Castle Douglas

I World Ceilidh Knockcngorroch Farm. (‘arsphairtL ()1644 460662. 10am 3am. £50 £55 (childrctt 11-15 £25: childrcn ttndcr l2 l’rcc). Scc 1-‘ri 18.


I Fiddle Workshop Pathhcad \'illagc “all. Main Strcct. 2 4pm. £10. Amy (icddcs lcads this workshop liot‘ Iovvcr/itttcrmcdiatc pla)‘cr‘s.

I Amy Geddes & Sandy Wright and Gina Rae Quartet l’atltlicatl \r'illagc llall. Main Strcct. 7.30pm. £8 (£5). ()nc of Scotland's l'orcmost liddlcrs. (icddcs joins vvith brilliant guitarist and .singcr Wright. Rac is a top-notch _izt/,/-oricntcd singcr.


I The 100 Pipers Scottish Pipe Band Championships l.cvcn (irovc Park. \Vood)‘at‘d Road. (1138‘) 738762. ‘)atn 5pm. l'rcc. A fantastic da} of colour. .spcctaclc and (tin with pipc hands visiting from all ovcr liuropc to compctc. pltts tun fairs. stalls and


I Strings 8: Buttons (‘al'c‘ (‘ossachok. Rttssian ('ultural (‘cntrc. 38 Albion Strcct. 5530733. ‘)pm. £5 (£3). Spanish and Russian instrutncntal picccs l'rom accordion attd violin dtto (icorgic attd :\ndrca (iaijic.

Castle Douglas

I World Ceilidh Knockcngorroch l‘ttl‘ltt. ('arsphairn. ()1644 460662. 10am 3am. £50 £55 (cltildrcn 11-15 £25; childrcn ttndcr 12 inc). Scc Fri 18.


I Shower of Banjos ()ctoptts Diamond. (iuthric Strcct. 225 ‘)744. 8pm. £3. Scc Mon 14.


I Emily Smith l.cith Polk (‘luh ’l'ltc Village. South liort Strcct. 478 7810. 7.30pm. £5. Young avvard-vvinning pianist/accordionist and singcr.

I Ceilidh Club 'l‘hc 1.ot. (irassmarkct. 225 22‘)‘). 8pm. £6. Scc 'l'uc 1.5. .\1tlsic lit'ollt 11cc1icgolccric .

Wednesday 23


I Michael Simons 'l‘chai ()vna. l)canston l)riv c. 64‘) 7258. 8pm. £2. SL‘C \Vc‘tl 16.


I CCF Pipes and Drums Beating Retreat 'lltc lisplanadc lidinhurgh (‘astlc. Royal .\1i1c. 225 ‘)846.

8 8.30pm. lircc. '1‘hc comhittcd Pipcs and Drum of thc Scottish ('(‘15 in a mini tattoo. vvith piping. drumming and Highland dancing.

I Cathie Ryan Band titlinhurgh 1-‘o1k (‘1tih. ('aharct Bar. 'l‘hc Plcasancc. 650 2458. 8pm. £8 (£5 £7). Purc vocals and .sclli-pcnncd songs l'rom tltc glossy 1rish/Amcrican c‘X-(ltct‘lslt tltc l.adics vocalist. tottrittg hcr latcst alhum 'l‘hc 1";tt‘thc‘st Wat-c.


I Dave Gibb l.i\'c at the Star. St Andrcvv‘s in tltc Squarc. St Andrcvv’s Squarc. 55‘) 5‘)02. 8pm. £6 (£4). Popular local .singcr/gttitarist.

I National Youth Pipe Band Royal ('onccrt llall. Sattclticltall Strcct. 353 8000. 7pm. £15. 1"il'tv'ttl'tltc hcst voting pipcrs attd drummcrs itt thc vvholc of Scotland.


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Carol Main.


I Albert Herring RSI-fill), l()() Rcttlrcvs Strcct. 332 5057. 7.15pm. £18 (£14). A tintid _\oung man's dcspcralc attcntpts to cscapc thc Slllltk‘ullttg small- tovvn cnvirontncnt in vvltich hc vvas raiscd act as thc hackhonc to Bcnjamin Brittcn's povvcrtul attd tragic contcd}.


31¢ Hebrides Ensemble: Rush Hour Concert St Mark's (’hurch. ('astlc 'l‘crracc. 6pm. 'liickcts: availalilc on tltc door: £6 (£4) inc post-pcrl'ortnancc glass ()1 vvinc. 'l‘hc lirst iii a scrics ol' thrcc \vcckl} post-\tol'k hour-long programmcs lcaturing cltamhcr music mastcrpicccs. 'l‘onight it's Janacck. l.igcti arid otltcr 20th ccntur) ntusic l‘or vvind instt'umcnts.

I Cappella Nova: Best of British (irc) l‘riars Kirk. (it'c) li‘iars Placc. 668 201‘). 7.30pm. £10 £12.50 (£7 £‘).5()). 1110 unacct)tnpanicd singing group brings its 25th annivcrsar} scason to a closc “ith sonic ()1. tlic 1()\ clicst rcnaissancc music [0 conic out ()1. Scotland arid lingland. Highlights ittclttdc William Byrd's gracious .1lrl.\s for I'lt'r’ liiii'r’s attd Rohcrt ('arvcr's cxtraordinar} cxtcndcd motct (him/v [lo/1' Virgina/1'.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra lisltcl' llall. 1.otltian Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm. £8 £24. 'liltc scason is dravvn to a sparkling linish h} rcccntl} appoinch Principal (‘onductoiz ()lari lills. conducting tltc orcltcstra and mcmhcrs ol~ tltc S(‘() ('ltorus iii a triplc hill ol' Bcclhm ct): (tut/um: ('ulin St'u um/ l’i‘m/u'i‘uuv lovugr'. Swap/mitt .\'o / attd lltt‘ povv L‘t‘l-lll .Utlsv ill (2


I Canto Vivo! l'nivcrsit} ()l‘ l)undcc. ('haplainc} ('cntrc. 01382 223181. 7.30pm. £8 (£1 £4). ('lairc l)chono (soprano) and Simon 'l‘ltackcr (guitar) prcscnl a programmc ol' classical music.


I Scottish Ensemble 1{8.t\.\ll). l()() chl‘rcvv Slrcct. 332 5057. lpttt. £7 (£5). ()n thcir linal \ isit to tltc acadctn} this )car. mcmhcrs ot‘ lhc Scottish linscnthlc contrast lincscu's tin/iii Sir/tum No 3 against .\1o/arl'.s I’M/m Quurm in (i iii/mu; K478.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ('it} llalls.(‘andlct'iggx 3538000. 7.30pm. £5 £22.50. Scc 'l'htt 10.


I Edinburgh University Symphony Orchestra, Sinfonia and Chorus (ircvl'riars Kirk. (irc)1t'iats Placc. 225 1‘)()(). 7.30pm. 'l‘ickcts availahlc on tltc door: £7 (£4). 1110 lidinhurgh l'nivcrsit} Mttslc Socict} cclcht'alL‘s 11s 1411111 )cat’ vs ith a pcrlot‘ntancc l'ront thrcc of its c‘llsclttl)lcs. ['p 161‘ )(tttt‘ dclcctation contcs vvorks including Ruttcr's I’m/m I50. Sclittltct'l's Svm/r/mnr No 8 in If .1liimi: ('it/iiiislml attd .\1ac('unn’s 'I‘lu' l.unt/ u/Iltr’ Morin/(iii) um/ I/lr’ I’lmirl.


I RSAMD Youthworks Music: Choir Concert R8.-\.\tl). l()() cht'rcvv Strcct. 332 5057. 4pm. l‘rcc. :\ programmc ol' choral music trottt church to stagc. pcrl‘ormcd 1)} thc RS.-\.\11)‘s Junior. Scnior atid ('hamhcr choirs.


I Lunchtime Concert St (tilt-s' (Htllk‘tll‘ttl. Rt)}ttl .\111L‘. 22611673. 12.15;)111. l'tL‘L‘. \Vitlt tltc (ilttsgovs Philharmonic .\1alc Voicc ('hoir.

I Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra (it'c) l‘riars Kirk. (irc) l't‘iars Placc. 225 1‘)()(). 7.30pm. £7 (£5). Jamcs 1.ovv c conducts thc orchcslra in a pcrl‘ormancc ()1. llottcggct's l’tH/Ul’tlll'([1276. l'it'anck's Synphonic Variations tor Piano attd ()I‘L‘ltcsll'tt. littttt'c‘s l’cllc‘tts ct Nlc‘ltstlttdc and Bct‘liol‘ RUHH‘U ('1 .ltr/I't'llt' Sui/t:

I Katherine Jenkins and Russell Watson .\Iurra_vlic1d Stadittm. Roschurn Strcct. .\1ttrra}licld. 3465000. 7.3()pttl. £25 £l‘)5 (\"11’).'l'hc l'K's lcading popular classical artists appcar on thc samc stagc itt thc higgcst classical conccrt sittcc tltc da) s ol’ 'lltc 'l'hrcc ’l'cttors. 'l'ltc} vs ill hc accompanicd h} thc Ro)al Scottish National ()t'cltcstt‘a and ('hoir. conducch 1)} .\nthon_v Inglis.

I The Kevock Choir Annual Concert l'sltct‘ llall. l.otltiatt Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm. £‘) £13. Spccial gttcsts 'lltc .\1a('a1ntans vvill hc joining tltc 80- strong choir as thc) pcrl'orm thcir attnttal conccrt cottdttctcd It} (iraham l.ovctt. lcaturing largcr than lil'c shovv lavottritcs. lolk songs. spirituals and rcligiotts picccs.


I Cappella Nova: Best of British St Paul's lipiscopal ('athcdral. Scagatc. (‘asllchill. 01382 434‘)40. 7.30pm.

£10 £12.50 (£7 £‘).50).Scc'1'1tu 10.


I Cappella Nova: Best of British St :\ttdrc\v ‘s in lhc Stittarc. St :\ttdt‘c\\ ‘s Squarc. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £10 £12.50 (£7 £‘).50). Scc '1‘htt 10.

I RSAMD Youthworks Music: Big Band RS:\.\11). 100 chlrcvv Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). Big Band sounds L‘ttllt'lt‘s} ol' voting instrumcntalists and singcrs l‘t'om tltc RS:\.\11).

I British Trombone Society Scottish Trombone Day R8.~\.\ll). 11111 Rc‘lllil'c“ Slt‘L‘L‘l. 332 511.57. littlc‘s \at‘}. MIT. lickctcd. :\ dtt) ol' conccrts. vvorksltops and shovvcascs cclchrating thc ol't-ncglcctcd trotnhonc. culminating in an c\cttittg conccrt at 7.30pm.


I St Giles’ at Six: Napier University Chamber Ensembles St (iilcs' (’alhcdt'al. Rtt_\;tl .\1ilc. 226 0673. 6pm. l'ircc. Studcnts 11'0111 111C lan 'l‘omlin School ol‘ .\1ttsic prcscnt a \aricd progratnmc ol' solo attd chamhcr music. :11 Meadows Chamber Orchestra ()uccn‘s Hall. 87 8‘) ('lcrk Strccl. 668 201‘). 7.45pm. £‘) (£1 £7). (iat‘r) \Valkcr conducts tltc orcltcstra in .‘vlctidclssohn's Ilt'l’l'lt/('\ ()H'I'flll't'. ()p 26. .lohn .\lcl.cod's ('luriiti'l (‘u/ii‘r'i‘lu (200.5) attd licclltmcn‘s SUN/)IIUIIV _\'o .t’ liroitu.


I Glasgow Orchestral Society: Summer Concert Paislc) 'l‘ovvn llall. Ahhc} ('losc. 887 101(1. 7.30pm. £8 (£5). .\1arco Romano conducts Scotland's oldcst tllllitlctlt‘\}111|)11t)l)) orcltcstra in a pcrlorntattcc o1 .\lo/art‘s .S’vin/t/ioiiiu ('uiit'r'rluiilt' attd Sltostakov iclt's Sim/illith .\'u .5.


I Stirling Orchestra :\ll)L‘t'1 llalls. l)uml)arton Road. 01786 473 5-14. 7.30pm. £8 (£6). Stirling ()rcltcslt'a pcrl'orm a dancc-~inspircd programtttc o1 Vaughan \Villiams' .lol): (1.1l(l\(/!l('fi)l' Dummy. lcltaikov sk} 's Hit/I." from Slim/ring lint/(Iv attd ()l'l'cnhaclt’s ()I'/)/I('ll.\ in I/Ir' ('iir/t'rti'm‘lrl.

Wednesday 1 6


I Scottish Opera: Lucia Di Lammermoor ‘l‘ltcatrc Royal. 282 llopc Strcct, (1870060 6647. 7.15pm.

[8.5” £411. l)()111/L'lll‘\ lttlt‘ ()1. ;t lik‘lltl


{It Meadows Chamber Orchestra Although he started his musical life as a clarinetist, Edinburgh-based composer John McLeod (pictured) has waited almost 40 years to write a concerto (or his instrument. Giving his Clarinet Concerto its Edinburgh premiere is the young American player, Jean Johnson, with the outstanding Scottish conductor Garry Walker at the helm. Queen '3 Hall, Edinburgh, Sun 73 May

Hebrides Ensemble: Rush Hour Concerts The teatime slot is proving more and more popular as a time for people to attend concerts and the internationally acclaimed Hebrides mini-series of three Thursdays at 6pm presents an interesting look at the chamber music of Janacek alongside other central European composers such as Ligeti and Dvorak. St Mark's Church, Edinburgh, Thu 70, Thu (7 & Thu 24 May.

Matthew Best and Chris Glynn A hugely memorable Wotan in Scottish Opera’s Ring Cycle. first seen at the Edinburgh Festival a few years ago, Matthew Best appears in a somewhat more intimate setting tor a lunchtime recital of the Germanic and Russian repertoire for which his voice is ideally fitted. RSAMD, Edinburgh, Fri 78 May.

hctvvccn tvvo lamilics is vsidcl) coltsith'l'cd to hc (NW ()1. [11¢ most cshilarating opcras ol tltc 1‘)th cctttttr}.


I Jack Bruce 1s’S:\.\1|). 100 Rctil'rcvv Strcct. 332 5057. 7pm. £1. 111C lcgcndar} hass guitarist lcads tltc linc-ttp at tltc latcst £ Pro Quo cvcnt itt tlic ;\cadcm} 's ncvv l) rcl'urhishcd calc bar.

I Scottish Opera: Madama Butterfly 'l'ltcatt'c Roval. 282 llopc Stt‘ch (18711116116647. 7.15pm.

£850 £40. Puccini’s lamous talc ()1 ('io (‘io-San attd hcr ahandonmcnt h} ltcr dashing .-\mcrican 1)l1\1);llltl has ltccomc onc o1 thc most pcrl'ormcd opcras ol' all tinic.

I Glasgow Pipeworks 2: Kevin Bowyer R8;\.\11). 100 ls’cnl'rcvv Strch 332 511.57. 7.30pm. l'iliL'C. llc‘kt‘lt‘tl. 'l‘llL‘ organist lacklcs \vorks 1)} .'\listait‘ lliittott. l)cnis liathoryKitv. Patrick (iovvcrs aitd 11;tlll(11 llallgrimsson.

‘.'. lv1.i. THE LIST 79