I Tessmarka Banncrnian‘x. \iddt'} Strcct. 55o 32510.3(lpm. £-1. (irccn Day/loo l‘ightcrx-xt} lc \Ulllltl\ l'roin thix l'.\\c‘\ uttartct.
I Elliot Minor 'l‘hc (’atliouxc. l5 l'nion Strcct. 248 (iotio. 7pm. £8. ()\ct‘- l~1x \lttm. limo l\ltl\ lront York nanicd altcr thcir piano.
>I< Hadouken! and Does it Offend you Yeah? ('laxsic (irand. l8 Jamaica Strcct. 8-17 (1820. 7pm. S()l.l) ()l'l. ()\ct‘- l-1\ \hoxx. Boile‘l‘Ulh. l)a} ~(ilo ct‘c\\ lrorn l.ahndan coinhining gritnc and ncu \\a\ c to producc thc hit \onnd ol' mm. \Vill haw gonc out of laxhion h} thc litnc )ou ha\ c linixhcd rcading thix hltirh. Scc prcx icu. pagc o().
I The Milight Sad, Endor and Andrea Marini ()ran .\tor. 731 73.5 (iron! \chtcrn Road. 357 (320(1. 7.30pm. £(i. .lo} l)i\i\iott/.\l_\ Blood) \alcntinc- inl‘lucnccd outlit gaining lawnrahlc column inchcx at thc inontcnt. ’url of Mir lli'xl lim/ l‘i'.\llt'(l/.
I Acoustic Butterfly, Dorian, Lynne McIntosh and Stephen McLaren Bm. >13l Sanchichall Strcct. 332 543 I. 3pm. l’rcc. ()rganic. harmonic (ilaxgon hand.
I Numberoneforsympathy, Call to Mind, Sonorous and Albino Monk Bal'l'l}. 2N) (‘l_\‘dc SII'L‘L‘I. ()870 0117 (190‘). 8pm. £5. .'\_\l'\llll'L‘ alt.rockcr\ hcadlinc llllx hill.
I Quinn King llll.\ \Vah \Vah llttt. 272a St \inccnl Strcct. 22l 527‘). Spin. to. l)rcatn_\ trip-pop l‘rorn ('luh 'l‘roinolo llt\\l\ Quinn.
I Songs for Sail 'l‘chai ()\ na. lot) l)can\ton l)ri\c. 0-11) 7258. 8pm. £2. (ittitarx and \oicc.
I The Wave, The Last Project, The Young Hips and The Shows Barll} lllp\l;lll'\l. 2(ill (’l_\dc Strcct. (1870 ()0? (NW). 8pm. £5. Rock'n'xonl qtiintct lrotn Mothcrucll.
I Uni and Her Ukelele ’l‘chai ()\ na. -12 ()tago lanc. 35-7 «152-18prn. £2. l.i\c lllll\lc‘.
I The Vivians, Hazy, The Nintendos and Some 1’s Son ('apitol. «163 Saucliichall Strcct. 33| W40. Spin. l-‘iw-piccc lidinhurgh glatn punk lroupc 'l'hc \'i\ litlh pla_\ thix (‘apitol Rockx night.
I Wake the President attd Dead Beat Club (‘otticr'x 9.3 U5 ll}ndland Strcct. 357 5825. 8pm. l‘rcc. .\lclodic llltllC pnple‘t'x \Vakc lllL‘ l’l'L‘\ltlL‘lll punt lhcir ncu lilcctric llonc} \inglc at llil\ Vixamclodica night. Part of I/It’ ll'm/ lim/ I'i'xll’t'iil.
I Cherry Ghost \icc‘n‘Slca/y. 12] Sattchichall Strcct. 333 (Not). 3.30pm. £7. .-\|l.cottntr_\ in thc Sparklchorxc will limit .\lanchc\lcr.
I Anna Meldrum Bcanxccnc. I305 .\t'g}lc Strcct. 357 434”. ‘lpm. l’rcc. l-"olk-inxpircd \ingct‘/\ong\\t‘ilct' l'rom (ilaxgou.
I External Menace and Rough Mute Blacklt‘tarx. 3h llcll Slrcct. 552 502-1. 9pm. l.i\ c lilll\iL‘ at punk night Ratx.
I Magma Child Bar Bloc. I I7 Bath Sll'L‘L‘l. 57-1 ()(l()(i. 9pm. i'il'L‘L‘. (ilttxxic rock \\ ith a \onll'nl cdgc. likc l.cd /.cp lHL‘L‘l\ (ionicl.
I Skaters, Dead Meat Duo and Heather Leigh |3th .\'otc cure. 50 ()0 King Strccl. 553 M38. ()pltl. £3. ‘l’\_\chcdclic tntn‘lx' and lrcc ia// l'ront Skttlt‘t‘x.
I Standard Lamp Sessions lhc Halt Bar. Hill \Voodlantlx Road. 352 ‘)‘)‘)(i. ()pni. l‘rcc. Acouxtic
\ingcr/xongu ritcr night \\ ith act\ to hc conlirnicd.
I Theoretical Girl (ilaxgtm School ol .\rt. “)7 chlrcu Strcct. 353 ~153l. llptn. £-1t£3/£l (ESAL liight-track clcclro lollx pop lront 'l‘(i. pla} ing at Rccord l’la}cr/.
I Bo Diddley [lillt' l't‘l‘l'}. .'\lltlt‘l'\l()ll ()ua). 'I'hc lit'oonticltm, nlmx Ann oxfi. ('.'\.\( ‘l'il .l .l'.l ). Still.
I Mike Kearney and The Glebes 'l‘hc .Iatn llouxc. 5 ancn Strcct. 220 4380. 7pm. l‘rcc. Funk and ja/l} piano l'rotn Kcarnc) lollrmcd h) pop L‘U\L‘l'\ l'roni llcdl'ord lallx.
I The Mules (’ahat‘cl Voltairc. 3o 38 Blair Strcct. 22H ()l7(i. Tprn. U). Midnight from a hand \\llo \a} thc) likc hoth \ortx ol' lllll\lL’ cottntr) and \xcxtcrn.
I Fence Club 'l‘hc ('axcx. \iddr} Strcct South. 557 808‘). 8pm 3am.
£7 £3. ilhllC l‘t‘lit‘c (.Ullc‘c‘llu‘ [illl lllL‘lt' hcads togcthcr l'or llilx ncu cluh night ol' li\ c ltlll\lc and UL all \\ ith a l-cncc attitttdc. l.i\c actx l'or thix \ccond night. inclttdc 'l‘hc l’ictixh 'l‘t'ail. Adrian
('rou lc}. \lagic .'\l'lll. ‘l‘hc 'l'hrcc ('rau \ and inorc.
I Jacobs Pillow ()ctopux Diamond. 37 (iuthric Strcct. 225 074-1. 8pm. £3. l.i\c nittxic.
I North Atlantic Oscillation and Paranoid Monkeys llcnr} \ ('cllar Bar. 8 loa .\lorri\on Strcct. 228 0393. Spin. £-1. l’ttrc pop and clcctronica.
I Inertia Avenue Banncrtnan‘x. \iddr} Strcct. 55o 3251. 03(1an £4. lndic and rock \\ ith inorc actx thc.
I Jo Mango, Emmy the Great and Noah the Whale Kihhlc l’alacc. (ila\:_'o\\ Botanic (iardcnx. 731) (ircat \chtcrn Road. 331 2122. 7pm. £8. lintcrprixing local \ingcr/xonguritcr hcadlincx thix holhonxc gig. l’urr o/ Illt' 11i'\f lim/ l'i'x/I’utl.
I Riders on the Storm and Ricky Warwick (‘arling :\cadctn_\ (il;t\gti\\, l2l liglinton Strccl. 087“ "7| 2000. "pm. £25. ()\cr- l4x \lttm. liortncr l)oot‘\ Ra} Harvard and Rohh} Kricgcr run through thcir lllllllt‘th hack catalogtic “ith a liltlc hclp lront gttcxt \ocalixt lirctt Scallionx. l'ortncrl) ol' l-‘ucl.
I The Tracks ‘i‘llt‘ l‘t‘l'l'}. :\lltlL‘l'\lUll Qua}. lhc lh‘oonticlau. ntmx 3M) ()85. ~’ptn. £5. liight piccc rock'n'roll and \otll hand launch thcir nc\\ \inglc.
#5 Xzibit Barron land. 2.1‘1 (iallougatc. 552 ~1(»l)l. 7pm. £l‘). ()\cr~ l~1\ \hou. \cht ('oaxt tap \ltlt‘ “ho llU\l\ .\ll\' \L‘t‘lL‘\ I’rlllp .1/\' It’ll/(2 SL‘C 5 RL‘;I\UII\. pagc ()0. I The Fortunate Sons lhc Bttttcrl'l} k thc l’ig. I53 Bath Strcct. 22l 77l l, 7.30pm. l’rcc. Scc l’ri X.
I The Apple Scrufts, The Ideals, The Movement and The Series Earth. 2N) ('l}dc Strcct. (1870 “()7 (NW). 3pm. £5. l.ll‘L‘t‘llllL‘\-ithplll‘tl tuncagc l'l'tllll lliL‘ llL‘;ttlllllCl'\.
I Big Vern & The Shootahs ()ran .\lor. 73l 735 (it‘cal \\'c\lcrn Road. 357 (i200. 8pm. £l(). (ilaxgou‘x lilllt‘x Brotlicrx outlil roll out thc rhylnn‘n‘hlticx lamuritcx. Purl o/ I/Ir' lli'xl I-[m/ li'xll’t'ul.
I Bismarck, Serve Chilled, Varna, The Red Lights and The Delgetti liarl'l} lllp\l;tll‘\l. 2M) (’l_\dc Strcct. (1370 Vt)? (NW). 8pm. ('I) launch tor Hixniarck. I A Celebration of Wurdz 'I‘hc :\nnc\c. 0a Stcnam illc Strccl. l’ill'llk‘h. 357 ()7-17. 8pm. £8, li‘ulllt'lllg‘ pcrlortnanccx l'roni .v\darn McNaughton and HM c (iihh. l’ur/ o/ [la lli’xl lim/ I'm/ml.
I Coco Rosie and Rio En Medios lllL' :\l’£'llL‘\. 2.5.3 :\l'f_"\ lt‘ Sll'L‘L‘l. (1370 2-1() 7528. 8pm. £l5. l.o-li clcctronica. hip hop. torch hlttcx and childlikc opcraticx conthinc in thc (‘oco Roxic \Ulllltl. Support lrotn nkclclc-hrandixhing pcrlortncr lrotn tltc Slalcx.
I The Felt Tips llrcl. 3‘) .13 :\\llltill l.anc. 342 -1‘)(i(i. Xprn. l'rcc. \Varining indic pop quartcl \tho incl in tirnc honourcd rock‘n'roll laxhion uhcn thcir kitc \lringx got cntanglcd on l.arg\ hcacli. l’ill'! o/ I/n' 112w! lim/ l'i'tlit'ttl.
I The Vibe, The Spirals, Abel and Soviet Bo\. -13l Sattchichall Strcct. 332 5~13|. Spin. l'rcc. .\lc|odic indic rock.
I Goodbye Stranger Satnucl l)o\\ \. (i7 7| \illixdalc Road. ‘123 llllli‘. 3.30pm. l’rcc. l,i\c lllll\lt‘.
1 The intrinsic sadness of The Twilight Sad’s
.. '2 music is Ike that of Interpol in that it isn’t pathetic or whiney in a Smashing Pumpkins no-one-understands-me- kind-of-way, more a measured graceful melancholy. Concerning themselves with dying rabbits and knives in chests, intoning in marvellous thick Scottish accents, their debut album Fourteen Autumn and Fifteen Winters is a masterful record that comes out without reference to anything the slightest bit zeitgeisty. Cleansing, coruscating rock concerned with dark matters. 5:31 11/03? [Ino’ li‘osarva/rziOmri Moi; Glasgow. Thu 7-1 Jun.
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