhhlvrt; lHlMll Donaldson) v“ .' 2- ' 2' " ‘. ' 4. 1W1“ xii/“ll it).ln,<:il:;.ilmiir.<il :-' : l i tin,- J.:rim:()li‘.'<:-r Hill mutant fli‘lillii‘i'illl'lt; flio- (ilt‘I‘~ Hi Hilitilll";

:; .2' l. "mm-H. Kim» it. {liftiilllt} ill: llw -: " ..u .arib P‘.iii.'io:|l|ri.; Tin: 4qu Hi i: .. "w" .‘.l‘.\ .11.: ‘llt'n, ’Ll'ilmr. . . ‘ll‘uili. :- if..l.'i!.r\i'li.”1.1TTillflilfrllvf‘l‘.‘.’l||link“ . 1' . ’. ll' lifyli/‘I'l .'..iil‘>l.i ”:le f‘llllitf‘lfliff),

:..°. 7 w l‘- Kluii‘. luxmq .1 km; :' i‘u-‘lT‘ sat". [if-wk lmm [)(fVUll. gill

I THE HAMILTONS . (18) 84min 1 ' l x 2' I' r . 2 ' 2' . 2.‘ i) , ,4 4'4 v i t ' 1“ I v p .: f 3 ' 2N ," w " .' ‘&¢ -. 1 ~ m4! ’fi if : . : o" -' ‘4 9 u "1“ : : H .. 7,; 5 7.: ,~.' . . . / .. EK'.’ :‘- " .I' " :-‘ ".1 ..' . ." z" 7' .1' ' 1'» ' ' '1 I )IW' Ii” NTAHY , ,, : SECRET LIFE or THE MOTORWAY '. \‘ ., I . , . . ,, _ BBC4. Tue 21-Thu 23 Aug, 9pm 00.

,1. . . ~ =4 = ' : : ' ' :. 2 Hard to believe in this era of high speed driving down the highways and LADY ' W . ' '- '-. ' z' :1" '~ : :w :.. aw» " E-i' , w byways of the United Kingdom, but not so long ago the nation’s roads were CHATTERLEY’S ' " ‘: - . " r: - - . " " . ~ I. grinding to a halt as thundering lorries and shuddering car transporters used

' ' .- " '- " ' :_:.---: :' ' . to squeeze their way through town centres in order to reach their final (18) 99min u .: .- ' - ' : z " '- z . : 2w“. destination. But in the post-war period, the town planners knew that this . x l‘\ i‘ '- : ~ .: s., f 1' ' ' ' ' . . : " permanent logjam couldn’t continue and the Macmillan government took a 000 -~ '~ ' . .2 : -.' : ' ' ' ., ' " ' " ' 2' 2- leaf out of Mussolini's book and got the bulldozers revved into action to get

" *' ' ' :. -' - " - people and projects moving around the country. - h . : : :. .' ' ' : . : : - z " . ' Such a revolution wasn‘t without its teething problems, as the opener to this

31:: i wash : : . - .2 :-.-; ‘.' : : . - : z *- E -'.' 1 fascinating three-parter reveals. People just didn't know how to drive on these

WW. 9 :-'-: T. f '~ . :- '1' " new roads, either motoring too fast (speed limits were also an invention his-("nit . H "xsw : s. 7.1.: . ~~’.r~ i1 - .. .:' : : waiting to happen) or the proverbial Sunday drivers swaying from lane to lane 19:2“ :\”--' '.' -u _ """ w ‘. z . with hardlyacare in the world or an eye on the traffic nearby. The series ' a: at ~~... - .: ;- - :~ ;_:'~ '7' 4- :hf : examines how Britain fell in love with these new roads, unless you happened i ~ ‘7" K ""08 ‘."v . z. : :~ :" :~; r: ~ ~ ;..1 to live next to the once green and pleasant lands that were being dug up. h-i . .‘\ l‘ .iw z. .2 " ..: - : " z . .1. ; Road rage and fatal pile-ups werejust around the corner. (Brian Donaldson)

1&23 Aug 2007 THE um 21