For all Celtic Connections tickets call 0141 353 8000. For shows at the Old Fruitmarket, ABC, Classic Grand and The Garage tickets can also be purchased through Ticketmaster on 08701 690100. Lines are open Mon-Fri 9am-9pm and Sat 8. Sun 10am-9pm. They are also available in person from the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 2 Sauchiehall Street from 10am-9pm or online at www.celticconnections.com.
Thursday 1 8
I Celtic Music Radio Royal (‘olicet‘t Hall: Iixliihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 2pitt. Daily radio shoyy offering Iiigliliglits from the ('eItic (‘onliections I-'estiyal. including
ilitery ieyys \s itIi the leading perforliiers. Ticket ayailahility arid inforlitation also giyeli on-air.
I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage Royal (‘oncert Hall: lixhihition Ilall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 5 7pm. l‘ree. Hosted hy the late Danny Kyle's pals (iihh Todd and Lil (‘lark. this is the chance to see neyy musical talents as they compete for a support slot at next year's festiyal.
I Mary Chapin Carpenter ('oncert Hall. Broadcasting House. Queen Margaret I)ri\e. 33S 20I7. 7.30pm.
£22 £24. I-‘olk. pop and country iii the first Scottiin slioyy from the Aliiericali sitiger-soligyyriter iii the years.
I Matt McGinn Night Saint Andreyy 's iii the Square. St Alidreyy 's Square. 550 5002. Split. U250. A trihtlte to the late socialist, songyyl'itcr alid ftllitiy ttiati. (itlests include .\latt's daughter Sholiagh .\Ie(iitin. tlte .\Ic('ltlsl\'\ Brothers. ('ttt‘ol I.attla. Laura .\lc(ilicc. Terry \Vilicltell alid I)a\ id Hayman.
I Seamus Egan with Ewan MacPherson and Mary Ann Kennedy with Jenna Cumming The National Piping (’entrc. \Icl’hater Street. ('oyycaddens. 2S7 55I I. Split.
i I0. Part of the ('colt'aidlt series. teaming tip estahlislied professionals
\\ itIi younger musicians.
I Jim Lauderdale Tron 'I‘lieatre. Troligate. 553 42(i7. Split. U250. Rootsy hluegrass and country from the (iraliitiiy ayyard-yyinner. Support from \IaeyL‘ ()‘Boyle.
I Richie Havens AB('. Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. Split. U5. Intense \oeals yy itlt unique driy tng guitar rhythms front (i0s \eteran Hayelis. opening act at \Voodstock. atid more recently coIIahorator \y itlt datice dtlo (irooy e Arntada. Support front young lidinhttrgh singer/guitarist I)a\ id l‘icrt‘ard.
I Robyn Hitchcock 8. the Venus 3 (‘Iassic (irand. Jamaica Street. S47 0S20. Split. Uh. The ex-Soft Boys \ocalist is joined by a hacking hand coliiprisilig l’etcr Buck. Scott .\lc('aughey and Bill Reiflin lRlth.
I The Wrigley Sisters Royal (‘oncert Hall: Stratliclyde Suite. Sauchiehall Street. 0I~II 353 S000. Split. U250. Huger accomplished. fleet-filigered fiddle and guitar/key hoard front the tyy ili ()rcadiali sihliligs Jennifer and Ha/el.
I Phil Cunningham & Friends and Dochas The Old I‘ruitiiiarket. ('andlcriggs. 353 S000. I0pili. U5. Accordion yy i/ and his pals. \yitli (iaelic singer/piper Julie l‘oyy Iis alid her top- notch hand.
I Celtic Connections Festival Club Holiday Inn ('ity \Vest. Bothyyell Street. 353 S000. l0.30piii. £3.50 [7.50. The I’estiyal huh each night. yy itlt sets front concert pel'fortitel's. special tllihilled appearances. informal sessions. and food alid drinking till the yyce small hours.
I Celtic Music Radio Royal Concert Hall: Iiyliihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 2pm. See Thu IS.
I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage Royal ('oncet't Hall: Iiyhihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 5 7pm. I‘rce. See Tltu IS.
I Clannad Royal (‘oncert Hall: .\lain Auditorium. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £22 £24. Iti their first l'K slioyy for tell years. the DonegaI—deriyed halid hl'ing their ethereal sounds across the “titer.
I Ernie Hawkins and The Nimmo Brothers Iloliday Ilili (‘ity \Vest. Bothyyell Street. 0S70 400 0003. 7.30pm. U0. Solo acottstic hlucs front Hayy kilis joined hy (ilasgoyy 's .\'iitinio Brothers.
I Bruce Cockburn and The Alison Brown Quartet AB(‘. Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. Split. U5. Political and social issues iii song from the star ('anadian musician. ('Iassy. ja/ly hanio alid solig In support.
I Madviolet and GiveWay The National l’iping ('entre. .\Icl’liatcr Street. ('oyycaddens. 3S7 55| I. Split. U0. All- female douhle hill of yottng rootsy music. I Maggie Maclnnes attd Cathy-Ann McPhee St Andreyy ‘s iii the Square. St Alidreyy ‘s Square. 550 5002. Split. U250. A concert celebrating the Hehridean island of Barra's (iaelic music traditions ili harp and song.
I Maura O’Connell altd Heidi Talbot Trio Royal (‘oncert Hall: Strathclyde Suite. Sattcliieliall Street. (II-II 353 S000. Split. U250. Headliner ()'('olinell perforliis her mixture of Irish and IS folk. hIending ili country. jal/ and pop.
I The Ukrainians, Rise Kagona and Champion Doug Veitch ('lassic (iranll. IS Jamaica Street. S47 0S20. Split. U-I. \Veddilig I’reselit offshoot nii.\ pop plllik \yitIi traditional l'kl'ailiian soltlids. yyith \yorld lnusic support.
I Session A9 alid The Duhks The Old I'i'tlitliiarket. ('andleriggs. 353 S000. I0pnt. U5. Set to release their latest album What Rmul.” this year. the hand. formed hy ('apercaillie’s hoyyliian ('harIie McKerron. features fiddlers McKerron. (iordott (iunn. Adam Sutherland and Keyin Henderson. singer/guitarist Kris I)re\ er. accordionist/gtiitarist Tim lidey. key hoat‘dist Brian .\IcAlpilie and I’eathog liaerics drummer laiti (’opeIalid. With ('anadian celtic hlugrassers.
I Celtic Connections Ceilidh Royal (‘oltcet‘t Hall: lixhihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. I0.30pm. L'S. (iet yottr dancing shoes on. I.i\'e music from the Scott Ilal'yey (‘eilidli Band.
I Celtic Connections Festival Club Holiday Ilili (‘ity West. Bothys ell Street. 353 Sll00. l0.30pitt. £3.50 £7.50. See Thu IS.
Saturday 20
I Mandolin Workshop Royal (‘ottcert Hall: I.omond lioy er. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. I tam. L'o. ('oliie and try yyitli the I.anarkshire (illitar altd Mandolin Association.
I Opening Your Voice Workshop Royal ('olicert Hall: Buchanan Suite. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. I Ialit. u». find your inner-singer. \yith \ocal coach Harriet Btlcliati.
I Traditional Scots Singing Workshop Royal (‘onccrt Hall: ('Iyde I-‘oyer. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000.
I Ialii. L'o. (ireat traditional singer Maureen Jelks‘ \yot’ksliop is aimed at those \yitlt little technical knowledge. hut a lot of elitlitlsiaslii.
I Celtic Connections Youth Concert Royal ('onccrt Hall: .\Iaili Auditoriulii. Sattcliieliall Street. 353 S000. Iplii. U250. Some of the hcst young Scottiin musicians gather together for this altliiyersal'y concert. Included ill the
The annual influx of agents and promoters
invited to the Showcase Scotland weekend at Celtic Connections will be able to join what will doubtless be a substantial public audience for this very tasty array of contemporary Scottish folk talent. Session A9, Colin Steele’s Stramash, Lau, The Fraser Fifield Band and singers Roddy Hart, Julie Fowlis, Steve Byrne and Iain Morrison, and pipers Ross Ainslie and Jarlath Henderson all contribute to what should be a memorable occasion. If you can’t get along, Radio Scotland’s Travelling Folk will broadcast proceedings live.
Roy/(ll Concert Hall. (iil'zlsgliltc Thu 25 Jan.
performance is yeterali political singer l)ick (iaughan's Treaty 3!)“ marking 300 .‘ears since the Act of l'liion.
I The Island Tapes with David Allison Royal ('onccrt Hall: Stt'atliclyde Suite. Sauchiehall Street. ()I~II 353 S000. Iplii. U250. A film alid music ftisioli looking at historical Scottish Highland and Island life. \yith electro-acoustic guitar.
I Fiddle Workshop Royal (‘oncert Hall: I.omond I-‘oyer. Satlcliieliall Street. 353 S000. I.30ptii. {(i. A workshop iii the festiyal's ‘('ome & Try' series. Sarah- Jatie Summons guides heginners through the rudiliients of fiddle and playing by car. Instruliients pt‘oy ided.
I Samba Workshop Royal (‘oncert Hall: Iixhihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. I.30plit. £(i. Bang oltt your stress on the South American drums. Instruments are proyided as Big (irooyc slioyy you the hasics alid let you. literally. liayc a hash.
I Whistle Workshop Royal (‘oncert Hall: Bttclialiali Suite. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 1.30pm. to. Learn the hasics of the yyhistIe. with all emphasis on Scottish tulies. Whistles are proyided. htlt you're \s'elcoiiie to hring your own lkey of D).
I Celtic Music Radio Royal (’oncert Hall: Ii.\liihition Hall. Sattcliieliall Street. 353 S000. 2pm. See Thu IS.
I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage Royal (‘oncert Hall: liyliihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 5 7pm. I‘ree. See 'l‘lttl IS.
I Scotland’s Music Live (‘ity Halls. ('andleriggs. 353 S000. 7.30pm. U5. A celehration of the nation‘s music. featuring Shetland fiddler ('Iiris Stout's neyy BB(' Scotland commission. followed by top young (iaelic singer James (irahalii and Scottish singers Karine I’olyy art attd Michael .\Iarra who \inI sing alid play accompanied hy the BB(‘ SS(). The latter will also perform liddie .\Ic(iuire’s (iaelic Solig cycle (it/gurus. I Solas and larla O Lionaird Royal (‘oncert Ilall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. US (Uh). l'S/Irislt folk stars return to (ilasgoyy \y itlt Afro-(‘elt \ocaIist larla. yyhose ancient Irish seali- ltos singing style Iias opened a feyy ears. I Daniel Lapp Trio and Andrea Zonn Tron 'I‘Iicatre. 'I‘roligate. 552 4267. Split. t.‘ I 2.50 lU(I.50l. 'I'ruliipeter and fiddler Daniel I.app teams tip otice agaili \\ itli feIony ('aliadiali guitarist Adam I)ohres atid lingland's Martin (ireen on accordion. Andrea Zonn. no stranger to fans of the Alison Broyyn (iroup. opens tlte sltoyy.
I Justin Currie and The Poems AB('. Saticliieliall Street. 332 2233. Split. U5. See preyieyy. page 57.
I Peter Tickell with Adam Sutherland and Siobhan Miller and Gordeanna McCulloch The National I’iping ('entre. Mel’liater Street. (‘oyycaddens. 2S7 551 I. Spm. U0. I-"irst on fiddle. tlten on Scots song. and part of the (’eolraidh series. this concert teams up estahlislied professionals with younger liiusicians.
I Uncle Earl and John Spillane Royal (‘oncert Hall: Stratliclyde Suite. Sauchiehall Street. 0H] 35.3 S000. Split. U250. (iirl group t'licle liarl area distinctly e pre-hluegt‘ass. folk. alt- country. pop and jalii-hand. They ’re joined by estahlislied Irish singer-
songyy riter Spillane.
I Shooglenifty and Tanya Tagaq with Skolvan Big Band The Old I‘ruitniarket. (‘andleriggs. 353 S000. |()pni. U5. Shooglenifty continue to lead tlte Scottiin l‘olk/l-tlsionislas. Ilere they are joined hy groundhreaking llittk throat singer Tanya Tagaq (iillis and ten-piece Breton outfit. the Skolyan Big Band.
I Celtic Connections Ceilidh Dance Royal ('oncert Hall: liyliihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. I0.30pni. L'S See I’ri I0.
I Celtic Connections Festival Club Holiday Iliti ('ity \Vcst. Botliyyell Street. 353 S000. I0.3()pln. £3.50 £7.50. See Iltll IS.
I I it; L’ol‘l' THE LIST 59
IS .Jal‘