Thursday 28

Edinburgh I Shooglenifty The Bongo ('lult. .\lora_\ llottw. 57 llol_\t'ood Road. 553 7004. 0pm. £ I0 (£8). The \er} line ‘uilt_\. \\ ho ha\ e a great l'ollo“ ing and ahxa'u spread happinew in a ('ellic \t_\le \\ hen the} pla).

Edinburgh I Ceilidh Club The lot. (irassmarket. 335 330‘). .S’pm. £l0 (£Sl.

l.i\e hands and a caller. See Hi 33.

Saturday 30


I Scottish Fiddle Orchestra: Nogmanay Gala t'xher Hall. l,otltian Road. 338 l I55. 7.30pm. £l |.50 £30. Reelx. jigx marchex :llt‘cl “fill/CS. \\ lllt guextx. The 30th conxecutne _\ear. and this _\ear in aid ol' :\ction Medical Rewarclt (Scotland).

I Ceilidh Club The l.ot. (iraxxmarket. 335 330‘). Spin. £|0 (£Sr. SL‘L‘ Hi .33.


I Music for Hogmanay and New Year l<o_\a| Museum Main Hall. ('hamherx Street. 347 43 l‘). 3pm. lirec. (‘eilidh Dance hand pla_\ l'or dancing on llogntana). and reco\ er to cool.

re\ ix ing \(ttllltl\ the out da).

I The Ceilidh in the Gardens Princes Street (iardenx liaxt. l’rincex Street. 473 3000. 0pm lam. £35. l\\() \tagex ol' the litUSlL‘ leatttring tlte blistering Latin-(’cltic l'tixion oi Sal\a ('eltica. hlttegraxx iron] The Moonxhinet'x. t‘ootx} (iaelic \(ttltltl\ l‘rom ('apercaillie. madcap accordiontxl Sand} Brecltin‘x Selection Bo\ and the l‘raset‘ MacNaughton (’eilidh Dance Band.

I New Year Revels Axxemhl} Rnnlltx. (ieorge Sll'L‘L‘l. 3.33 l l55. 9.30pm 3.30am. £45. 'l'ltt‘ce lloorx ol .\'e\\ Year part} ing \\ lllt l).l\ \pinning the hext in tlt\c0 and part} tunes plux the legendar) (’eilidh Dance l‘ootlh leaturing |i\e ltlll\lc and dancing iron) the liddle-drhen Bella .\lc.\'ah\ ('eilidh Band. the ilL'Cttl'tllttll-lil‘tllllL‘tl ()ccaxionalx and the pipcx and ma)hem of Hugh .\lacl)iarmid\ Haircut.

I Lau, Watergaw. and Burach Scott Monument Stage. l’l.tlc‘c\ Street (iardenx liaa. l’rincex Street.

l0pm lain. Street l’art} l’axx £5. (lass) contemporar} (‘eltic and (‘eilidh Dance. including the anarchii-accordion ('eltic jam ol Burach. as part ol~ lidinhurglt‘x ollicial Hogmana} Street l’art}.


I The Biggest Ceilidh Extravaganza The Old l-ruitniarket. (‘andlcrigg\. 353 3000. 0pm 3am. £35. l‘ieaturing three of the great dance hand\ in Scotland l‘ergie .\lacl)onald «k ltix Highland (‘eilidh Dance Band. 'l‘iree/l.ochaher'x Skipinnixh and Alaxdair .\lac(‘ut\h & The Black Roxe ('eilidh Dance Band. .-\II together on stage at tlle 3am (‘eilidlt Dance iamhoree.


I Music for Hogmanay and New Year Ro_\al .\lu\eum Main Hall. 3 ('hamhetx Street. 347 43W. 3pm. l-‘ree. See Still 3 l.

Check out the

94 THE LIST "'- Ilw 9" ,v’. .1 Jul.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Carol Main.

Thursday 14


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Celebrating the Double Reed (lit) llallx. ('andlet'iggx. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £0 £31.50. Stel'an Sol_\oni conducts tlte orchextra in a perl'ormance ol .\lo/at't\ ()i‘i'rlun'.‘ (‘ml [mt little and SmI/t/mni' .\'u 38'. 'l’meue'. Strauxx' ()lnu' (‘unn'rto and l)\oral\\ Sim/iliunit‘ l’m'm: 'I'Iu' llilli'l' (iii/t/ill. Additional tlttttltlc reed tlL‘llngS lllL‘lllth [‘l'L‘ and [NM t‘ttltccl'l perlormancex h} tour ltaxxoonx (pier and cor anglai~ and \lt'iltg\ (poxl l.

I RSAMD Chamber Orchestra and Choir: Christmas Concert St :\l0_\\itt\‘ (lunch. .35 Roxe SII'L‘L‘I. (iarnethill. 333 303‘). ".30pm. 'l‘icketx axailahle on the door: £" (£5 i. .\ rare chance to hear Schulx' ('lirixmim Stun. plux choral and inxtrumental llltlxlc‘ l'rotn the Baroque to the 30th centur}.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: The Old Rivalry ()tieen‘x Hall. S." St) (‘lL't‘lx Street. (“MS 3lll‘). quillpltl. [S [34 (£0 £lSi. .\ comparixon ol' dance llltl\l\' and x} mphoniex l'rom l-tance and lingland. leaturing Rehel. (‘lrarpentietx Ha)dn. Handel and l’ut'ccll. perl'ormed h} director and harpxicltordot Richard ligarr.


I Lunchtime Concert: Swingin’ and Singin’ RS.-\.\ll), lllll Renireu Sheet. 333 505". lpm. £" (£5r. .\ \econd oppot'ltlttil} to indulge in the RS.~\.\ll)\ toe-tapping (‘hrtxtmax \pectacular.

I Cappella Nova: Carols by Candlelight Baron} Hall. ('axtle Street. .153 soon. ".30pm. £S £lo iutfio L‘lli. IllllC L‘lltlll‘ celebrate their :lllil \eaxon (ll- ('hrixtmax concertx \\ ith a programme \elected lrom a millennium ol' xeaxonal inuxic. \Vith \pecial gttextx ’l‘hc St l’eterxhurg Baroque Bra“ Quintet.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: The Old Rivalry ('it} llallx. (‘andlerigg~. 353 X000. 7.30pm.

£l0 £23.5(lit‘75l) £l(i.Sllr. See'l‘hu l-l.


Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Neeme Jarvi Returns l'xher Hall. l.otllian Road. 333 ll55. 7.30pm. £l0 £33. \Vorld renotxned maestro Neeme .l;ir\i prexentx an t.‘\L‘lllll_‘_' (tl. lltthlt‘ clo\e It) lll\ lteart Siltclltlx' It'nrnim/u‘tim'n and the Hurt/nix u/ Smut. 'l‘chaikm \l\'\ \ l'in/ru (hum-rim and Slloxlako\ich\ Sunp/tunt .\'u It). With l‘redet‘etke Saeip (ttl \ lolllt.

Scottish Ensemble - Metamorphosen ()ueen'x Hall. 3‘ at) (‘lcrk Street. (iolx' 30W. ".45pm. £l3 £14.50 (£3 £l l.50i. ‘l'he Scottixh linxemhle dance their \\;l_\ through a programme h} candlelight; including lla}dtt\ 'Iiltru' (it'rnum Hum m. and Brahms lie/w\li'i'ilm'im/tri'r climaxing \\llll 5010th .lll'ltlllll'I'I’IIHH'II fur 3." \u/n \Iringx.

Saturday 1 6


I RSAMD Youthworks Music Christmas Concerts RSAMI). l()(l Renl'rc“ Street. 333 5057. 3pm (K ".30pm. £ l0 (£01. The Youtlmorkx choir\ and orc'textrax are conducted It} .lamex [one in a perl'ormance ol' Sihelim' Akin/m Suite and llamixh .\lac('unn\ /.um/ ml Illl' .llurmlum (l/It/ l/Ir' /‘/Um/. plux choral item\ and carolx lot' all.

(ll llilSl'M/‘xb‘ ()l ASSICS


Handel’s Messiah, The Snowman, The Christmas Story, brass bands, choirs, candlelight, crackers, cantatas and Christmas carols. In a musical stocking that’s full to overflowing, all of these can be found in concerts in Edinburgh and Glasgow in the run-up to Christmas. Whether professional or non-professional, at least 2000 musicians are forgetting about shopping and what to do with Brussels sprouts as they make all sorts of Christmas music over the next ten days. For audiences that are tempted to join them in some of the more pleasurable aspects of the season of goodwill, there is plenty to choose from. The Messiah is, of course, a firm festive tradition. What is not so traditional is the way it is presented by the Dunedin Consort. Following its absolutely stunning new recording (available on Linn Records) of the Dublin version of 1742, the Consort will perform Messiah as Handel next developed it for his performances in London a year later. 00 not expect vast choral forces. This version is for a dozen voices, with

soloists singing the choruses.

If you want to join in, Cappella Nova’s Carols by Candlelight evening gives ample opportunity or, more unusually, Banquet of Musick offers accompaniment on period instruments in their programme of Baroque Christmas music. For the traditionalists, of the no doubt many Christmas carol services taking place, those at Greyfriars Kirk and St John’s Church in Edinburgh are two that welcome all to their beautiful and atmospheric settings. And, for the very enthusiastic, Raymond Gubbay, the promoter and impresario who has been operating out of London for over 40 years, brings a whole series of concerts under the banner of a Christmas Festival featuring ‘all your favourite Christmas music and seasonal songs.’

(Carol Main)

I ‘.4’1.roa:< "/i,‘!7.t’(}.‘§. (ifztsgoiz' and £(i/lh’fl/lg/l. Soc (ism/lg}; for (tom/ls ofzt/l concerts.

I Milngavie Choir: Christmas Concert Tomi Hall. .\li|nga\ie. 043 SW4. 7.30pm. £S (£(it. .v\|l _\our immune carolx \\lllt the .\lilnga\ ie (’hoir and the l)unhartonxhire ('oncert Band.

Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Neeme Jarvi returns Ro}al ('oucert Hall. 3 Sauchieltall Street. 353 S000. 3.30pm. £10 £30. See l‘ri l5. ii: Scottish Ensemble - Metamorphosen (‘it_\ Halls. ('andleriggx. 353 8000. 7.30pm.

£| 1.50 £l5. (£3 £|3r See Hi 15.


I Cappella Nova: Carols by candlelight (‘)tlct‘lt\ Hall. 37 h") (‘lcl'ls Street. (r08 30!”. 7.3iipm. £.S' £|o (£0.50 £l3i. See l‘ri I5.

I The Edinburgh Singers: Joy to the World (ire) l'riarx Kirk. (ire) lriarx l’lace. (tux 30!”. 7.30pm. £0 (UH. Dominic l’eckham conduch the choir in a celebration ol'(‘hri\tma\ muxic lrom ilL'l'()\\ the continent\.

I Glasgow Chamber Choir .\lti\eum ol Scotland: Hauthornden (’oart. 3

(‘hamherx Street. 34." 4433. 7.30pm. l-‘ree.

.'\n ewning ol muxic and readings to celebrate (‘ltrixtmax

I Jubilo Christmas Carol Concert (it‘llll‘al lltlll. \Vexl ’lttllct’o“. 5.33 SSW). 7.30pm. 'l‘icketx a\ai|ah|c at the door: £8 (£(il. Annual carol concert hour the

lidinhurgh-based mi\ed \oice choir. accompanied h) The lidinhurgh l’la} er\. I The Orlando Consort St ('ecilia's Hall. .\'iddt"\ Street. ()68 30l‘). 7.45pm.

£ l 3.50 (£5 UN. The (ieorgian ('oncert Soctet} prexent one ol' the inoxt e\pert and conxixtentl} challenging grottpx perl'orming \ocal repertoire hour the )Nt‘x lll5ll l(i(lll.


I A Gospel Christmas (and Hall. (it) Square. 0|3.S'3 434040. 7.30pm. £7 (£3 £5l. l'plil‘ting l'extne ltllle from the .\'e\\ Scotlixlt (‘hoir & ()rchextra in the )ear ol‘ itx tenth anni\et\ar_\.


I Hadley Court Singers: Vespers by Candlelight St Mar} ‘s l’ul‘lxll ('Iturch. 'l‘he Sidegate. 0|(r30 395 355. 7.30pm. £(r (£3). :\ l'extixe programme from the chamber choir. perlorming .\lo/art\ liaxpi'rx and ('hrixtmax lltlISlL‘.


I Banquet of Musick ’l‘olhooth. Jail \\'}iid. 01780 374000. 8 l0pm. £l3 (£l0). .\ progranmie ol' Baroque (‘hrixtmax muxic perl'ortued on period inxtrumentx.

\\ ith \oprano l.a\ inia Black“ all \inging lamiliar arias l'rom Handel's .l/euiu/l. and a lL'\\ \\ ell know it cantata h) JS Bach

not l’orgetting some beautiful carols l‘or ultich audience participation is \x'elcomed.