I Looking for someone l‘riendly. rela\ed and tid}
lor single room sharing \\ ith l‘riendl)‘ gu} and girl. .'\\ailahle l'roni mid-Januar) £300 plus ("l'tfiliills in modern l’lat in Neuington. ’l‘lil; 0l3l 008 40“)
I Bruntsfield: Bright double room in quiet lilat. l’rolessional to share \\llll 3 others. Rent £3l5 + ("l3 + hills + deposit. .\'/S. (i(’ll\\'. .r\\ail- ahle end .lanuar} (neg). tel 0|3| 477 I586
I Flat to share “ith l'emale. l’ilrig/Bonnington area. l-‘ully furnished. large
bedroom. kitchen/ditier/lounge.
shower room and we. .-\\ail- ahle now. Stiil prolexsional. £375 pcm + hills + c/t. Deposit required. 'I‘lil; 07700 044 003 I One person required to share lah new apartment in l.eith it ith one other. Double room. on n hathrooni. l‘ull} furnished & equipped. £350 pcm.
'l‘lil.: 07804 3l5 185
I Short term let - :\\';tll- ahle Jan l3 to March l7; Double room in New Town lilat \xilh [no cars) going l'lat lllillL‘\ ll male t\' l l‘emalel: (‘tnlx
- £00pit + shared hills: Please contact me to arrange a \ ie\\'- ing time. 'l'lil.: 07047 704 703 I T'wo furnished double rooms available in largc 3-\to- re} to“ n liotlxe to share \\ itli professional inaIe/l'eniale from 4th l-‘ehruarvx 3007. :\-lixted l0\\ll house \\ illi great \ ieux. situated hemeen New Town
and Stockhridge. Rent + ("l~ 3o0pcm. Shared hills. TH; 0771 730 7104
I Room in new flat l:\.\- pect Development. l’el‘l'ermilli. ('lose to (‘alilet'on loll \liop- ping centre and good access to public transport - l'loor 5 tlil‘txi £340pm + hills tlroni l‘eh 3007) 'l‘lil; 0l3l0 035 I37
I Female Flatmate wanted to share \\ ith female on ner and eat.lixtremel_\ spa- cioux luxury 3 bed 3 hath lilat \\ ith car parking and lil‘t.30 lllllllllc‘x walk to“ n centre t The Shorei£350]’cni.+ hills + ("II 'l'lil.: 07788 530 I03
I 2 Rooms avail in Hat with 3 others. Bruntxlield: hig.niodern l‘lat. l-‘riendl'\ people. all interested in the ttl'lx. (‘ouples uelconie.£3(i5/ month 'I‘lil; 07044 147 330
I Newly Decorated Dou- ble Room in lullyl'urnixhed modern ground floor flat loll l.eith Walkl. \Vould \tlil non- \llltlklllg prolessional female. to share \\ ith same. £430 pcm tincl.("l'. hills. phone/digital t\/hroadhandi. .'\\ail. 04/0l/07. 'l'lil.: 07747 481 o8|
I Wanted: professional ni/l to share nith in in neu \pilL‘ltllls lurnished l.eith l'lat. Large douhle hedrooni \\ ith private hathrooiii. l'nderground parking tk good shopping facilities. £330pcm & hills. .'\\ailahle 3(i/l. 'l‘lil; 07730 .500 007
I Beautiful corner flat a\ailahle in Stockhridge l'rom l Jan. £505 pcm. l)ouhle hed- rooin. stud} and double aspect li\ ing room. :\ll mod cons.
'l’lil; 07005 330 l05
I Gay professional It) \oltlelllitlg seeking double room in ga} l'riendl) llat. So- ciahle. lid} and \\ ell grounded. Max 300 pciii 'l'lil; 078l4
005 335
I Double room to rent in a l\\o hedroom lilat in l’oluarth. To share \k'llll one female professional. £350.00 pm pltlx ("l‘ + hills. (ireat lilat \\ ith a great tenant in a great location? 'l‘lil; 07780 330 030 I Boxroom with big window a\ailah|e in Imel} l)alr_\ colonies garden home. Sharing \\ ith 3l’emalex. \\L‘ are looking for another lieniale 35+ who i\ lriendl}. l‘exptilhllile and sociahle. £|75pctn 'l‘lil; 07730 44l 103
I Bruntsfield - double room a\ai|ahle li‘om earl} .lan- uar} in t'ecetill) decorated [no bedroom flat. Suit lltitl-xllltik- ing prol'exxional. £300pcin + hills. (i(’ll and too bathrooms? 'l‘lil.: 0|3l 330 3035
I Double room in attrac- ti\e attic l'lat near top of l.eith \Valk. sharing \\ ith 3 others. Suit lriendl} prolexxional non- \niokei'. :\\;iil;ihle l5th .lanuar} 3000. Rent £333 inc ("1‘ (not incl hillxi
(’ontacl ()l3l 407 8070
I Dalry - Double room in modern lilat. lease from lS/lll/ll7. £300 pcm L‘\c‘l lilll\. £300 deposit. Sharing \\llll
4 l‘riendl} others t3l‘emalex 3ltlttlc‘xl. Would \llll outgoing _\oung pi'ol'exxional.
'l'lil.: 0703l lo5 7l5
I Rm in 3 bedroom llotlxe. S.(‘)ueen\l'err.\. share
Book your Flatshare ad ONLINE
u ith o\\ ner tinalei \\ ho i\ an a} 4/5 lllglllx per \\ k. All modern laciltiex. £305 pcm plus hills.
I llllll deposit pl\, .\'/S 'I‘lil; 0770l 970 045
I Gorgeous spacious tlottlile room ill 3 lk‘tll'titilll
flat in lla_\‘market. has pri\ate parking. 3 hatliroonix & onl} 10mins l'rom princes street. l’rol'exxional l'emales onl_\. rent: £300pcni pltl\ ("I' tk lilllx. ’l‘l-Il; 07730 l3o 830
I Gorgeous double hed- room aiailahle to rent in lull} furnished shared lilat. ()nl} l0 min walk into edinhurgh cit) centre. liantaxticall) decorated. Rent £350 pcm not including hills. Student prellerred \xlio‘x fun A; outgoing. 'l'lil. : 07740 l4iS 403
I Double room in lu\ lill7 (’entral Barrat dexelopnient large l'/l‘ \unn} l'lat. halcon}. secure parking. o\\ n hathrooni. lil't. hroadhand tk g}in coming
jan. £350+ct No Bills suit \in-
.‘—'|e lirol..-\tidi'e\\ 'l’lil; 07000 073 S l 5
I Double room available in onel). hright flat in l)en- lll\ltlllll. \iooden l'loorx. ne\\ kitchen. a\ailahle ian. £330 pcm inc e/t tk hills. .luxt oll parade. Sharing \\ ith one ll/\ lettiale. 35. pt‘ol'exxional. llil; 07010 430 735
I 1 flatmate wanted to \lltll'L‘ C\L‘L‘llL‘lll litllllt‘l'lc‘ltl l\l liloor l'lat. comenient location for has and \lltlp\. Double room. lull} equipped kitchen. li\ illg l'oolii. \\oodeti liloot‘x
Sharing with l niale. £350 'l‘lil; 07770 404 IS")
I Lovely, large, sunny. luo tdouhlei hedrooni flat
in Battlel'ield. Kitchen diner. large lounge. nen hathrooin. l-‘urnixhed. inc hrand neit washing machine and cooker. £550pcni plus hills. .'\\ailah|e end Decemhcr. llil; 0707l 300 040
I Double bdm + ensuite in large l/l'urnixhed modern l'lat. l0min \talk to c/centre. .\ltl\l he clean/lid}. \tiL'lttlilL‘ and l'un? £350 pcm plus hills ('all Sam 07030 104 703 tauiilahle l'rom0I/01/00l
I Double room “uh en- suite l'or rent in flat near St (ieorge's (‘rosx Share \\ ith one other. £300 pcm inc. all lilll\ e\cept phone. Stilt n/x pi'ol‘.or postgrad. 'l‘lil; 07705 308 43l
I Beautiful, fully fur- nished one hedroom lilat l‘or rent in \titlglll alter \Vext laid addre\\. or lines Rd. l)(i, (i('ll. immaculate. Suit prol couple. .v\\ailahle imniediatel}. £550 l’('.\l. 'I'lilg 078|5 004 038
I Large room available in Ke|\ inhridge l‘lat. 'I‘ito hed— room l'lat L'ltML' lo \\ ext end and cit} L‘L’llll't‘. l'..\ct‘llL‘lll ll'ttlhptil‘l links and amenitiex. 380 plus hills. l’rol'exxional prcl’erred. l‘i‘oiii .laii 15th. 'l‘lil; 07008 WI 833
I West End luxury L‘\L‘c‘l tixe llat in Kclxinxide. lltige douhle bedroom/sitting room 3 hatliroottix. large kitchen. Parking space. .'\\ailahle ini- medialel). 0770S 003 004.
Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's best‘selling entertainment and lifestyle magazine, it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What's more, the ad- vert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our flatshare ‘
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Flatshare adverts must beglaced using our online booking service. For administration purposes, advertisers must su ply their full name and address (NOT for publication). The Iatshare serVIce is for people seeking a flatmate. Only flatshare adverts will be accepted or publication in this section. Adverts for renting a whole flat. must be placed in our ‘Flats to Let' section, full instructions for booking these ads are available on our website in the Shop section. It lS company policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be offensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or Withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.
We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal safety. you should always have someone
with you when you are showing people your flat, or when you are going to see a room in a flat.