Masculin Feminine

Here at The List we always like to celebrate the arrival of a new film club. Monorail Film Club in Glasgow intends to screen an interesting feature film alongside a short

every month. First up is Jean-Luc Godard’s still relevant and brilliant 1966 polemic comedy about one young man’s disaffection from, and politicisation away from his highly suggestible contemporaries, shortly after he is demobbed. With killer lines and a superb central performance from Jean-Pierre Léaud, supported by the lovely Chantal Goya, this is a gem from Godard’s golden period in the late 603 and early 70s. Also showing is Godard’s 1959 short Tous Les Garcons S’Appellent Patrick. Stephen McRobbie of ‘almost pop’ group The Pastels will

introduce this entire lovely package. I GFF, Glasgow, Sun 20 May.

Splder-Man3112A) 12.20. 3.10. 6.00. 8.50. SmtheUS) 1.00. 6.15.


Catch a Fire (Parent 8. Baby Screening) (12A)

Matinee Thu: 10.30am.

Chicken Bun (U)

Matinee Sat & Sun: 10.30am. Monty Python’s life of Brian ( 15) Late Fri & Sat: 1 1.30. Spider-Man 3 (12A)

Daily: noon. 3.00. 6.00. 9.00. 28 Weeks Later . . . (18)

Daily: 1.20. 4.00. 6.30. 9.15.

IMAX Theatre

Glasgow Science Centre. 50 Pacific Quay. (1141 420 5000. £6.95 (£4.95). 10% discount on parties of more than four.


DeepSea an (PG) 12.30. 2.30. Mia 30 (U) 1.30.

Cyberworld 30 (PG)

Sat & Sun: 2.15.

Deep Sea 30 (PG)

Fri & Tue Thu: 12.30. 2.30. Sat & Sun: noon. 3.15. 4.15. T-llex 30 (U)

Fri & Tue Thu: Sat & Sun: 1.00.


E RIDAY.1_1.:_T_HU_R_SD.AY 1.7



~Odeon Atl'l’he Quay

()ff Paisley Road. ()141 429 7627. Info and CC booking: ()871 22 44 007. Adults £6.35 (premier seats £7.35). Concessions £4.50 (premier seats for ()APs and Children £4.75). Family ticket £18.


AlphaDogHS) 1.15. (1.30. BladesolGloryH2A) 4.00. 9.00. degeto'l’erabithiad’a) 1.15. 3.45. 6.15. 8.45.

WH5) 4.00. 6.45. 9.30. Coya’slihostsHS) 3.45. 6.45. 9.30. Meettheltobinsonsul) 1.15.

Mr Bean’s Holiday (PU) noon. 3.00. 8.45.

“(D/U 4.00. 9.15.

‘lhePalnted Veil (12A) 1.30. Splder-flan3(l2/\) noon. 1.00. 2.00. 2.30. 3.30. 4.30. 5.30. 6.00. 7.00. 8.00. 9.00. 9.30. Tallalhlnl’umd’fl) 5.15. 8.45. WildflogsHZA) 1.45. (1.30.

ERIDAY ._1_1iH_1£S_D_AX-J.Z

Duetothebanliholldaytimestorthls chlanaweremavallableatthetlmeol golngtopress.8elowisaprovlsional llstotlilmsscheduledtotakeplace. Fulltlmeswlll be available at m.lbtm.ulrlrom‘l’hu 10 May.

BlackeookawartboeitHlS) BladesotfiloryUZA) Bridgeto‘lerablthiail’m

Fracture ( 15)

Ute in a Metro (tbc) Missl’otleHSenlor ScreeningHPG) Tue 11.00am lext(12A) ThePalntedVeil(12/\) Splder-llan3(12A) the

Ta Ba Bum Pum (PG)


28Weekslater...(18) Wildflogs(12/\)

Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge

Barrbridge Leisure Centre. Coatbridge. Info and booking line: ()871 220 1000. £6 (£4.75 before 6pm Mon~ Fri; Sat & Sun before 1pm). Child/()AP/Student: £4.60. Tue all tickets: £4.75.


AlphaDogHS) 11.10am. 1.55. 4.45. 7.45. 10.25.

Bladesotmoryu2A) 12.20. 2.40. 5.00. 7.25. 9.40. degeto‘l’erablthlawfi) 12.10. 2.40. 5.05. 7.40. 10.05.

Fractile115) 11.05am. 1.45. 4.25. 7.10. 9.50.

The Last flirnzy (PG) 11.25am. 2.05. 4.30.

Meetthellobinsonsul) noon. 2.30. 5.15.

‘lhellessengers(15) 7.40. 10.05. thean’s Holiday (PG) 11.45am. 2.15. 4.30. 7.00. 9.15.

"011(12/‘0 11.50am. 2.20. 4.50. 7.20. 9.4(1.

Reno 9111: Miami (15) 11.20am. 1.50, 4.20. 7.00. 9.20.

Shooter(15) 7.15. 10.15. Splder-flan3(12A) 11.00am. 11.30am. 1.00. 2.00. 2.30. 4.05. 5.05. 5.35. 7.10. 8.10. 8.40. 10.15. sualgnuieadsux) 8.00. 10.10. THN'HPG) 11.15am. 2.00. 4.15. WIIdHOQS(12/\) 11.55am. 2.25. 4.55. 7.35. 10.00.

ERLDAY 11.211.1ng -1 7.

Duetothebankholldaythnestorthis clnemawereunavallableatthetlmeot golngtopress.Fulltimeswillbe'lhu Ionay.


Showcase Cinema, Paisley

Griffin Avenue. Phoenix Business Park.1nfo and booking: 0871 220 1000. £5.75 (£4.60 Mon~Fri before 6pm; Sat & Sun before 1pm). Child/()AP/Student: £4.50. Tue all tickets: £4.50.


Alphanog(15) 11.10am. 1.55. 4.45.

7.45. 10.25.

Bladesotfilory112A) 12.20. 2.45.

5.10. 7.25. 9.40.

TheBreed(15) 7.30. 9.55. toTerablthia (PU) 12.10. 2.40.

5.05. 7.40. 10.05.

FrachIreUS) 11.05am. 1.45. 4.25.

7.10. 9.50.

W’SMH5) 1.30. 4.35. 7.40.


‘lhe [38’ Minzy (PG) 1 1.20am. 2.05.


MWWHI) noon. 2.30.

5.00. 7.30.

lkBean’s Holidayd’G) 11.45am. 2.15.

4.30. 7.00. 9.15.

“(U/U 11.50am. 2.20. 4.50. 7.20.


MUM 7.05. 10.15.

Splder—ManSUZA) 11.00am.

11.30am. 1.00. 2.00. 2.30. 4.05. 5.05.

5.35. 7.10. 8.10. 8.40. 10.15.

StralghtheadsUX) 10.10.

“UK” 11.15am. 2.00. 4.15.

WildflogsUM) 11.55am. 2.25. 4.55.

7.35. 10.00.


Duetothehankholldaytlmestorthls cinemawereimavailahleatthetlrneol gohgmmFullthneswlllbe 10 May.

Edinburgh EE—

ace Cinema. Autonomous Centre of iidinburgh. 17 West Montgomery Place. 0131 557 6242. Films are shown most Sundays at 3pm. Free. donations welcome.

SUNDAY 13 MAY La "8100(18) 3.00. SUNDAY 20 MAY

MyChildhood (12) + MyAin Fol (PG) 3.00.

38 Home Street. Bookings: 0870 755 1231. Bar. Cafe. 24 Hour Information Line: 0131 228 2800. Main evening screenings: £6.10; £5.10Tue-Fri before 5pm. Concs: £4.10 before 5pm. £4.90 after. Mon (except Bank holidays) all tickets: £4.10. Sunday Double bills: £6.10 (£4.90). Wed: first shows in each screen £1.50 for concessions. Big Scream 'lhu £4 (£3) for parents/carers and babies only. Friends cardholder schemes are available at £25 per year. offering discounts for all screenings.

THUfiSDAl 19.

DaysotCloryondlgenes)(I2/\) 1.10. llattllelsonHS) 3.55. (1.35. 9.10. Thelivesotomersmaslebender mum 2.25. 5.35. 8.40. ‘l'hlslsEngland(18) 1.15. 3.50. 6.30. 0.00.

For films shorting A

see A j p;

10—24 May 2007 THE LIST 53