T-Rex 3D tl't (Brett Leonard. IS. 1998) 40min. Ama/ing looking lMAX moy'ie about a father and daughter in danger from a \ icioux carniyoroux dinoxaur. (ireat lun. [WAX I‘llt’tlll‘l’. (i/mguu. TMNT tl’(it .0. (Key in Munroe. l'S. 2007i \‘oicex (ii-JRUHCS Arnold Taylor. Mikey Kelley. .\'olan North. 80min. 'l‘hoxe 'Ii'muei' .llulim! Mir/u 'l'urrlizx are hack. .xouped up yyith 3D animation and looking pretty l‘earxome. (iood dexign and excellent light xequencex hay e replaced a lot of the humour of the original and make thix \yorth catching. .xurprixingly. limp/11' (Yule/innit. (Yule/rank. Taking Liberties l 12m .00 1(‘hrix Atkinx. l'K. 2007) 105mm. See rey ieyy. page 40. ('umm l'filnilnu'gli. Tales from the Edge: The Glasgow Girls 1 12A) tl.indxay Hill. l‘K. 2007) (30mm. A programme made by young people in (ilaxgoyy yylio \yerc .xtirred mto campaigning agaian current axy Ium procedurex alter their l'riend \y'ax taken away by immigration authoritiex in a ‘dayy n raid‘. i‘itillti“ ed by a dixcttxxioti. l'i/m/quyt’. Iii/inhurgli. Tell No One (Ne Le Dis a Personne) t lSi O... i(}uillaume ('anet. l’rance. 200m lirancoix ('Iu/ct. Mari-Joxee ('ro/e. Nathalie Baye. 125mm. See mtery ieyy. page 41 and Alxo Releaxed. page 43. (Mimi and .yr'lt't'lul cinemas. >21 Ten Canoes 1 1M .000 (Roll dc lleer. Auxtralia. 200m ('i'uxoe Kurddal. Jamie (iulphill. l)a\id (illlplllll. 02min. See intery ieyy'. page 42. (i/mgmi I'i/m ‘l’ln'um: (i/uygmi. The Terminatori Int 0000 Cameron. l‘S. I‘m-1) Arnold Schuar/enegger. Michael Biehn. Linda Hamilton. 107mm. In 202‘) machincx hay e all but conquered the planet bill a xa\ iour ix at hand in the form of a neyy hutnan leader. The machinex rexpond hy .xending Schyyar/eiieggei'\ cyborg back in time to Int-<4 on it lltixxitm It) kill lltL‘ lutttt‘e letttlet‘\ mother. lnyentiye. excitineg paced xciencc liction adyenture yy itli a notable performance from Arnie in hix lirxt \‘illainoux role. (‘im'n'urltl [climbing/i. Iz'ilr'rilim'g/i. =31 They Might Be Giants ll’(il 0... (Anthony llaryey. l’S. l‘)7li (ieorge (' Scott. Joanne Woodyyard. Jack (iillot‘d. 98min. 'l'he xuggextiye relationxhip hetyy een Sherlock llolmex and Watxon ix taken to itx logical concluxion ax the characterx are tranxpoxed to l‘)70x Ne“ York for a romantic comedy of xell-deluxion. in which Jttxtin I’laylair/llolmex (Scotti hax a pxychotic dixorder and Dr Mildred Watxon t\\'ood\yardi ix hix pxy chiatrixt. l)ated but enjoyath quirky pxychobahhle comedy held together by tyyo great leadx. Part of Six ol' the Bext: They Might Be (iiantx: ()ther Voicex ol .\'eyy .-\merican ('inema. film/mine. [flint/Hugh. This is England I 13: 00.. (Shane Meadoyy x. l'K. 200m 'I‘homax 'l'tll'gtitixe‘ Stephen (iraham. Jo llartley. l02min. Lonely Shaun t'l‘urgooxei. a ll-yearV-old boy growing up in the era of 'l‘hatcherixm. race riotx and The lialklandx War. lallx lll \y ith .xkinheadx. 'l‘hix ix a heautil'ully characterixed and realixed morality tale about yyhat happenx yy hen l'undamentally decent beliel xy xtcmx get reinterpreted by moronx but it beginon t'titi out olxtcam in itx linal third. Selected I't'lr'uyc’. Threads ( ISi 0.. (Mick Jackxon. l’K. 198M Karen Meagher. Reexe l)inxdale. 1 10min. Twenty years xincc it \y ax lirxt xltoyy'tt on TV thix documentary xty le account of a fictional nuclear bomb altermath m Slieilield xtill .xltockx. .laekxon l'olloyyx an to erage l'amily through the total breakdown of xociety to xtate ol' anarchy. l’art ol~ What It xeaxott. (i/uwmt' I‘ll/ll 'Iiltt'ulri'. (i/uygmi. The Tiger’s Tail 1 IX) .00 (John Boorman. Ireland. 2007) Brendan (ileexon. Kim ('attrall. ('iaran llindx. 100mm. l.iam ()‘l.eary ((ileexottl loxex ltix identity to hix identical In in in a erl indulgent moral lable about the lrixh economic boom and hoyy itx henelitx hay e heen dixtrihuted xtarx. 'l‘he camcrayyork. xcore and many ol the perlormancex are terrilic but much ol the dialogue and action ix drab and uncony incing: another llayy ed but arresting l’oihle l‘rom Boorman. Selected I‘('/('(1.\('.


28 Weeks Later . . . 1 no 0..

(Juan (‘ztt'lox l‘it‘exnztdillt). l'K. 2007) Roxe Byrne. Harold l’errineau. Robert (‘arly le. 90min. Mainland Britain. decimated by a rage y irux in Danny Boy le'x 2003 xleeper hit 38 ])(l_\.\ Lam . . . ix being repopulated under the control of the IS military (and a new director). 01' courxe the quarantine ix broken. by lily liy'ered l)on t('arly lei, and lombie madnexx enxuex. lt'x a pacy. dirty. hloody B-moy ie but .xurely no one needx another helping 28 monthx later. (imi'ml I'('/¢'(l.\('.

Vacancy I l5) 0. (Nimrod Antal. l'S. 2007) Kate Beckinxale. Luke \Vilxon. Kym Styx. 84mm. See Alxo Releaxed. page 42. General I't'lt'uxr'.

Video Cuts tlil (\‘arioux. l'K. 3007M xcreening ol MA liine Art & Pg Dip l-‘ine Art video work. (‘( ‘3‘. (iluygmi'.

Water t 13A) 0.. tl)cepa Meltta. (‘anmla/India. 2005i Sarala. l.i.xa Ray. Seema Bixyy ax. l l7min. 'l‘he 'Ioronto-haxed Indian tilmmaker deliyerx the final part ol~ her elementx trilogy. Set in 1938. eight year~old ('huy ia (Saralai. already a \y idoyy, ix xent to an Axhram run by a dexpotic old lat \yontati Madhumati (Manormai. The tilm‘x making yy ax delay ed by controyerxy. and the rexult l‘eelx xliglitly compromixed but remainx a riyeting tearjerker yyith .xtumiing \ ixualx. l-ilniliutm'. Ifrlinlmreli.

Wedding Daze l 15) O. tMichael lan Black. US. 3007) Jaxon Biggx. lxla l-‘ixher. 91min. lnlantile romantic comedy in yy hich the charmingly gormlexx Anderxon (Biggxt propoxex to hix xyyeetheart. xhe dropx dead. he propoxex to the li\ ing Katie tl‘ixheri. xhe xay x yex. 'l‘hey court. meet the parentx and tttoy‘e in together in 48 hourx llttl. While the letttlx are Iikeahle L‘tttiuglt. lltls nuptialx romcom i.x lar trom lrexh. (it'm'ru/ I‘(’/('U.\('.

Wheel to Reel t IZA) t\'arioux. \‘ariotix. 2007) 90mm. A xelection ol' ayyard yy inning and local .xhortx about cycling from the 2007 Bike Film and Animation Ayyardx. Part of lidinhurgh Bike Week l’ilm liextiyal. l'l/Hl/lrlll.\('. [climbing/i.

Why We Fight t lit tliugene Jarecki. l’SA/l’rance/l 'K/( ‘anada/l )cnmark. 3005) ‘Nmin. Taking itx cue from [Night I) liixeiilioyyer\ yyarning ol a burgeoning ‘military induxtrial complex'. Jarecki’x critical dwumentary examinex the xtatux ol the [S military oyer the laxt 50 yearx and the 2003 myaxion of Iraq. xl('l:’. I'.'tli/i/>iu:eli. The Wild tl't .0 (Stew \Villiamx. l'S. 200m Kiel'er Sutherland. Jamex Beluxhi. liddie lHard. Janeane (iarolalo. «Mmm. A lormulaic xtory about a lather and xon failing to bond hecatixe ol' the prexxure to be macho. We can we lioyy thix yy ill pan out the moment we meet Ryan the lion cub, yyho planx to excape Neyy York Zoo and learn to roar like his dad. Selected release.

Wild Hogs t |2:\l 0 Hyatt Becker. l'S. 2007i lllll Allen. John 'l’rayolta. Martin l.ayy rence. William ll Macy. 09min. liour middle-aged men tAllen. ‘l'rayolta. l.a\yrence. Macy t indulge a mid-Iil'e crixix by taking their ‘hogx' tmotorcyclexi on a trip to the Pacific coaxt only to become entangled \y ith a mean biker gang in a comic adyenture \y ith not a leyy xmnlaritiex to ( ‘Iry' Slu’kcry. ShUH't'llhl' ('I'Iu'mil. ('uul/U‘u/L'r'. (i/rly L’UH',’ Slimiulu' (’im'mu. l’uiy/m. l’uiylijy. YaTube: The Leith Agency’s Film Competition ilii mix-roux. t'K. mm A prey ieyy ol‘ xltot‘llixletl etttt’iex and ayyat'tlx ceremony lor the one minute lilm competition. l’ur! u/ I/Ir' /.(’!I/l l'i'ylii'ul. 'l‘lic' (irunurt'. Iii/inliureh.

=3: Zizek! l is. oooo tAxtra lay lor. l'S‘. 2005) 81mm. See rey ieyy. page 4 1. Glasgow I'll/III 'l‘ltr'ull‘r'. (i/tlwmt.

Zodiac t l5! 0... tl)a\ id l‘mcher. l'S. 2007) Jake (iy llenhaal. Mark Rullalo. Robert l)o\\ney Jr. l57mm. 'l‘rue lil'e crnne thriller yyhich lolloyyx lnxpector l)a\ id ‘l‘oxchi (Rutlaloi and alcoholic juttt‘tlalixl Paul A\ cry tl)oyyney Jri ax they try to dixcoy er the identity of the /.odiac killer. Ax the quext ruinx the cat'eerx of all ll]\t)l\ ed in it. San l‘l'ttttc‘ixc‘o (’ltt‘ottiele earloontxl Robert

(iray xiiiitli t(iy llenhaali hegmx to unray el the cryptic mexxagcx. 'l‘hix police procedural ttioy ie ix the St'7t'll director's Ittoxt adult and mature. rather than hix moxt entertaining. work to date. (it'm'm/ releuxc.


ET STUCK IN “5727 AUGUST ~2007


(1"t>.,'g;i‘ Fox" vol

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7»21 Jun 2007 THE LIST 51