I Large double room in comfortahle West lind llat. .-\ll mod cons. (‘lose to B_vres Rd. BB(‘ and l'niv. Still 30+ NS professional. Availahle now. Rent inc. all hills except phone £395 pcm 'l'lil.: (H41 334 5683

I West End, room to let in comfortable traditional llat. Suit single full time working profes- sional. .»\ll mod cons. .\'o cleaning. .\'o hills. .\'o extras. £340. l’('.\l 'l‘lil; ()l4l 576 515‘) it 0783] 818 644

I Huge fully-furnished room tplus walk-in clothes storage spacer to let iii friendlv Woodlands llat close to city centre and all amenities. Rent £300 pcm tincludes (‘ouncil 'l‘as i. (‘all (iraeme on 0141 57‘) 3365 or 077] 375 I368

I Short-term flatshare Mount lilorida Lovel} furnished douhle room in quiet clean tid} 3-hed llat. \ear shops/hars. lixcel- lent hits and rail littks. would suit n/s professional. 'l‘lil; (’all Jude 0797161145]

I Furnished room to let in eas_v-going Battlefield llat. Sltared kitchen. hatltroom. living room. ()ptional hrtiadhand/landline. Shar— ing with l milsical male lsmok'erl. £350 + hills 'l‘lil; 07776 404 I89 I South facing, southside room to let. suit student or profes- sional. escellent transport links and park and amenities all \ /nearh_\: also secure 000'). £360 pcm incl c.t + hill.s.call .lttstili 8pm + 'l‘lil; 0|4l 434 I741 : 07773 I03014 I Fully furnished room to let in the west end. 5 mins walk from Kelv inhridge underground. 15 mins walk from Bvres road. sharing with a 37 5r old profes- sional female tsmokeri in a gor- geotis llat. Dishwasher. \Vashing machine/tumhle dr_v er. Massive cooker t5 hoh and in en l. micro- wave and all kitchen utensils. hath attd power show er. parking. £395 pcm plus hills. avail immediatel} 'l'lil.: 07793 975 333 or 0785!

384 358

I 2 double rooms availahle in sunnv Strathhungo. Queens Park. All .\lod (‘ons. private gar- den and parking. (iorgeousl) fur- nished. new kitchen and hathroom. l'ahulotis decor. £300 per room pm plus hills. 'l’lil.: 0l4l 4334876


I Edinburgh l-laymarket Large comfortahle hrigltt room in spaciotis modernised llat all mod cons \\'.\l/l)rver (i(‘ll 3 hathrooms close to all amenities n/s lnternet Broadhand £300pcm incl.ct. Tel: 07788 854 7l3

I City centre room to let with small ensuite. share 3 others tga} malcsl ground lloor with outside space most mod cons

nice flat off Broughton street L‘335/month inc ctas share other hills Tel: 07808 73‘) 433 /0l3| 558 9380

I Bruntsfield - large, hright and lovely master hedroom in heautiful central lirst floor flat. £345/month + hills + ("II Sharing with independent. friendlv profes- sional female (37 l. .»\vailahle .\larch. 'l'lil.: 013] 338 I583 please leave message if I'm out - I will respond to all calls

- ._~1+§§313’,-2~i:~3fl£:‘30331.5.

Flatshares cont.

I Bright Double Room availahle in 3 hed \ewhav en llat sharing with l other. On street parking. close to l.eith. hars. shops and has routes. £360 pcm linc. taxi plus phone. 'l'lil.: 07834 534 083 I West End, young pt'ofes- sional to share friendl} house with 5 others. hright furnished single room. 3 hathrooms. ln'oadhand. BBQ area. great central location. £333 pm. excluding hills and ("l' 'l‘lil.: 07845 667 014

I Single room available

in a gorgeous flat tliaster Roadl for students. Sharing with two l‘L‘lllLllCS. Rc‘lll 366+hllls+tlc‘pt)sil. 'l'lil.: 07894 333 986 levening. alter work? i

I Double room in lovel} modern flat in Leith. Non-smok- ing. liurnished. (ireat kitchen with mod cons and living room/ dining area. l-‘riendl'v male flatmate. l’rofs onl_v. L‘335pcm + [as/hills. TH; 0780‘) 64‘) 783

I Single room for let in cos}. \Vest lind garden llat. Share with friendI} 35 _\.0 female.

Large kitclten diner. living room with cahle. hathroom w itlt power shower. N/S. prof preffl'lil; 078‘) 493 9407

I Sunny room to rent in well maintained Stockhridge llat. sharing with two others. \Vould suit rioti- smoking professional. .»\\ailahle from lst .-\pril. £335 pcm +hills + ('.'l‘. 'l'liI.: 0|3l 343 3856

I Lovely room available in (iranton for short term let. £380 inc hills tescept telephone callsl. Sharing w itlt one other teas} - going. professional fctttale. 33) would suit non-smoking. fetnale professional. Availahle immedi- atelv 'I'lil.: 078|8 373 7ll

I Large room in stlllll) .\larchmont. Sanded lloors. plants. good cooking. internet. Sharing with two males «35. 43) into masic. mountain hikes. philosoph}. Rent+("I'=301pm; also deposit and agencv fee. 'I'lil; 07‘) l 3 040 877

I Lodger sought for l)ouhlc room in heatitiful recentl} re- furhished cit} centre familv home. Internet availahilit}. .\'o ('ouncil TM or hills except share of phone hill. £335 per month plus deposit. 'l'lil.: 07947 386 347

I Double bedroom, avail- able end of feh/l st of march. at £380 thills incisituated at the edge of the meadow s. to share with 3 friend|_\ sociahle female students. tgood sense of humour a mustT l 'l’lil; 07931 383 763

I Cosy single room in

great 3-hedroom flat in l’olwat‘lli availahle from 35 March until

33 .\la_v. Rent is £350 per month. Non—smokers and students onl}. please. limail: chrschmidtw lvcos. com. l)a_vtime 07736 638 06‘)

I Leith Flatshare comfort- able douhle room in traditional tenement llat. Rent £375 pcm + equal share in hills. \Vouild suit ga} /ga_\ friendl} professional with mature outlook. 'l'lil .: 07905 803 586

I Double bedroom for voting professional availahle in l.eith l-‘lat. nr ()cean 'l‘erminal. l-"ull amenities. 3 hathrooms. (i(‘ll and off-street parking. £333 + hills +("l‘ + deposit. TH; 0131 476 587l

I Sociable young profes- sional sought for large stllili} douhle room to share newl_v re- furhished Leith flat with 3 others. (‘lose to the Shore and main hus routes. Rent L‘3401inc ("fl + hills. .'\vailahle end l5eh. ill: (0 3l

555 5 l 30

I Box room to rent twitlt [\l in lovel_v one hedroom llat off liaster Road to share with one fetnale and one male. L' l60pm + hills. Availahle immediatel}. until end of Ma}. 'l'lil; 07843l05‘)64 I Double room available in lovel} ('(' llat to share with friendl) female - suitahle forYl’. £410 per month tincludes hills + ("it + £375 deposit. .-\v ail mid March tam fles- ihlcl 'lhlfl .: 07949 696998

I Decent sized room in .\'ew ington llat. ('lean. modern kitchen. lounge. \\'(‘. shower room. superh top-lloor view s. .\lalc. share w itlt one other. £380 pcm and share of hills. 'l‘lil .: 07768 744 738

I Lovely, furnished large sunn) room for rent in spacious Morningside flat with dining roont and living room. Sharing with female. Professitinals/postgradu- ates preferred. Rent is 350 per month. TH; 0775 l4375l0 /0l3l 33‘) 9690

I Double/single room available in lovel} ltouse. north lidinhurgh. .v\ll mod cons. garden. excellent location. good transport links. To share with friendl}

eas_\ going female. .;\\ailahle mid-March. £350/:\L'350 pcm + la\/hills 'l"lil.: 07977 564 l 34

I Double room in Stock- hridge lirst lloor llat. £3.3llpc'tit tnot including hillsl \Vould suit voting rela\ed professional or couple. 'l‘lil; 078l36l l4 1 3

I Seafront (Trinity) flat w illt great view s and a douhle room availahle to rent immediatel).

To share with one other friendl). relased. professional non-smoking female. (la) friendlv. L'335pcm all ittclusive. 'l‘lil; 07930 53l 584

I Spacious bedroom to rent in well equipped. renovated lcillt llat. sharing propet’t} with l other person. inmtediate entr_v pos- sihle. {360+ hills. no dss 'I'lil; 07890647849

I Female, N/S, profes- sional wanted for dotthle room iii lovcl). hright. spaciotis flat. to share with one other. lluge kitchen & separate living roomSt l’atrick Sq £390 pcm + ("l’ + Bills. 'l'lil.: 07989 635 340 ill: 07989635340 I Double room available for two people sharing w itlt one other. Shared kitchen and lounge in the liaster Road area. £95 per week including all hills. 'l‘lil; 0796l 976 793

I Bright double room lo rent in a well furnished 3 hedrootn New ington llat. .-\vailahle .\'()\\'Tll Rent is £335 pcm inc ("ll flat has great hig livingroom and hrand new kitchen. Sharing with 34 )i‘ old tnale professional. If interested. please call Jerem} on 07974 930 905 ill: 07974 930 90.5

I Double room for rent

on l.eith walk. You would he sharing with 3 others t lf/3ml. £393.50pcm + hills tlilec/(iast

and ("f £34.50. .\'o students or couples. Deposit required

'l'lil .: 0773‘) 966 658


Book your Flatshare ad ONLINE

Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's best-selling entertainment and ' lifestyle magazine. it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What's more, the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 90,000 unique visits per month.

Go to www.list.co.uk and click on ‘flatshare' at the top of the page You will be asked for:

1 Your name. address and phone number 2 Up to 30 words description about the flatshare including the room, rent, number of other occupants and type of person sought 3 A contact number for potential flat mates to ring

1 Terms '8 conditions i ‘1

" Flatshare advertsmustbe‘ placed using our online

bOoking service. Foradmimstration purposes, advertisers must supp-fly their‘full name and address (NOT for publication); he Flatshare service is for people: seeking afl‘atmat‘e,;0nl ,rflatshare adverts will e.;accepted for publicationin his section. Adverts for renting a whole flat must be laced in our 'Ftats tovLet' section, full instructions “or. booking, these ads are‘ available on our website in the Shop section. it is compan policy not tova‘jccept adverts that are deemed to-be of ensive or discriminatory. :The Lustreserves the right to refuse or withdraw anypadvertisement at our

discretion and without explanation.

If ydu would like further inio_rmation about The List flatshare service; there isno need to call The List..please refer to our website www.list.‘co.uk Click on flatshare and then FAQs ' which should tell you everything you need to know.

We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal

safety, you should always have someone with you when you are showing people your flat, or when you are going to see a room in a flat.

i if» Mar (3007' THE LIST 101