Gosh, the Fringe is expensive, ain’t it? Well, fear not, cheapskates: we’ve put together a sample of 50 preview shows for a fiver. Enjoy them before things get too pricey and you end up watching street performers while eating cold chips. Venue booking information is at the end of the listings

Aeneas Faversham The return of the terribly good Penny I)readfttls. with their esteemed sketch show set in the Victorian age. (it) and see it. You'll understand. (TnderIu'IIv. Thu 2 & Hi .i’ Aug. 6. I5pm. [5.

Dan Atkinson The scrufftest comedian on the circuit has named his show Dun Atkinson Knows Thui He [shows Nothing. He must know that he's funny though. right'.’ I’Ieusunee ('ourtvurd. Thu 2 Sui 4 Aug. 8.30pm. [5.

Big Value Comedy Show The highly respected Big lit/ue night returns for its l3th year. There's a variety of acts for short concentration spans and extra fun. The ('ut'es. I’ri .i’ A" .Sui is Aug. 7.30pm ((- I()pm. [5.

Markus Birdman Birdman explores the confusions of being a vicar's son. in his very naughty manner. I’Ieusunee ('ouriyurd. Wed I I’ri .i’ Aug. 7pm. [5. Adam Bloom The show title LUNA ui .l/Ie. .-lnvlmdy.' may be slightly needy. but after years of well written comedy. and lillitins of awards. you can see why he's anxious to be recognised. I’Ieusunee l)ome. Wed I Sui J Aug. 8.15pm. [5. The Book Club The weirdest books on the planet battle it out with the help of Robin lnce and friends. It's been nontinated fora British (‘oniedy Award. you know. Reading was never so cool. Assembly (fnii'ersul Arts. Thu 2 Sui 4 Aug. 4.20pm. [5.

Frankie Boyle .\'ot content with being the funny spcccy guy on TV' panel shows. Boyle is now hoping to change your thinking with .l'Iot'otIs. I ('un IIeu/ You. Assent/)I_\' ((1 (ieorge Street. Thu

2 Sui 4 Aug. ‘lpm. [5.

Simon Brodkin In his ()ne .lIun ('omedv ('Iuh. Brodkin brings four of his favourite character creations to the liringe. But. guess w hat‘.’ They‘re characters with funny lines and genuine talent behind them. llul/ah! I’Ieusunee ('ourtyunl. Wed I So! 4 Aug. 7.30pm. [5. Faith Brown Impressionist Brown has two shows up this year. One looks at the male body in all its glory. but perhaps more interesting w ill be l’uith [iron-u ('p I-‘nmt. which promises a personal show of anecdotes. songs and impressions. I’Ieusunee ('ourtvurd. Wed I I‘ri .i’ Aug. (i.4()pitt. [5.

Brendon Burns The show ‘s called So I Suppose This is Offensive Now. It's probably not for the easily offended. I’Ieusunee l)ome. Wed I it Thu 2 Aug. 8.30pm. [5.

Jason Byrne See caption. right. Craig Campbell He describes himself as a ‘l'unslinger’. Nope. we're not sure either. We do know this (‘anadian comedian is one of the most solid on the circuit. ('nderIu'I/y. Thu 2 A’- I-ri .i' Aug. I(I.2()pnt. [5.

Keith Carter An award-w inning character comedian. who's won acclaim for the adorable ‘Nigc‘. returns with (iet Keith ('(trtet‘. I’Ieitsttttt'e (‘ourlyut'tL lli‘i/ I I'ri .i’ Aug. 5.45pm. [5.

Dan Clark ('lark's a tnate of the .lylightv Boos/t so his show. ('ntiuigled. might not take the most obviotts route. I’Ieusunee ('ourivurd. Wed I Sut 4 Aug. Ship/n. [5. Comedy Zone ()ne of the original and best show cases at the l’estival. l-cattit‘iiig Barry l)odds. ('arl l)onnclly. John Robins and Joe Wilkinson. I’Ieusunee (‘ourty'unL Wed I Sut 4 Aug. [5.

Nina Conti Nina and monkey give

ventriloqttism a breath of fresh air in (‘ompIeie und (Ytter ('onii. Tee hee. that sounds rude. I’Ieusunee ('ourtyurd. Wed I -I"ri .i’ Aug, 8.20pm. [5.

Tanyalee Davis At 3ft ()lll. Davis has a different perspective on the world. but in Little Do They Know she shows there's more to her than being wee. I’Ieusunee l)ome. Wed I IN .i’ Aug. 8.45pm. [5. Gary: Tank Commander A fresh look at politics through the eyes of (ireg

Mel lugh’s character (iary. (ii/(led IhtIIoo/t Term]. Wed I Silt 4 Aug. 8.15pm. [5.

God's Pottery Nominated for the liddie Newcomer award last year. Jeremiah and (iideon return to save mankind. I’Ieusunee (‘ourtyunL Thu

2 Sui 4 Aug. 6.40pm. [5.

Janey Godley llailed by many as Scotland’s funniest woman. (iodley will be keeping her vow to 'IeII It Like It Is.’ I’Ieusunee l)ome. Wed I I‘ri .t’ Aug. 7pm. [5.

Richard Herring (‘elebrating surviving four decades on the planet in ()h I’='*ek I'm 40. llerring is also marking the 20th anniversary of his first l-‘ringe. l’arties' all round thcn'.’ (Tm/erIw/Iv. Thu 2 Fri .t’ Aug. 8.20pm. [5

Craig Hill ()ch. it wouldn't be the liringe without a hit of a camp singing. would it‘.’ The cheerful Mr Hill is back and .lIuIs'in'u Big Song und I)unee. Assembly ('niversul Arts. Thu 2 Sui 4 Aug. 8.40pm. [5.

Wil Hodgson lle‘s coming Siruight ()uttu ('hippenlutm and he's bringing along a whole host of taglincs: failed wrestler. punk and My Little Pony enthusiast. I’Ieus‘unt‘e (.ottriyurd. Wed

I Sut 4Aug. I().-I()pm. [5.

Alex Home With a l’crricr nomination under his belt. Horne decided to investigate his dad’s favourite hobby in Bin/watching. I’Ieusunee ('ouriyurd. Wed I Sui 4Aug. 7.40pm. [5.

Russell Howard ln Adrentm’es. Howard brings his endearing humour to the l‘ringe. now with added maturity alter stints on BB(‘(i .\lusic and .lloek the lli'er'. I’Ieusum‘e ('ottt'tyttril. Wed I Sui 4 Aug. 9.20pm. [5.

Robin lnce llighly intelligent comedy with lots of exasperation. over-analy sis and long words in Robin lnee Knew This Would IIuppen. Assembly ((1 (ieorge Street. Thu 2 Sut 4 Aug. 7.30pm. [5. Miles Jupp More well-bred patter from Jupp in livervduy Ruge and Dinner Party ('Iiii (hut. (ii/(It'd "(II/(Hill Ti’l'IUI. Wed

I Sui 4Aug. 7.45pm. [5.

Russell Kane He claims the show is

just Iiusy ('Iiehe' und Tired Stereoty/u'.

but sortiehow we think the if.commedie nominee might be lying. I’Ieusunee ('ouriyurd. Wed I Sui 4 Aug. 9.50pm. [5. Phil Kay It's always a slightly nerve- wracking trip into the world of Phil Kay. but when he's good. by goodness. he's brilliant. (ii/(It’d Iht/Ioon 'Ii’i'iot. Wed

I Sui 4 Aug. b.45pin. [5.

Shappi Khorsandi (‘ome away feeling all warm and inspired as .\liss Khorsandi brings her show ('urry ()n Shuppi to lighten tip your life. I’Ieusunee l)ome. Wed I A’- Thu 2 Aug. S.I(Ipm. [5.

Tony Law It‘ll be random. but fun and it's superny easy to watch this jolly ('anadian. This is Revenge oft/1e l)og ‘Iime. Apparently. Wed I Sui 4 Aug. (SC/5pm. [5.

Andrew Lawrence lle‘s frightening. funny and back at the l‘ringc with Soeiul Leprosy for Beginners A‘ ItIi/n'ot'ers. I’Ieusunee ('ourtvurd. Wed / I'ri .i’ Aug. 8.40pm. [5.

Sean Lock The star of 8 (hit of It) ('uts and brilliant sitcom l5 Storevs Iligh comes to lidinhurgh ahead of his national tottr. I’Ieusunee ('ourtvurd. Thu 2 Aug. Spin. [5.

Zoe Lyons l.yons won l‘unny Wotnen back in 200-1. and has since proved herself one of the strongest acts and compcres around. This summer she’s talking about I'lg/Il or I’light. I’Ieusunee ('ourtyurd. Wed / l'ri .i’ Aug. 8.30pm. [5. Jason Manford An hour in the company of Jason Manford is bound to

The hyperactive Irishman and self-styled ‘big game

hunter on a safari for the huge guffaw’ returns with the brand new show, Shy Pigs, With Wigs, Hidden in the Twigs. The title makes about as much sense as his hair, but get in early, the boy’s always

a well-deserved sell-out.

Assembly (0) Assembly Hall, Thu 2-861! 4 Aug. 8.40pm, £5.

cheer you up. He's been on the telly and is doing very well for himself. but the lad is still full of observations. and. thank goodness. still funny. I’Ieusuttee ('ourivurd, Wed Iv Sui 4 Aug. 9.45pm. [5. Carey Marx lle promises lots and lots of jokes in Sineeriiv Aside. It sounds like quite a nice. old fashioned concept. doesn't it’.’ (.iuIerIu’IIv. Thu 2 A’- I-‘ri .i’ Aug. 8.50pm. [5.

Michael McIntyre Although Live at the I’leusunee wins the pri/e for least creative show title. McIntyre brings nought but pure stand-up to the Fringe. which is somewhat refreshing. I’Ieusunee ('ouriyurd. Wed I Thu 2 Aug. 9pm. [5. Shazia Mirza .‘ylir/a’s been catching the media's eye since her early days of performing in a headscarfe and most recently in 0}]: I'm u Iluirv ll'omun. See what she cotttes up with next in her self-titled show. I’Ieusunee l)ome. Wed l Thu 2 Aug. 9.40pm. [5. Patrick Monahan Willi the energy of a toddler and the charm of a rogue. Monahan asks Us to Feel the Love. We hope that's not literal. ('nderIu'IIy. Thu 2 A" I’ri .1’ Aug. 7.20pm. [5.

Liam Mullone Hard to believe this is only a debut from this 'Iimes obiturarist. Mullone brings intelligence to whimsy in the best possible way. I’Ieusutu'e ('ourtyurd. Wed l I’ri .i’ Aug. IIpm. [5. The Naked Comedy Showcase OK. so we’re intrigued. This is a showcase of international comedy talent. all performing totally nude. We're giggling like schoolgirls already. (ii/(led Balloon 'Ieviot. Wed/ Sui 4. ‘)./5pm. [5. Kirsten O’Brien Strictly for grown- ups. this is ('on/essions oft: ('hildren 's T\' Presenter. from the lovely .‘yliss ()‘Brien. kids telly star for the past l 1 years. This could reveal a whole new side to her . . . I’Ieusunee ('ourivurd. Wed I Hi .i Aug. 2. lUpm. [5.

David O’Doherty Hurrah! It 's Duvid ()'I)ohert_v Time. with more tiny keyboards. pointless thoughts and stories with all the invention of a era/ed child.

A vsentltly‘m (ieorge Street. Thu 2 So! 4 Aug. It). I5pm. [5

Andrew O’Neill The show's title. I’utureistit'eIet‘imIeuthninju‘)()()(). may

sound like a knock-off Transformer. but ()‘Neill‘s originality will. hopefully. ensure it all makes sense. (7nderhelIv. Thu 2 & I'ri .t’ Aug. 6.25pm. [5.

Mark Olver Feel-good comedy from the host of Radio 2‘s (hit to Lunch. in his show Say Something: tales of a man living alone with too much XBox. I’Ieusunee ('ourtyurd, Wed I -Sut 4 Aug. (1.45pm. [5.

AI Pitcher linergetic. unpredictable comedy from Pitcher in Idiot Hind. a show about saying the wrong thing. I’Ieusunee ('ourivurd. Wed I I’ri .t’ Aug. /().-I5pm. [5.

Political Animal Hosted by Andy [alt/titan. and with the promise of high- quality' guests. this political show could change the way you think. (Tm/erlu'lly. Thu 2 A'- I’ri .9 Aug. I().55pm. [5.

lsy Suttie Suttie is one of those heart- warmingly nice comedians: Love Lost in the British Retuil Industrv is another chance to see her relish the arts of storytelling and song. I’Ieusutiee ('ourtyurd. Wed I Sut 4 Aug. 3.30pm. [5. Jason John Whitehead He may look like a giant (‘anadian stoner. but the boy's not stupid. lle’s worked out that Pretending to he Retarded is ImpoIite.’ Assemth (0‘ Ifdinhurgh ('ometIv Room. I’ri .t’ A’- Sui 4 Aug. 7.30pm. [5.

Glenn Wool In his new show I’romt'ses Promises. Wool looks at the things everyone talks about but no-one keeps. After his sell-out perlormancc last year. he cart at least promise to be funny. ('nderheIIy. Thu 2 I’ri .i’ Aug. ‘LJU/mt. [5.


IE) Jul-I) Aug 1200/ THE LIST 39