Flatshares ‘
I Double room to let in lovely llyndlattd flat.. sltarittg witlt otte other & eat! :\ll mod eons! \Vould .sttit n/s Professional or ntature stu- dent.. ntttst he elean & tidy! £325 peitt +hills Tel: 07902 357 I32
I Double room in eosy eontfy sunny Westend flat. Would sttit eonsiderate prof fentale. Sltort terms lets an option. To share with owner attd oeeasional eat. Byres Rd. sltops. stthway ete all within spitting distattee..... eottte see. L‘3-l0pem ine hills attd eottneil tax 'I'el: 07775 930 372
I Double room to let in Hill Street (eity eentrel. Large lounge. gelt. hroadhand. eonyenient for underground & shops. 250pent + e.ta.\ + hills. 'l’el: (ll-ll 56-1 4055
I West End nr llillltead 'l’uhe. Douhle room in cool flat. sltare witlt 2 others. Sttit professional. All ntod eons. sls‘y. hi’ottdltttlid ete. L—lll)
pent ine ("l~ ex gas/elee. Tel: 07758 860 720
I Double room, tra- ditional Kelyinhridge
flat. Large lounge.hroad hand.eahle telly. l)ining kitehen.mod eons. Sltarittg witlt fetnale. Would sttit 30 year old tton stttokittg profes- sional. L350 pent. + hills. + eoueil. 'liel: 07‘)7l l-ltt ‘)7l
I Milngavie. Non- smoker to share with eouple. ’iig roont. +l’ri—
\aey. semi—private hatltroottt. +spaee. \Vll'eless. dishwasher. hig gardett & garage. 30 ntin. to (ilasgow ('entre. 2 tttitt. to nature. 300 pettt ittel. all hills. 'l‘el: 014i 585 5294
I Very comfortable room, l)ennistoun. Non/s witlt WS/'l’\'/I)\'l). ('ll/l)(i. All hills & ("l' ittel exeept pltotte. (iay friendly flat. qttiet street. Sltare Kitelten/ Bathroon with 1 other tttale. Suit professional male. £2‘)5.()l)pettt eall John 07770 720 (t47
I Female flatmate wanted for flat itt .\terehant ('ity ('entre. (ireat loeation next to all eity eentre ameni- ties. L‘270 pent pltts share of tlte hills. 'l‘el: 077(tl 570 328 I 2 double rooms avail»- ahle itt modern town house
in .\'ew (iorhals. Walkittg distance to ('ity Centre. llotlt rooms availahle for 3 months. £350 per room pettt. All hills itteluded itt priee. Tel: 0780‘) 436 073
I Beautiful room avail- able itt hrigltt spaeious l)en- nistoun flat. sharing with two others. All hills included it] rent: £300 pent. Suitahle for easy-going professional type. (‘ltt‘is 07‘)2‘) l‘)3 5‘)5
I Double room to let
itt l’olloksltields. Sltaring with easy going eouple + eat. L3H) pent. No hills. N/S pref- ered. (iood transport littks. 07‘)-l(t l7‘) S22. ot' 07‘)-l(t 22l 7‘)l Availahle l7/-l
I Queens Park. Smart, spaeious flat. sharittg with
3 friendly. relaxed profes- sionals. l)hl hedroont. new kiteltett & hatltroont. Lounge overlooking park. (iood transport. £2ts") pent ineludes ('.'l‘. 07S‘)0 S48 73(t
I Lovely double room w ill] lots of storage it] very well equipped lst floor tenentettt. Wi fi. dishwasher ete. To share with 2 eats and 2 huntans- sttit youngish professional.L350pent all it] Tel: 07Sl7 l-l-l 030
I Bright, spacious room for rent in prime West Iind loeatiott. dotthle hed- roottt w itlt storage and aeeess to fully furnished flat with hathrootn iaett/li. availahle intntediatly. professionals ottly 27-35. L275pe+hills Tel: 01-11 504 8702
I Room available in quiet West tind flat with one tttale. £275 pttt + share of hills. Non-smoking profes- sional prefet'ed. .\ loatltiitg of teehno tnusie would he ideal? 'l‘el: (ll—ll 33‘) (tl32 or 07730 56] 030
I Glasgow, Queen Square, 2ntittutes walk from Sltaw lands attd traitt sta- tiott. l0minutes to eity eetttre. Stunning. huge dotthle hed- roottt itt fully furnished flat. .\'o l)SS or smokers. £300 pttt per person. plus hills. Tel: 077‘) 5‘)5 3023
I 2 Spacious single rooms atailahle itt Dennis- toun front start April. l5ntins front eetttre of tow n. L2h’0pem ineludes hills attd wireless hroadhand. Sharing with 20yr old fetttale. terttt of let negoti- ahle Tel: 07832 251 l5|
I Large room to rent in sought after Kel\ inhridge area (Harrington l)ri\el sharing with l ntale. £275pnt pltts hills. professional 27-35 wanted. tttttst like eats Tel: 07880 7l(t ‘)—l(t
I Flatmate wanted to share West lind flat (South- park .'\\ enuet. fully furnished dotthle roottt itt large. hrigltt. spaeious flat. lnelttdes all ntod eons attd wireless. l’referahly tttature student or young professional. [300/ tttotttlt + hills. Tel: 07813 336 3(t2
I Lovely West End flat to share w itlt m/30. soeial smoker. (i(‘ll. dotthle gla/- ittg. li\ ittg roottt. l0 seeonds to (ieorge X underground. £300petn pltts hills. Avail- ahle: l/(t/2007. (iiy e tts a shout? ’l'el: 07‘)l3 02‘) 748
I West End luxury exeettth e llat itt tree-lined street. ls'eltinside. lluge dotthle hedroont/sitting roottt. 2 hathroonts. l with Jaeu/li. 2 sitting areas. Large kiteltett. Parking spaee. :\\ailahle int- ntediately. 07708 063 ()(t—l. I Double room for li/s professional in hrand new titted 2 bed flat in (ilasgow green sharing w itlt fetttale owner. ltottte appros 2 nights per week. £305 l’(‘.\l all itielllsl\ e. l)l.3(t‘) 707 352
I Housemate wanted to share stunning. ultra spacious tttodet‘n townltotlse itt New (iorhals area. It)
ntin walk front eity eentre. Would suit gay-friendly.easy going professional. tttale or fentalet‘320 pent itte hills es pltotte.Interested'.’ (‘all 07845 200 l‘)-l.
I West End, Kelvin- bridge. I)ouhle hedroont itt lovely newly deeot'ated top floorflat. (ireat views over the l'niyersity & ('ity. Seek- iitg to share with young non- stttokittg professional fetttale. L‘300pent. 'l’el ()7Sl052305-l.
I Flatshare in Leith area wanted for the tilt June. for around £250 pltts hills. l'tn 28yr old prof.fent.tle. ronja roekstarm
I Friendly Flatmate sought for bright dotthle roont itt flat on Springfield Street (jttst off l.eitlt Walk t. sharing with 27yr old ntale. N/S only. L285pem +deposit +hills/("ll Tel: 0798‘) ‘)(t7 682 I Furnished double room [80 PW ine. ("l‘ & hills. availahle to let on a roottt only hasis. Tel: 07708 052 539 '
I WANTED; furnished double roottt in eetttral lidinhurgh (Bruntsfield. 'l'olleross) for 3] year old fetttale professional front end May/start Jtttte for ahottt L300-L‘350 max. ('heers neelyangelaw
I Large double rooms atailahle in beautiful house with extensive gardens near Kings Buildings. with stun- ttittg views of Arthur's Seat & lidinhurgh sky line. l’ully furnished. Short/long terttt lets. Available immediately. Tel: 0780‘) 7(t0 24-1
I Dalkeith Road, double roottt available in flat with stuttttittg views to :\t‘tlittt‘.s seat and (tags. To share with two n/s females
itt relaxed friendly flat. £270 pent pltts (‘/'l" attd hills. 'l’el: 0l3l 607 7374
I 26-year old female professional looking for niee dotthle-hedroont itt friendly flatshare with 3-4 other professionals lnon-sntoking) in lidinhurgh eity eentre. ide- ally Stoekhridge. 'l’el. 07787 320 922
I Double room in lovely hig. quiet flat itt eetttral Kirk- ealdy. to share with one l". Parking attd wireless ittterttet. l5 tttins walk to mainline sta- tion. £300pent itte hills/(Vii. t‘ooliilliktly((1googletitull.cottt I Room to rent in .\lur- ray field. £200 per ntotttlt with £200 deposit. dotthle hed shared liying area attd garden. to share w itlt 3 others. hills and ("l ltot ineluded. Look- ing for friendly outgoing professional. Ayailahle int- ntediately. (‘all ('aroline on 07700 777 520
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Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's best-selling entertainment and lifestyle magazine, it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What's more, the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 90,000 unique visits per month.
Go to www.list.c¢uk and click on - ‘flatshare' at the top of the page You will be asked for: '
1 Your name, address and phone number 2 Up to 30 words description about the flatshare including the room. rent. number of other occupants and type of person sought 3 A contact number for potential flat mates to ring
Terms 8 Conditions
Flatshare adverts must be laced using our online booking service. For admin stration purposes. advertisers must supply their full name and address (NOT for publication). he Flatshare service is for geople seeking a flatmate. Ont flatshare adverts will e accepted for publication in his section. Adverts for renting a whole flat must be laced in our ‘Flats to Let' section, full instructions or booking these ads are available on our website in the Shop section. It is compan policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be of ensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.
If you would like further information about The List flatshare service, there is no need to call The List, please refer to our website Click on flatshare and then FAQs which should tell you everything you need to know.
We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal
safety, you should always have someone with you when you are showing people your flat, or when you are going to see a room in a flat. '
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