we‘y'e got all sorts ol' things including some ayant garde l'olk. which is something really dill‘erent for Us. I‘m looking lorward to all ol‘ it.‘
The line—up is indicatiye ot (ilasgow‘s currently rich mUsie scene. according to Stephen l’astel. who runs independent label (ieographic as well as playing with the Pastels. the band he l-Ullllle‘Ll ill “)3:
"l'he mtisic scene in (ilasgow is really interesting just now I he says. ‘l’eoplc are making tnusic in all sorts ot‘ styles and tltat feels really healthy.
'lt‘s also quite a cootk'ratiye. supponiy‘e scene. and that's what makes it exciting. In many ways Mono is its main HQ — that dates way back to the days when it was the l31h Note. Band members haye always worked behind the bar at the motnent it‘s guys from the lirrors and the Royal “c. It really makes sense for Mono to put together an eyent like this.‘
The bands. tnany ol‘ whom were particularly
attracted by Mono‘s non-corporate stance. agree. 'lt appeals to Us becattse. from experience. we know that the people iny'oly‘ed in organising it are genttinely interested in good tnttsic and are l'octtsed on the idea ol‘ putting on a lestiyal which isn‘t centred around l'inancial gainf admits Stephen l.iy ingstone l'rom lirrors. who. following the success of their single ‘Salut? lirance' are currently working on their first album. due l'or release in January 2008.
John .\lac|can. drumtner with The Aliens. concurs: ‘We’ye always been attracted to doing less commercial type gigs anyway 7 giye its the (ireen Man any day oy er the V liestiyal type thing'
The ey'ent suits the independent spirit of the London/File outlit. who are currently piecing together their second album in a house in l’ittenweem. 'lt's tnore like making a demo.’ says {\laclean. who promises this offering will probably be a little bit 'cra/ier' than their prey'ioUs studio-produced album.
This type ot testtyal also helps gtye the scene a t‘ocUs. according to Sam Smith. t'i'ontman of Mother and the .-\ddlel\. “lltl describes it its it gathering ol' ( ilasgow ‘s 'indie—malia'.
‘\\'c do know a lot ol' the bands; a lot of them are mates l'rom way back and we still hang out. 50 ills nice [U get together ttlltl play ttl \Ulllk‘llllllg like this.‘ he admits. ‘l was there last year and it was great. a really nice l'riendly eyent.'
lior younger artists like John ll McKenna it‘s also a great chance to get the exposure that comes with playing with tnore established acts.
‘\\'hen I heard that bands like lirrors and 'l'he 'l'wilight Sad were playing I was delinitely eycitcd about it.‘ he says. "l’hese are bands serioUsly on the tip. I didn't eypect to be playing with these types ot’ people until l’d got a lot further lorw ard.
‘I think that‘s what’s nice about this type ol' ey'ent the organisers are ptttting on well known and unknown bands side by side and it feels like that will really help propel me l'orward.‘
:\II also agree that. with .lllsl lllllll tickets on sale. the eyent's relatiyely intitnate l'eel is a big draw. .-\nd while that's also a bontts lot the people who manage to get tickets in time. it iney'itably means some will miss ottt.
'l‘hat‘s one ol' the reasons that Andrew Back and Magttus l.awrie. who ol‘l‘cr new media sery'ices l‘or (ilttsgow artists' hangout 'l'he (‘hateatL decided to get in on the act. The duo are hoping to stream a webcast l'rom the event. as well as oll‘ering demonstrations ol‘ l‘ree open— source sollwitt'e on llte day.
"l'hc idea is that this lets Us take it to a wider audience while still keeping the underground community l'eelf explains Back.
And it is that underground spirit that giy'es Hey You (let ()[ffl‘lly I’ut't'menl its unique selling point. according to John Williamson. manager of Belle and Sebastian. lle praises the event l‘or helping to address a growing gap iii a scene that's less willing than ey'er to take risks.
"l'hesc days there is a lot ol emphasis on the bottom line.‘ he says. ‘Bands are booked who will ol'l‘er a guaranteed return attd the result is that you have less and less inspiring shows. ()l'ten there‘s a homogeneoUs leel.‘
'l'he Mono ey'ents. along with others such as Indian Summer. which was held in the city’s Victoria Park last month. are a Useful reminder that it is possible l‘or l'estiy'als to break out of the mould.
"l‘here is a tnore adventurous spirit at these l'estiy'alsf says Williamson. ‘And it's not just about the money.‘
Hey You Get Off My Pavement, Mono, Kings Court, Glasgow, Sun 5 Aug, 12.30—10.30pm, £17.50. Tickets are available from Monorail or Ticket Scotland. See www.heyyougetoffmypavement.com
2—9 Aug 2007 THE LIST 7