Arches, Glasgow, Thu 10—Sat 12 May
It’s been 18 months since Johnny McKnight last performed his squirmingly honest solo show at the Arches and things have changed.
‘Thirty’s looming, Madonna’s adopted a black baby and designed a range for H&M, and I’ve been to see her tour.’ Although McKnight has had to adjust his material to cope with these seismic changes, Little Johnny’s Big Gay Adventure is still essentially a coming out/of age story, wound inexorably around Madonna’s career path, his bright, brassy wit not-quite
concealing a deeper vulnerability.
‘After the last one people did come up and say to me “I can’t believe you’re actually saying these things in front of an audience”. To be honest, it never occurred to me that I shouldn’t,’ he says. ‘There’s a difference between making a story out of something painful you’ve already dealt with, and burdening somebody with a confession. If you can find the punchline in something . . .’ Like the fact that he once caught scabies - ‘Off a doctor! Exactly!’ At least the one true love of McKnight’s life has stayed true to him, though? ‘Well, I don’t know. I might start blaming Madonna for the fact I’m still single,’ he says, darkly. ‘What was that she told me when l was eleven? “Don’t go for second best?” Aye. I’m beginning to think it might all
be her fault.’ (Kirstin lnnes)
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to gay© Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.
Thursday 26
I The Hub l.(i1l'l‘(‘cntrc l‘or llcalth & \Vcllhcing.911owcStrcct.523 1100. 'l‘uc '1‘hu 6.30 8.30pm. l‘rcc. Stop by al'tcr work to chat and lind ottt about thc ccntrc’s actiy itics. 1"rcc intcrnct acccss and tca. col'l‘cc and llittgtt/lths.
I Utter Gutter Studio 24. 24 26 (‘alton Road. 558 3758. l lpm 3am. £6. Madamc S is joincd this tnonth hy 1)olly Daydrcam and (ircgor Laird l1lcrocs/l)iskohloodhathl tor a lull on homo smorgashoard ol' lilthy hcats and hlccps, tcch hcats and punk trcats. All wclcomc.
Saturday 28
Glasgow I Valley of the Dolls Blackl'riat‘s, 36 l3cll Strccl. 552 5924. 1 1pm 3am. £6.
56 THE LIST 1’0 Apr 10 May 909/
'l'hc ycry lirst night of Lady Muntcr's
ncw drag and tranny night. Joining hosts Lady Munlct' and Miss Mikacl Star arc (ircgor Laird and Madamc S for a music policy ol‘ ncw w ayc to ncw rayc. curo- trash. clcctro. disco, Bollywood showtuncs and tonguc-in-chic nonscnsc for all sexes and sexualitics.
I Different Strokes (ilcnoglc Swim (‘cntrc. (ilcnoglc Road. Stockhridgc. 343 6376. 4pm. 1‘rcc. A11 transgcndcr pcoplc can cnjoy thc solc ttsc of a swimming pool and litncss suilc in a ncw cy cnt schcdulcd for thc 2nd and 4th Saturday of thc month. (’onlact thc 1.0131 (‘cntrc l'or llcalth & \Vcll Bcing for info (0131 523 1100 or mich lghthcaltlrorguk).
I Fever ligo. l4 l’icardy l’lacc. 478 7434. 1 1pm 3am. £10 (£7 mcmhcrsl. litle mainstays 1‘ishcr & Pricc and Martin Valcntinc tak‘c thc music on through to its third hirthday. w hilc thc Visitor and Kaupttss takc an anything gocs attitudc into thc ('octcau Lottngc.
I Booty Mcdina. 45 47 Lothian Strcct. 225 6313. l lpnt 3am. £3. Morc ol‘ a Sunday social than a lull-(ill glam al'l'air. with 1)] l)alc1.ttsh. lsla Bligc. Simmonc
Black and occasional gucst supastas mixing up R&B. hip hop. soul and funk. I Taste (‘aharct Voltairc. 36-38 Blair Strcct. 220 6176. 1 1pm 3am. £5 before 1 1.30pm: £8 al‘tcr (£6 mcmhcrsl. Scc ('luhs. pagc 33. Part u/‘Triplyt‘lt.
Monday 30
I Passionallty Byblos. tfnit Q. Mcrchant Squarc. 71 Albion Strcct. 552 3895. 1 1.30pm 3am. £3. l’lcasing chanistry from 1)] Shawn Rohcrts. rcstiscitating thc wcckcnd for thc gay/mixcd crowd.
I Angels in America - Part 1: Millenium Approaches and Part 2: Perestroika ('iti/cns' 'l'hcatrc. l 19 (iorhals Strcct. 429 0022. Showing on altcrnatc days until 12 May. 7.30pm. £9.50 £16. Scc '1‘hcatrc. pagc 81.
I FUN ('uhc. 34 ()uccn Strcct. 226 8990. 1 1.30pm 3am. £3 (£2). 1)] Shana llalliwcll mixcs oldcr classics and fun tuncs. chucsts wclcomc.
I Vibe ligo. l4 l’icardy l’lacc. 478 7434. 1 lptn 3am. £4. Mainstay gay night with lamcs Longworth on thc dccks‘. lixpcct chccsc. choons and smoke machines.
Wednesday 2
I Priscilla, Queen of Glasgow Arta. 62 Albion St. 552 2101 (07737 762872 or 07732 6466 for inl'ol. 7.30pm. £5. Scc Prolilc. right.
I Allure ’l‘hc 'l’tmncl. 84 Mitchcll Strcct. 204 1000. 1 1.30pm 3am. £3. Happy. chccsy pop from 1)] Darrcn and thc guys hchind Passionality.
I Girls Allowed (1‘ Blooms, 25 24 (irccnsidc l’lacc. 556 9331. 10pm- 3am. lircc. lt's ladics night downstairs. with thc first drink l'rcc. A liyc singcr. chill-out arca. candlcs and law lamps transform thc cluh into a scxy. girls-only /.onc.
I Burly 'l‘hc Archcs. 30 Midland Strcct. 0870 240 7528. 10.30pm 3am. £10. 1"ricndly. masculinc club for gay and hi mcn 25+ whcrc lcathcr. industrial. jockstraps arc cncouragcd. Aural titilation comcs from rcsidcnt 1)] 111 H Scan.
I Mingin’ Studio 24. 24 26 (‘alton Road. 558 3758. llptn 3am. £5. Alan Joy is joined on thc dccks hy Mingin‘ stalwart 1)] Brian 1)cmpstcr.
I Luvely 'l'hc Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Strcct. 225 2564. 10.30pm ~3am. £12 (£10). A saucy soircc ol' lull-on. driving ltousc music with rcsidcnts Tommy ls’ay. l)can Ncwton. (irum Slonc and Jon lidwards. 'l‘hc theme this timc is ‘mcdical’ so hring thosc stcthoscopcs along.
I Velvet 8. Zeus Slttdio 24. 24 26 (‘alton Road. 558 3758. 9.30pm 3am. £4 hcl’orc 10.30pm; £6 al'tcr. A joint May Day outing for gay guys‘ cltth Zcus and gay girlics night \clyct with cntcrtainmcnt from thc 'l‘ruly 'l'ruly Sct'timptious school of lapdaitcing. A l’ridc Scotia fundraiser. I Booty Mcdina. 45 47 Lothian Strcct. 225 6313. 11pm 3am. £3. Scc Sun 29.
I Taste (‘aharct Voltairc. 36 38 Blair Strcct. 220 6176. 1 1pm 3am. £5 hcl'orc
1 1.30pm; £8 al'tcr (£6 mcmhcrsi. Scc Sun 29.
What’s this all about? In the very best Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert tradition, Glasgow‘s bonniest lassies (well ten of them and don’t check their birth certificates) will go breast-to-fake- breast to duke it out for the title of ‘Priscilla, Queen of Glasgow' in a drag queen beauty pageant. Judge not lest ye be judged The judges are the extremely qualified Lady Munter and Miss Mikael Star (pictured) from Valley of the Dolls and Club Noir’s Tina Warren. who will be making all the tough decisions and trying to out- nasty Simon Cowell.
The final countdown After being put through their paces — costume. an act and a severe questioning - and whittled down by the judges it falls to the audience to pick a final winner.
I won, I won! As well as the fabulous title. the last woman standing will win a bag of goodies and $2100. and all money raised will go to The Big Issue Foundation. so everyone's a winner.
What else? You want more? Well, there's Glasgow comedian Scott Agnew as compere to keep the night running smoothly and the backstabbing bitchiness to a minimum, plus a DJ line-up yet to be confirmed. (Suzanne Black)
I Aria, Glasgow, Wed 2 May, w. m yspace. com/ Iemonsherbetevents
I Passionality Byblos. l'nit Q. Mcrchant Squarc. 71 Albion Strcct. 552 3895. 1 1.30pm 3am. £3. Scc Mon 30.
Tuesday 8
Glasgow I FUN (‘uhc. 34 Quccn Strccl. 226 8990. l l.30pm 3am. £3 (£2). Scc 'l‘uc 1.
Edinburgh I Vibe ligo. 14 l’icardy Place. 478 7434. l lptn -3ant. £4. Scc Tue 1.
Wednesday 9
Glasgow I Allure 'l'hc 'l‘unncl. 84 Mitchcll Strcct. 204 1000. 1 1.30pm 3am. £3. Scc \Vcd 2.
I Little Johnny’s Big Gay Adventure 'l'hc Arches. 253 At'gylc Strcct. (187(1 240 7528. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). Scc prcy‘icw.