Cinevvorld Edinburgh


l 10v ‘Ihql I‘M .‘INIH ()III' “.0 \IiIIII 9." “1&5 5” \IIIII in iII'IIIII' 5IIIIII


(ll|\t'\\lIlH A“

IIIIIIIII Li \iIIuI-x IIII IIHIIHI\ I\.II .IIIII 9.] l.lllill_\ “III-I 9.]~ \I-.II|j. [mm 'llllliilllit'IiHIII'III‘513-1‘l"”}‘k‘lIIIHIHII

For Edinburgh International Film Festival please see the Festival section of the magazine, or

Die Hard4.OII5I IIIIII. ‘105 EvanAlmight'yIl’IiI 13511. HIII. 510. x I0

Gandhi, my FatherII’IiI 5 III. x 35 HairsprayII’III II 1000. 3 10. 5 10.

x ii)

Happily N'EverAfterII I I055.IIII.

If)”. i If)

Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixII3\I I050.IIII. I I0. .‘IIII. ill). 5 ll)_ a 5i)_ sin

The HoaxIl5I l315, IIII (I III. 350 Shrek theThirdII I II I0.IIII. I <0.

1 )5

The Simpsons MovieII’IiI I I 00.IIII.

ll “Mm. IIIIIIII. l3“. I5“. :3“. ii“. 1 III. Ii ~10, “(ML (I {II "(III .\' |5_

x 15. 1H5

TiansfonnersII3\I 1015.00. ll I5IIIII. If“). JIIII. 35H. -1 III. 5 I5. 5.15.

10_ 5.10 II00

III‘IIII‘II/ ‘- III'I II-::;III‘I\I ‘I The Boume Ultimatum I I3.\I “VII: NU”.

Ihu: ||.Il5.00. XXII 0.10.

Bratz: The MovieII’IiI Hull}: ||.il();llll. 1,3”. i.5(lI\ (I.I5I0III “ch. 8,-1.5 IIIIII \\I'II I\ IIIIII

.\I\II\\I‘IL 55H

5,I5. <0, .\.00,

.\|\U lillt' LII I\ XIII II.I5. Cash I I3,\I lair I'll I\' Sal: IIH5.

Chak de India I I3 \I

l'l'l ’I'III': IIIII IIIIII \IIIIII. 1.1III0III incl. “.15.

\\IIII Ik 'I'IIII 3.I0. 000.

.\|\II IIIII' III I\ 5.11: l|.IIII.

Die Hard 4.0 I I5I

HI Tue: 55”. ‘HIII I00! \IIIIII. Evan Almighty II’I i)

Hull): II. it). 35”. 5.IIIIIIIII\\I'I1I. “.5II I0III 'l‘IIuI. .‘\|\H I'l'l Ik Sal: Hairspray I |’( '. I l)‘.ll|_\2 ll.5li.0n I\ 2.11) 0101 \\I-III. 5-111 IIiIIi “Hi I\ IHIIII. Nil).

Happily H’Ever After I I 'I

Hull): |l.55.u0.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I I_‘.\I

l):IIl_\: III.55;I0I. 2.00 I\ 5 (H) mm “M I\ 'Hilli. .\‘.l5 IIIIII .\III0. “mi N Hm I, '\l\t\.\1tiliI N45.

.'\I\U I‘IIII: 5.51).

The Hoax I I5I

Dull}: l_‘.45 I\ 3 3H IIIIII luc Him.

(I. 11) I001 \VL‘Il I\ Hill). 8.51).

Kireedam I I:.\I

Mun: 8.31).

Meet the Robinsons II'I Sal: lIHIIIum.

Mr Bean’s Holiday II’I'II Sal: IIIIIILIIII.

Rush Hour 3 I I2.\I Hail): ll..‘~Il:Im. I45. \VL‘III. 8.51).

.-\|\0 lalc l-‘ri IK Stu: IIQII. ShrektheThird Il‘I

Hi Mun: III.5II:Im. LIN). 5.00.


JIIII .\ (I.le I001

The Simpsons Movie I’( .

I)::IV'. 51mph. _I. “HI I 1‘. A ' 105'. 5:5 :I..I \\_~I:I\ In < << ~\"1"'HI~'.IIIII.\.5 :1II'IjII” 'il§ \15IIIIIL'I\\\.‘I1 ~ lII

Surf’s Up Il'lI

I).Ill‘. I‘I5II‘HI‘. I< I :I, ggl' \M-II'I \ II.

\1511iIII\ \.:I IIIaII



Transformers If, \I

[LIIle [715-001 We HIIII .‘ 55. 1;" IIIIII \\I'I1I\ “111'. III") III'I \\\'\1. 5"” IIIIII \\I-I1I\ HIIII. ‘l [H

\lxII].IlI‘IIII\ \II I] I”

|\ \I'IIIMIIII'lI'II.III'.‘I151 115 1'51 IIIIII III 1| 11“ ZIIIIII .IIIII 11‘ \150 (’I’ iIIIIIMIIj; III ‘1 11" 1M! \IlIIlI \I.I0I1.III1 L5 wH. \IIIII'IIIII LII (iii.( IIII'IIM 5 it“ (III “\'i1'ik'(lplli.\il'll iII \I.I0II.0II 9.1 '1'. \lll‘t'llill L5 l ‘1”. (‘IIII-nm i 115 (Ill (‘IIIIII'wIIInx ( ‘IIIIIIII-II \I.I0ILIIIl 11.“). \IIIII'IIIII L5lIH.('10I'I0.I 5 1L1.‘II l’IIllIImnx \III'IIIIIIIII UI ‘NI. L\L'HHL‘..'

LII 511. \Hl.l\ Ix’I‘I ll.’k‘l\ \III'IIIIIIIII

L5 511.] \I'IIIIIj: LII5II ("IIII'IILI I \III.I\ \III'IIIIIIIII L“ 5". I \t‘IHILL' L-\ 5‘) \IIIIlI'nlx I\00 llIIII L‘1(\H||i\|llilk'\d IlIIIIk I .Illl||_\ III'kI'Ix IIIIIII L 5 1H [II-I [‘L'lVlll I’.III-0I .IIIII hm} \III'I'IIIII;'\ Li IIII Inuh .II‘I'IIIIII\.III}III;' .IIIIIII

'Ii! ii-Ifi ;[ ,7.“ I

Evan AlmightyII’III I 50. 1 III. II .70. xii)

HairsprayII’III .\.10

Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixII.‘\I <00. <0

The Simpsons MOVieII)(iI :00. ,1 00 (THU. N15

TransfonnersII3\I 355. 5 =5 II~:IIII\I IIIIIIIE‘IIIII'II ‘I Evan Almighty I I’( i I

II.IIII. 5:5. “50.

Hairspray I l’( i I

Hull}. 3 15

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I I 3.\.

Hull}: "511

Bush Hour3 I I3.\.

Hull}: 5|.5. 535.

The Simpsons Movie I |’( i I

I);III_\: 3.1"). 1H1). (IIIII. -\'.|5. Surf’s Up I |’( I I

l);0|_\' IRII. VIII. Transformers I I 2,\ I

lLIII}: :55.

Edinburgh College of Art

|.IIII'I\III0 I’LIL‘I'. HI 5| 331 MHZ. SI'I'I'I'IIIIng III Ihc \\.II|III| I0 l‘lllil \t'llk'\ IllI‘ il'L‘C Illiti llliIlL'kL'IL‘Ii. Hum“ \L'L' IIIHII'L‘J .IL'IIkI'Iuihlnll IIII lull prugmnnnc Iit‘lullx

I? 1”. W481 “KY

Warhol in Film: Day 6 III I000


Ii‘\\\/[\p.‘«“2 ‘l

Warhol in Film: Day 7 III I

I'll HUN 1.00

Warhol in Film: Days 8 and 9 II I Sat IK Sun: IIHNMIII

Warhol in Film: Day 10 II I

\lIIII' IIHN 1.00



The best moviegoing deal you will get anywhere this summer are these free and unticketed

screenings of many of Andy Warhol‘s underground cinema shorts and features, including the iconic (but occasionally tedious to watch) Empire (pictured), Eat and Sleep. There will also be a sneak preview of Ric Burns’ forthcoming multi-award-winning epic, Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film.

I ' I



1. The GodfatherI IxI 3.00.

The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen) I I5I i :0. x 30

2. MoliereIIJ \I I IIII. HII. xKII The Imam and the Pastor I l’( iI II 00

3. Flanders (Flandres) I II\I <00. II III. .\ 15.


1.The Walker I I5I

I,lIlI_ {ill (I I5,

x .15 2. The Killing of a Chinese Bookie I I.\I 1 III I. .\ 15

Opening Night I I5I 5 15

3. Longing I I5I I 10. 0 00

Faces I I5I II 00

*‘.‘.\II' Ii-If ,I’II " .'I' II;

1.The Walker I I5I 3. :0. x15 Apocalypse Now I IM 5. =0.

2. The Killing of a Chinese Bookie I IxI IIIII

The Mystery of Picasso Il’( II I. :0. The WalkerII5I 515.

Opening Night I I5I x I5

3. Longing I I5I |.-15. 0.10. FacesII5I ‘~.15. \A0

5% Jr\\. "A' L ’l‘ /

1.TheWalkerII5I I00. HII. 5.50. .\ 15.

2. The Killing of a Chinese Bookie I Im UNI

The Mystery of Picasso I |’( iI III III Opening Night I I5I .\. I 5

3. Longing I I5I I15. II =0

Faces I5I 1»15..\%0

1.TheWalkerI I5I I 00. Renaissance I5I IIIIII 2. Opening Night I I5I 1.00. Moolaadé I5I II I5

Shadows I I:.\I x 50.

3. Longing I I5I ‘~_ :0 I) 00

A Woman under The Influence I5I

VIII. .\.15.

If 81"” ‘~.o 'I‘JI'I

1.TheWalkerII5I H0. II I5. 815 2. Shadows I |:.\l <00

Opening Night I I5I 5 15

Billy Liar I IJI .\ .10

3. A Woman under The Influence I I5I 2 ~15.

Surviving Picasso I I5I II 00

Longing I I5I 0.00.

.‘.’I [M ism/II {II II‘. 1.TheWalkerII5I H0. II.I5. H15. 2. Opening HightII5I I00. M5. Shadows I |:.-\I II. I 5.

3. Longing I I5I I. I0. 000.

A Woman under The Influence I I 5 I XIII).

Odeon Fort Kinnaird

KIIIII;IIII| link. \I'\\I'I;II_:.'II:III RImII. him I\ HIIIIkIIIg: (IX-7| 33-1100" Ll». ('IIIIIlII'II/'\IIII1I'III\/( )x\|’\. H.511.

TIIi JHfIIJ/‘v/ ’I

Die Hard 4.0 I I5I (1.10.

Evan Almighty Il’( i) III.~1II:IIII. Hill. 1.21). 5.51). NI5.

Hairspray Il’(il |l.5lI;IIII. 3.11). 5,-111. 51:0.

Happily N’Ever After III I I.I0;Im. IQII.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I l3:\l I050IIIII. 2.10. 5.30. 3.10.

The Hoax I I5I Meet the Robinsons II ‘I PartnerIIIII-I 000.

5.4“. ().:H. ()ilH. IIHUIIIII.

Shrek theThlrd Il'I Illllum. HI). ill).

The Simpsons Movie II’III I I.00;IIII. II.-1II;IIII. I240. H0. 300. 1.00.

.100. 1:0. 5.10. (III). 700. 3.00. .\.5II.

Transformers I I2.-\I I0. IIIum. llfilium. IZRII. I5”. 3.5M. {.50. 510. (Ill). T.I0. 3.30. 0.30. Wind ChillII5I I.I0. H0. 000. M5.


Because I Said So (Senior Screening) I l:.'\)

Tim: I Ilillum.

The Boume Ultimatum I I:.'\l \VCII: (Hill.

'l‘hu: ll.5lI:Im. 2.30. 3.41). 5. HI. (I30. x00. v.10.

Bratz: The Movie II’( n

I);II|_\: l3.-il). 3.3!). 5.51). X.l5. Chak de India I 12m

Hull}: UK). 4.40. 8.2”.

’9"; .7. , ' THE LIST 29