became an archetypal tttt)\ ie narratix e with a lioxt ol' xequelx and copiex both ol'l'tcal and unolt'tcial. 'l'ri\ ia titne: handx up who can name all xe\'en ol' tlte dexperadox. .St'nlsnltllt Screening Room. Iz't/tIi/mre/i.

Manhattan (New Print) I 13A) 00.. (“body Allen. l'S. l‘J7‘J) “body Allen. Diane Keaton. Mariel llemingwa). 95min. A xligltt. ttrbati. amoral romantic coined) about one dixorce'x attempt to lind lt)\ e with hix bext l'riend'x mixtrexx (Keaton). it‘x timelexxnexx ix 0“ ed to Gordon “'lllix' gorgeottx black and white photograph); (ierxhwin'x 'Rhapxod} in Blue'. knowing borrowingx from other film maxtcrx and much. ttittclt more. The lilm hax cet'tainl) dated. but remainx the rontantic coined} ol‘ thix or an} )ear and Allen‘x one true titaxterpiece. (i/trwuw' l'i/m 'I‘lit'ulrt'. (i/tlxgrm;

Marilyn Hotchkiss Ballroom Dancing & Charm School ( 12A)

0 (Randall Miller. IS. 2005) Robert ('arl) le. Marixa 'l‘otnei. Joliti (ioodtnan. l0-lmin. Robert ('arl) Ie takex the lead iii the extended \erxion ol' Randall Miller'x l‘)‘)(l xhort lilm about a grottp ol di\erxe xtrangerx w ho dixco\ er their long-buried xell-exteem through the liealitig pow erx ol‘ muxic and dance. liu' Iit/iH/itirg/i ()t‘nm. lat/iiilmrg/i. Miss Potter (PG) .0 ((‘hrix Noonan. llK/I'S. 300(3) Renee It'll“ eget‘. limil) Watxon. Iiwan Mc(it'egor. 02min. '/.ellw eger'x xell'-prodttced biopic til the creator ol Peter Rabbit ix a xell-conxeiottx \anit} project that pla)x exen lexx interextingl} than an} llult')‘ burnt} bedtime xtor}; (it'ltt'm/ I'c'lc'mt'.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding (I’(i) .0. (Joel '/.wick. IS. 2002) Nia Vardalox. John ('orbet. (ii (’aridex. ()(illllll. (ieek) (it'eek-.-\merican 'I‘ottla (\ttrdalox) ix ne\‘er goiitg to get a man attd her lamil) are read} to dexpair. 'I‘hen xhe lindx lan ((‘orbet ). bttt lte'x not (ireekl 'l‘he e\ploration ol~ croxx- culture ix rentinixcent ol' lam! 1.x Izttsi. bttt the xyrup) xw eel momentx are ax hard to x\\tlll0\\ ax a xliot ol ()u/o. SI Brit/("x (t'nm: Ifdtnlmrg/i.

Nanny McPhee it‘) .0 (Kirk Jonex. l'K. 2005) Iimma ’I‘ltompxon. ('olin l‘irtlt. Kell) Macdonald. (’elia lttirie. Attgela I.anxbur}. 07min. The recently bereax‘ed (’edric Brown t('olin l’irth) hax wa_\ too man} kidx and no w il'e. Alter ltix hired help rexignx. he lindx Nann} McI’ltee ('l‘hompxon). a w art-ridden. xingle-toothed harridan who hax a remarkany caltning at'l'ect on hix wild children. bttt hix troublex are juxt beginning becauxe now he liax to lind a tiew wile belore .xnttbb) Attnt Adelaide (l.tttixbllt‘_\ ) cutx ol'l‘ hix linancial lifeline. Ilodge-podge tale of

pm ileged re\'elr_\. cliche and antiquated moralit} that pla} x like a wretched pro- cliildbirth px} chedelic larce lablc. ltlt' Iz'tliIt/mrgli ()mtri. lat/I'It/itu'g/t.

Night at the Museum «I’m 0.. (Shawn Lew}. IS. 2000) Bett Stiller. ('arla (ittgino. Robin \Villiamx_ 108mm. Broad. imaginatn e atid actuall) quite tun adxenttire coined} abottt a btittiblitig xecttrit} gttard (Stiller plttx a Ian} xupporting caxt) who letx looxe an ancient curxe at a Natural llixtor) Muxcum. which allowx the e\hibitx to come It) llle. (it’llt'l‘tl/ I'('l('(l\(’.

Open Season (PG) 00 (Roger Allerx. Jill ('ulton. Anthon} Stacchi. I'S. 300(1) \tHCL‘x of Martin Lawrence. Axhton Kutcher. |)ebra Mexxing. 80min. U00lb gri/Il} bear Boog (\oiced b} Lawrence) takex on a naxt} group ot human predatorx during the open httittitig xeaxon witli the help ol' lilliot (Kutcher). a taxi-talking itittle deer. l’redictable. bland. cliche ridden and

o\ erxw eet animation that juxt abottt paxxex muxter ax a xolt (brained lttttiil) llick. .Sr’lr't'lr'tl I'('/('tl\('.

Pan’s Labyrinth t )5) O... ((itiillermo I)el 'I‘oro. Mexico/Spain/l ‘S. 3006) l\ana Baquero. l)oug Jonex. Sergi l.ope/. l 19min. lit the cloxing xtagex ot' Spain'x ('i\ ll \Vat' )oung ()l'elia dixcmerx a xubtert'ancan world populated b} lair)ta|e creattirex. Ax xhc na\ igatex taxkx lit the\)'iIiI/i-like world the real dangerx lie abox e ground the dixxonance between the two proving that the real world ix tttore horril}ing than an} imagined one. ('i'm’imrlt/ Rt’ll’l‘t'li .S'Il't't't. (iluxgmt: (timer). l'ft/I'It/ittrgl).

Pépé Le Moko (I’(i) O... (Juliett I)u\'i\ier. I’rance. l‘).i()) Jean (iabin. Mireille Baliti. l,ine Noro. 03min. A I’arixian gangxter hidex ottt iii the Algerian caxbah. btit lm e temptx him ottt ol' hix hideaway with ultimater tragic t‘exultx. (iorgeoux. romantic melodrama. with a t)picall_\ doom} I-‘rencli remaking of a Hollywood genre. attd (iabin at the peak ol hix pow er.x. Itttroduced b) In Jonn) Mttrra}. (ilutqou' l‘i/m lylt’tlll't'. (i/usemi‘.

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer ( l5) 0... ('I‘om 'I‘}kw er. (ierman}/l"rance/Spaitt. 3000) Ben \Vliixhaw. I)uxtin llol'linan. Alan Rickman. l-l7min. Jean-Baptixte (irenouille (upcoming Brit \\'ltixlt;tw ) ix led to the gallowx iii I776 alter pertk'trating a xeriex ol murderx tr} iitg to recreate the xmell Ul~ hix ltt'xt (accidental) lxlll. I“ )‘lxet' doex ltix bext to replicate tlte ollactory xcintillation ol' I’atrick Sttxkittd'x xource no\ cl l’t'rttmu' through \oicem er and \ ixual trickx btit ix onl} partiall) xuccexxl'ttl. How ever. \Vltixhaw 'x e\ce|lent murderoux ambivalence and a killer ending manage to pull llilngx back. St’lt't'lt’t/ I't'lt’tlu'.

Polar Express 30 it‘) 0. (Robert Xettteck‘ix. ltS. Zle-l) \‘oicex: 'l‘om Ilankx. I.exlie /.emeckix. Wmin. (‘lit'ixtiiigtxx} tale baxed on (‘lirix .ltmiun/t' \an Allxberg'x rather more charming 32-page children'x book. arid rendered entirel} ltt xtunning high-tech animation (thix time gi\en the RI) treatment) that rexemblex a Rat/tn 'li'mthx cox er circa 1985. but it‘x a tcctlt rotting ride. /.)I.'t.\' 'I-Iit'ttll't'. (i/usgnn;

A Prairie Home Companion (Pt); 0... (Robert Altman. l‘S. 300(1) \Vood} llarrelxon. 'I‘omm} Jonex. Mer)l Streep. (ial‘t'lxon Keillor. 105mm. lt'x the littal night of a long-running \ariet) radio xhow baxed on Keillor‘x real-tile ‘A Prairie llotne ('ompanion' and ax the action lollow x the (celebrit} cameo) actx on and oil xtage. a trencltcmttcd angel ol death (Madxen) xtalkx Keillor. 'l‘lie linal lilm l'rotn the t'ecentl) deceaxed Altman ix a genial. warm-hearted meditation on mortalit} itxell. Silt-«It'll I'(’l('(l.\('.

Pura Vida (lit (Jan Nittittio. (‘oxta Rica/licuador. 3005-(0An exploration ol the real coxtx ol cheap fruit production iii ('oxta Rica. Alxo xhow ing ix limit/u: I'g/\ Bummm about workerx iii Iicuador challenging their emplo} erx. I-ollow ed b} a ()tkA with the director. ('ontainx explicit \ iolence that might not be

xuitable lor )ottng children. ."( lat/ut/mrg/t. The Pursuit of Happyness ( 12A)

.0 ((iabriele Mttccino. t'S. Zoom \Vill Stnith. 'l‘ltandie Newton. Jaden Smith. ll7min. (‘hrix (iardner (Smitlii'x xurx i\al xkillx are ptit to the text when hix girllt'iend Linda (Newton) lea\‘ex him. With a xoii to look alter (Smith'x real lite ol'lSltl‘ittg. laden) and an unpaid internxhip lor tncotne. (iardner‘x pttrxuit ol' the .-\mertcan l)t'eam (dubbed ‘haplwnexx‘t lookx doomed Smith Setiior ix tip to the dramatic challenge btit hix \er\ e cannot compenxate tor the glib monoton) ol' the xtor). (iv/rem] I't’lt'tlH’. The Queen ( 12A) 0000 (Stephen I"rearx t'K/I‘rance/Ital). 2000) Helen Mirt‘en. Micltacl Sheen. Jamex (‘romw ell. l03min. A behind tlte xcenex glitnpxe into tlte relationxltip between IIM Iili/abeth II and Prime Minixter 'I‘on) Blair dttring their xtt'ttggle. alter the death ol‘ Diana. to reach a compromixe between what wax a prixatc trailed) atid the public‘x dettiatid lor ati mert dixpla} ol' mourning. Beautilull} written and perlormed b) all. thix ix tlte xecond part ol~ director l't‘earx' Blair It'llttg). .St’lt't’lt't/ I'l’lt'tlH'.

The Return ( 15) O. (Axil Kapadta. l‘S. Zoom Sarah Michelle (iellar. Sam Shepard. Darrian .\tc('|analian. 85min. See Alxo Releaxed. page 40. (it'ltt'm/ It’ll’llu’. The Rocket Post ( (IA) 00

(Stephen Whittaker. l‘lx'. 3003) t'lricli ’l’homxen. Shauna MacDonald. (iat‘) I.ewix. Kevin Mclx'idd. llStnin. Baxed on a true xtor) in which an intriguing (iernian xcientixt brightenx up the retnote llebridean ixland ol' Scarp b) tr}ing to extablixlt a rocket poxtal x) xteiii. with mixed reactionx l'rom the localx. l’la}ing tnore like a Sunda} etening 'I’\‘ drama. the laboured ideolog} leadx to a i‘ixibl) m erblown ending. (irmt't'nm; (i/ttwmi;

A stunning show teaturing Aly and Phil with The Savoy Doucet Cajun Band from Louisiana and Bjorn Stabl and Ben an Janson from Sweden a stellar line up 0 7 ot the world’s traditional ‘Greats’ unmissable!

The Queen’s Halt presents

27 Feb 07 8pm

Tickets: £1 7l£15l£12

Booking Hotline: 0131 777 1004

Online Booking:

0- (mater... HALL




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