
Daily: l0.45am. ll 15am. 12.40. 2.00. 2.30. 4.10. 5.l5. 5.45. 7.40. >1 30. (1.00.

Alsn late H1 3‘; Sat: l0,45. ll.l5.

('asselbank Street. “I 3| 555 2707. All Iilms are lree.

FBIDAY 3- THURSDAY 9 Leith Film Festival 021

M1111 'l‘hu: limes \ary.

l8 Newbattle 'l‘L'rrilL'L'. (ll 3| 447 477 I. l11l11: (ll 3| 447 2660 and 447 8450. (’(‘ b1111k1ng: 0| 3| 447 477 I. Adult: Standard £5.70. Superiur £6.60. ('inema 3/4 £6.60. llelnre 6pm. Mun-Fri: Standard £4.70. Superior £4.90. ('inema 3/4 £5.60. ('1111eess111ns/('hildren: Standard £4.20. Supermr £5.60. (’inema 3/4 £4.20. l’ullmans: Alternnnn £6.90. liyening

£l l.5(). Subs/Recliners: Allernnml: £7.50. liyening £l2.50. ('inema 2 S11I'as: Alternnnn £7.50. liyening £8.50. Students 1Sun-Thul £4.60 includes a drink. Family tickets Irmn £3.40 per persun. Parent and baby screenings: £3 I'0r each aee11mpanying adult.


IIaIrspray11’(11 1.45. 4.15. 7.30. IIar'ry Potter and the Order oithe Phoenlx112A1 1.30. 4.45. 11.10. TheSlmpsons Movie11’(i1 2.00. 4.00. (1.00. 11.00.

Transformers112A1 2.30. 5.30. 11.30.


Evan Almightyd’m

Daily: l.50. 4.l0. 6.20. 8.30. IIaIrspray11’(i1

Daily: 8.40.

Harry Potter andtheOrder of the PhoenIx1I2A1

Daily: 3.00. 7.30.

The Simpsons Movled’m Daily: 2.1111. 4.00. (1.00. 11.15. hansfonners112A1

Daily: 2.35. 5.35.

Edinburgh College of Art

Lauristun l’laee. ()l3l 22] 6032. Screenings in the Warhul in Film series are free and untieketed. Please see wys' l'0r full programme details.


Warhol In Film: Day 1 (E1 Sat: “1.00-6.00.

Warhol In Film: Day 2 11i1 Sun: l0.00-6.0().

Warhol In Him: Day 3 (E1 Mun: l().()()-6.()0. Warhol In Film: Day 4 1121 Tue: 1000-600.

Warhol In Film: Day 5 1E1 Wed: 1000-600.

Warhol In Fllm: Day 6 1E1 Thu: l().()()-6.()0.

88 Luthian Road. ()l3l 228 2688. Bar. Restaurant. Evening screenings 1I’r0m 5pm): £6 (£4,501. Matinees (before 5pm): £4.50 (£3); Friday bargain matinees: £3.501£21.


1.Moll¢re112.1\1 1.00. 3.30. (1.00. 8.35.

2.The Seventh Seal 1PG1 3.30. (1.30. 8.45.

3. Last Tango In Parts 1181 3.00. 3.30. TheMIssourIDreaks1151545.


_ N I Partrier11.‘\1~111 Shrek theThird11

1.TheleesofOthers(Das Leben der .‘ 111. 1111. 11511

Anderen)1151 2 111. The Simpsons Movie 1‘111 111 111.1111.

F‘riliJ/k/ 1/.“th 1.TheLIvesotOthers(Das Lebender Anderen)11512311s<11

iH 111.1111. ll 50.1111.

< .5

OuelmadaIIBum!)1151 .s' 30 Brief Encounter11’111 s15 111111.111. 11.1.111. 13.15. 1 111. .‘ .‘11. 2.Mo|lére112.-\1 11111. 3111. 111111, 2.Moli1":re11_‘\111111~ 1:11. 111111, \ :11 :1... 1,“ 1,1,, . M h m. .m‘ 1.511. 3. Flanders(Flandres)11.51 ;1111. 515 \1111.111111V~1‘111

3 Flanders (Flandres)11s1 51111 .1111 "03""9 Clouds (Ukigumoidw 5 15 Transtonners11.‘\1 111511.111. 11 111...... ' , 11111. .‘1111. 11111 1111. s111‘ 111s‘_

() 3““ GIVE : l‘vE ): '2' '- ‘.‘ i 7‘ ‘l

SA1111’111M .1 A1111 1. The Lives of Others (Das Leben der

I.TheLives_ofOthers_(DasLebender . .. . Andmnl'l" “W' W” Amazing Grace (Senior Screening)11*1;1


And )‘IS' 253” K 2” 2 Moliere l‘ \ I 1111 3111 111111 \l-Hllk‘1' Ill‘x' 111111,.”l Ouelmada!(Bum!)1151 5.311. x'm r ' ' me Hard 4.0.1..

g. l l_.‘\l l “ll. ‘(l. DH”. 3' Flanders I '3‘ {(M. x ’1; llally ’lll '

W’- Floating clouds (Uklgumo) . 1: \1 a 1s Evan Almighty « 1 1w 7

3. Flanders (Flandres)11s1 2.00. .545 11.11. 111111,”. 1.1.1 .3” . m

Late Chrysanthemums (Banglku) 111111 '111111‘3111‘11 1 511111 5 l5 .

4.05. 11311 Hairspray11’111 1.TheGodtather11s1 3110 11.1111 11 511.1111. .‘ 111 5111. s :11

SUNDAY 5) Aug; The Uves of Others (Das Leben der “app.” "'Eve" “197 ‘l

- j ARGENTIth 5 311. s 20 Daily ll [0.1111. l.‘11 ‘-3ra"d°"~‘f 3‘“! 2. Mollere112.\1 11111. 1 :11. s 111 Harry Potter and the Order or the Savonara 11’(11 5.1.5. The Imam and the Pastor 111111 1.1111 Phoenlx1 1.‘ \.

The Lives of Others (Das Leben der 3. Flanders (Flandres) 1 1M 11111. 11 <11. 11.1111 111511.1111111111 111.1. .‘ 111. 5211. Anderen)1l51 s20. 5-15 s 111 2. Mollere1 12.31 1.110. 1311 11.011, The Hoax 1 151 X 30 0‘00“ For! Klnnalrd Daily 1111. 11 .‘11. «11111

N i . 1 Meet the Robinsons 1 1 3' Flanders (natures) ' 1M 3"“ (l ‘H‘ Kinnaudl’a1k. \exst‘raigliall Ruad [11111 [mm H mm“ 3-45 g ll1111k111g' 11s"l 2211-1110“ 1'11 frame... I'1\, Lat? Chrysanmemums (Banglku) ll’( 11 ( lllltll't'll/slIltlL'llls/l ).\l’s: £4 511 mm 1, (N, “’1 Shrek the Third .1 1

lllllllfSUAY .’ l).11ly ll 20.1111. l-lll. llll. 6411111111

MONDAY 11 A111; 1. The Lives of Others (Das Leben der

\\1'1l.\ ll1111

Bridge to Terabithia 1|’( i1 l 1 00am. The sm‘psons Movie I” i,

Die Hard 4.01151 s50.

- . - . . , I). |\ |l00. . ll 40. I.‘ 40. l 30.

Ande'efll‘l" 3--“’- -‘-»“’1 1‘3”- Fantastic Four: Rise 0! the Silver Surfer Wu)- Hm 1'2?” 1 m "L' m ( m 2. Mollere112.1\1 1.00. 3311. s30. 1m}, “Mm, :W. “m. “H. - . . 1 . Mollere (Parent 8. Baby Screening) Firehouse Dog 111111 1 1 211.1111. Fan‘sbmén‘; I . \ 1121\1 103011111 Hairspray11’(i1 12.111. 2.511. 5.111. , -- ,7 A“ |_ a 1” Daily |0 50.1111. ll 10.1111. l.‘ 10. I511

scanne' a Y‘ 2’ Ml”- ""’ 3511 1511. 5111.11|11, '111_ X111 3. Flanders (Flandres)11.s'1 3.00. 3.45. manaofiefffi ragga]??? in «1,311 (1.30. 1113 Hall} l l”. 3 ill. (1‘)”. H l5

Leith Founded in 2005 with the aim of providing a platform for independent filmmakers producing work dealing with spiritual and/or moral issues, the Leith Film Festival is fast becoming one of this waterside area’s most important cinematic events. Set up and maintained by filmmaking professionals, this year's programme kicks off with the UK premiere of Australian/Korean filmmaker Jong Suk-Park’s Tae Mong, a meditation on the dream of conception and traditional Korean beliefs. With other soulful delights from the UK (Michael Graves’ The Walk, pictured) and the Czech Republic (Bobby Garabedian’s excellent Oscar-nominated steam train drama Most) plus several workshops and competition shorts this impressive festival looks set to grow and grow. www.| I 72 Casse/bank Street. Lexi/1 Mon 644/90 1 7 Aug.

' 7/, THE LIST 27
