Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Norman Chalmers.


I Paul McKenna and David McKnee \\ cc l'olk (‘lttlx Ro}al ()ak. lnl'u'mar} Sticct. 55" 2Tb. S3llpiii. L5. 'l‘raditional and cotttcitipoi';ti‘_\ lllllt‘S li‘oiti llll\ (ilaygo‘n. duo.

'I'Uesday 9

G asgow

I Folk It! ’1 ltc .\li\ing_' RUUHIS. \chl lx’cgrcnt Strccl. T2| "Roll. 3.5llplll. l'i'cc. Scottixh lrtdt loll. \t‘\\tttll.


I Shona Mooney Trio lcitli l’olk (‘luh lhc \illagtc. South rm Sti'ccl. -l"S "(\lll. .Sptu. L5. liitio\ati\c llordch liddlc pla}cr \loonc} l\ l'nc currcitt BH(' Radio Scotland \tHHlL' 'lraditional \ltixician ol thc \cai. Shc l\ .rccontpanicd licrc b} .\lhairi Hall tpiano: and HM id dc Ia

l la} c t l‘;:\\ clcctrotucx t.

Wednesday 1 0

Edinburgh- I The Whistlebinkies lzdinburgli

l oll. (‘lulx (..ll‘ill\‘l Hat. lllc l’lc;i\alicc. 555 LS‘lllll. bruit. Ur IL'51. .\l'l|itt| Scollixlt traditional llllhlt‘ and \on; on pipcx. harp. llulc. dttittl. conccilitia and liddlc lrom onc o: ScotlatidR lonycxl laxting l\;tlltl\.

A oxar tC'lt’iI:

I Lomond Folk Club 'l'hc Hi;:hlandcr l.otutj_'c. Sittollcl l’lacc. (1155‘) "555M. Sill ll iilpru. l-rcc. \lllSlclttlh. \ingcrx

and \ l\lllll \ xx clcouic.

-/ ...- »,' '.".i'l.:



I Liz Wilson \Vcc I'olk (‘Iub. Rtl};ll ()ak. lnl'irmar} Strcct. 557 29%. Sfitlpm. £3. Scotx xingcr and \lot‘}lcllcr.

I Margaret Houlihan and Gordon Walker Scotx (iuardx (‘ltib. (‘Iil'lon 'l’crracc. 53" lllS-l. [Ill inc nical (ESL 'l'hc latc\l round in thc Scolx (iuardx (‘lub Knockout l’iping (‘ompctition

Tuesday 1 6


I Folk It! lhc .\li\m§_' Roontx. \cht chcnt Slt'ccl. 221 “.W). Sfillpm. l‘rcc. SL‘L‘ 'liuc 9.


I Ann Massie Band l.ctth l-‘olk (’lub. 'l‘hc Villagc. South l-‘ort Slrcct. ~l".\' "Slll. Spin. [5. l.cading.: _\otut3_' Scotx band. lcd b} mtilti-in\trumcntali\t .\la\\ic. with guitar and \ocah lrom .lcnn Buttcriiorth and accordion and bordct' ptpcx lrom .\laircarad (ircctt.

I Ceilidh Club 'l'hc lot. (iraxxmarkct. 225 220‘). Spin. Lb. |.i\c lllll\lc \\llll a callcr to lcad )ttll through thc \lcpx.

Wednesday 1 7


« Celtic Music Radio Rina] ('onccrt Hall: li\hibition Hall. Sauchichall Strccl. 55.: Sllllll. 2pm. l)atl_\ radio \hou ollt‘l‘illg highlightx l'rom thc ('cltic (‘oimcctionx licxtixal. including: intcr\ lL‘\\\ \xith thc lcadtng pcrlormcrx. lickcl antilabilit) and tnl'orniation alw gin-n on-air. l’art ol~ (tr/m (‘onrtt't'liuny

Celtic Connections Torchlit Procession (icorgc Squarc. 5pm. l‘rcc. (‘cltic (‘onticctionx ktclo oll \\llll a lttl‘cltlil proccxxion through lhc ctt_\ ccntrc. Mtixtc lrom 'l‘hc Scotlhh l’o\\ct' l’tpc Band and Slrathcl_\dc l’tt'c tk chctic l’tpc Hand, l’art til (it [Ht (irtlillt t [lit/H.

Hands Across the Water Ro};ll ('onccrl Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strccl. 353 Sllllll. 7.30pm. L'IS L2H. (‘clttc ('onncctionx opcntngt conccrt \\ ith a linc

Celtic Connections have secured the first Scottish show from Mary Chapin Carpenter in five years. And it’s a long overdue return to our shores for the multi-Grammy award-winner, famed for her humorous, fast-paced country-rock songs, though not afraid of more personal or socially aware material. Having worked with the likes of Dolly Parton, Joan Baez and Lucinda Williams it’s a rare chance to catch a country great.

r, (1.’:,;(;"./.'.. r".; .‘L'it/tl/t.

tip ol‘ top intcrnational talcnt including lrcland'x Allan. our o\\ n ('apcrcaillic. .-\mcrican/lri\h band Solax. l'S banjo \tat‘ :\ll\t)ll Broun. linglixh/lrixh lllxll’lllllCllllll \ ll'lllttxtix Hook. and .chricana from Jim I.audcrdalc and llcth .\'cil\on ('hapman. 'l'hix conccrt parallch thc txunami bcnclit album \pcarhcadcd b} .'\ndrca /.onn. l’art ol' (‘t’lr’l‘t’ (int/tritium.


I Jenna Reid Trio \Vcc loll ('lub. Ro_\al ()ak. lnlirmar} Strcct. 557 2976. 3pm. to tL'5 l. .v\\\ard “inning \ingcr/liddlct' accontpanicd b} Km itt \lt‘KL‘ll/lc and Bcllt Rcid.


I Lomond Folk Club 'l‘hc Highlandct' l.oung_'c. Smollct l’lacc. MRS“) 757501. 3.5” l l.5(lpltl. l't‘L‘L‘. SL‘L‘ \Vcd N).

Thursday 18


3 Celtic Music Radio l{o_\al ('ottcct'l Hall: li\hibition Hall. Satichichall Strcct. 353 Stillll. 2pm. Scc \Vcd 1.". Part ol' ('t'lm‘ ('UIIIH't'H—UIM

Danny Kyle’s Open Stage l{ti_\;tl ('oncct'l Hall: li\hibition Hall. Sauchichall Sll't‘L‘l. 555 Xllllll. 5 7pm. l'il'CL‘. lltlle‘tl l1} |)atm_\ K} lc\ palx (iibb Todd and |.i/ ('lal'lx. llll\ l\ lhc cllttl‘tct' lo \L‘c ncu muxical talcnt ax thc} compctc tor a co\ctcd \upporl dot at nc\t _\car\ licxti\al. l’at't ol (kl/rt- (‘u/rm't'lroni.

Mary Chapin Carpenter Rt)_\itl ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strccl. 353 Silllll. ".Rllpm. £22 £24. l-"olk. pop and cottttlt‘} in thc lil'\l Scottixh \lto“ l'roni lhc .v\mcrtcan \mgcr-xongurilcr in lix c )L‘ilh. l’al'l ol' ( it’lllt' ('ultltt't‘li'mtx.

I' Matt McGinn Night Saint .v\ndrc\\ ‘\ itt thc Squarc. St .'\ndrc\\ '\ Squarc. 55‘) 5002. .S’pm. £l2.5ll. ‘l‘ributc to thc latc \Licialixl. \onguritcr aitd lunn) man. (iucxtx tnclttdc .\latt\ daughtct‘ Shonagh .\lc(iinn. thc .\lc('lu\l\} Brothcrx. (‘arol l.aula. l.aura .\lc(}hcc. ’l‘crr) \Vinchcll and HM id Ha) man. l’at‘l ol' ('t'llit' ("u/itiu‘ltom.

Seamus Egan with Ewan MacPherson and Mary Ann Kennedy with Jenna Cumming The National l’ipmg ('cntrc. Mcl’hatct' Strcct. ('oucaddcnx. 28" 55] 1. Spin. Ell). l’art ol lhc ('colraidh \cricx. tcaming up cxtablixhcd prolcxxionalx \\ ith )oungcr lllll\lcl;ll]\. Part of (‘t'llrt (‘u/t/tt'rlioitx.

ii‘ Jim Lauderdale and Maeve O’Boyle'l‘ron 'I‘hcatrc. 'I'rongatc. 552 »l2(i7. Spm. U251). Roolx} blucgraxx and counlr} l'rom thc (iramm) auarduinncr. l’arl ol' (iv/Hr (mi/1mm“.

: Richie Havens .v\l§(’. Sauchichall Stt'cct. 532 2232. Split. U5. lntcnxc \ocal\ \xith uniquc dri\ in; guitar rh_\thm\ l'rom (illx \ctcran lla\cn\. opcning act at \Voodxtock. and morc rcccntl} collaborator \\ ith daucc duo (irom c Armada. Support lt'ottt )oung lidmburgh \ingcr/guitarixt l)a\ id l-crrard. l’arl ol ( 't'llrt' ('omm Hum. Robyn Hitchcock & the Venus 3 (‘laxxic (it'and. Jamaica Slrccl. SJ“ llS2ll. 3pm. Elli. 'lihc CVSUH H0} \ \tic;lll\l IN ioincd b_\ a backing; band comprixing l’ctcr Buck. Scott .\lc(‘au;_'hc} and Hill Rcil’lin. l’at‘l ol~ ('t'llit ('onut’ttlo/ri.

' The Wrigley Sisters l{o_\al (‘onccrt Hall: Strathchdc Suitc. Sauchichall Strcct. 014! 353 Sllllll. Spin. L'I2.5(l. llugcl} :ch‘UltlpllxltL‘d. lilL‘L‘ld—lll‘L‘L‘l'Ctl liddlc and guitar/MHmard l'i'om thc tuin ()rcadian \iblingx .lcnnil'cr and Ha/cl. l’at't ol' (kl/1t ('o/mt't Ito/1x.

’I- Phil Cunningham and Friends and Dochas 'l'hc ()ld l’ruittnarkct. (’andlcriggx. 353 Siltlll. lllpm. U5. .-\ccordion \\ i/ and lux palx. \\ ith (iaclic \ingcr/pipcr .lulic l‘ou ll\ and hct' top notch band. l’art ol ('c/ll't' (brutal/uni.

Ii Celtic Connections Festival Club lltilldtt} lllll (ill) \VL‘SI. lltillt“ L‘ll Sll't‘t‘l. 5.53 Sillll). ll),5(lpttt. £5.50 [7.50. 'l'hc l‘cxtiutl hub caclt night. \\ ith \ctx lt'ottt conccrt pcrl'ormcrx. \pccial tttibtllcd appcaranccx. inlormal \cxxionx. and lood and drinking llll thc \\ cc \iuall hour» l’art (ll. ( it'll/t (.(llllll't'llllll\ JUNO.


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Carol Main.

Thursday 4


iii National Youth Orchestra of Scotland: New Year Concert Ro};tl (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 soon. 7.30pm. £10 Quit: L‘ltu. .\'Y()S hcrald thc ncu )car \\ ith Bct‘lio/ L‘\plt)\t\L‘ ()t‘t’l'llll‘t’ (YU‘Stll/‘(H

l.lllti\l;l\\ \lxl\ (THU (.(UH'UI'IH. Bl'lllt‘ll.\ I'iuu' .St'u lnlt'r/m/m from I’t'lt'r (irmit'i and l‘il/xlrl/l. (’onductcd b} (‘hrixtophcr :\dc} \\ ith ccllixt .-\lc\andcr Baillic joining thc orchcxtra lor l.uto\|a\\\ki\ CUIlL‘L‘l'lt).


1211 Royal Scottish National Orchestra: New Year in Vienna l'xhcr Hall. I.othian Road. 22S 1155. 7.30pm. L'lll Lil). Start thc \cu Ycar in truc \icnncsc-xt} lc \\ ith thc RS.\'()\ annual cclcbration ol “alt/cx. polkax and itia/tirkax. \\ ith a libcral daxh ol' Slt‘atlxx and a littlc \plttxll ol' l'il'L‘llCll opct'ctta. Dominiquc 'l‘rottcin condttctx.

Saturday 6


I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Johann Strauss Gala lixhct' Hall. l.othiatt Road. 223 1 I55. 7.30pm. £12 £26.50. ’l'hix magical \hoxx t'ccrcatcx thc c\tra\ag_'ancc and \plcndour ol' thc ballrooinx ol' Nth ccnttir} \icntta. l'caturing lull orchcxtra aitd danccrx in pcriod drcxx pcrl'orniing thc muxic. dancc and \ottg ol' thc Strauxx latnil}.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: New Year in Vienna ('at‘ncgic Hall. liaxt l’ort. (H.135 .‘il-lllllll.

7.30pm. £20 t£l5 £l7i. Scc Fri 5.

Monday 8


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Discovering Music ('it} Hallx. ('andlcriggx. 353 Slll)“. 2pm. l'il'L‘L‘. llL‘le‘lL‘d. ('onductor tllld [‘I'L‘St‘ltlct (.lttlt‘lLN lltt/cl\\ood i\ ‘llllllL'll l3) clarinctixt limma .ltillllxtill and thc BB(' SS() l'or thix \llltl} ol~ \lo/at‘t‘x popular (‘lurim'l (‘o/it't'rlu lor broadcaxt on BBC Radio 5.

I RSAMD: New Music Event RSAXH). lllll lx’cttlt‘cu SII'L'L‘I. 5.5: 505". 7.5llplll. l'il'L‘L‘. llL‘le‘lL‘d. .'\ll L'\ Citing Ul- nc\\ tnuxic lor \oiccx. lll\ll'lllllL‘lll\ and L‘lL‘t‘ll'tllliCS.

Tuesday 9


I Sound Images RS:\.‘\ll). ltll) chl'rcu Strcct. 332 5(l5". 7.30pm. l-rcc. ticlxclcd. .\ collcction ol' lllllSlL‘ and lilm l'rom llrclt Battc}. l’ctc Slollcr}. ('laudc l.clouch. .lont} llttl'l'lSttll. ’l‘orxtcn l.ati\chmann and (iracc Stu'nian.


I Carducci Quartet liaxtgatc ’l‘hcatt‘c .k .r\rt\ ('ctttrc. liaxlgatc. (HTZI 725 7‘7. 7.30pm. L"). 'l'hc claxxical muxic quartct. lcaturing pri/c “inning pianixt .\‘ico|a liiincr. pla) a progratumc ol' Schtutianti. Brahmx and lla)dn.

Wednesday 10

Glasgow I La Chorale de I’Alliance Alliancc l‘rancaixc dc (ilaxgoxi. 3 Park ('ircux.