Jindabyne I< .... ’Ra} l..i‘~klt‘llct‘.
\iixiialia. 3000' I aura Iiiiiic}. (ial‘flc‘l
Ilsiiit' (lirix llaI‘H-Iwil II‘iiiiii llaxcd on Illk'
R.l:-Ylll'ilil( .lI'-t'l inoil xlni}. \u Va. i: Ila}. r \u( ’uu In Hum fliix l.i\clll.lllll;. i'iiiolionall} lrullilul diaiiia xlio‘.\x Ilil'xk one ho} \ lixliiii: trip l‘llll:.'\ oii lllt' \llllllllk'lt' i'ioxioii ol (‘Iaiit' 'I iniit'} and \lcuail'x ‘llklllt'l .illt'aiI} llltlll‘lt'tl lll.illl.i_'_'i‘ Illc‘ Illllil llllll iii 30 ‘\L'iil\ lioiii llit' lk'lL'xl \uxlialiaii illii'cliil ix .i Ili'alllk malt" (r/iixzim'. IIIH; lllllilll (I/llil\'.'l'\r'.
The Killing of a Chinese Bookie 'l\I ‘Jl'lllt ( ..l\\.l\L'lL'\_l \. I‘lfitii lit-n (l.l//.ll.li liiiiolli} ('aic}. Si-iiiioui (’axxt-I I‘l‘liiiiii ()ixxaxc-lcx tl\L'\ liix \L'lllldl plot a hunch ol paiiuxlcix li_\ lo iiiiixclc in on the il\\llt'i ol a xIt-.i/} nightclub .ix a iiiclaiihoi loi liix «Mil poxition .ix .i dcdicalcd tiliiiiiiakt'i Ili'llllll‘.‘ loi liix .lIll\l|\ indi'pcndciicc lliigclx tillllldtllcll'l} and conxolulcd. 'l'x xlill up their is lIll liix l‘k'\l uoik. lliaiikx lo illL' xpacc Iic
t'l\k'\ liix .lkllll\ arid llic [K'lliiiiiianccx the) guy
It] IL'Illlll l’ail ol Joliii ( 'axxawtt'x \t‘.l\llll li/ni/iuuu Il/llll’lllzfll
Kireedam i |3,\i i,-\I Vila}. India. 2007i \iilli lx'iiiiiai, Iiixha Kiixliii.iii. Raikiiaii ’\ it'iiiakc ol lllt' I‘IK‘I \lala}a|am liliii ol the xaiiit' Illlt‘ Icaliiiin}: llic laiiiil) xlliiyglt-x of an lioiicxl cop. liix t'.l_‘..'L'l lo plcaxc xoii and .l\\ltllt'tl olixlat‘lcx along; lllc \\a_\ ('irii'iiuI/u’ [ill/i/iuio/i, [din/Hugh
Knocked Up 1 l5! IJudd Apalou. [‘8. Soon. Kalliciiiit- llcigl. Sclli Rogxn. Paul Rudd ll‘tiiiiii 'lixo xli;iii;_'ci‘x haw .i one lllL'lll xland and accidt'iilall) make a hall} Slacker Ilcn iltogcni and career gill Alixon lllt‘lglll ilL‘cIiIL‘ It) IllaGC It a 3.10 (ll ll illltl Iiilaiil} L'll\tlt‘\ l’i't-x icux onl). ('mrimrlil l'illA/li‘ilil. (i/iflfiilll
License to Wed 1 HM O IKCII l\\x.i|iix. IS. 3007i Robin \Villiaiiix. Stand) \liioic. Jolili Ki'aklnxki. ‘Iliiiiii. Soc Alxo Rt‘lcaxt'il. page 3” Xi'li'i Ii'i/ I'i'li'ilu‘.
The Lives 0! Others (Das Leben der Anderen) l iii 00.. il-lorian Ilcnckcl \oii |)oniicixiiiaick. (ici‘iiian). 3mm .\Iai‘lin.i (icdcck. l'li‘icli \Illt‘lic. Scliaxlian KUL'll, l i7iniii. l:\ccllcnl cold \xar llii‘illci' alioiil xiirxcillancc and cultural Ii‘ccdoiii in l'..lxl llt'ilin iindci the Sum ixccrcl policcl. A liliii llial iiianagcx to be both liori'il'yng and Iiuiiioi'oux, Ilighl) it'uiiiiiiicndcd ('ium'o. Int/Ili/im‘oh.
=t= Longing l is. 0000 nail-xii. (ii'ixctiacli. (iciiiian). .‘(thil Andi‘cax Muller. Ilka \Vcll. Anvil l)oi'nliiixcli. h’fiinin, Soc
m icxx. pagt‘ _‘ ll/Hl/IUHH'. Iii/iii/mru/i. Love Wrecked mm 0 iRandal chixci‘. I'S. 3007i .-\inanda Il)ncx. ('Iii‘ix ('ainiack. Joiiailiaii Itcnncll h‘tiiiiin. l’ililull} had i‘oiiianlic conic-d} about what liappcnx \kllt'll lllilL'Utl\ icon Jenn} Ill} llL‘\l Iwcoiiicx iiiaiooncd \\llll tic-r rock xlai lili" Iaxon .\I.ixlci’x i( 'aiinacki \kllllk‘ on a (‘ai'ilitx'an ci'iiixc 'l'liix iinliinn} nonxcnxc \xax dii'cclcd. xadl). Ii) Randall (iri'iiu' ch'lxcii \lii' Ia/HII’HI'Q/I ()i um. lat/Hiluu‘o/i.
Material Girls il’ili O l.\l;ll'llla (‘oolidgta IS. 3mm llilar) l)iill. Ila_\Iic Dull. Ania-Ina lluxlon, ‘Vniin. Am and Ian/iv illa} IlL‘ and llll;tl'_\ l)ul'l'l arc xpoilcd \I\IL‘I‘\ When their late tallic-i'x coxiiicticx empire Iach a lakcm ci bid from dadd} ‘x old .ii'cIH‘nc-iii} I‘ahicllc illuxlonl llic girlx lind lhcii‘ lighting xpii‘il. Shallow idiotic. dccpl} ilcpi'cxxing ixxccn coined) di'aiiia Ifni/uri‘ ('lnli'lnmk. ('liili'luirik. (Alum xi! 'I'lii' Quin. (I‘lll\‘\'l’l\',
Mee Shee: The Water Giant mm 0.. iJolin llt‘lltlL‘l‘M‘ll. I‘K/(icriiian). 3005) Bruce (ii'ccnxmod. Daniel Magda. Jocl l'olwck. “5min ,-\ )oiing two) ix dmaxlalcd \\ltCll the planned \acalion \xith liix lather ix cancelled due to .in c'incrgcnc) xal\agc iiiixxion at a remote ('anadian lake But “hell he dixcowi'x lhc lake ix knoun ax ilic lll‘lltL‘ iii a in}lliical creature. Mac iiiakc'x ii liix iiiixxioii to pi‘ow llicrc'x “11er lo the \Iltl'} than iiixl lolklorc, ('iiii'uorld Ri'nfn'ii SII‘H'I. (ilthi’tl.
Meet the Robinsons iii 00. iSlcplicn .-\ndcrxon. l'S. 2007i Voiccx of Angola Baxxcll. Daniel llanxcn. Jordan fir}. lltl niin. Lou ix. an orphan. drcanix ol’ linding a laiiiiI). When in} xicrioux xtrangcr Wilbur Robinxon lakc‘x him to the future. ma} be he “1” lith one. I'Iiiiii};ihl} rclcrcnlial xci‘cuhall anniiaicd coined} \\ iih good \oicc \ki‘l'lx
.\(’.’i'i Ii’i.’ I'il’i'ifli'
Moliere IIM.‘ iI .iiiiciil liiaid. I raiiccx I‘ll": Roiiiain llllll\ I'aliiicc
I llcllllll. Iaura \Ioranlc Iflliiiiii \
\liiiii xpi (.7! n: ll’\( xl_\lc~ populixl I.illl.i\} about .i lictilioiix cpixodc iii the Iilc ol llic :icai \IoIic-it- l)iirix .ix \Iolicic and \Ioiaiilc' ax liix onl low iuii lliioiiygli a \lc'\c'l hill tic-ax} liaiidcd iiiiagiiiinj; ol Iiix ciiciiiiixlanccx and cicaliw iiiipcliix Iliougli a [\ixsal‘lt' qullllIL' ioiiip. il'x lllIIL' iiioic than a \\Ill‘l‘lCtl gloxx on a L'lk'dl ailixl'x I‘llll|.llll LJIL'L'I Ii/Iri/iwuu Iii/Irlizngli Moolaade « Iii 000. ii )iixlilallc \c'iiitwiic. Senegal l’l'dlch' Iliiikiiia
laxo/f liliicloonWIoiiMo'l iiiiixi.i. 3t III-1- l'.lli'lllll.ll.l (‘oulitialy \Iaiiiiouna Ilclt'iic I)l.iii.i. Saliiiiala Ii.ioli'. Ihniiiiiiiiiuc /cid.i I3~1iiiiii I'our )oiing; giilx llllll up iii a xiiiall \Iiixliiii \ ill.ij_'c in llurkiiia I'axo allci llcciiig; lioiii [lit-ii ciiciiiiitixion tc-iciiion} IIlL'} \L‘c'lx f't‘ItlL'L' .ll lllk' llUtht' HI ('l‘llL'
l( 'oiililiaI} l. \sho. \L'\L‘l'.ll _\L'.lf'\ L‘.llllL'f. rcliixcd to allow llt'l o\\n iccnagc daughter lo undergo the practice (‘ollc L'lillllx lliciii [iiolcclioii l‘lll llk'l dct'ixion inccnxt'x llic coiiiiiiunil} ‘x iiialt' cldcix. \klio leicw that .i \xoiiian iiiiixl tic 'piiiilicd' l‘t'll‘lt' lll.llllglf_'t' I'.\u‘llcnl. inxiglillul and. tic-lion- it or not. lllllll_\ xocial diaiiia lioiii that old ,\Iai\ixl llt;l\lL‘l liliiiiiiakci Scnilicnc -\ li'ihiilc xcic'cning: lo ( )uxiiianc Sciiilwnc Ii/ni/ioim. la/i/i/iu/o/i
Mr Bean’s Holiday d’( it 0.
lSlc‘H‘ “L'lltlk'lilk'h. l'K. :Illl7l Rimall Aikiiixon. \Villcni |)aloc_ H‘Iiiiiii \Voi‘dlcxx inixlil .\ll' llcan i.-\lkinxoni gocx lo the I‘rcncli Rix mm and Iiccoincx cnxiiai'cd in a broad Iziii'opcan ;l\I\CllltllL' .-\ xill}. occaxionall} lunn). iiiildl) \t-nopliotiic \lapxllt'k lcalui'c. .lglc‘qllc‘x lull did It \(l
llltlc‘ll l‘t'llL‘l. (‘Hlt'ltl’rltl l’ilI'A/li'ilil. (i/ing'rmi
(.llh'tlitl'li/ lat/iri/iu/‘o/i. /-.iIIn/im'o/i. My Best Friend 1 12m .0. I.c'conlc. l'rancc. Zoom l)anicl Aiilcuil. I)aii_\ Ilooii. Julio (ia_\c'l. ‘l-Iiiiin. In lliix conic-inpoiar} l’arixian liiidd) iiio\ic arrogant antiqiiCx dealer l-i‘ancoix l.-\ulciiill ix tcaiiicd “till the ginnlvllllllll’cil. Il'l\ ia- xpouling: la\i dmcl'. Ili‘uiio illoonl al'lcr lk‘lllf.‘ challenged to pro\ idc a 'nicillcui' aini‘ h} the end ol' the month. .-\n ainiahlc il lvlll'llllllillt' tll\t‘l'll\\c'lllc'llt. (llllVJl’H I'l/nl I'lli’uln'. (i/inurili.
The Mystery of Picasso ll’(il .... lllL‘lll'l-(ic‘ill‘gc‘x (‘ltlll/Hl. l‘l'ullL‘L‘. 195m 73min. (‘loii/ol. childhood Ii‘icnd oI l’icaxxo. liliiicd l’icaxxo painting \kllllL‘ talking candidl} ahoul liix lite and work h} iiioiiiiling the camera on a li'anic and lik‘thlllg.’ on the hack iii a xcnii—li‘anxpai'ciil camaxi A unique inxiglil iiilo a lcgcndai'} ligiii'c. Paul of l’icaxxo on I‘ilin xcaxon. I’ll/ii/luuu'. lat/ililluljuli.
Not Here to Be Loved I IS) 00 (Stephanc llri/c'. I‘i'ancc. 2005i l’ali‘ic‘k ('licxnaix. Anne (‘oxigirv (icoi'gcx \k'ilxon. ‘Miiiin. A dimrccd. cliccrlcxx hailill' i('licxnaixl ix rciiiowd li‘oiii liix lilo ol l‘CpU\\C\\lUll\. liiiiiil} \xiicx and xilcnl llll\L‘l‘} h) the magic oI 'I‘ango and l'aniil} l‘ricnd liixiiicoixc l(‘onxig_'ii_\ l. Ilri/c-‘x iiiaiidliii al‘l'inil} l'or lliix kind of xl_\ characlcr xlud} lc'ndx xurcl} and control to \klllll xlarix out ax a drama of tin} xlriikcx hut cndx ax a cliched ageing: inalc Itllllax'y (I‘llh‘g’illl I'llm Niall/1'. (i/iiwoii,
>31 Opening Nighti ISi 00.. iJohn ('axxawICx. l'S. l‘)7i\'i (icna Rimlandx. Bcn (iii/Iara. John ('axxawiCx l-Hinin.
(‘axxax clcx turnx liix hand to a hackxlagc drama about an ageing acirc-xx at a L‘l‘l\l\ point in her career. It holdl} parallclx Roulandx' real-lilo poxiiion in tho induxlr} \\ illi her iinxlagc/iinxci‘ccn character. ’l‘hc lilni ix h}xlcrical. o\ crlong and ya ax profound a portrait of an aclrc'xx on the edge ol‘ lircakdoxx n ax )ou \\ ill lind oulxidc ol llci‘giiian'x Ha I‘m: I’art ol John ('axanICx xcaxon I’ll/ri/iuuu: Izi/m/mro/i.
il’ali iu‘
On August 10th the world's biggest secret is about to surface!
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N8: Further assistance for Scottish-based freelancers of up to 80% of course fees may be available from the SSTF which is supported by the National Lottery through Scottish Screen. See Skillset Scotland for further details- www.skillset.org/uk/scotland/trainingfund
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’. 'i 'x' I ' THE LIST 25