Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.


Food & Drink

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market Quccn'x Park. 520 l.ang\idc Park. 387 7273. 9am 3pm. l.ocal producc. l'rom local pcoplc. Scc lllllixi.

Wednesday 1 0

Activities & Events

La Chorale de I’Alliance Alliancc lirancaixc dc (ilaxgou. 3 Park (‘ircum 33‘) 4281. 1.30pm. £5. (’hanncl _\'otlt' inncr Phil and \ing )our hcart otit in lircnch. (‘hoir group opcn to c\ crying Big Knit Out! .\'orth Star. 108 ()uccn Margarct l)ri\c. 57o ()l 15. 7pm. l‘rcc. Stitch and bitch in congcnial surroundings.


Scottish Society for Psychical Research AGM l'nixcrxit} ot' (ilaxgou. Boyd ()rr Building. 33‘) 8855. 7.30pm. £4 lor non-iiicinlwrx. 'l‘hc mccting ix l‘olloucd h} a prcxcntation h} .v\lan Park on a rcccntl) di\co\'ct'ctl crop circlc in l‘il'c. 'l‘hc truth is up north.

Open Days

RSAMD YouthWorks Music Preview Day RSAMI). llll) Rcttlrcu Strcct. 332 5057. l lam. l-‘rcc. (iotta \ing'.’ (iolla dancc'.’ l‘anc} \tud) ing at thc institution \\hich produccd I‘rodo‘x matc l’ippin. Rchus. hall ol' Riwr (in and Anna from This lift"? l'ind out inorc at an opcn da} l'or proxpcctn c \tudcntx and thcir gtl;ll'tli;lli\. chixtration l'roni ll)..‘\()aln.

Food & Drink

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market .\lan\licld l’ark. l’artick. ()1738 440430. 9am 3pm. l’rcc. ()rganic \cgctahlcx. hand-madc hroonix and happ} hacon. You can hit} tutti/ting on l)umharton Road lltc\c tl;t_\\. Scc llilli\l.


Get High on Your Voice! Strathchdc l‘niwrxit}. 548 3444. 3 5pm. £7

ti} £5). Banixh thc \xintcr lilticx \xith an all natural doxc ol' cndorphinx. Alan

'l‘a\ cncr and \ingcrx lrom ('appclla .\o\a lcad a \inging \Ktit‘l\\lit)p dcxigncd toch )ou happ).

ActIVIties & Events

Scotfairs Antique 8. Collectors Fair Kcl\ in Hall lntcrnational Sports :\rcna. I445 .-\i'g} lc Strcct. ()l7o4 054555 /()5—15~lll. Illam 4pm. U lli'cc lor accompanicd childrcn l. .\ largc \clcction ol' old and um collcctahlcx: cach lair lt;t\ hctuccn 75 and I5“ tradc \tandx. li\tra ptilllh il' _\ou \pot l).i\ id l)icl\in\on lurking hchind thc china ligurincx.


Big Knit Out: Introduction to sock knitting North Star. lll8 ()uccn \largarct l)ri\c. U40 53(i5. 2 3.30pm. 'l‘uo \ctx ol' l'oi'tniglill} claxxcx. Kiri/tin: in I/tt' Round and 'liu'n I/ltll I/t't'l.’ tcach _\ou lio\\ to kccp )our tocx \xarm. Instructor i\ (iS.-\ graduatc Sian Shirlc}. SL‘C llllli\l.

28 THE LIST ~'- ‘U-t ,‘i'

Tuesday 1 6


Mindful Practices: Tools for Everyday Use (ilasgow Buddhist (critic. 33‘) Sauchichall Strch 353 0534. 545 5pm. [73 W53). \Vot'lxsliop to hpr copc \\ ith \lt'cxs. an\icl_\ and LlL'pl't‘SSlUll. l‘ilglil \\ L‘L‘l\ L‘ttllt'\L'. SL‘L‘ llllllxl.

Wednesday 1 7


Conservation in Scotland and the John Muir Trust Mitchcll 'l‘hcatrc. () (iramillc Strcct. (T845 330 35m. 7.30pm. £0: lrcc l'or studcntx and RS(iS mcmhcrx. .\'igcl llil“ kinx. loundcr and dircctor ol thc 'I'i‘uxt. discuxxcx thc \aluc ol‘ \\ ild placcx lor pcoplc and naturc. .-\ Rll_\Lll Scottish (icogi‘apltical Socict} talk.


Detox Your Heart ( ilaxgtm Btltltllllxl (‘L‘ltll'Lfi 53‘) Sauchichall Sll'CCl. 555 0534. 10.30am 4.30pm. £55 H35). .r\n intcnxn c tuoda) courxc \\ ith author \alcric Maxoii-John. dcxigncd to hclp )ou puril'} )titti‘ mind and c\aminc \\ hat liappcnx to }otii‘ hcart \xhcn it cxpcricnccx \trcxx or \lt‘ong cmolion. Scc llillixl.

Ongoing Glasgow Activities & Events

lrn Bru Carnival Sli(‘(‘. liinnicxion Qua}, 0870 ()4() 4()()(). l’ntil Stilt l4 Jan. .\'oon lllpm. {l7 L'l‘)tL'8 U5). Skirl on thc \Vttll/c‘t'x. smash thc Dodgcnix


into that boy/girl that _\ou lulu/Ir (lo/1'! l'anc} and rcmcnihcr to \crcam it _\ou wanna go liixtc'i'.


A Dress to Dye For l’coplc\ l’alacc ck \Vintcr (iardcnx. (ilaxgtm (it'L‘cn. 37l 295]. l'ntil Sun l5 Apr. 10am 5pm:

I lam 5pm. l‘rcc. .-\n c\hihition charting thc hixtor} and SliL‘l()~CL'()llUllllk' impact ol‘ laxhion on thc tc\lilc industry Scc prc\ icu’. right.

Colin Prior Photography Exhibition (ilthgtm SL‘lL‘llL‘L‘ (‘L‘llll‘LX 5i) Pacilic Qua}. 430 5()()(). l'ntil Mon 8 Jan. 'I‘uc Sun 10am 5pm. {(i.‘)5: includcx Scicncc .\lall cntr) H.495). l’icturcx of thc uorld‘s laxt-di\appcaring \\ ild placcx. h) thc planct'x lcading conscnation pltologt'apltcl'. Scc pt'c\ ic\\. hclou.


Capoeira Various \cnucx. ()7‘)5l 7 l o 54(). li\pcricncc thix lantastic. acrohatic Bra/ilian martial art l‘orm. ax \ccn on that BBC idcnt \\ ith thc pcoplc on thc rool. Bcginnci'x \u‘lcomc; \ ixit

\\ \x‘u.xcn/ lor morc lllllil'lllillllill.

Dance House Classes \‘ariom \cnucx. 'l‘imc\ \ar). l.carn a ncu \\a_\ tit mm ing. from hoogic \\oogic to llamcnco. taking in rh}thm. tap and morc. l5or morc inlormation \ iin

\\ u \\ .LlilliCL'llllllSL‘All'g.

The Essentials of Meditation (illhgtm litltltlltixl (\‘ltll'L‘. 53‘) Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ()534. lirom Sat 13 Jan. £12 £54 «L‘t» £27l. l)a_\timc.

L‘\ cning and \VL‘L‘le‘lltl c‘ttlll'\L‘\ opcn it)

aii_\onc \\ ho \xantx to lcarn about

mcditation. 'l‘imcx datcx and priccs var}; Scc “chxitc lor l'urthcr information. (me. No. thrcc auuuunimnimmf Soc ilitlixt.

Edinburgh Em


Scotfairs Antique & Collectors Fair \iL‘atltmlianlx Spot’lx (l‘lllt'L‘. l5‘) l.ondon Road. ()l7(i4 (354555 / 654340. Illam 4pm. L'l tlrcc l'or accompanicd childrcni. Scc (ilaxgou. Sun l4.


Spokes Sunday Rides l'xlicr Hall. l.othian Road. 445 7073. Illam. l‘rcc. li\plorc thc l.t)llliitli\ on too \xhcclx by joining thcxc guidcd c} clc ridcs. It‘s nothing too \ll‘L‘llllUll\ hut Usually laxtx around \m cn lltillt‘x. including a lunch \lop. .\Icct outsidc thc l‘xhcr Hall on l.othian Road.

Activities & Events Drop-ln-and-Draw National (iallci') ol' Modci'n :\t‘l. 75 Hcll‘ord Road. (Q4 (i200. 5.30 (i.45pm. l-"rcc. l)rop-in drauing \cxxionx introducing dil'lcrcnt t}pc\ ol art lrom thc gallcr) \ collcction. .'\ll matcrialx prox idcd. Booking cxscntial.


A People, a Song, a (hi)Story: an introduction to the French epic Inxtitut l’rancaix d’licoxsc. l3 Randolph

15;.- ' ‘L '5 5 K 5"?" . . ~ ' Wei;-

A last chance to see the work of one of the world’s leading conservation photographers. Scottish-born Colin Prior has travelled from the parched

Atacama Desert to the icy spires of Pakistan’s Karakoram Mountains, creating a record of the last remaining wildernesses. One for fans of Planet Earth. I (i/(tfifjoa‘l/ Strip/um Coot/1?, Pat/fur ()1 Mi; wit/i rig/on [‘3' Jgilt.