I Inflatable Fun at the (iaragc.
l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. The main bar is tilled with inflatable things for your amusement. Naughty Nicola DJs a mix of sweet sotil. dirty disco. R&B. funky house and the grooviest guitar music.
I TIT at Karbon. I().3()pm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. More of a spectacle than a night otit. with drunken students and footballers from wall to wall. Insanely cheap drinks means a huge queue every night.
Glasgow Wednesdays
I After Hours at the Btiff.
I lpm 3am. £3. Weekly. (ierry Lyons plays a mix of everything he loves from The Stones to Ilot ('hip.
I Gin N Juice at (‘ube. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. DJs .\'aeem 8; Sketch get (‘ube bouncing with their own individual mix of laid-back soul. funk. hip hop. R&B and dancehall.
I Octopussy at the Arches.
9.30pm 3am. £4. Weekly. Jacuuis. bouncy castles and a (‘hapel of Love at the Arches‘ regular student night.
I Rehab at Box. Midnight 3am. free. Weekly. An indie. punk rock and psychedelic soundtrack.
I Substance at (iuru. Weekly. A night of classic and bang up-to-date indie with Brian McMaster.
Chart & Party
I Allure at the Tunnel. 1 |.3()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. Ilappy. cheesy pop from DJ Darren and the guys behind l’assionality.
Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to clubs@list.co.uk. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.
Edinburgh Thursdays
I Alter Ego at I’o Na Na. l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. 'I'hursday night mash-up from DJ Diverse. playing a genre splitting selection of modern and classic indie. rock. disco. R&B. hip hop. bootlegs and funky house.
I A Basement Boogie at Berlin Bierhaus. I lpm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekly. Intimate residency from the 'I'rouble DJs. playing ottt club classics. electro. p-funk. soul. hip hop. breaks. synth pop and more. I Chocolate Kiss at Massa.
I()pm 3am. £3 (free). Weekly. New night kicking off with resident DJ 'I'ony ‘I'.\"l' (Mambo) playing out the best in R&B. Motown and urban.
Save money
see page 22 for details
.. 5","
We’ve all heard of boat parties before but Melting Pot have a boat
party with a twist. First there’s a pre-club at Bar Soba then onto a club night with a guest slot from Maurice Fulton (pictured) and his know- no-boundaries mix of disco, techno, house, rock and anything else that takes his fancy. Then as the doors close, it’s finally time to hit the water with a three-hour Sunrise Boat Party. The perfect way to greet
the new day. The Admiral, Glasgow, Sat 28 Jul.
I Class! at the Hive. I lpm 3am. I’rce before midnight; £2 after (£I ). Weekly. Student night from DJ Lucky Luciano (Big ('heese/Shag'l'ag ).
I Gettoblast! at the Bongo (‘Iub.
l lpm 3am. £5. 2 Atig. A new night of true hip hop. The Funk and hip hop spinning regulars are joined for the launch by Ritchie Rufftone for a showcase set and the Psycho StyIc/ breakdance crew.
I The GOuLaG BeAt at Iigo.
llpm 3am. £4 (£3). 26 Jtil. Punk. garage. new wave and good. honest rock'n'roll courtesy with live sets from the Damn Shames and one man rock/rave machine ('afe Del 'I'rap.
I Karnival at ('abaret Voltaire.
llpm 3am. £5 (£3). 26 Jul. A night which promises to indulge ‘cvery pleasure. every sin‘ with music from sortie of Iidinburgh's best house I)J.s. Anything goes in room two with B-Sides plus magicians. hosts and hostesses.
I Lic It at (‘itrus (‘Iub. I l.3()pm 3am. Iiree before I lpm: £5 (£3) after. Weekly. Rock. indie and retro requests night with DJ Adam.
I Polyphonique Social Club at I’ivo (‘affe. 7pm 3am. I-‘ree. Weekly. l‘unky dance grooves and electronica from Jacek Zamojski.
I Souled Out at ()pal Lounge.
I()pm 3am. liree before midnight: £3 after. Weekly. I-‘rom disco to Northern Soul. (iareth Sommerville and I-‘ra/er Mc(ilinchey fulfil your needs. adding a dash of house as the night goes on.
I Stilletto at I.qu. 8pm 3am. Iirec before I()pm: £5 after. Weekly. lilcctro- pop. classics and disco from Je/ Ilill.
I Surgical Steel at ()pium. I()pm 3am. Iircc. Weekly. I-‘uII on metal assault.
I Synthetic at the Bongo ('lub.
l lpm 3am. £5. 26 .ltll. 'I'cchno. electro. breaks and drtnn & bass night with residents Zuni and .\lorpho.s with special guest Jan l.iefhebber (Highland Beats). I Technical Resistance at the Bongo (‘luh I()pm 3am. £4. l‘) Jul. l'ndcrground drum & bass. techslcp and neuroftmk featuring Atidio (Renegade Hardware).
I Tinderbox at Red. I()pm 3am. I‘rcc. I‘) Jul. Indie and electro mixed tip by Tim Burke and ('hris Wilson.
I Wobby at Sttidio 24. I().3()pm 3am. £5 (£4). 2 Aug. Hardcore. brcakcore. industrial and noise.
I Yin-Yang at Shanghai. I()pm 3am. £(i (£3). Weekly. .\'ew weekly night of electro house. soaring vocals and soulful grooves from Iluggy and (‘raig Smith.
Chart & Party
I Bump at the Liquid Room.
I().3()pm 3am. £2 (£I ). Weekly. Night of chart. pop and Rtfili.
I Espionage at Iispionagc. 7pm 3am. Free. Weekly. I’ive bars over live lloors. playing everything from R&B to mainstream chan action with plenty of dark corners for copping off in.
I On Request at Iigo. l lpm 3am. £3. 1‘) Jul. I’romos. commercial dance and party anthems all night he who asks. gets.
I Siglo at Siglo. 4.30pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Iiverything from 80s and chart lloor fillers to chilled otit alternatives.
Edinburgh Fridays
I Absolute at Studio 24. I()pm 3am. £8 (£7). 2() Jul. 'I'rance. techno. hard house and all things hard with special guests Shah and Activa.
I Alternanthem at ()pium.
I()pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Night of rock and alternative anthems.
I Badaboom at Massa. I()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. The best in commercial Rth
and urban licks with guests from lXtra and Radio 1 flying in fortnightly.
I Bass Syndicate at the Bongo (‘lub. llpm 3am. £5. 2() Jul. It's a breaks vs house showdown as I'ltragroovcs's (iareth Sommcrville takes on the residents DJ Belivc and (i-Mac.
I Beatroot at ligo. I().3()pm 3am. £tbc. 2() Jul. Dirty ass house and funked tip techno from residents Ryan Turner and Ricky I’alys as they are joined by Alex Kenji. A&R man with Italian house label ‘)rccortls.
I Black Tape at Henry's ('cllar Bar. llptn 3am. £5 (£4). 27 Jul. A mix of indie. classic pop. rock. sotil. punk. electronica and hip hop. liarly' tracks and classic album cuts from the hands you love.
I Boombox at ligo. I().3()pm 3am.
£5 £6. 27 Jul. Nuklear Puppy-'s Jason (‘orte/ and I.uvely's Dean Newton with a special guest tbc.
I Club Classics at I’iv-o ('affe.
5pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Dance classics from Scott Iilliot. (‘raig (ice and (iav (irant.
I Cult at I’o .\'a .\’a. I()pm 3am. £2.50 before I lpm; £5 after. Weekly. DJ Nikki and friends dig tip the very best in ftmk. disco. R&B. house. kitsch classics and party jams at this cool dancclloor mash-up. >i< Departure Lounge at the (‘av es. I()pm 3am. £(i £8. 2() Jul. Another night of world beats. clectrojau and Latin rhythms as Departure Lounge are joined by DJ Junior with live sets from Sidewinder and Bristol Branch as the esteemed club celebrates its fourth birthday. Sec prev icvv. page 3|.
I DV8 at Spider"s Web (‘ellar Bar.
8pm lam. £l() (members £5; annual membership £l()). 27 Jul. I‘ctish club with Iiootman John. The dress code asks fora minimum of smart black dressvvcar and a general fetish wcar door policy.
I Evol at the Liquid Room.
I().3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. Iidinburgh’s longest running indie night. With the usual mix of the best cttrrcnt and classic alternative. crossover tunes. Iivol's an institution.
I Jackhammer at Iigo. l lpm 3am. £l() (£7). 20 .ltll. 'I‘cchno night hostctl by ('J Hardtime and (ice Dub with special guest 'I'echnasia.
I Lulu at I.u|u. 8pm 3am. l-‘rec before I lpm: £7 after. Weekly. Soul. house. funk. electro—disco and Latin from the likes (if (iarcth Sommervillc. lsltl Bligc. the Blond Flash and Danny 'l'enncnt.
I Maestoso at Shanghai. 0pm 3am. £3. Weekly. ('lub classics. chart anthems. dirty house and disco from DJ I‘iona.
I Misfits at the Hive. I lpm 3am. £2. Weekly. Indie. electro. punk. rock and retro vv ith bargain drinks and regular gig ticket giveaways. ('hcck vvvvvv.mislitsonline.co.uk for more info. I Modern Lovers at ligo. 1 (pm 3am. £4 before midnight; £(i after. 27 Jul. A post—modernist mix of soul and funk. ja/l. ska. garage and psyche provided by- residents (’raig Jamicson and .\Ir Divine. For more info check modernlovers.co.uk. I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge.
I()pm 3am. I'rce before midnight: £o after. Weekly. l‘unked tip vocal house and dance classics from Je/ Hill.
I Planet Earth at ('itrus (‘lub. I().3()pm 3am. I‘rce before I lpm; £5 after. Weekly. Music from (070 through to 198‘). In other words. a healthy dose of punk. new wave. new romantic and electro-pop (now with added ‘)()s).
I “Ed Alert at \VL‘L‘ RL‘tl Bill'.
I().3()pm 3am. £5 (£4). 2() Jul. Drum & bass and breaks from DJ Alcanc. JI. Bloco and .-\croplanc Dope.
I Restless & Amnezia at Studio 34. I()pm 3am. £8. 27 Jul. l-‘unky techno. electro and breaks upstairs with harder techno and hardcore downstairs.
34 THE LIST (9 Jul—Q Aug 2007