I Coholic, The Valiums and Kudos Bannerman's. .\'iddry Street. 556 3254. 9.30pm lam. £4. A triple hill of local indie-rockers.
I Rock at the Racecourse Ayr Racecourse. 2 Whitletts Road. 01292 264 179. 7 10.30pm. £20. l‘amous for classic hits such as ‘Dignity' and ‘(‘hocolate (iirl'. Scotpop favourites Deacon Blue headline this concert with support from folk-rockers The Saw Doctors and Kieran Docherty. Part of Burns (m ' u ' Thu/f
Isle of Skye
3:1 The Isle of Skye Music Festival Bt‘oatlfortl. 08700 600 I00. Times vary. Day ticket £50 (weekend inc camping £85). Sec l’ri 25. See preview. page 55.
I Idlewild Dean ('astlc (‘ountry Park. [)ean Road. 01563 522702. 7pm. £5. Scots indie rockers. putting in a special intimate acoustic show show. I’m“! of Burns an ' u Thal.’
I Le Weekend Festival 'l‘olhooth. Jail Wynd. 01786 274000. 'l‘imes vary. £10--£l5 (weekend £25 £35). See Fri 25. See preview. page 56.
I The Acoustic Barbecue ('apitol. 468 Sauchiehall Street. 331 1040. 5pm. £5. Batik lloliday Sunday venture featttring two acoustic acts playing just outside Capitol. followed hy four hands the playing inside the venue.
I Burnt Island Brel. 39 43 Ashton Lane. 342 4966. 6.30pm. Free. lil Rancho Relaxo night featuring Burnt Island. a new folksy duo featuring ex- Single Point of Light singer and now successful novelist Rodge (ilass.
I Fu Manchu and Valiant Thorr 'l‘hc ('athouse. l5 l'nion Street. 248 6606. 7pm. £10. ()ver-14s show. llairy stoner rock heavy weights from (’alifornia.
I Gary Moore (‘arling Academy (ilasgow. 121 liglinton Street. 0870 771 2000. 7pm. £25. The ex-Thin l.i//y axcman shows off some of his crazy licks.
I Head Automatica 'l‘he (iarage. 490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 1 120. 7pm. Let's hope llcad Autornatica make it to (ilasgow this time after previous appearances have been postponed due to singer Daryl Palumho‘s ill health.
I The Sundowns, Southpaw and God Fearing Athiests The Arches. 253 Argyle Street. 0870 240 7528. 7.30pm. £5. l.ive country rock at the liirst Waltl. Scottiin Americana showcase plus DJs from the llellfire (lab and lil Rancho Relaxo. l’ur! oft/1c (i/us’gmv Americana I'k'slivul.
I Benny Gallagher St Andrew’s in the Square. St Andrew's Square. 559 5902. 8pm. £14 (£12). A songwriter of sheer class whose songs have heen covered hy Bryan Ferry. Don Williams. (iarth Brooks. Phil livcrley' and Simon 8; (larfunkel.
I The Capella and Catcher Box. 431 Sauchiehall Street. 332 5431. 8pm. l’ree. Local pop/rock.
I From Autumn to Ashes, Drop Dead Gorgeous and Cry for Silence King 'l‘ut's Wah Wah llttt. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8pm. £9. ()ver- 14s show. lixtremo hand from Long Island supported hy a screamo outfit from Denver.
I Mia Beane 8. the Asthmatic Scene, Bela and Ally Kerr (‘ouier's. 93 95 llyndland Street. 357 5825. 8pm. l’r‘ee. Kerr's Vivamelodica acoustic night featuring the fragile songs of Icelandic sitiger/songwriter Bela.
I The Valor, The Korovas, Little Fire and The Hardy Souls Barfly.
64 THE LIST '/4 May- -/' Jon ?()0/'
The whole thing about the good dying young leaves
anyone with a reasonably rugged constitution looking like a heel or a faker. Not so here as the seemingly impervious Peter Perrett leads The Only Ones back to the stage after a break of almost 25 years. They’re best know for the awe-inspiring ‘Another Girl Another Planet’, and while they’ve been gathered up in the floor sweepings of time with punk and new wave, their sound owed as much to the slippery skills of Television and the swagger of Johnny Thunders as it did the ragged thunder of the Pistols. Word is they’ve still got it and while they might not look like this anymore chances are they still sound like it.
ABC. Glasgow. Sat 2 Jun.
260 ('lyde Street. 0870 907 (1999. 8pm. £5. Melodic indie rock.
I Viva Stereo ()ran Mor. 731 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 6200. 8pm. £5. See Sat 26.
I KTL Nice’n‘Slca/y. 421 Sauchiehall 3”ch 333 0900. 8.30pm. Aka Stephen ()‘Malley of slowcore outfit Sunn 0))1. I The Bucky Rage, The Rohpysters, Charlie Rivers 8. the Boatmen and The Neverland Sleepovers 13th Note (are. 50 60 King Street. 553 1638. 9pm. £3. Slca/y. hlucsy rock’n‘roll sounds.
I Co-Exist, Broken Oath, Secta Rouge, Bonesaw and Tabasco Fiasco Suhway ('owgate. 69 ('owgate. 225 6766. 5pm. £6. lluge hill of hardcore. tnetal and rock will) more lhc. I Squid Crystal Sundays ()ctoptis Diamond. 37 (iuthric Street. 225 9744. 7pm lam. l‘t‘ec. A free Sunday evening extravagan/a with live hands (to he confirmed) and the lley‘ Zeus? DJs.
I The Sound Station Sunday Session The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 226 4380. 8pm. Prices £thc. .\'ew showcase of young acts. with at least four hands per week.
I POTSO, Black River Falls and Captain Magenta Banncrman’s. .\'iddry Street. 556 3254. 9.30pm lam. £4. A trio of local indie-rock acts.
I Hobo The Bongo ('luh. Moray llottsc.
37 lloly‘rootl Road. 558 7604.
10pm 3am. £3. live music and alternative disco for justified sinners‘. Live acts include Broken Records and Billy l.iar (27 May).
I Burns an’ a’ That! Festival Gala :\y't' Racecourse. 2 \Vllillclls Road. 01292 264 179. 7pm. £20. The Orchestra of the Scottish ()pera. conducted hy (iarry Walker. with special guests Karen Matheson. Phil ('unningham and Wet Wet Wet’s Marti l’cllow. l’ur! u/Burm (m ' u ' 'I'llulf
I The MacDonald Brothers The licstival ('luh. Bon \'i\ant Spiegeltcnt. Wellington Square. 7pm. £10. X l'ilt‘lur underdogs hring their Proclaimers-like act to town. l’url nfh’urns un'u 'I’lmlf
I Le Weekend Festival 'l‘olhooth. Jail Wynd. ()1786 274000. 'l‘imcs vary. {l0 [1.5 (weekend £25 £5.51. See l'l‘l 2.5. See prey icw, page 56.
Monday 28
I Paramore .v\B('. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £10. ()ver-14s show. l"emale-fronted poppy emo hunch from 'l‘cnncssec.
I Acoustic Jam Nic‘e‘ii‘Slea/y. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 8pm. l‘rce. Weekly showcase for local songwriters performing original material.
I Josh Groban Sli(‘(‘: (‘lyde Auditorium. l’innicston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 8pm. £25 £35. (lrammy- nominated .-\mcrican sitiger/songwriter known for his baritone voice.
I Mark Olsen Brel. 39 43 Ashton Lane. 342 4966. 8pm. £10. Special. intimate show from the ex-Jay haw ks
I The Young Guns and Stopstartaccelerator! Box. 431 Sauchiehall Street. 332 5431. 8pm. liree. (irungey rock.
I G Love 8: Special Sauce and The Martin Harley Band King 'l‘ut’s Walt Wah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8.30pm. £12.50. Rootsy. hlucsy influences and hip hop rhythms come together in (i Love's funky Philadelphian sound.
I Bronto Skylift Bar Bloc. 1 17 Bath Street. 574 6066. 9pm. l‘ree. three— minute power pop punk from BS. Edinburgh
I Ben Taylor ('aharet Voltaire. 36 38
Blair Street. 220 ()l7(). 7pm. £10. The son of James 'l'ay for and (‘arly Simon
inherits the family husincss. despite originally aspiring to he a gardener.
I The Dexter Jones Circus Orchestra llenry“s (‘ellar Bar. 8-—l6a Morrison Street. 228 9393. 8pm. £thc. ('lassic prog rawk hoogie from Sweden. I Open Mic Whistlehinkies. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5| 14. 9pm. Free. Just turn tip and perform.
I My Own Religion, State of Affairs and Cole Appleyard Bannerman‘s. .\'iddry Street. 556 3254. 9.30pm lam. £4. (lrunge-influenced local acts.
Tuesday 29
I Cole Appleyard, State of Affairs, James Keegans and Rose Parks Barfly (upstairs). 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £6. lndie punk’n'roll from State of Affairs.
I Glasgow Songwriters Blackfriars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. 8pm. Free. l-‘ortnightly gathering of the musicians‘ collective with featured artists. open mic and a strict original material policy.
I The Magic Carpet Cabaret 'l‘chai ()vna. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. Jim McAteer presents a night of songwriters and hands.
I Bosshoss and The Fortunate Sons King 'l‘ut‘s Wah Wah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8.30pm. £7. (ierman cowboys. Whatever next'.’
I Swedish Polar Bears Nice’n’Slea/y. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 8.30pm. Jangling indie pop from this Swedish quartet.
I Bayan and Leaves Bar Bloc. l 17 Bath Street. 574 6066. 9pm. lirce. Bayan's mcmhers hail from Italy. the Philippines and Scotland and their sound hlends 60s garage and hossa nova influences.
I Corey Conradi Beansccne. 38- 42 Woodlands Road. 352 9800. 9pm. Free. Norwegian crooner and actor. hig hack home.
I Desolation Yes, Technophobes and The Makos 13th Note Cafe. 50-60 King Street. 553 1638. 9pm. Industrial techno pop from DY.
I Steven Carey Band, Simon Kempson, Paul Gladwell and The Rain Parade ()ctopus Diamond. 37 (ittthric Street. 225 9744. 7pm- lam. £3. The Secret Melody Store present a selection of Scottish tunesmiths.
I Calvin Harris ('aharet Voltaire.
36 38 Blair Street. 220 6176. 7pm. S()1.D()l"l'. 'l‘he fast~rising Dumfries hedroom hoffin (touted as the new Mylo) brings his electro sounds to town. Listen out for the catchy hits ‘Acceptahle in the 80s‘ and "I‘hc (iirls’ from forthcoming alhum. I ('rmml Dis-m.
I Connecting Flight, Dead or American and Refuse Boy llenry‘s ('ellar Bar. 8 16a Morrison Street. 228’ 9393. 8pm. £5 (£4). Headliners ('onnecting l-‘light are an electronically enhanced Liverpool rock hand.
I Band Showcase Whistlehinkies.
4 6 South Bridge. 557 5114. 9pm. Free. (‘all in advance for a gig.
Wednesday 30
I Emily Haines 8. the Soft Skeleton and Michael Andrews ()ran Mor. 731 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 6200. 7pm. £8. (‘anadian sitiger/songwriter. also known as a frontwoman for Metric and Broken Social Scene.
I LAP, a Thousand Desires, Kobayashi, Psyko Dalek and Archangel’s Revenge Rockers. 14 Midland Street. 221 0726. 7pm. £5. Post- hardcore and cum hill headlined hy‘ Mancunian power trio.
I Movies with Heroes The (‘athouse. l5 l'nion Street. 248 6606. 7pm. £6. ()ver- 14s show. Pennsylvanian emo contenders.