rccording of an Antcrican opcra xtar. thc othcr cxpoxing a crime ring. ix thc ccnlt'al strand of thix daily (iallic cult l'a\ourilc. Slylc oo/Cx l‘ront L‘\ Cl')’ xproclxcl ltolc. (II/(Myrnr I'll/m Ill/H'UHI‘. (i/uxguu: Dreamgirls ( (2.x) 0... (Bill ('ondon. I'S. Zoom .laniic l-‘oxx. liqoncc Knoulcx. liddic .\lurph_\'. .lcnnilcr lludxon. Hfhnin. Baxcd looxcl)‘ on thc xtor} ol'l’hc Suprcntcx. Hrcumgl'r/s hax man} liiiittixtic attrihutcx. Brilliant tnuxical ntunhcrx (on|} I’oxx l'loundcrx). top pct‘lttt'lttttltL'L‘\ (chmcc xhtm‘x hcr chopxl and xomc tuna/in}; canicra \xork and cditing makc thix thc drcani tickct to gct _\ou throug'h thc nintcr monthx. (ir'nr'm/ I‘r'lr'rlxr'.

ET (l’l O... (Stu cn Spiclhcrg. l'SA. Wh’ll llcnry 'l‘honiax. Dcc \Vallacc Stonc. Rohcrt .\lac.\'aughton. Drcu Barr) morc. l’ctcr ('o_\‘otc. llfiniin. Stu cn Spiclhcrg'x claxxic about a group of liarth childrcn \\ ho hclp a xtrandcd alicn hotanixt rcturn honic. ('mr'ii'ur/rl lir/ili/nu'c'li. [ck/("II/nn'u/i. Eklavya: The Royal Guard l l3.»\i O... (Vidhu \'inod ('hopra. India. 2007) Vidhu Vinod ('hopra. Santa} l)utt. Sail‘Ali Khan. Bonian lrani. Ifliinin. Scc Hollywood round—up. page 40. .S'r'lr'r'lr'r/ I'('/('(l.\('.

The Emperor of California (Der Kaiser von Kalifornia) (l’( i)

.0. (I.tlix 'l’rcnkcr. (icrinan). 193m l.uix 'l'rcnkcr. Viktoria \on Ballaxko. \Vcrncr Kunig. ()7llllli. .-\ (icrnianniadc

\\ L'xtcrn ahout .lohann Auguxt Sutcr. a lcading figure in 19th ccntur) ('alil‘ornia until thc gold ruxh. (im'I/ic lnxli'lul. (i/(Mg'nu'.

Epic Movie ( 12A) 0. (.laxon l‘ricdhcrfl. :\aron Sclt/cr. ['S. 2007i Kal l’cnn. Adam ('atnphcll. .lcnnil'cr (‘oolidgtx 83min. Big hudch hlockhuxtcrx gct thc low hudgct parod) trcatincnt in [lllx pointlcxx hut occaxionall} lunn} \ariation on thc Scary .lloi'n' l‘ranchixc. (rl‘ll('l‘(l/ II'II'USC.

Eragon (l’( il 00 (Sic-(tn l‘angtncicr. l'S. Zoom lidxxard Spclccrx. Sicnna (iuillory. (iarrctt llcdlund. 104mm. Baxcd on thc xucchxl‘ul no\ cl h} ('hrixtophcr l’aolini. lil‘ug’rm ix thc talc of a ho} (Spcllccrxl and hix dragon againxt thc mil King (ialhatorix (.\lall\o\ ichl. 'l'hc xpccial cl‘lcctx arc iinpi‘cxxix c hut othcru ixc thix ix a fairly lanic opcncr l‘or thix inutcd l'antax) l'ranchixc. (irmt‘r'nm; (i/uxzuu; Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind ( l5) 0... (Michcl (iondt'). l’S. 2004i Katc \Vinxlct. .Illtl (arc). 'l‘oni Wilkinxon. Kirxtin l)unxt. lfih’niin. Scrccnuritcr (‘harlic Kaul'inan‘x xccond collalmration with dircctor Michel (iottdt') (altcr llumun Nulun'l ix hix hcxt lilin )ct. (’umr'u. Iz‘r/iIt/mru/I.

Europa Europa l l5) .0

(Agnicx/ka llolland. l‘rancc/(icrinan}. l‘)‘)l l Marco llot'xchncidcr. .lulic l)c|p_\. Halina Lahonarxka. llZmin. In an attcnipt to a\'oid thc dcath cainpx. a )oung .lcu ixh ho} tricx to paxx hiinxcll ol‘l' ax a lncnihcr ol~ thc llitlcr Youth. l)cxpitc touching a it“ ran ncrwx on honic tcrritor}. thc lihnx tlxcx itx ‘haxcd on a truc xtor_\' caption ax thc cxcuxc for all manner ol unhclimahlc

coincidcnch and laughahlc xituationx. :\ rcal dixappointrncnt. (rlmguu' I'i/m 'l'liculrr'. (i/mguu‘: I'll/n/muu'. /'.'(li/I/mrq/I. Faustrecht der Freiheit (Fox and his Friends) ( l5) 0... (Raincr \Vcrncr l‘axxhindcr. (icrinan). W75) Raincr \Vcrncr l‘axxhindcr. l’ctcr ('hatcl. Karl— Ilcin/ Bohni. I lh’inin. 'l‘hc dircctor xtarx ax a \xorking claxx git} \\ ho. al'tcr hix lo\cr ix arrcxtcd. \\ inx 500.000 markx in thc lottcr} \\ hich attractx a dc“ ol' adinircrx, :\ rcl'lcction on thc claxx \_\ xtcni and littllltt\t‘\llill rclalionxlupx ol l‘)7f)x

(icrntan). liaxxhindcr loxt a largc amount oi

\xcight for thc lilni‘x lcngth} nudc xccncx. I'fr/I'n/turg'lt l‘l/m (ill/Ir]. l'fr/I'n/mru/I. Film Discussion Groulecct up \\ lllt

lilni \xritcr liddic llarrixon and lotx ol' othcr

film hull'x to xuap opinionx and pcrccplionx ol hoth art ltouxc and hi; lilttclx'ltllxlt‘t' t‘L‘L'L‘ltl t'L‘lcaxL‘x. IIL‘ltl (Ht thc xccond \Vcdncxda} ol'chr} month. (i/mqmi' I'll/II 'I'llcrllrr'. (i/uwuu:

Flags of our Fathers ( lSi .0. (('|int liaxtuood. I‘S. 300m l{_\an l’hillippc. .lcxxc Bradford. :\tl;tltl licach.

I3 l min. liaxtuood‘x ainhitioux cpic t‘L‘L‘tttlltlx lltt‘ INIIIIC littt' thc l’tlL‘tliL‘ lxlitlltl ()l. luo .linia in WWI from thc pcrxpcctnc of thc l'S xcrx iccnicn \\ ho planch thcir flag on lhc mountaintop and thc cthical nunclicld thc) laccd hack honic. llou c\c1'. conl‘uxcd plotting undcrniincx thc cl'l'ccl ol’ ltollt and thc l'alcx ol' thc xoldlct'x arc ultiinatcl} giwn xhorl xhril't. l-i/m/muu'. Iz'r/I'n/mru/I.

Flushed Away l t ‘i 0.0 max ltl

“(m L‘l‘\. Stllll l't‘ll. I'K/l IS. :llllftl Voiccx ()ll

Katc \\'inxlcl. Hugh .lacknian. Ian McKcllcn. 84min. l)rcaui\\‘orl\x and .-\itl‘tllll1lll.'\llllll;lllttlllL‘tlltl up for thc lirxt tinic for a xlight hut plcaxing coincd}. l’ampcrcd pct niouxc Rodd} (\oiccd h} .lackntanl ll'iCx lo (lixptixc (fl. xL‘\\ L‘l' l'itl Sid (Riclticl. hut hix plan hacklircx. ('unuw. lir/(Ii/mru/l.

Freedom Writers ( l3:\l 000 (Richard l.agra\cncxc. (icrinatn/l '8. Zoom llilar} Snank. l’alrick l)t~ltipxt‘}. linclda Staunton. Illnun. Sc: rc\ ic\\. pagc 42. (rr’m'l'u/ l‘r‘lr'rlu'.

The Game Teachers Play 1 ti» (llidcytki llirayuna. .lapan. l‘NZl K}o/o \agatxuka. 'lonioko liuiita. .lun l‘uhuki. Ifioniin. .\ inaxcrick tcachcr'x nicthodx arc criticixcd h} Inorc lihcral tcachcrx \\ hcn hc tricx to fJCl hix xtudcntx to goxcrn

lltclllxch cx. (III/mul'r'llll/(i/j. (I/m gun:

The General (ti 0... (liiixtcr

Kcaton/(‘hdc Brucklnan. l'S. l‘)37l BtIxtcr

Kcaton. Marion Mack. (ilcn (‘a\andcr. lircdciick \'roont. 84min. .-\n cnginc driwr tricx to gct hchind thc Southcrn lincx during thc .-\incrican ('i\ ll War in ordcr to rcxcuc a train. .\ xilcnt inaxtcrpiccc. containing xoinc xtuntx that approach thc rcalni ol' gcniux. \Vith Inc piano accoutpaninicnt. (i/mgnu' /-/'/m 'l'lir'ulrr'. (i/(HQHH‘.

Ghost Rider( (2A) 00 (Mark Stcwn .lohnxon. l'S. 2007i Nicholax (ligc. l-Zxa \lcndcx. Raqucl x\lL‘xxl. llllinin. Scc intcr\ icu. pagc 3‘) and .leo Rclcaxcd. pagc 4:. (;(’Il('l'(ll I’('/('rl.\('.



Away From Her (pictured)

Atom Egoyan's favourite actress Sarah Polley’s debut feature delivers a powerhouse drama concerning the effects of Alzheimer‘s on a 50-year-old marriage. Julie Christie stars: no doubt she'll be up for an Oscar nomination come 2008.

Prater A beguiling documentary. shot in Vienna. which examines the cultural history of the oldest amusement park in the world. Unforgettable Mathew Barney-esque images.

The Year My Parents Went on Vacation A sugar sweet comedy—drama concerning a 12 year old boy's experience of life in Sao Paula’s Bom Retire district while his parents go ‘underground'. Set against Brazil's attempt to re- win the 1970 World Cup, this is a heartwarming tale about growing up fast. Strange Culture A vital piece of documentary filmmaking concerning issues around the Patriot Act. civil liberties. GMO foods and current art practice in the US. Co-starring Tilda Swinton.

A Walk into the Sea: Danny Williams and the Warhol Factory Warhol's lover Williams is lovingly pertrayed by his filmmaker niece as the forgotten member of the Factory. A poignant artistic biography.

Danny Williams films: Factory, Harold Stevenson 1&2, Trips and Parties A real festival moment: to sit in a room of hardcore experimental devotees and watch the world premiere of Williams‘ silent films, which capture the joy. celebration and party of those heady Factory days.

Substitute World Cup 2006. French player Vikash Dhorasoo. is given a super- 8 camera. What transpires it not another football documentary, but a film about Dhorasoo's increasing frustration about sitting on the bench. A droll look at the other side of the tournament.

Brand Upon the Brain Superman filmmaking genius Guy Maddin returns to us from Winnipeg with an awesome tale of love. family and honour.

The Bubble A gay love story set in contemporary Tel Aviv. When local hipster Noam falls for a young Palestinian Ashraf. their lives become entangled in the country's political drama. Emotionally powerful stuff. with strong acting across the board.

. . . and one festival turkey:

The Tracey Fragments What a waste of Ellen Page‘s acting talents.

(Selina Robertson)

Salsa Celtica A steamy Cuban Ceilidh!

Steven Sea al and his band Thunder ox

to March it March

Scott Matthews very Nick Drake" AMork‘fRadclttte

25 March . - narIWen 30 More“ Desert guitarsfgnd§cthdran blues

Peatbog Faeries Htgh octane Celtic dance music

Fiddlers’ Bid Flying fiddles & furious talent

Online Booking: www.thequeenshall.net THE Booking Hotline: 013] 777 1014 ()FIQUEENS Clerk Street. Edinburgh HAU-

13 April 3 May

1 15) Mai 2’()()i' THE LIST 47