Goal 2: Living the Dream 1 12A) 0.1)(). 9.0().
Hannibal Rising (18) I 1.45am. 2.51). 5.50. 8.50.
Hot Fuzz115) noon. 2.00. 3.00. 5.00. 0.00. 8.00. 9.0().
The Last King oi Scotland115) 11.20am. 2.11). 5.1(). 8.10.
Music and Lyrics1I2A) 12.15. 3.01). 5.45. 8.30.
Notes on a Scandal 1 15) 12.41). 3.01). 5.20. 7.51).
The Pursuit oi Happyness 1 12A)
1 1.00am.
The Reei1L') 11.05am. 12.55. 2.45.
Arthur and the Invisibles 11?) Daily: 11.00am. 1.10.
Babel 1 15)
Daily: 2.15. 8.30 (not Mon 8; Tue). Because I Said So112.»\)
Daily: 12.05. 2.45. 5.25. 8.15. Also late Fri & Sat: 1 1.30.
Blood Diamond 1 15)
Daily: 1.50. 5.15. 8.4(). Charlotte’s Web (L')
Daily: 1 1.05am. 1.30. 4.00. 6.2(). Dreamgiris 1 12A)
Daily: 11.20am. 2.20. 5.20. Epic Movie 1 12A)
Daily: 11.45am. 2.1(). 4.25. 8.55.
Also late Fri 8; Sat: 1 1.25. Garfield: A Tale oi Tillio Kitties (L') Matinee Sat: 10.00am.
Goal 2: Living the Dream 112A)
Daily: 11.30am. 5.30 (not Mon). Also late Fri & Sat: 1 1.40.
The Goonies 1P0)
Mon: 8.5(1.
Hannibal Rising 1 18)
Daily: 3.20. 6.10. 9.10 (not Mon). Hot Fuzz 1 15)
Daily: 1 1.10am. noon. 2.00. 2.4(). 5.00. 5.45. 8.00. 9.00.
Also late Fri 8: Sat: 1 1.11).
The Last King at Scotland 1 15)
Daily: 11.10am. 2.30. 5.55. 8.45. Music and Lyrics 1 12A)
Daily: 12.10. 2.55. 5.35. 8.20.
Also late Fri 8; Sat: 1 1.2().
Notes on a Scandal 1 15)
Daily: 12.30. 2.50. 5.05. 7.50.
Open Season (PG)
Matinee Sat: 10.00am.
The Pursuit oi Happyness 1 12A) Daily: 8.50.
The Reei1ti)
Daily: 11.50am.
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (1:)
Matinee Sat: 10.00am.
The Science at Sleep 1 15)
Daily: 11.05am. 2.05. 5.35. 8.05. Also late Fri 8; Sat: 11.00.
18 Nevvbattle Terrace. (1131 447 4771. Info: 0131 447 206() and 447 8450. (‘(‘ booking: 0131 447 4771. Adult: Standard
£5.70. Superior £6.60. (‘inema 3/4 £6.60.
Bei‘ore 6pm. Mon-Fri: Standard £4.70. Superior £4.90. (‘inema 3/4 £5.60. Concessions/Chi1dren: Standard £4.20. Superior £5.60. (‘illema 3/4 £4.20. Pullmans: Afternoon £6.90. livening £1 1.5(1. Sofas/Recliners: Afternoon: £7.50. livening £12.50. (‘inema 2 Sofas: Afternoon £7.50. livenillg £8.50. Students (Sun-Thu) £4.60 includes a drink. Family tickets from £3.40 per person. Parent and baby screenings: £3 for each accompanying adult.
Charlotte’s Web1t.') 1.45. 4.1)1). 0.21). 8.40.
Hot Fuzz115) 2.1)(). 5.00. 8.25.
Miss Potter11’(i) 1.15. 3.31).
Music and Lyrics 112A) 3.40. 0.00. 8.25.
Night at the Museum (PU) 1.21). Running with Scissors 1 15) 0.1)1). 8.3(1.
Blood Diamond ( 15)
Daily: 8.10.
Charlotte’s Web (U)
Daily: 1.30 (not Mon & Tue). 3.55. 6.00 (not Sat & Still).
Hot Fuzz 115)
Daily: 2.30 (not Mon 8; Tue). 5.25. 8.25.
The Last King of Scotland 1 15) Daily: 7.10.
Also matinee Fri. Wed 8; Thu: Miss Potter 1 PG)
Sat 8; Still: 1.10. 3.20. 5.40. Music and Lyrics 1 12A) Weekdays: 2.00 (not Mon & Tue). 5.00. 7.45.
Sat & Still: 5.50. 8.10.
Night at the Museum (PG)
Matinee Sat & Still: 1.40.
Venus 1 15)
Daily: 4.25.
g 3. Casablanca (ParentBBaby . Screening)1PG) 10.30am. ' Casablanca1PG) 3.15. 0.15. 8.45.
1. The Science oi Sleep (15) 2.31). 0.00. 8.30. 2. Into Great Silence 1U) 2.15. 8.10.
’ The Misfits (PG) 5.3().
3. Casablanca1PG) 3.15. 8.45. The Draughtsman’s Contract 1 15) 0.15.
1.'|'he Science oi Sleep115) 2.31). 0.00. f 8.3(). 2.lnto Great Silence1U) 2.15. 8.00.
Edinburgh Film Guild
Filmhouse. 88 1.0thian Road. ()131 228 2688. Membership £35. Guest tickets per screening: £5.40. Please note that there are no trailers 0r adverts and screenings start at 6pm precisely. This season members are also entitled to attend one 01 the films being screened by the Filmhouse each Sunday at approximately 6pm. For further details see vvvvvv.edinburghli1mguild.c0m.
The Strange Woman (the) 0.1)(). SUNDAY 25 FEB
Masque oi the Red Death 1 15) 0.1)().
88 Lothian Road. (1131 228 2688. Bar. Restaurant. Main evening screenings: £5.90 (£4.30). liarly Evening screenings 4pm--7pm: £5.40 (£3.90). Matinees: £4.20 (£2.70); Friday bargain matinees: £3.20 (£1.80).
1. The Last King oi Scotland 115) 2.31). 8.35.
Pan’s Labyrinth 1 15) 0.1)1).
2. The Dead (11) 3.31). 0.31). 8.45.
3. Black Book (Zwartboek) 1 15) 2.45. 8.15.
Al-Ghazali: The Alchemist oi Happiness (12A) 5.45.
1. The Science at Sleep 1 15) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 8.3().
2. Into Great Silence (1.?) 2.15. 8.00. The Dead1U) 0.111).
3. Casablanca11>(1) 3.15. 0.15. 8.45.
1. The Olive Harvest (PG) 1.1)0.
The Science oi Sleep 1 15) 3.31). 0.1)1). 8.30.
2. Dutiand115) 2.01).
Into Great Silence (1)) 4.31). 8.00.
3. Key Largo (PG) 3.15.
Casablanca (PG) 0.15. 8.45.
1. The Science oiSieep 115) 1.1)1). 3.31). 0.1)1). 8.31).
2. Into Great Silence (1)) 2.15. 8.10. Dutiand115) 5.45.
3. Jour De Fete (U) 1.1)().
Casablanca (PG) 3.15. 8.45.
Key Largo (PG) 0.15.
1. The Science oi Sleep 115) 2.31). 0.1)(). 8.30.
2. Into Great Silence (1}) 2.15. 8.11). Zidane: A 2ist Century Portrait (PG) 0.1)1).
Casablanca 1 PG) 5.45.
3. The Misfits (PG) 2.45.
Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday 1 PG ) 0.1)(). Who Loves the Sun 115) 8.31).
1. The Science oi Sleep (15) 2.31). 0.1)1). 8.30.
2. Into Great Silence (D) 2.15. 8.01). Casablanca (PG) 5.45.
3. Casablanca11’G) 3.15.
Mon Oncle1PG) 0.1)(). The Misflts1PG) 8.30.
1. Orchestra Seats 112A) 2.31). 0.15. 8.45.
2. The Science oi Sleep (15) 3.31). 0.1)(). 8.30.
3. The Journals oi Knud Rasmussen (PG) 3.00.
The Hanging Garden (Kucilu Telen) 118) 5.45.
Bon Cop, Bad Cop 115) 8.15.
SATURDAY 24 FEB 1. Orchestra Seats 112A) 2.31). 0.15.
8.45. 2. Kidnapped1U) 1.00.
The Science oi Sleep (15) 3.30. 0.01). 8.30. 3. Sway (Yureru) 1 15) 3.1)().
License to Live (Hingen Gokaku) 115)
6.15. The Journals oi Knud Rasmussen (PG) 8.45.
1. The Tadpole and the Whale 1U) 1.1)1). Orchestra Seats 112A) 3.00. 0.15.
2. The Science oi Sleep (15) 3.31). 0.1)1). 8.30.
3. Everything’s Gone Green 1 15) 3.45. Congorama115) 0.15.
Sway (Yureru)115) 8.45.
1. The Tadpole and the Whale 1U) 10.30am.
Orchestra Seats ( 12A) 230. 0.15.
2. The Science oi Sleep 1 15) 3.30. 0.1)(). 8.3().
3. Congorama 115) 3.01).
Hard Core Logo 115) 0.15.
Everything’s Gone Green 1 15) 8.45.
1. Orchestra Seats 112A) 2.31). 0.15. 8.45.
2. The Science oiSleep115) 3.30. 0.1)(). 8.31).
3. Hard Core Logo 115) 3.00.
Goodbye Lenin! 115) 0.15.
A Laughing Frog (Warau Kaeru) (PG) 8.45.
. 1.0rchestra Seats1l2A) 2.31). 0.15.
2. The Science oi Sleep (15) 3.30. 0.1)1). 8.30.
3. Man Push Cart 1 15) 3.1)(). 0.15. Hushl115) 8.15.
f 1.0rchestra Seats1l2A) 2.31). 11.15.
i 2. The Science oi Sleep115) 3.30. 0.1)(). 3 8.30.
3. Man Push Cart115) 3.00. 0.15. Canary (Kanaria)115) 8.15.
Odeon Fort Kinnaird
Kinnaird Park. Nevvcraighall Road. ()131 669 0777. Info & Booking: 0871 22 44 007. £5.90 (£4.90 before 4pm Mon—Fri).
(‘hiIdren/students/OAPs: £4.20.
Arthur and the Invisibles 1t.') 1 1.20am. 1.3(). 3.50. 6.00.
Blood and Chocolate112A) 1.41). 4.01).
6.20. 8.50.
5 Blood Diamond (15) 8.15.
Charlotte’s Web1tf) 11.00am. 1.20.
3.40. 0.11). 8.30.
Dreamgiris1I2A) 3.1)1). 0.1)1). 9.00. Epic Movie112A) 11.40am. 2.11). 4.31). 7.00. 9.10.
Flushed Away1U) 1.1)1). Goal 2: Living the Dream1l2A) 12.10.
2.50. 5.50. 8.40. Hannibal Rising118) 3.31). 0.31). 9.20. Happy Feet1U) 1.11).
; Hot Fuzz115) 12.41). 3.21). 5.21). 0.20. ‘ 8.0(). 9.01).
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown 115) 1 1.00am. ; Miss Potter1PG) 11.10am.
; Music and Lyrics112A) 12.31). 1.51).
3.10. 4.20. 5.40. 6.50. 8.20. 9.20.
Notes on a Scandal (15) 1 1.30am.
The Pursuit oi Happyness 1 12A) noon. 2.41).
The Reei1tf) 12.20. 2.20. 4.20. ROCKY Balboa (12A) 6.40. 9.10.
j FRIDAY 16—THURSDAY 22 Arthur and the Invisibles 113)
Daily: 1.40. 4.10. 6.21). Also matinee Fri—Sun: 1 1.20am.
1 BecauselSaldSo112A)
Daily: 1.30. 4.20. 6.45. 9.15.
| Because I Said So (Parent 8. Baby f Screening) 112A)
Matinee Tue: 10.30am.
Blood Diamond 1 15)
~ Daily: 8.30.
Also matinee Fri~-Sun:
Matinee Tue:
Charlotte’s Web 11))
Daily: 1.20. 3.50. 6.10.
1 1.00am. Charlotte’s Web (Subtitled) 1 U)
1 1.00am.
Deck the Halls 1P0)
Daily: 3.30. 9.00.
Dreamgiris 1 12A)
5 Daily: 3.31). 9.01). Eldavya: The Royal Guard (PG)
Matinee Fri—«Sun:
Daily: 3.41). 0.15. 8.50.
Epic Movle1I2A)
Daily: 2.2(). 4.40. 7.00. 9.1(). Flushed Away 113)
T Goal 2: Living the Dream1l2.»\) Daily: 2.51). 5.41). 8.20.
Also matinee Fri-Sun:
1 1.40am. Hannibal Rising 1 18)
Daily: 5.50 (not Thu). 8.40 (not Tue). Happy Feet 113) Matinee Fri Sllll: Hot Fuzz 1 15) Daily: 2.00. 3.00. 5.00. 0.00. 8.00. 9.0(). Also matinee Fri ~-Sun: noon.
1 1.50am.
; The Last King oi Scotland 1 15)
Matinee Tue:
Daily: 8.45.
The Last Kiss (Senior Screening) 1 I5) I 1.00am.
Mischief Night 1 15)
Tue: 8.3(1.
Music and Lyrics 1 12A)
Daily: 1.00. 2.40. 5.30. 0.30. 8.10.
Also matinee Fri-Sun: 12.1(1.
The Pursuit oi Happyness 1 12A)
Daily: 1.11). The Reef (1?)
Daily: 1.50. 4.00.
Also matinee Fri-«Sun:
l 1.40am.
Rocky Balboa 112A)
Matinee Fri-Sun: 1 1.30am.
0:111): 2.11). 4.31). 0.51). 9.21).
15 Feb—1 Mar 2007 THE LIST 57