Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to® Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.
Thursday 18
Book Group Watci'stonc's (I’ormcrly ()ttakar"s). Buchanan (iallcrics. Buchanan Strcct. 353 I500. (rpm. l-‘rcc. [p for discussion this mccting \\ ill hc Julian Bai'ncs' xll'I/llll‘ um/ (ii'oljs'r'.
Saturday 20
Radical Independent Book Fair Project ('('.r\. 350 Saucliichall Slrcct. 352 4900. l lam 7pm. l-‘rcc. Supporting small pi'css puhlishcrs and indcpcndcnt produccrs. and circulating radical t'cading matcrials and information. this mini lair promiscs countcr-culturc publications. cxciting \‘lsllills. yiyid films and stimulating political discoursc.
Creative Writing Class Bortlci's Books. ()8 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. (i 8pm. £5. Alistair l’attcrson hosts a writing workshop cycry Monday cntitlcd ‘l)isco\cr and l)cyclop thc Writcr Within'. For t'tirthcr inl'o plcasc call 07969 8237 l 2.
Wednesday 24
Supper with Burns The lass. lligli Strcct. 556 (i338. 7pm. L'l5. linjo} a traditional Burns Suppci' tonight or tomorrow with storylcllcrs Linda Bandclicr. l)a\ id (‘amphcll and Donald Smith. Supper is includcd in tlic ticlsct pricc.
=l< Charlie Higson \Vurcrsioiic‘s.
I53 157 Sauchichall Strcct. 332 ‘)l05. (3.30pm. lircc rtickctcd). A family gui/ night to cclchratc thc publication of (‘harlic lligson's ncw Young lamcs Bond thrillcr Daub/r UI‘ Dual. Asscmhlc a tcam t It) max) and try to win Bond-thcmcd pri/cs hcl‘orc gctting _\'ollt' ncw hook signcd.
35‘ The Big Word ('il_\ (Eric. I‘) Blair Strcct. 220 0l25. 8.30 ll.30pm. £4 (£3). 'l'o cclchratc Burns .\'iglit in contrary stylc 'I‘hc Big Word prcscnts a complctcl) tin-Burns i'clatcd caharcl tturturing no tartan. haggis. or indccd nccps. (‘ontcmporary lyrical talcnt comcs from Tim 'l‘urnhull. l’aiil llinnrichs. Al“ llari'old. llk‘ Bcatnix l’octt')’ ('ollcctix c. (iracmc Haw lc_\‘ and Jcnn) l.ind.sa_\. Scc Around low n. Supper with Burns The lass. lligli Strcct. 556 (i338. 7pm. £l5. Scc Wed 24.
:2: Winter Words 2007 l’itlochr) l'csti\zil 'I’hcatrc. l’itlocht')‘. 0l7‘)(i 484(i2. l'ntil 28 Jan. 'l'imcs \ary. l’riccs vary. Why not licad a littlc litii'tlicr alicld tor thc annual cclchration of writing with a Scottish thcmc'.’ .lohn Simpson. Ronnic (‘oi‘hctl and William .\lcllyannc) lop thc hill this ycar. WllllL‘ othcr spccial c\ cnts includc a ‘Scottish Any Qucslions'.”. culinary tips from Mary (‘ontini and Sliirlc) Spcar. thc ltaric 'l'alcs Writing ('ompclition and loads of top w rilcrs to mcct.
28 THE LIST 18 .Jan 1 l ct: 291.0.”
The Guid Crack Club Waycrlc_\ Bar. I St Mary's Stt‘cct. 55b ()57‘). 7.30pm. £3. 'l'hc scason of Burns continucs with songs. stoi'ics and pocnis from lidinhui'gh's popular storytclling cluh. Bordcrs stoi'} tcllci‘ .lamcs Spcncc [k‘l'ltH’llls
>t< Winter Words 2007 l’itlochry l"csliutl 'llicati'c. l’itloclit‘}‘. ()l7‘)(i 484(32. Inn] 28 Jan. lllllt‘s \ar). l’i‘iccs \ar}. Scc Thu 25.
The Story of Anne Frank Scottish Storytclling ('cntrc. 43 45 High Strch 550 057‘). 5.30pm. £3. .\ stoi'_\tclliiig L‘\Ctil logo with tlic ongoing c\hihition commcmorating Holocaust Mcmorial Day (‘olin .\laclsa_\ explains tlic story of lhc famous diarist. and why slic matlcrs so much today .I\gc l l+
=t< Winter Words 2007 l’llloc‘lll')‘ l't‘stlull .I‘llL‘illl'L‘. l’itloclu'). (H790 484(i2. l'nlil 28 .Ian. 'l‘imcs \ar'}. l’i‘iccs \ar}. Scc 'l‘hu 25.
Sunday 28
Shore Poets Mai Thai. ’l'hc 'l‘iin. Jackson's lintr}. l l l llolyrood Road. 3|3 2707. 7.45pm. 1.2 (U l. Rah Wilson and .-\ndrc\\ .\lc( iccwr pcrt‘orm thcir work. \\ hilc tlic cwning also boasts a trihutc to (iacl 'l‘urnhull. lidinhurgh's lalc popular doctor-pocl. .\liisic from Danicl .\lc(icc\cr. an lidinhurgh—hascd singcr/songw ritcr.
Winter Words 2007 l’itloclir} l-‘cstnal 'l‘licatrc. l’itlochr). 0l7‘)o 484(i2. l'ntil 28 .laii. 'l'imcs \ai‘}. l’riccs \ai'}. Scc Thu 25.
Monday 29
Creative Writing Class Boi'tlcrs Books. ()3 Buchanan SII‘L‘L‘I. 222 7700. (3 Split. [5. SL‘L‘ Mon 23.
>l< Duncan Bannatyne Ratlisson SAS llolcl. 30l :\i'g_\ Ic Strcct. 204 3333. 7pm. £20. The scltlmadc millionairc from Dragon's /)(’Il. Duncan Bannatync ()Bli. talks about succcss and his autobiography :l/twmt’ ('un Do It. llt‘lst‘l pl'lt‘c lllL‘llltlL‘\ hut'l'cl. kt glass of
w inc and a dram ot ( ilcnmorangic.
Marvel) 0000
Comics have embraced and pioneered the ret— con more that any other artistic medium. For the less geeky amongst us. a rel-con is ‘retro continuity. the art of going back and retelling the past so it vaguely makes sense with what's gone before but huge plot changes can be added. In short it's how most superheroes never die. that final leap to safety they jtlSl never showed you until now. And the roots of Deadly Genesis may sound fairly con‘..«'oluted but bear with us ~ it's still a great standalone story of a dark chapter in the X-lvlen's evolution.
This miniseries came out to mark the 30m anniversary of the Giant Si/e X—Men which pretty much set up the X-Men as we know them today. a one-shot that revolutioniseri the mutant team and introduced the likes of \i’Volverine. Storm. Nightcrawler and C()l( ssus. So there are a few references back to this original story. but it doesn't stand in the way of comi>rehension in the slightest. llllS does lead directly on from the House of M mega crossover event. but all you need to know is that nearly all the mutants in the world lost their powers overnight.
From there on in its action all the way as a mysterious “omega level' mutant takes on the X-lvlen. Brubake." is one of the most solid writers in comics. conszstently delivering intelligent. powerlul tales of sui v(:t'lt(}t() exploits.
He once again fails to disappoint. sifiending pretty much the entire six issue run exploring the motivations of this new threat. It's this motivation that really sets it apart and the new shade it adds to Professor X's character as the dust settles will make this another important milestone in the X-lvlen's continuing evolution.
iHenry Northmorei
l ionnon JASON
The Living and the Dead IF‘Etlilétgléll)lllCSi COO.
France-based Norwegian cartoonist Jason's last graphic novella. The Left Bank Gang. was a Wllly’. wacky crime caper featuring /oomorphic versions of modernist literature masters. canine E/ra Pound. James Joyce. etc. His new novella is an egually silly but smart riff on horror movies. in particular George A Romero's Living Dead series. But it's a love story. too. and one told in the style of silent iiioy'ies. Thus. when a doggy dish washer and a poodle prostitute meet in the street. speech bubbles are replaced with a dialogue card which reads: "How iiiucli’?" 'A hundred.’ Love has little time to blossom. however. as a fallen meteorite reanimates the dog. cat and bird people population of the local graveyard. who swiftly get to work stripping fresh flesh from bones. the sillier the concert —-
Check out the
and zombie dog men are pretty silly — the funnier Jason's dead- pan humour becomes. His next book is a time travel thriller titled / Kil/eo‘ Ado/f Hit/er. Woof. woof! thlllOS Fielder)
The Book of
Boy Trouble
rGreen Candy Pressr 0..
Edited by two of its contributors. Robert Kirby and David Kelly. The Book of Boy Trouble brings together selected highlights of the first ten years of the alternative fan/ine of the same title lminus the 'book' biti. It's a collection whose themes and attitudes are as varier as the drav-xing styles. from wide-eyed American cuties in sweet. fine hiir>rl ESlrll)S§. lllr()tl§}li heavily-hatched cynicism. to boggling embarrassment from —
no surprise -- a British contributor.
The best include strips by Anonymous Boy '\.'./ll()8() hard. sexy teenage exterior hides an interior that's in the uncertain process of giving shape to his feelingsi, Sina ithe aforenientionerl But. who captures the gulping a\.~./k\.varrlness of young attractioni and Jaime Corte/ ia sublime narrative concerning an older white guys {il)l)l'(}(1|£tll()ll of a Mexican muc/iaco boy l. Although a touch too “apple pie" in places. there is enough range here to strike a chord \Nllll any gay boy reader. iRobin Leel
on paqeia