Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Glasgow EEE_“113411"5lh SUNDAY 1}” AUG

Future Shorts11-.1 7.1111

Ginewond Parkhead

1111' 11113312 l’:11‘l1d11':1d.0371 211112000 Adull £5.701£5l11-111r1'511111311111 11111. ('111111: £4 3.70 M1111 111111. .5111de £4 1£3.50 M1111 'l'l1111. ();\l’/l'li40' £4. l':11111|_\ 11111111 L 111 All 111111-11 111-11111- 11111111: £3.70

11 lUHSl)/\Y 11

Evan Almighty 11’111 1114511111. I 111. 1.111. 11.1111. 3.111. Hairspray11’111 1114111111. 115. 11.35. 11.1111.

Happily H’EverAiter11'1 13.45. 3.1111. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 1 l2:\1 1110:1111. 2.20. 5.30. 3.411.

Shrek the Third 1l'1 1045:1111.

The Simpsons Movie 11’( 11 1113111111.


11151111111. 13.311. 1.1111. 3.35. 3.111. 4.411. 5.15. 11.45. 7.20. 8.511. 11.25. Ttanslonners1 13.1\1 1135:1111. 3.35.

5.15. 5.45. 15.30. 3.55.

(RID/\Y 10 lllUHSDAY 1(1

The Boume Ultimatum113.-\1 \Vt‘tli 15.30.

11111: 1030:1111. 1.10. Bratz: The Movie11’1i1 0:111}: 1100:1111. 1.30. 4.00. (1.30. 15.40.

Evan Almighty 1 l’( i 1

0:111}: 1050:1111111111 5:111. 1.0511111! 111111. 3.20.


111 Wed: 1040:1111111111 8:111. 1.25. 4.00. (1.35. 0.10.

3.45. (1,30. 005.

Thu: 12.55. 0.10.

Happily H’Ever Alter 1l'1

1‘11 1% Sun 'l‘hu: I 1.15:1111.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenlx113.1\1

0:111): 1.20. 830111111 \\'1'1l1. Knocked Up 1 I51

M1111: 8.40.

License to Wed 1|3.-\1

l):1il_\: 4.30. (1.45. 9.00.

Meet the Bobinsons1l'1

8:11: 1000:1111.

Mr Bean’s Holiday 11’( 11

8:11: 1000:1111.

Bush Hour3113.-\1

0:111): 1040:1111. 1.00. 3.30. 11.00. 8.30.

The Simpsons Movie 11’(; 1

l):1il_\: 1030:1111. 12.30. 2.35. 4.411. (1.50. 0.00.

Surl’s Up 11’(‘11

l):1il_\: 1115:1111. 1.25. 3.35. .. Transtonners1l3.-\1

l):1il)‘: 5.35. 15.40 111111 Mon 1Q “1111. Whale Rider 1 PG 1

8:11: 1130:1111.

Gineworld Hentrevv Street

7 RL‘lll'l‘L‘“ Slrccl. 1111.11 and (I. 1111111111113: 087i 200 2000. Adult £(1.40. (‘llild/sllldcnl5/1‘11111‘1‘5511111NI £4.40. 13:111111} lickcl £17 181111 Thu: £15.1101. Early bird 1:111 lickcls hcl'nrc 1111111: £4. l’nlimilcd Curd: £10.00 pcr 1111111111.


Die Hard 4.01151 0.00.

Evan Aimightyd’m 1000:1111. 1100:1111. 12.40. l.30. 5.20. 4.00. (1.00. (1.30. 8.50.

Gandhi, my Father11’111 4 A11. \1111 Hairspray11’1'11 111111.111]. 31111. 51111

Happily H’EverAiter1l 1 1111111111. 13111. 3311

Harry Potter and the Order at the Phoenix113-\1 1030:1111. 1245. .4 311. 5411. “.111. 11111 TheHoax115111111111. 11111. 11111. 11111 Sherrybaby1151 130. 3511. 11311.

1) 30 ShreittheThirdd'. 3.511

The Simpsons Movie11’1i1 11111111111. 1100:1111. 11 30.1111. 11111111. 12 30. l 30. 31111. 3411. 1311. 41111. 4111. 5311. 111111. 11311. "1111. M111. 8411. 11311 Tales from Earthsea (Gedo Senki) 111111 13311. 1.111. (11111. 5511 Tl'anstonnersd311 11111111. 13 311. 3 30. 41111. 4 411. 5111. 11511. " 311. 5.1111. 3111. 11111


Ill 01 1.1111.



lHlU/\Y 11) Billy Liar 1 I31

1111113SUA‘1’ T1,

luv: (1.411.

The Boume Ultimatum 1 13.-\1

\Vt'di H00

0111: 1000:1111. 1100:1111. 11 30.1111.

13.511. 3.1111. 3.311. 3.411. 51111. 11411. 3.1111. 8.30. 11.411

Bratz: The Movie11’111

0:111}: 1000:1111. 1130:1111. 1240. 220. 3.311. 5.311. H.311.

5 30.

:\|\11l:111'l'1‘1& 3:11 11 20 Gash113.1\1 l.:1lc in 1\ 8:11: 111.40.

Ghakdelndla113;\1 11:11]}: 1.1111. 4.311. 3.1111.

:\l\11 1:111" in 1k 8:11: 1120. Die Hard 4.01151 l.:111‘ l’l‘i 1k 8:11: | 1.30.

Eagle vs Shark 1 151

\VL‘dZ 15.30.

Evan Almighty 11’( ‘11

0:111): 1100:1111111111111111. 12.40. 1.30 111111111111. 3.301111115111111. 400111111 111111. (100111111 M11111. (130111111 '1’111'1k 111111. 8.45.

Evan Almighty (Subtitled) 11’( 11

81111: 3.30.

M11112 (1.00.

Hairspray 1 1’( 11

0:10}: 1100:1111. 2.00. 5.00, 3.00. .-\l\11 1:111' 1511 1k 8:11: 1 1.00.

Happily H’Ever After 111

0:111}: 1100:1111.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 1 12.-\1

l):1il_\': 1040:1111. 1.50. 5.1111 111111 M11111. 15.20 (11111 5100 1K \VCdl.

The Hoax 1 151

0:111}: 3.30. (1.10. 0.00.

.1\l\11 lulu 1511 1k 8:11: 1 1.40.

Knocked Up 1 I51

M11112 15.00.

Ucense to Wed 1 13.-\1

|):1i|): 1050:1111. 1.30. 4.01). (1.411. 0.20.

.1\l\11 lulu 1’11 1k 8:11: 1 1.40.

Mee Shee: The Water Giant 1 P111

0:111}: 1100:1111. 1.20.

Rush Hour 3 1 13.1\1

0:111}: 1030:1111. 11111111. 1.01). 2.31). 3.411. 5.311. 11.311. 3.1111. 11.1111.

.-\1\11 1:111‘ l’1‘1 1k 8:11: 10.40. 11.40. Sherrybaby 1 151

0:10}: 3.50. (1.30. 1). 10. ShrektheThird 111

0:10): 1110:1111. 1.30.

The Simpsons Movie 1P1 11

0:111}: 1030:11111k 11.011:1111 111111 111111. 1130:1111. 1.001k 1.311111111111111 3.30 & 4.011111111111111. 4.30. 5.411. 111111 111111 111111. (1.3011111! M1111 \Vcd1. 7.01). 3,30, 8.4011111! Wed 1\ 111111. 0.30.

.-\l\11 11111: 210. Mm l:1lc 1‘11 1\ 5:11: Surf’s Up 1P1 11 0:10): 1040:1111. 1.00. 3.20. 5.40. 8.10.

Tales from Earthsea (Gedo Senki) 11’( 11 1.:1lc l‘Ari 1k 8:11: 11.10.

Transionners 1 13.-\1

0:111}: 1020:1111. 1.30. 4.50. h’. 11). 8.50 111111 “1‘11 1& 111111. 11.10 111111 Thu 1.

.-\l.\11 lute liri & 8:11: 1 1.20.

l0.40. ll.l(l.


l111\ 5.11 11111111. 240. 5 31'. \10. 111511

51111 11111 10 30.1111. 110. 350. 11411.


Empire Glydebank

('l\1l1’ l<1';311111.11 ('1'11111‘. (111114131111. 11\~14 ‘14 "14 1.5 511114511111-11111- 5111111

(MM 1 ) \l’ \111111‘11h £4 30 1.111111} 1111101 £1111£14 111-1111:" 5111111 1'11111111‘ 111111111x 1x11111111 1111111 5.11 1\ 511111 £1

OleHard4.O11511115 Evan Almighty 1l’(11 1045:1111. 11111111.

I311. 3311. 3411. 4 411. 11 15. “1111.

.\ 50

Hairspray11’111 115111111. 3411. 5411.

1\ 211

Happily H’EverAftenl 1 1115111111. 11111. 3 111

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix113.\1 13411. 4111. 5 311. “411. .1111

Material Girls 11’( 11 ll 01 1:1111 ShrektheThird1l'1 13111. 3511. x111

The Simpsons Movie 111.1 111 31111111.

11 3111111. 13511. 1511. 3311. 4.311. 5511. 11411. x111.111111 Transformers 1 13 -\1 111-111.1111. 3111. 4 311. .5111. 511. x411


l 10.

111111111" 111 11111135111511 111 Asterix and the VikingS1l'1

l):1ll}' 1100:1111.

The Boume Ultimatum 1 13.-\1

\Vt‘tli 0.30.

11111: 1.40. 4.20. 7.00. 010. 0.30 Bratz: The Movie 11*(11

0:111): 1135:1111. 3111. 4.311 11.511. 11111 111111111111.

Evan Almighty 1 1’( 11

0:10}: 1110:1111. 12.30. 130. 2.50. 3.511. 5.311. 7.511.

Hairspray 1H 11

l):11|_\: (1.00. 15.40.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 1 1341

0:111}: 13.111. 3.311. 11.311. License to Wed 1 13.-\1

11111}: 1.111. 3.311. 11.111. 331 Bush Hour3113.\1

l):1il_\: 2.40. 4.50. 7.10. 0.20. ShrektheThlrd1l'1

0:111}: 1030:1111. 12.40.

The Simpsons Movie 11’( i1

0:111}: 1040:1111. 1150:1111111111111111. 12.50. 2.011111111111111. 3.111. 4111111111 111111. 5.40. 11.411111111111111. 15.10. Surt’s Up11’(i1

0:111}: ll.l5:1111. 1.20. 3.40. 5.50. 3.1111.


l):1i|}: 1050:1111. 1.50. 5.10. 15.20. 9.00 111111 \Vcd 1k 'l'l1111

Glasgow Film Theatre

l2R1HL‘ Slrccl. 0l4l .332 XlZH. (lulu/111111 .-\l| [11'1‘1111‘111unccx h1111k:1l1lc. lawningx: £5.50 1£4 1. 1'11 1111‘1'111'1- 5111111: £3. 'l‘ucxdu) \pu‘iu! 111:111111'1‘x: £3. (il’l‘ (‘111c( ‘:11‘1l l111ldc1‘xi £1 1111' :111 priccx. (il’l~ \:1\c1\: £25 1£17.5ll1l11\1'1' 51l1111\1\:1l11l111l' 1111‘1‘1‘ 1111111ll1x1.


My Best Friend113.1\1 1.45. (1.15. Not Here to Be Loved1151 3.45. 11.311. 3.45.

Jindabyne1151 3.45. 315.


LesPetiteVacancesdxn 3.311. 11.45 Theilllalker1151 3.1111. 11.15. 5311. Flanders (Flandres) 1 1.11 4.311. 3.45. SATURDAY AUG

Whale Bider11’(11 1 1.30:1111.

Flanders (Flandres) 1 1.31 3.311. 11.45. TheWalker1151 3.1111. 11.15. 11.311. LesPetiteVacances1P(i1 4.311. 11.45.


5 ‘2“ “3

Hang OeBasanti11.‘\1 31111 TheWalker1151 345. 15 TheSeventhSeal11‘1‘11 31111 Flanders (Flandres).1.\1 « :11 TheWar on Democracy113\1 ‘111

Les Petite Vacances (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 111111 111 311.1111 The Walker1l51 1 :11. 145. Taxidennla1131 1111

Diary at a Lost Girl 11111 11311 The Seventh Seal 111;» 3111 Les Petite Vacances 111111 3 45


1 1:111-‘11 a: .1111; Billy Liar1131 1245. 11311 TheWalker11513511..\z11 Taxldermia1lx1 31111. x45

The War on Democracy113-\1 11411 V1.11 ill 51"‘11 A1111 TheWalker1151 1 311. 145. 3411 Taxidennia11.\'1 11111. 545

The Balanda and the Bark Canoes113.-\1 1Tencanoe51151111111

1111111811 1511 '11 511111 The War on Democracy11.‘.»\1 3 311 TheWalker1151 3.1111. 1115. .11 111 Taxidennla11x1 11.411. x 45.


.-\\l111111 l.:111c. llllll11':1d. 0l4| 33‘) 8444. 1‘11 $1111: £11 111'11111' 5pm. £7 :1111'1;

1111- 11111" £5 111-1111'1'511111. £11 :1111'1. ('111111/5111111‘111/():\l’: £4 111111 :1\:1il:111lc :1111'1 5111111-1'11k 8:111. Kldx' (’11111 5:11 511111111133: £ 3. \\':111'11 \11111 0.111}: £5. l.:111' \l111\\\1 £ 3. 310111141illlllt‘lxt‘lx £4.

111UHSUAY 11

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 1 12:\1 1145:1111. 2.45. 5.45. H45.

Reign Over Me (Parent and Baby) 1 151 [0.30:1111.

The Simpsons Movie 11111 1.15. 3 15. 5.15. 7.15. 11,15.

1’11IDAY 111 lllUHESlflW 111

The Boume Ultimatum 1 13.41 Wed 1k 11111: 0.00,

Gregory’s Girl 11’( i1

l.:11c 111: 11.30.

Highlander 1 151

l.:1lc 5:11: 11.30.

The Simpsons Movie 111111 1'1'11k 5:11. .\l1111 11111: 1.00. 7.1111. 111111111111 \1'1-1111- '111111. S1111: 12.30. 2.30. 4.30. 11.30. 3.30. The Simpsons Movie (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 11’( 11

3.00. 5.00.

11111: 1030:1111.


8:11 1& Sun: 1030:1111.


l'1‘1 1k 8:11. M1111 11111: 1.20. 3,45. (1.20. 3.45.

51111: 12.50. 3.15. 5.50. 3.15.

IMAX Theatre

(11:1xg1111 Sucncc ('cnlrc. 50 Pacific (Jun). 0141 421151100.£11.‘)51£4.‘)51. 10‘4 11141111111 1111 purucx 111 more than (our.


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenlx1 13.41 7.311.

1030:1111. 1.30. 4.30.

9—16 Aug 20C? TI‘IE “81’ 27