Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Amores Perros I Is» .000 I:\lciandro(ion/alw lrrilu. \lcuco. thtHr limilio lichcxarria. (iacl (iarcia lit-rnal. (ima 'l‘olt‘do. 153mm lnarritu'x dchut lcaturc ix hillcd ax ‘thc .\lt'\icati I’M/p I’ll'lroii'. a dt'xt'ription “high xcllx it xhort. ’l’hc 'l‘arantino comparion ix a uxclul xlarting point: the lilm tcllx thrcc

o\ crlapping xtoricx a lawyer dra\\u into the \xorld of illegal dog—lighting. lhc inlidcht} ol a iniddIc-agcd media cwcutiw and an cldcrl} llUlllClC\\ man h} uxing xhilting timc lramcx. tangciitiall} linked charactcrx and lagged \crhal i‘h}thinx. l'it‘rcc humanit} undcrpmx lnarritu'x lwautilul. grain} \ ixualx and (iuillcrmo Arriaga Jordan'xii:iilti-l;t}ti1‘dxt‘ript. (imu'u. I'fr/I'nliurg'lt.

Antibodies 1 1M ... 1(‘hrixtian .-\|\art. (icrman). 3Hth \Volau \Vilkc .\lohrmg_'. Andra" llcnnit'kc. lllmin. l)c\oull_\ rcligioux lamil) man and \ illagc policeman \lichacl \lartcnx i.\lohrm;_'i ix L'ttllcd l0 lllC l‘lf.‘ (ll) [0 qtlL‘xliUn lt‘fJL‘tldal'} xcrial killcr (iahricl lingcl lllL'lllllCle‘l \\ ith the i'cxulting dialogucx rcwaling an mpcrtl} isalixcd. darkl} cngroxxmg allair. l.L'\\ 512"”: than 'I'lu' Hit-Arr .llun. tlnx ix occaxionall} tcrrihlc hut cmincutl} promixing. (inn: o. I‘J/l/I/Hll'g/I.

’l‘ Apocalypto t 1.x» I... Alt-l (iihxon. l‘S. loom Younghlood. Dalia llcrnandw. \la_u'a Scrhulo. l “min. Scc rm icn. pagc 42. (/(VH'I‘U/ I'( lam.

Art School Confidential : is: .00 t'lt-i'r} Angoll. l'S, Stilton .\la\ \lmghclla. Sophia .\l_\ lL‘\. John .\la|ko\ 1th. Jun Broadlwnti llllmm. .lcromc I’lat/ tXliiigln-Ilat ix ohxcxxcd \\ ith going; to art xt‘hool but the rcaht) ol the art world L‘UllitlL‘x \\ illt lllx \ leolli /.\\ igoll l (i/lznl lliu'lil. liml Sir/11m dt'lnct‘x anotltcr oddhall L‘ttlllt‘tl} lull ol quirk} charat‘tcrx and oil the “all humour. (irmwnor. (i/muon. Baabul ll’( it ... lRttH Chopra. lndia. 2mm ;\mitahh liat‘hchan. llcma \lalini. Salman Khan. ISttniin. \thn the lialrai Kapoor t liat‘hchant du‘idcx it'x tinic

ms Last chance to see John Cameron Mitchell’s filthy, funny and immensely warm adult drama

I about a bunch of New Yorkers who come to an exclusive club to work through the problems in their sexual relationships. Modern multi character dramas don’t come much more seamless than this. I (i/ /. (}/'('15;_(;()L4.’ on Sun 7..'\/;1,'2<)n,"~,:

loi nc“ I} M idoxxcd .\lal\ ika iMiiklict‘iu-t to rcmarr} and xtart a ncu lilc \\ c tag: along lor the emotional rollcrcmixlcr in a big mtcndcd lamrl} lcd drama that docxn‘t dixappoint. ()(l( on l'itl‘l KIM/mini. [Jilin/rural). Barnyard it’( h 00 18mm-

()cdckcrk. [8. 31mm \oit‘cx ol ch in Jaincx.

(‘ourtcnq (‘o\. Sam lulliott. 80min. ('omputcr-gcncratcd animation lcaturc ccntcrcd on the xinglc unlunn) prcniixc that larm_\ard animalx do mad thingx \xhcn no ottc ix uatching. With the taxi and \xrilcrx imolu‘d. lltlx xltottltl lk‘ ltall du‘cnt. ltlll llix actual!) \cr} poor. .\lorc manure lor minorx. ('I'In’nm'lil I’ur‘k/u'inl. (i/mgmi .‘ (’I'm'n (tr/(l [xi/In/mru/l. lit/tnlmrgli.

De Battre Mon Coeur S’est Arrete (The Beat That my Heart Skipped) l 1%.... (Jacth .'\ll\ll;tl'\l. l'rant‘c. Itttt-li Romain l)urix. Xit‘lx :\rcxtrup.— l)am l’ham. lzmmanucllc l)L‘\nx. lllhinin. (iangxtcr and “annahc pianixt 'l‘homax lDui'ixt and hix lricndx xpcnd their da} x and nightx \ iolcntl) managing rclugcc xquattcd llalx litt' gt‘t't‘tl} l’at'ixtau dm t'ltll‘k‘l'\ littl lttx xccrct ambition ix to become a concert pianixt. Director .-\udiard and xcrccnu ritcr lonmo llctiaL'tltllxla\ \L‘Clllltl lt'aturc togclhcr tlllL‘ll‘ lirxl \\;1x the xupcrh lx’nu/ .ll\ l.l/’\l ix a xtuninng rcmakc ol Jaint‘x illlllilk‘h.\ “VS xmall lhrillct‘ l‘llltc’l‘y lll opening up 'l‘ohack'x \xantonl) machixmo indie llick to includc man} ol their lmouritc thcnicx lllll\ll'L‘;lllllL‘lll ol rclugccx. marginal charactcrx caught in \agucl} llitt'ht'ot‘kian mclodramax ctt‘t tho} haw at'hn‘wd xomcthmg \t'r} unuxual a remake that mcaxurcx up to the original l’at't ol Bl“ 31 World ('mt‘ma :\\\at‘d xL‘;l\Ull. film/mun: Inlm/mrg/r.

Bhagam Bhag lllk‘l ll’ri}adarxhan. lndia.

loom _v\kxha.\ Kumar. (io\ inda. .lackn‘ Shroll.‘\ lunn). romantic lioll_\\\ood lam: l'llltk‘tl Ill london and ()\lord thc lilm lollou x a group ol at'tor lothariox and the

xt‘rapt'x and Im ex the} get into on a l'lx' tour.

M'li'i’lt‘rl I‘i’li'rlu’.

Bildwechsel Screening ulm Warmth.

\arioux. I‘NS zoom lltlniin. .\ miwd programme ol indcpcndcnl xiiorl lilnix h} lt‘lllillt‘. lt‘xhian. tranxgcmlcr. lt'lllllll\l or quccr lilnnnakcrx lrom Scotland and lw}ond. l-or more inlormauon \ ixit

\\ \\ whilducchxclrorg. ('( '.\. (ill/Won.

Black Christmas t 15 t ... ((ilcn Morgan. (’anada/l '8. 2mm Katc ('axxid). \ln‘hcllc 'l'rauchtcnlmrg. Mar) lili/ahcth \Vinxtcad. 84min. lnlci'cxling and xolid rcniakc ol Boh (‘lark'x cult hut poxxihl)

o\ crratcd I‘lil )tllL‘llth xnl‘ol'll) ltUltxt‘ llttt't'ot'. \t‘lcran genre hack (ilt‘n Morgan Il’imll lhwllllulmn .t’. I'ln’ ()II('. lli/lun/I takL‘x thc I‘L‘lnx \\ ill] a xtll'k‘l) Uli lllllk‘ll‘ Xi'li'i‘h’l/ I'i'lt'uu'. Boratt 15) .... tl.arr_\ (’harlt‘x. l‘SA. loom Sacha Baron (’ohcn. l’amcla :\lltlL‘l‘\Ull. Ken l)a\ itian, 82min. Borat (Baron (‘ohcnt and hix producer :\/amat il)a\ itiant tra\ cl through Ka/akhxtan and the ['8. iuxulting cu‘ryinc along: the na} and meeting; countlcxx rcall} conluwd rcal .v\mcricanx. 'l'hc lormat ol lake inlcn it“ x ax a xci'ch ol road mo\ ic \ igncttcx \Htl'l\\. xharp editing and brilliant [wrlormam‘t‘x eliciting: conxtant hell) laughx. lt ix an admirath aim to xaurixc ahxolutcl} L‘\Cl"\llllk'. lli lixc indccdl (.l-Ilfll'Ul'll/ lx’i‘nm'n SUIT]. (ill/won.

Cars t H il ... (John\\t‘lL‘l'. ('5. zoom Von-ox ot' ( )ucn \Vilxon. l’aul \cuman. Bonnic llunt. l.arr_\ 'l'hc (‘ahlc (in), lllmin. Racccar Lightning \lcQuu-n lttxcx ltlx \xa) L‘ll l'UlllL' l0 lllL‘ lillttl l‘aL‘L‘ Ul lllC xcaxon and lindx liimxcll marooncd in thc xlccp} to“ n ol Radiator Springx. \xhich ix populated h} an arm) ol nnxlit carx. l)cxpitc the man} poxili\cx.(}1r\ docxn’t quitc make the higtht grade mainl} lwcauxc it'x the lcaxt original l’i\ar lilni _\ct. (‘i'mvimr/t/ lei/inlrm‘u/I. Iz'i/I'II/turg/r.

Casino Royale l 13M 0. l.\l;ll'litl ('ainphcll. l’S/l ’K/(‘A‘ch Republic. 3mm Daniel (’raig. lixa (iru‘n. \ladx \likkt'lxcn. l-l~lllllll. ‘l‘hc prequel to the other Bond lilmx tinic \xarpx hack to the enduring action hero lwcoming a ()(t Iiu'nxcd to kill. The Ian‘xt Bond t(’ratg_'t prowx to he a xtrong: leading; man. but thc lilm ix lct doun h} tr)in)_' to do too much. With a “tank \ illain and Bond girl In lNHll. ll tlttL‘xtid l'L'all) liL‘L'l llle‘ a llolttl lilm at all. (it'lti’ml I‘z’li'uu'.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tl’(it.... t'l'im Burton. l'S/l’lx'. 2005i Johnn} Dcpp. l'rcddic llighmorc. l)a\ id Kcll). llclcita llonham (‘at‘tL‘tl Noah la} lor. I 15min. li\ccllcnt and laithlul adaptation ol Roald l)ahl'x claxxit‘ 1004 hook. lii/ai'rt- and hcautilul to look at. thix ix Burton at the top ol hix gamc. limpin’ (‘ln/v/nmk. (‘lu/i'lmnk.


Daily Record



Geoff Andrew, Time Out


.: M, \la'r . THE LIST 45