Classified Recruitment



How did you get that job?


Charlotte Cadzow Job

Artist and ceramic designer


When did you start your job?

I left art college in 1995 and set up my own business with the help of the Princes Trust. Since then I have been exhibiting throughout the UK in places such as the Victoria and

Albert Museum. and more locally at the National Galleries

on Princes Street, Edinburgh. I currently have ceramics in Edinburgh Airport as part of the Art at the Airport exhibition, the display features a collection of paintings and ceramics by 14 artists from Scotland to make passers by feel inspired as they stand in security!

What does your job involve?

Making ceramics and paintings for galleries, exhibitions and private commissions. I try to use different materials where possible and hope the finished product has a domestic use as well as being decorative. All work is hand—built and/or hand thrown on the wheel, then fired and glazed again using a Raku or stoneware firing as a basic process.

I have recently been commissioned to design a range of kitchenware ceramics for the preserve company. Langrove. The designs involve traditional teapots. honey pots embellished with bees the next range will feature ladybirds. My designs have become more mainstream now and are available to view and buy at Dobbies Garden Centre, House of Bruar, Chatsworth House and Felix & Oscar’s in Glasgow delicatessen.

What are the best and worst aspects of your job? Having brainwaves and seeing them through from an idea to a solid object that can be held. I don’t enjoy not having enough time in my studio to develop those ideas!

What did you do before you started this job?

I've studied as an apprentice in Japan with a potter called Ryoji Koie who is an experienced artist. I also spent a large amount of time in New Zealand making ceramics and teaching. I've spent many years teaching all age groups in community education schemes. hospitals. after-school clubs and to special needs children.

What's the best way to get a job like yours? Determination! Get a part time job to supplement your income I teach.

You've been producing your own work for a long time now - where do you get your inspiration?

Imagination. simplicity, Jimmy Hendrix’ music. sunshine. cherry blossom. fresh air, the smell of roses. brushstrokes, ancient mythology and folklore, antiques. being silly, my family, The British Museum. Chamber Street Museum. the colour turquoise. driftwood, nature, shells, the sea, Tiree. waterfalls, Japanese art, Ancient Korean pots. potters l have worked with Sebastian Blackie, Ryoji Koie and Lee Kang Hyo, spontaneity. .. Cava!


44 THE LIST 9—16 Aug 2007

Office Manager

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