Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to Glasgow listings are compiled by Sandra Marron.
Glasgow Thursdays
I Calling All Disco Kids at Kaihon. It) ttlpin idlll £5 t£ ii \Vcckl}. Ichkc) and Ilig .'\I drop hip hop and Rik” \ihilc Ra“ It and Izuan Mclcod pla} L'I;t\\lc'\ and handout Lit\Il [ll'l/t‘\ at lItl\ \tudcnt night. Scott McKa) play Iltllht‘ in thc Ioungc.
I Club Olum at Bar Bloc. ‘lpin 3am. I‘tcc \Vcckl}. Back at Bloc loi' anolhcr xiiinnici' rcxidcnc) I)irt} Marc l\ _|tllllL'tI h_\ (‘orxairx' t‘l :\ll}._'l and Dirt} lloxpital tlti Augi Yippcc'
I Crush at ()uccn Margai‘ct I'iiion. ltlpiii Iain £2 (U l, \Vcckl}. .\'c\\ night \xith .\'I-.\l\ McSlcw) pIa_\ing llltixll} hootlch and lll;t\Il iipx throughout thc night.
I Dig! at I'iir} \Iiii'i‘}\. llpiii Rain. £4 t£3l \Vcckl}. I).I Non pro\idc\ )oiii‘ li\ ot rock. punk. inctal and \ka.
I Dub n Grub ai tlic 73.
7pm inidnight. I'rcc. \N'cckl}. Back at thc old Stcrco tnoii 'I‘hc 7M. thc Mungo‘x ho}\ pla} rcggac. duh and dancchall \\IllIL' )tlll tiick into a hit ol' dcccnt gruh. Blood) lllttflL‘IItllh.
I F“limyspace at (iui'u. I lpiii iatn. LI tfll. \VL‘L'kI}. IlltIlC rock and ptm or pop ttL‘l’ti\\ thrcc l'tltllll\ u itli (ii'ahainc. Brian and guile
I Hi Fiat thc Bunkcr Ilar. ‘lpin 3am. I'l't't‘. \VL'L‘IxI}. I);t\ c SIIIL‘Itttt' tII\IlL‘\ up li\ c hourx ol top notch indic and rock. I Kinky Pinky at thc 'I‘unncl.
|l.3(lpni .iain. £-l 1U). \Vcckl}. .\'c\\ 'l'hiirxda) l.( ill’l‘ cluh night.
I Record Player: at (ilaxgou School ol':\rt. llpiii Rain. £31£2i \Vcckl}. ln thc \'ic Bar. .lackxon Star» llonioui' Boi and IIthIlpllpp}. l)ancc. lltll\L‘. chiriuin and digital disco.
I Red Room at Maggic .\Ia_\ \.
ltlpiii Rain. £3 tl'rcci. \Vcckl}. Brian d'Soii/a and Jakc pIa) cIcclt‘o. clcctronica. Iltlll\L‘. l‘oIk. duh. liip hop. iii/I. indic and c\pcrinicntal.
I Rumble at thc (iaragc. l lpiii .ittlll. £5 (£3). \Vcckl}. I)J\ (icrr_\ I.}tiii\ and Bah} Brian pIa} chart. clasxicx. ttlllIlL‘llh and l'L‘tlllL‘\I\. ln thc Attic. Paul and Stci c p|a_\ indic and altcrnatixc. \ihilc in (i2 And} \ihipx up an RiUl \ltil’lll with 7(lx. Ntlx and ‘lllx Ittlx [lIlh pop and chart in thc Iinginc Rooinx \\llIl Nicola.
I Up The Racket at l-‘ircxxaici‘. lllfillpin 3am. l-‘rcc hct'orc ltl..‘~(lpin; £4 (£3) altcr. \Vcckl}. |)J 'I‘oaxt plays indic. \UUI. Britpop. rock and punk.
I Zero Thursdays at Boho.
0.30pm .itllll. £3. chkl}. l)! Norinxki. founding incnihcr ol~ thc night Burn. play I“ ixtcd lunk. dirt} clcctro and t‘iink} Iltllhc.
Glasgow Fridays
' - Baby Go Boom at \Voodxtdc Social ('liih. 7.30pm 2am. £5. ltl .-\iig. Monthl}. ('oiiicd} and rock'n'roll inch \\ itli a stand-up \Iltl“ t'olloxxcd h} a tIi\c‘ii.
I Beat Route at thc I5l}ing Duck. ltlpni 3am. £4. It) .-\iig. Monthl}. Dirt} Baxcnicnt \.\ 2 Mank} Uh. [oh ol' clcctro. hicakx. rock. punk. ghcttotcch. hoot}. rL‘IlII\L‘\ and I‘imlIL‘gx.
I Bunker Fridays at thc Biinkcr Bar. 0pm 3am. I'ircc, \\'cckl_\, Tam (‘o_\ lo
.. -v ‘- J,
a $‘ .3»... o— »
. : "b1 v ., ,c «rm; ‘* .. ‘. “ .- : ._ . I v ’hg,vn"'|".. 3’ _" h a
Garage rock club and Edinburgh record label Beatsville
provide plenty of bang for your buck, packing in three live acts in a rare Glasgow showcase. Punk rock beat combo The Masonics headline the event backed up by instrumental surf rockers Preston Pfanz & the Seaton Sands (pictured) and psychobillies The Rohypsters - more than enough live action to get those old school
garage kicks. [glt'HTh/‘l/i'l/fi, (i/(lfit’ltlt‘l. Sim Evil/g.
pla_\\ thc hc\t lroin ncu and cxtahlixhcd handx until iiiidiiigiit \\IllIL‘ .-\nd} \Vilwn tIl'tipx \oinc HF“ and L‘Iit\\lc' indic la\ouritc\ until chucking out tiinc. no“ .‘iain.
I Choose Fridays at l'ur} .\Iiirr_\ \.
I lpiii Rain. £51£4i \\'cckl_\.('.l plaix a nii\ ol \tutl to gct _\Ull in thc \\cckcnd mood.
I Dannix at ('i‘ih. I lpiii Rain. Hi t£4i \Vcckl}. H] Yan and 1)] .-\hcna pla_\ a
mu ol' Alrician. rcggac. ragga. dancchall.
i((&i; and hip hop. I Dollymixtures at (itll'll. ‘lpin 3am. £(i t£~li. \Vcckl}. .\'c\\ night at (iiiru tiiot to hc ini\cd up \xith I)oIl} .\li\tui‘ci lcaturiiig indic. rock. cIccti'o and pop in thc main room hoxlcd h) I)J\ Hill) Milligan tKiixhion/Vipci‘i ('ainci'on ('raig ((‘ainpiixl plux \xcckl} \pccial gucxtx. I Electroball at Karhon. Ill..‘~(lpin .iillll. £(i t£4i. \Vcckl}. \cu clccti'o night l'i'oin Salon Boris I)J\. I)a\id Sinclair tKiIIcr Kitxchi and Dominic Martin. I Flirtini Fridays at Botio. 0.30pm 3am. £(i. \Vcckl}. 'Jini l)a Itcxt’ kickxtartx )oui' \xcckcnd \xith hix o\\ n hrand ol' part} lllllL‘\ and floor lilIcrx. I Funhouse at Barth. I lpiii Rain. £5 (£4). \Vcckl}. DJ Paul \cchc\ and :\Ipha Mitchcll \pin px} ch. punk. \oul and ina\iiniiin rock'n'roll. I Horrorshow at Iiircxiatcr. ‘lpin 3am. £4 If)”. \VL‘L‘hI}. i'iIliCWQIICI. U\L'\ ll\ IttlL‘ IlL‘L‘llL‘L‘ to glol‘liilh L'IIL‘CI \\ llIt lItl\ tlL'\\ night. l.i\ c hand\ and (ring .\Ic( icc L‘\ L‘l‘} \\ L‘L'IL
House Jama at thc :\l'c'IlL‘\. llpiii Rain. £5. lll .-\iig. Monthly \Vith I).l\ t‘roin thc Icgcndai‘} Minixtr} ()l' Sound and Ich Kandi c\pcct qualit} uplironl Iiouxc and no chccxc. I Mark Robb Presents at Maggic .\I;i}'\. llpin 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. .-\ inoxc to Maggic .\Ia_\ \ altcr thc chal Social (‘Iuh'x \IL‘llth‘. I’l;i_\iiig tan. liink. \ouI
and alxo thc Iatcxt icIcaxcx lioin Inx ncu lath Starla rccordx.
I Old School at ilic Itiitt.
III..iIIplll .ittlll, £(i. \\cckI_\. I‘lllt‘\l old \chool .Ia/I. tunk and will lioni ('i'aig ct al.
I Popshop at .-\I$(‘3. llpiii itllll. £o (Hi. \Vcckl). \cxi night at .-\lt('3 \HIII Paul} 1M} I,atc\t .\'o\c|i \pinning thc Iikcx ol l‘Ntlx, Izclio & thc liiiniruncn and I-..\'(i plux a Ii\c hand at midnight CHL‘II \\ CCIN.
Return to Mono at itic Stilt (‘Iiih IIpin .iani. £lll. ltl .'\ll:_'. .\IonthI_\. Kill 'I‘hc |)J l'oiindcr. original Black Stiohc nicnihcr and all round \lch‘L'\\IttI I‘l'L‘llL‘Il man l\aii Sinagglic ltlllh Slain Scc
pi‘c\ ic\\. pagc I5.
Seismic at Illacklriaix. Illpin iani. £lll. Ill Aug. \lonthl} Scixnnc [Ullh lorccx \\ itli Rohot I)l\c‘ti It'lltll' tor a night ol li\c iackin‘ ('hicago \t_\ ch houxc courtcx} ol I)utch giicxtx l.cgo\\clt \ \ ()i'guc lulccti‘oniiiuc t\'ic\\ lc\\/( ‘Ionci. I Shuffle at ('uhc. I Ipiii iatn, £5 t£~li. \Vcckl}. Ili'and nc\\ l'rida} at ('iihc \ihcrc hou\c. pop. cIcctio. hip hop. indic illlti IL'CIIIIU L‘tiIIltIC.
I Toxic Pop at Hainhoo. lllpin iain. £5. \\cckI_\, (icoll .\I and ('raig I.a\\\ pIa_\ qualit} hottxc inimc plux Ix’tklt and hip hop troni (iax in Soniincrx illc. Rock and indic \\llIl clcctro lroni Soxc in thc I.oungc.
I Vibrations at ('taxxic (it'dlltI
I Ipiii 3am. £(i «Hi. \Vcckl}. I)J \Iingo- (io tI)cath I)i\coi pIu\ (‘axio t.-\criaI\i at IIlt\ ncxx clcctronic dancc “11th night. I Vice at thc (’alhouw. I Iptii iani. £5 i£3i \Vcckl}. D] Martin Batcx tXl-Mi hoxh an Indic rock part} on Ic\cl [\Mi \\llIl tuncx old and ncxi. troin .-\rctic .\lonkc} \ to /.cppchn.
I XXL at ('rih. Illpni iain. £(i t£4i \Vcckl}. Ilc\k_\ and Big .-\I pIa} hip hop. dancchall and griinc \HIII Ra} \Vooilx pIa}itig old \kool c‘I;i\\ic\.
. . ‘v' ' '.‘:.- 5"‘~‘9.‘ o. -'._l h... - w “ r lax. my. -' vhf-4'? " *“M' .-_ ‘ .. ..{ .-‘.b‘~,‘;~h .'
Glasgow Saturdays
C tih
I Bunker Saturdays at Illc‘ Iittllkc‘l Ilai Upin \iin Iicc “cckh \I \I\ \Imh l\ on hand \\ III] a nun xxcx'kh I\'\I\I\'II\\ l‘IJklllfj .t I‘ll ot cxcntliinz' \\lIIl a good hawhnc and .in clcc :iotnc hoii\c tip
I Club Antics .it Iittlllk llpiii int: 1* itli \\cckl\ \cu _\.itiitd.i\ tlt‘.'l‘.'. lt'\l\I\‘llc_\. \ci\ lll:' up .I chct tahlx tinptcdittahlc llll\ ol indic. punk. c'icc Ho and \ llII \ Iit\\l\ \ dcwcncd to pct \ou datktttg‘
I Cubeclass .it t'iitu- ltpm \\cck|} I-iink} and \\‘\.lI houxc ttoin Illx I\ll\ Ixccgan. \oot and \all\ and hip hop and lx‘.\ll tioiii Ill \nilx lx’
I Death Disco .tI tlic \itlitx
lllpin \iin t I .‘ l.\ \tl‘.‘ \Ioiitlilx ho“ Sclloiit lL'ltlllh l«i(iI.t\_:'H\\ .iltci .t'I \it i \chool .ippcaiancc a lc\\ Illi‘lllIl\ .::'t\ lti \\ iIkcx .IIItI \.idia I\\.lI‘l.t .lIxii giicxt
I DEFF vs Don’t Delete .tl I’i\o I'm. Spin law I icc I I \ug \Ionthlx .\ giicxt \Ialloiia I cc Withliiiiinal lx’ccoidx Ilchunki |i‘lll\ Ill ll icmlcnt \cotl litinc lot a night ol txxixtcd tct lino .llltI i'It'cllH Iltlllv‘
. DiVine .ll IIlt' ( iI.l\f_'t\\\ \c Iltii‘I HI \II
I lpiii Run to itii \\cckl\ (ilaxgoxi \ Iongcxt iunning \ Iiih Ik‘\l\It’lI\ c l \pcit .i iiniiluc hlcnd ot \oiil. tunk. \ka and p\_\ch dug dccp lioni thc I)l\ inc \oiinil .iichi\c\
I Freefall .it tlic \I\Ilk'\ Illpin Knit £I_‘_ Il \ug \Ionthl_\ \ \ct} linc. populai night ol hard Iltttl\t' and tianic \\IIIl lt‘\liIt‘lll\ Siinoii I o_\. \Ian Ilclxliaxi .ind I‘lit\t'l I .itta
I Glamorama .it ltolio U lopm Kim £3 \\cckl_\ lx’cxidcnt I II Riih pl.i_\\ .i Iltt\ til ‘lll\ Itotixc. NR cIii\\ti \. I{.\ Ii .lIltI hig thait \ongx tot )oiii [‘It'.t\tllt'
I Guru Saturdays .tl (illlll
llpiii iain t” it“ \\cckli (il.tIl.tllIi' I‘t'lg'llvtll tiI.i}\ .i llll\ ol rock'n'ioll \ihilc Rohin kccp\ it tunki \xith cc lci Ilt clcctiic and .iltcin.ili\c Mk lHI.tllll_‘_' lll rooni thicc
I Hanoi Rocks .ii I'lli‘\\.|lt'l
‘lpni *ani. I-icc hcloic Ill illpin. t Nth .iltci' \Vcckh I).|\ .Ioc Snnth .iiid (iaig \Vilxon pla} indic lioni put and pit-\cnt to a iIl\\'t'llllllj._' llltl\lc cioud
I Karbon Saturdays .tI tx'aition
Ill itlpin {am I.“ t£*i \M'ckI} RAH. hip hop and \oulliil liiiik lioin lIll\ night at thc iicu cit} cciitic \cniic
I The Mix Element .tI \iiailic littc StitdctitV l‘nioii Illpni iani Li “ct-kl} (ila\go\\ \ Ill\I c\ci \IlltIt'III \\l.tll Illll\|\ night. an chcitic nn\ ol hhangia. Iiip hop. Iliilhuooil and RAH \xitli Illx Iiohh} It and .la} .lagpal. and \haiid}
I Our House at Soiiiidliain
llpm Jam Li“ tUii II .\llj,' Ii.l\\'IIlt'III lt‘\ltIL‘llI\ and lelL'\I\ pla} Ilttll\t' llllt\l\ all night Ioiig to an up lot lI {hill} t roud I.i\c [It'lcll\\ltlll and ‘Ilat' night thcnic I Rottenrow vs Human Shield .ii lhc I‘I)ing I)iick lllpin iain £1 ll .\ug. .\IonthI_\ \Iakc \ka} loi Iitllllll} \\ilII\k'I itllu' \t‘ll pItl\ gltt‘\l I).I I’i‘lt‘t \Iangaloi'c tIliiiiian \hicldi lzxpcct L‘IL'L'll’Utllc iIL'\ ltilliitl\ I‘t'lU-L't'll
I‘rVdI’x KIWI)” .tlltI ItitI.t}. \\ llIl rcxidcntx DIN} IItMplIitI too. natuialh
I Salsa at (.Iawlc (itatid I Ipiii \iiii £5 \Vcckl}. Itach and cxci} \atinda} night lcatiiring 'I hc I.atin Kollccti‘. c and 'Iuinhao l:\pIo\i\c l.atin hcalx and \ttlllt‘ ol thc hottcxt (Idllct‘h around
I Subculture .ii IIlt' \iiti (tub
I lpiii iain. £5 hcloic midnight. thi altci1\\cckl} Haiti and I)tilllt'lll\ \ c\tahlixhcd hottxc lll\IlllllL‘ Utllllllllt'\ to icign \uprcnic
I Super Saturdays at I'lll_\ \Itiii} \ IIptn idlll. £51£Ji \\t'L‘I‘.I} Ill Mark} I) play chart and chccxc and Rtkl’i
I Tipsy at Sihcr Illpni ;am Hi i l_~1l.
:JIII ix
16 THE LIST 9—16 AUG 2L ‘"