Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy© Listings are compiled by Sian Bevan.

Thursday 9


Mrs Barbara Nice‘s Pick of the Fringe lllt‘ \ldllil. §§§\\iiinll.tllil\ Rind, ll.\'"t) (mu m“ up.” is it" it lllt'llll‘t'l\l lllt' llllltlllt' \hx Haihaia \hk' intiuduu'x mnn- .l\l\ \iuupplt'd mm liniii l‘dinhuiyh Iln' hin' up I\ to l‘t' annnuin't'd. hut \\Illt lllt' lim‘lx Haihaia at lllt' ln'hn. it'x hound to hr .1 wind



Baby Go Boom! “(windy Stit'ldl ('Itll‘. l3" \Hl'lll \VUHdet' Rudd. “a lhli 7 iillun. U iti altt'i l l l 'I ll\' \Viititlwtlt‘ )Jl\t'\ ll\t‘ll ttl‘ lll t‘thlt‘tl} .lf.‘.tlll. \\llll lL‘lellitl \I(‘ Spoil Mun-n. Hugh Ix’t‘t'd‘x \t'ln't l'ndt'i‘pantx and tunic 'l‘ht'i‘t‘K dancing: illlt‘l\\illtl\ w _\uu (an that in ;_'u|\ HI l‘H_\\ and it'll lht'ni lllt‘ll han hmkx niu'.

Improbabble 'l‘ht' lll'llll\\\|\‘l\ llott'l. ltlt» tux lll'lllt\\\lt'l\ Slit-ct. “I Hi" Spin. (-1 it") 'I'ht- Inipinhahhlc pl.i_\ci\ pci‘liuni a Night ol nnpim ixt'd laughtt‘i'. l‘.l\t‘(l amund .llltllt'llt't' \ucggt'xtninx ll/luu' llllt‘ I\ [I .lmum 'mth innit- (ilaxgmv

Jongleurs Comedy Club .lnnglt‘ui'x. l'( i(' Building. I l lx’cnhmx Stiu't. “Hall 73,“ (VH7. Spin l; I 3. 'I hum _\Hlll'\t'l\t‘\ at lllL' incit'} nl .lnngglt'ui‘x. and \ctllt‘ into tht'n lap ot aunt-d) ax tln'_\ inakt' _\ou \xi‘itht' “till tlu‘ plt'axui'c nl wring; Simon Bligh. .\lL'\ Hoai'diuan and Suing: Huaidinan pci'toi'ni |.ct out )iiui' Pt'lll up han at lllk‘ altcrthx cluh.

Mrs Barbara Nice’s Pick of the Fringe 'I'ht‘ Stand. 33‘ \Voodlandx Ritttd. “Kill (ilN) HHS, 0pm. (It) (Uh St‘t‘ Vllltlt ‘l


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlt‘uix. l'(i(' Building. I I chli‘c“ Stiu‘t. ().\"'ll 7871l"tl_’,.\'|un HS 8w in in Comedy @ The State the Siaic Har. l-1.\' Holland Sti't‘ct. 333 215‘). ‘lpm. t5 \liit't' coined} ll'i‘ltt thc lin‘ndhcxt haxt'nn'nl in tilaygm. \\ ith .\l(’ ('hi‘ix "l'hc Rani' lli'uointicld 'l'lux \wck'x \htm includcx thc hltl\ that arc hm cool hit lidinhuigh: Ruh Kant: .lawn :\l'li\lt‘lll. (icm \chadc and l'\lllttlttl 'ltttll. It‘ll hc cool ax plum.

Mrs Barbara Nice‘s Pick of the Fringe -l~llk' Stand. .13.: \Vimdlallth Rind. USN) (\(Kl NBS. t’Pllt. f l: 5C0 'l‘hu ‘l.


Michael Redmond‘s Fringe Sunday! 'l‘hc Stand. 33.: \Vimdlandx Road. MSW) hilt) NBS 8 30pm £5

«U {I mcmhci'xi \hchacl Rcdinund. thc hallmth lord ut the Stand Sunda}. kccpx thc hmnc tum burning throughout .-\ugu\t. \\ith minc l‘t'xtnal actx hotltmting it t“ Cl‘ [0 l‘t‘L‘ulllL‘ thc \\\ CL‘I. \ucct air of (ilaxgim.

18 THE LIST am: so; '


Raymond Mearns 'l‘ht- \‘iantl. it: \\(lt‘tll.llltl\ Road. (lb-'0 Nil) (“5‘ a £5 \lt‘al'lh \lltl\\\ nit lll\ nunnlahlt- \lxlll\ in ltl\ l‘i'ingt‘ \hmx Ru nu m1: \i \. liu/i Sec t‘aptiun Sta} and \tatt‘h 'luni Stadc'x \llt‘“ and «T hoth lot L3

Tom Stade lllt‘ Stand. Hi \Mmdlandx Road l).\"(l(iilil(ill55 ‘l Winn Lg 'l‘ht' \paikl} t‘_\t'd kin: (ll laid hatk unncd} hi'infgx ll|\ \llH\\ \rllixl lHl lllt' dclt't‘tatiun til (ilaxgtm Sct‘ huh and \wcp \\llll Iaughtt‘i

Tuesday 1 4


Red Raw lhc \tand. Ni \\Htitll.llltl\ Rina. (l.\‘"il(ulli)(itl<5 5 mp.” g: in incinht'ixi l‘hc \xt‘ckl} llL'\\ talt'nt llllell \ll'ltlt‘\ on throughout \lljJthl. hut kt‘cp an cw nut lHl \tllllk' luggct nann'x wining in in It} um inatci'ial

Wednesday 15


Bruce Devlin’s Pick of the Fringe l'hc Stand. ‘31 \Mmdlanth Road. “5‘” NM 0155. ‘lpin {h it" £3 incinhcrxi


Hi‘ut'c \t‘imh mci’ twin the capital to hint; \i‘llk' \‘l llk‘ l‘t‘\l .tt'l\ li‘ (ll;t\:_‘tt\\ '\ tlt‘i‘l' Hc \Hll la} llk‘ltt at _\uui lk'k'l. m that _\uu ma) it‘iuit't' and lct [hunt in tor a \wt‘ t'uincd) [‘al‘l}

Thursday 16


Bruce Devlin’s Pick of the Fringe 'I‘hc Stand. 333 \Vtmilanth Road. “8"” (Mil («55. 0pm. in it" {-1 incinhci‘xi, Scc “at 15.

He's a harsh man is Raymond Mearns.

Dubbing his show Recovering Arseho/e is either the height of self-loathing or he could be having a go at someone else. In which case, that's just not nice.


Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Kirstin lnnes.



2‘)" Bath Sum-L llN-‘tl Him (in is m. M '_ \\.\1

Never Forget l'nnl \ai l\ \u: ittiit Sun» a Winn; 5pm .\ h Winn {lat} Haihm \ chimnx gut tht‘ l/ummu 1/1.. ti‘catniunt in lllk' llt\l out 'lala' lhat inthn‘al Su- tc.uurc. [‘.lf_'k‘ l“


lll chticld Stu-ct. 1‘: lxui ill. \\ ( f \\.v\]

Summer of 69 l'ntil Sat 25 \u: lnnt Suni. "731mm i\\'cd tk Sat mat 2pm.

{ll 5].; it] It \iixtalgit' \l‘lllk'tl:~ wt

hail in thy \lllltlllt'l «it h" a-~ «it l.lil\ hu‘. lll’x'll in .t lt‘dl \|\. \lllll"- .it tho ll‘.t' .\ illlllt' and t‘tvtiatu lI't thi-

.l "it'lll‘



‘xf Haln- \iiyt-i. ti\ 'n ma: i.(.t‘ i|{_

\(.|),\\( ,\\ \l

Bedroom Farce l nul \a: l I \w Winn lhu .\ \at mat _‘ Winn:

t. Ill !_‘| [in \i‘~th Hutu it I'llll

Hala‘i v and pour put lll‘t'll \nnia llHHl

lint/11.." I\ ‘\.ll.lllt' ( .t\\|il- tllt'

.tlllHllL' thv ht'd hoppint' tall .ill‘.t' tyin'

tlll.1llt'llll|'_' and tainuxinz' thinut'h

anntht'i ‘.t'l\ tjxiutal \lan \yt Hmniii


The Gruffalo’s Child Hm ‘I sun I.‘

\u‘: \n‘ Klih ll\ittt'.'\

Dead Guilty \luti l4 \at In Mr:

G Winn Hill A \ ll mat ,‘ :llttlllt

9. l” 9.71 \ ‘Jmihai: llillllt'il ii. lllt' t .it

\ I.i\lt uhith lillcd hut lim-i ix \lalla'il

h} ltl\ Ul‘\t'\\l\t'. lllllltlt‘lttlh '~'-llt' Ill llll\

SHPIWH: ut't' thitllci pat l,t'\l out ‘.‘.|lll

hall lllt' kll\l ill I’ll/Hr ,,/.;/.

Check out the

on page4