iollowcd hy l)undonian tykcs 'l‘hc \‘icw .sct to hc ncxt )car’s succcss slot‘} and thcn post-hclls. thcrc's a hurst oi Stispiciousl)‘ lili'is. I QFX, Dream Frequency and Neophyte (‘arling .-\cadcm} (ilasgow. l3l liglinton Strcct. 0870 77] 3000. 7pm. £33. Back to thc l-‘uttn'c Hogmana} part); \\ ith (l li\'c linc-up oi old school l'il\'C)' dax'c) acts. I Hogmanay party Mono. 13 King’s (‘ourt. King Strcct. 553 3400. 8pm. £thc. Linc-up ior .\lono‘s llogmana} part} .still to hc conlirmcd at timc oi going to prcss. I The Ronelles, My Shotgun Sister and The Apple Scruffs King Tut’s \Vali Wah llut. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33l 5379. 8pm. £6. .\lainstrcain mclodic rocking irom ’l’lic Roncllcs. Plus I.ihcrtincs-inspircd sounds ironi 'l'hc Applc Scruiis. I Findo Gask 8. friends Nicc'n'Slca/y. 43l Saucliichall Strcct. 333 0900. 8.30pm. llognianay part} hostcd h)‘ altcrnatiic clcctro poppci's liindo (iask. IE1 DeSalvo, Kong, Kobai, The Phantom Band and Frightened Rabbit Barll}. 3(i0 ('lydc Strcct. 0870 907 0999. 9pm. £7. llardcorc punk mctallcrs l)cSali'o hcadlinc a Varicd llogmanay hill o\ci‘ hotli lloors at this ()lum \‘s l-‘iiiiliousc iandango. I lamchemist and Bozilla 13th .‘s'oic ('alc. 50 (i0 King Strcct. 553 |(i38. 9pm. Kc)tarist lamclicmist joins s}nill- toting hosts Bo/illa at this lind (ii thc Ycar (‘luh cclchration. I Optimo with Hot Chip The Old l-'i'(iitiii;ii‘kct. ('andlcriggs. 353 8000. l0pni. £35. Twitch and \Vilkcs hring in thc hclls with a spccial li\'c pcriormancc ironi Hot ('hip. l)cath l)isco‘s 1)] Mingo-(io will hc looking aitcr thc hcats in thc upstairs hai‘. with spokcn intcrjcctions h} cx-Arah Strappcr Aidan .\loiiat. Scc (‘luhs prc\ icw. pagc 50. I Sons 8. Daughters, 19903 and Union of Knives :\B(‘. 330 Saucliichall Strcct. 333 3333. l0pm. £l(i. llip llogmana) hill. licadlincd h} thc hludgconing roots garagc oi Sons and Daughtcrs. with support irom indic punk trio l990s and thc atmosphcric clcctro rock (ii l'nion oi Kni\ cs. I Demon’s Eye Rockcrs. l4 Midland Strcct. 33l 0730. Rock co\‘ct's. I Shitdisco, Big Face and Haunted House £23. Glasgow School oi Art. l(i7 chircw Strcct. 353 453i. \\'ohhlc rock disco raic grooic goons Shitdisco play lhc .-\t't School's llogniana) cclchrations.
I New Year Revels Asscnitil) Rooms. 54 (icorgc Strcct. 338 l 155. 9.30pm 3.30am. £45. 'l‘ht'cc llooi's (il‘ .\'cw Ycar part) ing with l)Js pinning tlic hcst in disco and part) tuncs pltis thc lcgcndar) ('cilidh rooms lcaturing li\ c music and dancing irom Bclla .\lc.\'ah's (‘Cilidll Band. 'i‘ltc ()ccttsionals and Hugh .\lacl)iarmid's llaircut.
I The Dykeenies, The Fratellis and The Complete Stone Roses \\'a\ci'lc_\ Stagc. \\'a\crlc_\ Bridgc. l0pm lam. Sircct Part) l’ass £5. lndic and rock. including tlic irrcprcssihl) chirpy l‘ratcllis. on tlic \Vaicrlc) Stagc as part oi lidinhurgh's oilicial llogniana) Strcct Part).
I The Great Calverto, The Pop Tartz and F36 'l’hc .\lound Stagc. 'l'lic Mound. l0pm lam. Strcct l’art) l’ass £5. (‘liccsy pop and shamclcss part} tuncs plus local hip hoppcrs tlic liountainhridgc (‘ollcctii c. as part oi lidinhurgh's oilicial llogmana} Strcct Part};
Check out the
on paqel3
I Pet Shop Boys and Paolo Nutini \Vt‘sl l’l‘tllc‘c‘s Strcct (ittl'tlclts. 47.5 3000. l0pin lam. £33.50 £40. 'l'his scans oilicial lloginana)‘ conccrt in thc gardcns.
I Bad Manners chircw l-‘crrs. .-\ndcrston Qua). 'I'hc Broomiclaw. 0l(i98 3(i0 085. 8pm. £30. Ska pop comho who haicn’l hothcrcd tlic charts ioi' thc last 30 )cars hut rciusc to sa) dic.
I Repeat to Fade and Standby Baril}. 3(i0 ('lsdc Strcct. 0870 907 099‘). 8pm. £4. \VL‘L‘gic indic rockcrs.
Wednesday 3
I The Multi-Coloured T Time Speakeasy 'l‘cliai ()\ na. 42 ()tago l.anc. 357 4534. 8pm. l‘rcc. ()pcn mic/jam scssion hosch h} 'l‘om
Snow hall.
I Target 32, Halcyon and Part Time Signals Bai'il}. 3(i0 ('lstlc Strccl. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £4. lndic rock.
I Scunner, The Plimptons and Glasgow Glam Bangers l3tli .\'olc ('Llic‘. .50 (i0 King Strcct. .555 HHS. 9pm. £3. ()ii kiltci' clcctl'o pop.
I Exposed 'l‘hc la/I Bar. l ('hanihcrs Strcct. 3304390. 9pm. l‘rcc. Singcr/songw ritcr night.
Thursday 4
I Cortez, The Blue Rozes and The River Merchants Baril}. 200 (‘lstlc Strcct. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £5. l.ocal hand hill.
I Flood of Red, Orko and The Day I Snapped King 'l‘ui's \Vali \\'ali llttt. 373a St \"inccnt Strcct. 33] 5379. 8pm. £5. ()\cr- l-ls shim. lllc licadlincrs 011‘ a scrcamo six-piccc irom (ilasgow.
I Jiezuberband and Team Salt l3(li Notc (‘allck .50 (i0 King Strcct. .555
l(i38. 9pm. £4. l’ost-Britpop and acotIstic sounds i'c‘spc‘c‘thc‘l}.
I Open Mic Night 'l‘hc (irass Mai‘kct Bar. 37 3| \Vcst l’oi't. 33l I448. 9pm. l‘rcc. Scc Tim M.
I I Fly Spitfires ('aharct \‘oltaii'c.
30 5X lilttit‘ Strcct. 330 (il7(i.
l lpm 3am. £5. .\lorc liic indic action icaturing all singing all dancing girl/ho} hand l‘uturc Rctro Champions. with anothcr li\ c act tlic.
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.
Thursday 14
I Christmas with The Rat Pack Roin ('onccrt Hall. 3 Saucliichall Stl'cct. 35.3 8000. 7.30pm. £35.50 £37.50. licat tlic w intcr hlucs with thc ('liristmas \crsion oi ()li\ icr aw ard-nominatcd I‘l'un/x. Summi' um/ l)cun 'l'lu' lx’ul l’ui‘k /.il'(' [mm [xii \i'um. with scasonal L‘lilssics including ‘li;tli_\ it's (‘old ()tllsidc'. ‘Rtldolpll tllc Rcd \osc Rciiidccr'. ‘l.ct it Snow' and much morc.
I Jayne C Wright Trio S}gn. l5 ('liarlottc l.anc. 335 (MM).
8.30 l0.30pm. l‘i‘cc. \Vcckl} rcsidcnc) ior pianist aml \ocalisi Wright and hand. pla_\ing jam with a contcmporar) twist.
I Late Night Grooves 'l‘lic Ja/l Bar. l (‘liamhcrs Strccl. 3304390.
I lpm 3am. l’rcc. l.atin gi‘(io\ cs ironi l)J Ja/Ihcad plus Poland‘s 8pccial Acoustic (it'oup ( l4 l)cc). king oi scat and t'cnowncd ja// singcr l‘rcddic King (& llis ()uartct (38' [km and (lic Ja/I har 'l'rio (4 Jan l.
I Late Night Grooves 'l‘lic .laI/ Bar. l (’hamhcrs Strcct. 330 4390. l lpm. i'il'L‘L‘. SL‘L‘ ililltl l4.
I Lunchtime Concert: Swingin’ and Singin’ RSAMI). I00 chil‘cw Strcct. 333 5057. lpm. £7 (£5). .\ sccond opportunit} to indulgc in thc R8:\.\ll)'s (oc-tapping (’ln‘istmas spcctacular.
I Misha Rojkov ('aic‘ (iramoion. 7 King Strcct. 553 7l77. 7pm. l‘rcc. ('ool ja/I sax and hlucs.
I Christmas with The Rat Pack R(i_\a| ('onccrt Hall. 3 Saucliicliall Sti'cct. 3538000.7.30pm. £35.50 £37.50. Scc 'l‘liu I4.
I The Miles Experience Basiira Blanca. Bl‘ltlis\\icl\ llotcl liascmcnt. l0(i Brunswick Sti'ccl. 07970 03300l. 9pm. £4. l‘rcsh and \ ihrant jal/ as thc spirit oi .\lilcs [)a\ is and llcndl'i\ collidc at this night raising iunds l‘or (' Scotland.
I Haftor Medboe Duo, The Bradleys and The Flavours 'l’lic Jam llousc. 5 ()uccn Strcct. 33(i 4380. 5.30pm. l-‘rcc hciorc l0pm: £5 hciorc lam: £7 aitcr. Jan guitarist .\lcdhoc is lollowcd h_\ pop irom 'l‘hc Bradlcss and lionschand 'l‘hc l‘lamurs.
I Action Group the Jan Bar. l (’hamhcrs Strcct. 3304390. 9.30pm. l'il‘cc. (‘ool trio irotn (ilasgow with ['8 drummcr \Vayni. kc} s. s} ntlis and \ iolin proi idiiig hip groox cs and iunk} hcats. I Skunk Funk 'l‘lic Ja/l Bar. l ('liamhcrs Strcct. 3304390.
midnight 3am. £5. Night oi top iunk irom l)J \Vilk/hootli and li\c gucsts. including ja/l} dancciloor grom cs il'onl Soul lnjcction ( l5 l)cci. pltis rock irom 'l‘hc .-\l\as (33 l)cci iollowcd h} souliul \ocals irom 'l'hc Dirt) .\lartims (39 l)cci.
Saturday 1 6
I The George Penman Jazzmen l)ow ntown. (i/8 \Vatcrloo Sti‘cct. 33l 0500. 3.30pm. I‘l'cc. Vintagc \cw ()rlcans _ia// with a 50s ila\our irom lllis \ltll\\;ll'l (ii thc Sc‘tilllsll .ltlI/ \L‘L‘nc.
I The Miles Experience Brcl. 39 43 :\slil(in l.anc. 543 4‘)(i(i. .3 (ipln. l‘rcc. .\lilcs l)a\ is mccts Jimi llcndri\ as Norwcgian guitarist/\ocalist l.ars Rchhcstad collahoratcs with (ilasgow 's Nigcl ('hadw ick.
I Alan Benzie ('aic (iramolon. 7 KnitJ Strcct. 553 7l77. 5pm. lircc. Young ia/l pianist.
I Glasgow lmprovisers Orchestra (‘(..'\. 5.50 Saucliichall Strcct. 5.53 4900. 8pm. £4 (£3i. l’ianist Stcx c Bcrcslord joins lhc (il() rcgulars in thcir rcircshingl} uniquc scmi—struct(ircd compositions and spontancous ircc improi isations than this cnsciiihlc oi 35 lilxc-mindcd musicians irom diicrsc musical hackgrounds including. ia//. contcmporar} classical and a\ant/c\pct'imcntal pop.
I The Mellotones 8'0 ()uccn Strch Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 ()uccn Strcct. 33o 5097. 3.30 5.30pm. l5rcc. Jimm} 'l‘a} lor and hand pla} songs h} .\lcl 'l‘ormc and othcr grcat _ia// \ocalists.
I Trio Jazz 'l‘hc Ja// liar. l ('liaiiihcrs 8trcct. 330-1390. 3.30pm. l‘rcc. RL‘ldM‘d aitcrnoon slot with tlic litiusc trio on piano (or guitar). hass and drums.
I Jean Mundell Quartet 80 ()uccn Strcct liar and Rcslaurant. 80 ()uccn Strcct. 330 5097. 9pm. l‘rcc. 8t) lisli quartct lcd h} thc do) cnnc oi lidinhurgh
ja/l \ocalists alongsidc cstccmcd tunipctcr (’olin Stcclc.
I The Jazz Bar Quintet 'l‘lic Jan Bar. | (‘liamhcrs Sti‘cct. 3304390. 9.30pm. lircc. \'ai'_\ing linc-ups oi lop musicians. asscmhlcd cach w cck h) mainsta} oi tlic lidinhurgli iii/x sccnc. drummcr Bill K} lc.
I Fish Fry 'l‘lic Ja/l Bar. l (‘liamhcrs Sti'cct. 3304390. I l.30pni 3am. £5. Scottish _ia//. iunk. soul and Latin hands join |)Js lil'ik l)‘\'il\ing and .-\stl'(ilio_\. including tlic .r\cid Ja/l mccts iunk rock iusion oi ( icclui 3 ( lo l)cc l. tlic uphcat .\losa l‘unk ('luh (33 l)cci and South Amcrican l'll_\lltlil\ irom \occs l)cl Stir (30 l)cc l.
I Bobby Wishart Jazz Session Downtow ii. (i/8 \Vatcrloo Strcct. 33l 0500. 3pm. l-rcc. lcading iax/ saxophonist.
I Glasgow lmprovisers Orchestra Strccl l.c\ cl “(1000.43 King Strcct. .553 3l5l. 7pm. lircc. Scc Sat lo.
I Trio Jazz 'I'hc Ja// Bar. l ('hamhcrs Strcct. 330 4300. 3.30pm. l‘i'cc. SL‘L‘ Sill Hi.
I Rosy Blue Duo (‘al'c (irandc. I8’4 Bruntslicld l’lacc. 338 1 I88. 7pm. l-‘rcc. l'phcat ial/ outlit.
I Electric Fire 'I‘lic Jan liar. l (’liamhcrs Strcct. 3304390. 9.30pm. l-‘i‘cc. l‘unk) hackhcat ja/l iroin this cool quarth lcd h} sa\ophonist Zack Mod and guitarist licn .\lcl)onald.
I Louise Dodds ('cntolt‘c. l(i3 (icorgc Strcct. 'l‘lic \(icalist puts in a pcrlormancc at (lic cit) 's ncwcst |i\ c music \cnttc ior tlic lidinhurgh lcg oi hcr currcnt l'ls' (our.
Monday 18
I The Great Jazz Jam Session The Jan Bar. l ('hamhcrs Strcct. 3304390. 9pm. l‘rcc. Iispcct a rich mi\ oi st} lcs as iaccs old and ncw drop in to pcriorni
\\ illi thc llUtlsc 'l‘l‘iti Citclt \\ cck.
Tuesday 1 9
I The SHJQ Quartet 'I‘lic Jan Bar. l (‘liamhcrs Strcct. 3304390. 9me. l‘rcc. l‘phcat group icaturing Bill K)lc (drumsi. Doug 'l‘iplad} (sa\csi. l’aul Kirh} (pianoi and KL‘\lll (ilasgow (hassi.
Wednesday 20
I Michael Simons ‘l‘cliai ()\na. lot) l)canston l)ri\ c. (i49 7358. 8pm. £3. (ilasgow-hascd guitarist pla) ing iollx. hlucs and hcwond.
I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session 80 Quccn Strcct Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 Quccn Strcct. 33o 5097. 9pm. l'i‘c'c‘. l‘our _\cars on. 80‘s trtist} opcn mic scssion is still going strong. alhcit now midwcck. :\l| arc wclconic to join in thc iun.
I Vroni Holtzmann 'l‘lic .la// Bar. l ('hamhcrs Strccl. 3304390. 9.30pm. l’i‘cc. Ragtimc piano plus thc ('owgatc (‘ai‘toons slagc show.
I Jayne C Wright Trio S}gn. l5 (’harlottc l.anc. 335 (i0(i0.
8.30 l0.30pni. l-‘rcc. Scc 'l'liu I4.
I Late Night Latin 'l‘hc .la/l Bar. l (‘liamhcrs Strccl. 3304390. l0pm 3am. l‘rcc. l.atin l’ll_\llllil\ irom Dias ()uartct and DJ .la/lllcad.
I Late Night Grooves 'l‘lic .la/l Bar. l (‘hamhcrs Slrccl. 3304390. llpm. l'i‘cc. Scc {l.llll l-l.
him: .‘:i.‘ ' THE LIST 91