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Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to clubsglasgow© Glasgow listings are compiled by Sandra Marron.

Glasgow Thursdays


I *.* at the Butt (‘lub. ll).3t)pm 3am. £3 (lt'ee). Weekly. Steyie atid Day id rummage through their records to bring you all the good stult'. There's the odd liye band. so expect a test of eclectronica. discotechnocarcy and other WUI'LlS they‘ye just made tip.

I Bunker Thursdays at the Bunker Bar. midnight 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. Bunker Bar is non staying open tiiitil 3am at yyeekends and (ilasgoyy indie stalyy arts l'tiois (iold are manning the decks each and may Thursday.

I Calling All Disco Kids at Karbon. ll).3()piii 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. lleskey and Big Al drop hip hop and R&B \yliile Rays B and litian McLeod play student classics and hand otit cash pri/es at this student night. Scott McKay plays house in the lounge.

I Club Olum at The Bull~ ('ltib.

l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Resident l)J l)it'[y' Alttl'c (Deathkill4lltlll) is joined by top quality Use bands. See prey ieyy. page 33.

I Crush at Queen Margaret l'nion. lilpm 2am. £2 (£l ). Weekly. New night yy ith Xl-M’s McSlea/y playing mostly bootlegs and mash tip tlirougliotit the night.

I F**kmyspace at (iuru. l lpiii 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. indie rock and poyyei‘ pop across three rooms \\ ilh (irahaine. Brian and guests.

I Fools Gold at the Bunker Bar.

()plll 3am. Free. Weekly. (ilasgoyy DJ legend (‘J plays an array of electro pop and rock \yhile l-‘ools (iold mix tip some indie and rock.

I Freakmoves at (ilasgoyy School of Art. llptii 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. l'lti'a- line hip hop night for the students. yyith DJs l)ema and .\'ice. £l ltn' (iSA students alter midnight. lt'ee belore.

I Freakscene at Polar Bar.

l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Brand new retro and altei'natiye sounds lt'oin John l‘i‘eakscene.

I Loaded at Bamboo. lllpiii 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Mark Robb. Tania and l'riends plays ltink and sotil \y ith rock'n'roll at this new student night.

I Plastik Funk at Bamboo.

l lpiii 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Mark Robb. Tania and friends play funk and sotil yy'ith rock'ii'i‘oll at this great neyy student night.

I Red Room at Bltitt. lllpin 3am. £3 (l't'ee). Weekly. Brian d'Sou/a and Jake play electro, electroiiica. house. lolk. dub. hip hop. (an. indie and experimental.

I Skint at the ('athouse. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. limo. l‘uiik. punk. crossoyer. rock. goth and hardcore tunes from DJ Billy Moat.

I Tunnel Classics at the Tunnel.

l lpiit 3am. £5. Weekly. Simon l‘oy and Lisa Littleyyood cook tip house and dance it'ott) ptlsl to present.

Glasgow Fridays


11% Basement at Sotindhaus.

l().3i)piii 4am. £(i (£5). l2 Jai). Motitlily. The Basement creyy \yill be spinning the best in techno/hard dance. house and electro. This month‘s guest is William Daniel (lnside ()tit ).

I Beat Down The Up Set at (iuru.

l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Vital mix of neyy underground rock'n'roll. glitcliy disco. post punk and dirty digital l'unk. l’i'ee passes ayailable at

my space.cotii/beatdoyy ntheupset.

I Brown Baggin’ It at the (iarage.

l lpiii 3am. £5 (li'ee £3). Weekly. The Attic hosts retro. Britpop and alt. yyliile the liiigine Rooms play chilled out chart l'roin ey ei‘y era. Brian syyitches the remote and plays e\erything li‘oiii pop through to charts in the main gall yyhile the (i2 channel spices it tip \yith R&B and soul. I Bunker Fridays at the Bunker Bar. 0pm 3am. l'ree. Weekly. Tani ('oy le plays the best from neyy and established bands until midnight yyliile Andy Wilson drops some new and classic indie layoui'ites.

I Canvas Club at Arta. 0pm 3am. £5 (lt'ee). Weekly. l.i\e bands pills l)J Joe l)eehan playing funk and party classics. I Coded at Vault. llpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. Steyen Mc(‘reery is the main ittati. “line the likes ol' Billy Woods. Billy Kilkie and Amanda l’rice join in iron) time to time.

I Electroball at Karbon. l(l.3t)pni 3am. £6 (£4). Weekly. .\'eyy electro night l'roin Salon Boris DJs. Day'id Sinclair (killer Kitsch) and Dominic Martin at neyy yenue. I Festival at AB('. l lpm 3am. £(i (£4). Weekly. litian .\'eilson does the honours yy ith his bag ol ltinky electro sounds and cross genre li‘eel‘orm mixing. plus guests. I The Friday Factory at (‘lassic (iraiid. ll).3()pin 3am. £5. Weekly. Homage is paid to Tony Wilson's l‘actory Records. the Andy Warhol era and eyei'ytliing in betyyeen. lixpect to hear eyei‘ything from The Velyet l'nderground to Joy Diy ision and Kasabian.

I Monkey Puzzle at Bltiii. lllpni 3am. £5 (l'ree). Weekly. (’liris and Donald team tip w ith Andy l’irie. Billy Woods. Andreyy Back and Derek tor a \yeekly trip through electro. electronica. house. lolk. dtib. hip hop. jaH. indie. disco and rare grooye.

I Old School Funk at the Bull.

ltlpin 3am. £(i. Weekly. (iordie. Jack. ('i'aig and l)ee play old school (an and ltiiik classics.

I Pinup Nights at Woodsitle Social ('lub. 9pm 2am. £5. 5 Jan. Monthly. January 's l’inups stars The l.()\\ Mills. Midnight Machine and Coriolis. Alter the bands there W ill be the Philips disco \y ith John T) and (iraeine playing a mix ol itidie. punk. soul and electropop.

I Pukka Funk at the Tunnel.

llpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Big house night from Kris Keegan. lain ’Santos' Thomson and A].

I Rocket at Bamboo. ll).3()pin 3am. £(i (£4). Weekly. liotise music li'om (ieolt M and ('i'aig [an s. Rth and hip hop \\ ith (iay in Soniineryille plus rock and boogie yyith Stey ie Sole iii the lounge.

I Shuffle at (‘ube. l lpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. Brand neyy liriday at ("tibe yy here house. pop. electro. hip hop. indie and techno collide.

I Tusk Fridays at Tusk. 9pm 2am. £5 (lt'ec l. “cekiy. (‘ltissic house anthems from the early Ulls \yith (‘liris Bigiil/i.

I Vice at the ('athouse. l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. DJ Martin Bates (Xl‘M) hosts at) indie rock party on Icy el tyyo \yith tunes old and tie“. l'roin Arctic Monkeys to Zeppelin.

II.-' XXL at ('rib. lllpiii 3am. £(i (£4). Weekly. ilesky aiid Big Al play hip hop. dancehall and grime \yith Ray Woods playing old skool classics.

Glasgow Saturdays


I Bad Robot at the (ilasgoyy School of Art. 1 lpm 3am. £(i (£5). Weekly. Residents l.oose_ioints and Ste\ ie lilements host a night of quality music liltll cuts across the genre diy ides.

I Bunker Saturdays at the Bunker Bar. 9pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. Xl-IM's Mash is on hand “ith a lieW yyeekly residency playing a bit ol' eyei'ytliiiig “ith a good bassline and an electronic house tip.

I Cubeclass at ('ube. l lpm 3am. £8. Weekly. l-tiiiky and \ocal house lt'tllli DJs Kris Keegaii. Scoot and Scally and hip hop and Rth lt'oiii DJ Andy R.

I Dirty Record: at (ilasgoyy l'iiiyci‘sity l'nioii. lllpiii 2am. £3 (£2 l'ree). Weekly. l’atli N'Jie (Alibi) gels behind tltc decks to deliyei' a selection ol' R&B. hip hop.

soul and disco. ()pen Dex is for tip-and- coming DJs and runs \yeekly doyynstairs in Deep (i. alter a tree DJ yyorkshop (lt‘ottl 8pm).

I Divine at (ilasgoyy' School of Art. l()pni 3am. £3.50 £(i. Weekly. Deep l'unk. ()()s and 70s grooves and a loyal ct'oyy d at this Very long running (ilasgoyy residents’ night.

I Guru Saturdays at (illl'll. l lpii) 3am. £7 (£5 ). Weekly. (iralianie l-‘ei'guson plays a mix of rock‘n'roll \yhile Robiii keeps it funky yy ith eclectic electric and alternatiy'e Slls rotating in room three.

Hanoi Rocks at l‘ireysater. 9pm 3am. l’i‘ee bel'oi‘e l().3()pm: £3 (£2) alter. Weekly. DJs Joe Smith and ('raig Wilson play indie lt‘oiii past aitd present to a discerning music ci'oyy d.

I Home Cookin’ al Be-Io. 9pm 3am. £7 (lt‘ee). Weekly. Steyyai't Mc('allum and Joe lliggins \y ill) urban and 80s sotil.

I Homegrown at Bamboo.

ll).3()pm 3am. £8 (£6). Weekly. Steyie Sole plays a ltiiiky. soulltil house set \\ ith Miguel playing Rth and Dominic Martin supplying the ltink and jan.

I I Love the Garage Saturdays at the (iarage. li).3()pni 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. Brian McMaster play s all your layourite classics in the main hall \yliile Kenny soars through alternatiye indie and retro cittssics in the Attic.

I Inner City Acid at the Soundhaus. llpm 4am. £tbc. l3 Jan. lnteligent alternatiye techno and electro li'oni Si Begg and ('ursor Miner.

I Karbon Saturdays at Kitt'hiiti. lt).3()pni 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. Rth. hip hop and within ltink limit this nets night at the neu city centre yenue.

I Lust for Life at AB('. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5 ). Weekly. DJ (iei'i'y Lyons is your man on Saturday s playing eyerything l'roiii disco to indie and thundering rock in the main space. Doyynstairs. Day id Sinclair (Killer Kitsch) play s an eclectic mix.

I The Mix Element at Strathclytle Student‘s l'nion. Illpm 3am. £3. Weekly. (ilasgmy \ lirst ey er student Asian music night. an eclectic mix oi bhangra. hip hop. Bollyyyood atid Rle yyitli DJs Bobby B and Jay Jagpal. and Shandy.

Notekno at l‘nderyyorld. l lpni 3am. £l. Weekly. .\'e\y night playing the likes oi ('SS. The Smiths aitd Day id Boyy ie to name a ten. l.()ok out (or regular album launch giyeayyays and guest DJs sharing the stage yyith resident songsinith Steph. I Porno at ('lassic (ii'aiid. 0.30pm 3am. £(i. Weekly. New regular Saturday night Willi DJs and liye bands.

I Subculture at the Sub ('Iub.

llpm 3am. £ ll) (£5 before midnight). Weekly. littt't'i and l)()lilenic\ established house institute continues to reign supreme. I Tipsy at Sily er. lllpni 3am. £(i (£4). Weekly. Rth. hip hop and dancehall

ey cry \\ eek.

Glasgow Sundays


I Discobadger at Bamboo. lllpin 3am. £5. Weekly. Dominic Martin. DJ Kasli and Mash do the bi/ eyery \yeek yy ith some line genre-bending tunage.

I Munday Sux at (illl'tl. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. What more can you say '.’ The linal drink and dance on a Sunday below you get back to normal on Monday. l.()l.s ol' drinks promos.

I Music Saves Sundays at Bolio. ltlpm 2am. £5 (£4). Weekly. A neys night at neyy West lind haunt Boho. Xl-‘M DJs |.isa Littleyyood. Stcyie Sole. McSleii/y. Scott Mackay (on rotation). l’ltis liye sax and percussion.

I Mytunes at l-‘ireyyatei‘. llpm 3am. l‘ree bel'ore lll.3llpm; £3 (£2) alter. Weekly. The punter plays at being DJ as Xl-M's l'i‘asei‘ Thomson and l‘anboy ask all to bring tyyo oi their layourite tracks on (‘D which they \yill play at some point during the night.

I Obscenester at (‘lassic (hand.

I lpm 3am. £3. Weekly. New Sunday nigliter \\ itlt a playlist that encompasses indie. post punk. electro and (ills treats.

The latest club news

It’s the first issue of 2007 so lets have a quick look ahead at just some of the events lying in wait over the course of the year. The big one has to be Coloursfest again confirmed for Braehead, Sat 2 June. Over at the Arches in Glasgow, Pressure kick things off in style with Dave Clarke, Robert Hood (live), Tom Middleton, Silicone Soul, Andrew Wetherall and Ivan Smagghe (Fri 26 Jan). Death Disco meanwhile is joined by Gucci Soundsystem (Sat 20 Jan) and Rory Philips (Sat 17 Feb). Mixed Bizness present the Kid Koala album tour (Sun 4 Feb) and Coldcut (Fri 16 Mar). and finally Blitzkrieg Bop hosts Yes Boss and The Aliens for a DJ set (Fri 9 Feb) and The Futureheads also for a DJ set (Fri 9 Mar). Moving across to the Sub Club the ever reliable Optimo host a live set from Clinic (Sun 4 Feb).

In Edinburgh there's also plenty to look forward to. Manga celebrate their 1 (lb birthday with America's DJ Craze (Liquid Room. Sat 27 Jan). Over at Cabaret Voltaire Sugarbeat are joined by D Ramires (Fri 26 Jan). Kraity Kuts (Fri 23 Feb) and Erol Alkan (Fri 27 Apr) Ralph Lawson joins Solescience (Fri 9 Feb) and the big one has to be DJ Hell (pictured) planned for We Are . . . Electric on 2 May.

Big prizes are on offer at the Garage with a scooter (as in a genuine moped) a month to give away in their University Challenge quiz. Next giveaway is Tue 16 Jan, with six to give away in one night on the Garage’s 13th birthday (Wed 28 Feb).

And finally we have live copies of Tony Hurnphries' latest mix CD and Jorge Jaramillo's Subliminal Winter Sessions IV to giveaway. Masterclass (:02 from Milk'n‘2 Sugars featuring names like Todd Terry. Incognito and Andy Caldwell while Jaramillo drops tracks by Harry Romero, David Guetta and Funk d'Void. For your chance to win a copy of each CD just send an email marked ‘MlX', with your name and address. to promotions@list.couk by Tue 16 Jan.

18.1.17). .‘iXT.’ THE LIST 35