k'k‘ll I'lll .lllIl \Ilmul IlIIx xIIIIIIIIcI‘ llllxlllt'

\Illllk‘ \lxlIIll\ III \‘C lllx‘ \li‘lll\, lllxlllljf

A llIIlll IlIc I.IIII III ti ;.,'.Ill\'II -~I IIIIIchIIII’

le-lhe breakfaSt \\ lIcII IlIIIIIglIIx IIIIIIcIl In lllllxll \‘l ll \Icc talc. \lIll dlgltal lllk‘ IIxII.Il chIxc ml IlIthIl ll\\"

generation beans 'llH‘ HllL‘ll lIIllllxl .lllldx'llIllh l‘Il.I\l It‘xx lll.l.ll PAGE42 PAGE48 IIprII‘III; thlcx Like [he lllllxillx \\ll\'\'l llk‘lk‘ \

;III ;IllI‘;It'lIuII \\ll|\'ll Ix .IIIIIIIIgg \uIIl‘IIItl‘x IcII lllIle \lxlIL‘ll xllL‘x. \\IllI \‘lIIxc «Ill lI.Ill .I IllllllI‘ll \ IxIlIIIx l;le )uIIl l‘lIc talc Ix lumlul III lllk‘ \IxIIuI u'IIIIc \\llll IIx gIIIglul \\.III «II }‘lll\\ looking up In lllL' xlI‘IIIIgc. \‘l.l\\ llkc luml llll, ()II Ullk'l Ix ‘I l.IIIIIlI.II IIIItl IIIIIIprIIIIIg llllL‘ up ml Init'kuyul \.lll\l\\ It lch. lMlectl I‘lllllll‘k‘\ IIIle xIIIIp l’lc (Hulxul. \lllk'kl I‘lll quIuI‘c x;IIIx;I;_'c Ix .l\l\k‘lll\\'\l .Ix .I '\\‘Hlllxll xpcciulll} ‘I .\l mt'li IIIIII lllk' Inml l.l\’l\\ \lll‘xltlllk‘k‘. llllL‘le'll} III l.l\lL'. \ \.ll.lll l‘l\‘\\'lll\‘\l III ;I IllprngIlIlc [Iluxlit' t'IIIIl.IIIIcI lc.IIIIch. III! 9.1“). :I lI;IIIt|lIIl ol luggctl lL‘Il\k'\. .I lth \'llk'll_\ lIIIII;IIwa. xIIIIIc xlIIII_\ mlt'xlmx .lllkl l.l\llL‘llll ml (Ul'UlldllHll plump \\Illl lIw \lll.lll [llk'x'x‘x III cliickcn lIIII‘Iul \lccp \klllllll. llIc IItuIIIlIx Ullllllll. II \L‘L‘lllx.

ll‘x ;III IIIIIImlllI} xIlII;IIIIIII. IIII Ulll lHlll|\l lllklll\ll'_\ IIIIIIL‘ llI;III IIIII’ uIIcI'IIIj: lllklll\ll_\, \lch ;I|l. \w‘u‘ xchI II ;III lIclIIIc. ll‘x lllk' llk'lL'kllllth lHUl\\ lI'IIIII \ lxIlIII‘x llI;Il xlInIIlIl xmic ll\

80. \\lI;Il :Ilmul l\'(i (Kiln l‘lilll Illlll ;I IImxl} ci'culul xpucc Ull the lower yI'IIIIIIIl llHIll ul IlIc I‘CIIIIuIlctl KclHIIgI'IIw .-\I‘l Hulk-I} .lllll \lll\L'lllll and NIH |I_\ l‘.ll\_‘IIl'L‘. lllL' III llllll‘xL' mum-Ix lHl (iluxgmx ('Il} (\IIIIIcII.’ ll IlIc ‘lxli' IIIIIIIIkcI xclx :I xlIglIll} II;Ill lllllL‘ IIII' xIIt‘lI ;I \L'IIt'mlIlc \k'llllk'. ;II lcale llIcI‘c'x ;I I‘cngIIIlIIIII llI.’Il Ilcu'III lnml xlIIIIIlIl lIc bound up llllU :III :Illi'ut'IInII ;l\ panIlIII aIIIIl IIIIpIII'luIIl ;Ix Kch IIIgI'IIw.

SunduiclICx III‘c lI'cxlIl) made. ;I llllL'lx. _\cllim_\ orange lilll\\L‘l clImuch' UHHLW [Hull-«l \\llll IIquxclx. cuwa (Ill pnluln :IIIll pIIIIkaIII. :IIIII llII-I‘c arc pmpcr III;IiIIx xIIclI ;Ix llllL‘lx «Ii ll'L'\ll llxll III xlcuk. 'l‘lIcrc'x lulwlc ch'\ Icc. ;I tlcchII \\ lllL' lle. and x;I\oIII‘_\ IIIlIltlcx ;l\ \xcll :Ix x\\CCl (Int-x. 'l‘lIc lcwlx ul' IIIIIII'leIIIIcIIl ;I\;IIl;IlI|c I‘ngJIIIxc IlIc clmllcnpcx IIl' tackling: llIc xI/culIlc IIIIIchIIII :rlmw ;I III;IIII L'Ulll'\L' \IuIIxc x;Il;ul \\llll I'II;lecIl \t'y. I';IIlIcI' Inn xII‘IIIIgl) (l()\L'(l \xillI pcxlu and hiding: III; cIIIIIIkx IIl' pnlulu. could L';IxIl_\ Ital l\\().

\Villi IIIIxcl. \xipollimn IIIlIlt-x and ;III L'\L‘l' [II‘CchIl cult1 clgillci' In my lIuckgI'IIIIIItl. IllL' \lll'l'UllllLllllg\ aren‘t pIII'IIculzII'l} plileI. lIIII lllL'l'L' lx original art ;I Bo} lc ltllilll} pmcnicnl Hll .‘lll IIIxIIlc \\;Ill \xliilc ;I Might. l‘IHl'Ill lacing f_'l.'l\\

uII'I'IIlIII'/cIIIIch'\:IIIII‘} IIllL'I'x Ll x_\l\;III HllllHHlx III

0 llIc l‘IIIwI‘xIl} 'x (inlliic [IIIIIIIIclcx ll mu} IlUl quilc he ;I plucc In lllill’xL‘ _\Ulll' lImII x\\Cll \\ IllI culinzuy :Ix \Icll ;Ix cultural pI‘IIIc. lIIII lIII'

lunch or :I \wc cukc. KG lqu \lllllL‘lL‘lll xlll‘xlullL'L‘ In knock llIc cdgc Iil'l'yiui' xcnxc IIl' (ll'L‘ilLl.

Too often tourist attractions boast deeply uninspiring cafes. Donald Reid is glad to discover the KG Cafe at Kelvingrove has culinary ambitions

befitting such an important gallery and museum _ THE CHALLENGES Kelvmgrove Art Gallery and-Museum, Argyle §treet, Glasgow 0141 276 9530 r

099“ every day “m” 49”" Average 9”“?PEEIYY9f99F§l9995,?1 1‘39“??? 0.359? - a _ _, THE SIZEABLE

and snacks all available, as well as a children’s menu.