Philip . Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy Comes to the Citz



Getting the Kelvingroove on

Eco-friendly festival returns to Glasgow.

exti\al inxiderx ha\e re\ealed potential planx tn

e\pand l'x'ehingrnme. lulhming the higll \oltnne

nl inlerext in the pt‘nieel. llnpex are high that the een l‘riendl} e\enl. uhieh kiekx till lhix Sunda}. \xill e\pand mer time into a txmda} exent. emulating the xneeexx nl' 'l' in the Park and (ilaxlnnhnr).

'l'alkx are ahead} nnderxxa) linr lx'ehingrmne to he inenrpnrated into a more high profile. tlttllllll‘ltillg lexli\al til aeti\iliex enneenlraling on nrhan enltnre. in (ilaxgtm. l'eatnring three dil'terent niuxie xtagex: indie. ia// and urhan. the l'alni|_\ —nrienlaled lexli\al hax heeonie one til Sentland‘x nlnxt important platlnrinx tor tlnxigned talent. 'l‘llix _\ear. [will u/ l/lt' Ringx aelnr Bill} Blin ininx hix indie hand nutlit lieeeake to headline. \\ith xnppnrt l'ronl edg_\ punk rnekerx l)ark\\ater. ()lher highlighlx inelude xetx ll‘tllll hip hop dun Steg (i and the l'l‘CL‘xl} le .\laxter and threepieee ruek hand l‘tlturn.

Set in the lnxh xtn‘rnundx nl' lx'eh inng e Park. the da_\ \xill hnaxl a /ern earhnn. no alenhnl plilie). eneonraging partieipantx to take eal‘e til the en\ ironinent.

\ltll‘t‘ lllltll Jilllll people tlL‘xt‘L‘lttlL‘tl till lttxl )k‘ill.‘\ l‘exli\al and thix Sundavx programme ix tipped to

nu hm 6W \Aqul to 5m]

Anna Millar

e\pand man} nl laxl _\eai”x more popular leaturex. inelnding a Street Skillx \‘illage. \xhere )liung people ean lr_\ their hand at l~'.nieeeing. l.)'rie Writing. l).l—ing. lit‘ltl liti\lllg illltl Street lXtttL‘L‘.

Hallie |.i/ ('ainernn. the ('hair nl~ ('nltnre & Sport (ilaxgmx. xaid: ‘lx'ehingrnme ix ahnut eelehrating all that ix grind ahtinl Sentland. the talent. xkillx and di\erxit_\ til nur eiti/enx and the promotion til. lnleranee and underxlanding.‘

Singer lhra 'l'herexe lpietnred) nl eleetrn punk rnek nutlit l)ark\\aler xaid the textual ix \l()\\l_\ poxitinning itxell' ax one ml the innxl tlxnalnie e\enlx oil the eultural ealendar. She xaid. '\\iird ix that it ix one til. the “MRI exeiting l‘exti\alx in terinx ol’ atinnxpliere. ('ertainl} the idea til it leelx like a real eelehratitin til all thingx liieal thelex inxl a \et‘_\ xnppnrth e \ ihe.‘

"l‘he L'CU-lil-lk‘lltll} L‘lL‘lllL‘lll In it lx ~lllxl :tlltllll [(llilll} tapping into \xhere it‘x at right nim. We‘re lllxl reall) proud to he part ol that.‘

Kelvingroove, Sun 5 Aug, Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow, 1 1am-6pm.


I The List this week launches its new website. The launch comes as the magazine prepares for an exciting new phase in its development and begins to roll out new content and services online. Alistair Brown, general manager of The List‘s digital team, said that the events, listings and articles The List produces are perfect for the new generation of web and mobile services and that the team will seek to deliver world class products for their readers and advertisers. He said the initial launch was all about building a solid infrastructure for the future and that the site would continue to evolve, improve and expand in the coming months. Brown added that the all-new site will focus on making The List’s entertainment listings as accessible and user-friendly as possible. (AM)


I The curtain goes up on the bi-annual Leith Film Festival this Monday, affording film lovers a week of incredible tree screenings. Among the premieres is a documentary about the controversial issue of homosexuality and the Anglican Church. LFF will also present workshops offering teaching advice from award-winning filmmakers, including former David Attenborough cameraman and cinematographer, Mike Fox BSC. See uk for full details.

I Scots indie-rock outfit, The Mannequins. have been selected from over 1000 unsigned bands to play at the Sziget music festival in Budapest this month. As part of the invitation, the band will fight it out with 34 other groups for a recording contract.

I It has been announced that the Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Wsual Art (Gi) will become bi- annual from 2008. Curated by Francis McKee, the theme of next year’s festival will centre on ideas of public and private.

I The Franz Ferdinand camp have announced several Scottish shows next month, following a handful of low-key gigs at Glasgow's Grand Ole Opry in June of this year. The FF boys will make pitstops at a number of Scottish towns not previously visited, including Fubar in Sliding, Ba Club in Fort William, and the Community Centre in Portree. Tickets for the shows are priced $215. Call 0871 220 0260 for details.

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