
Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to Glasgow listings are compiled by Sandra Marron.

Glasgow Thursdays


I *.* at the Btill (‘luh l().3()pm ~3am. £3 (lree). Weekly. Stey'ie and David rummage through their records to bring you all the good stull. There's the odd live band. so expect a lest ol eclectronica. discotechnocarcy and other words they’ve just made tip.

I Calling All Disco Kids at Karhoii. l().3()pm—3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. lleskey and Big Al drop hip hop and R&B while Raw B and liuan McLeod play student classics and hand otit cash pri/es at this student night. Scott McKay plays house in the lounge.

I Club Olum at ('lassic (irand. llpms3ani. £4 (£2). Weekly. Resident 1)] Dirty Marc (l)eathkill4t)()()) is joined by live ltiii in the lorm ol The (iellls ( l4 l)ec). Stinky Munchkins (2l l)ec) and Vancouver Deluxe (28 l)ec).

I F**kmyspace at (luru. l lpitt 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Indie rock and power pop across three rooms with (irahame. Brian and guests.

I Fools Gold at the Bunker Bar.

9pm» 3am. lree. Weekly. (ilasgow' l)J legetid (‘1 plays an array ol electro pop and rock while l‘ools (iold mix tip some indie and rock.

I Freakmoves at Glasgow School ol Art. llpm-3ain. £3 (£2). Weekly. l'ltra- line hip hop night lor the students. with [Ms l)ema and Nice. £l lor (iSA students alter midnight. lrce helore.

I HOFF Christmas Special at the (‘athouse l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). l4 l)ec. ('elebrating all things ‘lloll’ with decorations. props. lilelike lloll cut-outs lor prizes and loads ol ama/ing lloll paraphernalia and miscellany! Totally lree entry in red trunks (either on their own or over trousers‘.’ we don‘t mind il you're shy). Should be a good knight(rider).

I Republic DJ Lounge at Bier llalle.. l()pm lam. Free. Weekly. l‘or l4 nights over Christmas. Bier l'lalle Republic transforms into a cltib with Aaron Petrie (aka Clinical). Boom .Moiik Ben (Mixed Bi/ness). Karen Lindsay (Radio Magtietic). [)1 Devil]. Madame S (l'tter (ititter) and ()()i"l‘ on rotation.

I Rumble at the (iarage. l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. I)Js (ierry Lyons and Baby Brian playing chart. classics. anthems and requests. In the Attic. Paul and Steve play indie and alternatiy e. while in (i2 Andy whips tip ati R&B storm with 70s. 80s and ‘)().s hits plus pop and chart in the lingine Rooms with Nicola.

I Skint at the (‘athouse l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. limo. ltitik. punk. crossover. rock. goth and hardcore tunes from [)1 Billy Moat.

I Thursday Club at the (iarage.

l lpm -3am. £5 (lree). Weekly. A hit ol everything here lrom 7()s. indie and chart to R&B and classic rock anthems.

I Tunnel Classics at the Tunnel.

l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Simon lioy and Lisa Littleyy'ood cook tip house and dance lrom past to present.

Glasgow Fridays


I Art School Christmas Party at the Glasgow School ol Art. Spin 3am. £5.

l5 l)ec. ('eilidh dancing upstairs early on lollowed by a rave arena in the \'ic Bar with ASBU Disco.

I Beat Down The Up Set at (iuru.

l lpm--3am. £5. Weekly. Vital mix ol new underground rock'n'roll. glitchy

52 THE LIST M Dec 2006 «1 .Jan 200)"

disco. post punk and dirty digital ltitik. liree passes ayailablc at

my space.coni/beatdms'iitheupset.

I Brown Baggin’ It at the (iarage.

l lptn 3am. £5 (lree £3). Weekly. The Attic hosts retro. Britpop and alt. while the lingine Rooms play chilled out chart lrom eyery era. Brian switches the remote and plays eyerything lroin pop through to charts in the main gall while the (i2 channel spices it tip with Rth and soul. I Canvas Club at Arta. 0pm 3am. £5 (lree). Weekly. l.iye hands plus |)J Joe l)eehan playing lunk and party classics. I Coded at Vault. l lpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. Steyen Mc('reery is the main man. while the likes ol Billy \Voods. Billy Kilkie and Amanda l’rice join in lrom time to time.

I Electroball at Karhon. l()_3()pin 3am. £(i (£4). Weekly. New electro night lroin Salon Boris l).ls. l)a\id Sinclair (killer Kitsch) and Dominic Martin at new yenue. I Festival at .-\B(‘. l lpm 3am. £o (£4). Weekly. liuan Neilson does the honours with his bag ol l'unky electro sounds and cross genre lreelortn mixing. plus guests. 9i: Freq at the Sith (’lub. lllpm 3am. £10. 15 l)ec. Monthly. Broken heat to tech house and eyerything in between lroni the l‘req crew with extra special guest Alex l'nder (liy e).

I The Friday Factory at (‘lassic (irand. ll).3()pni 3am. £5. Weekly. lloinage is paid to Tony Wilson's l-‘actory Records. the Andy Warhol era and eyerything in between. lixpect to hear ey‘erything lroni The \clyet l'ndergrotind to Joy l)iyision and Kasahian.

I Friday Street at Brunswick llotel. l()pin 2am. £5. 2‘) l)ec. (‘lassic mod sounds. (ill’s psych and northern soul at Scotland's premier mod club. Regulars Mikey and Paul are joined on the decks by Murray Miller.

I Funhouse at Barlly. l lpm 2am. £(). Weekly. DJ Paul Needles and Alpha Mitchell spin psy ch. punk. soul and maximum rock'n'i'oll.

I Kinky Afro at the Sub ('lub.

llpm 3am. £S. 2‘) l)ec. Monthly. See prey iew. page 5 l.

I Loose Change at the Arches.

lllltm 3am. £8 (£6). l5 l)ec. ()llie ’I‘eeha (The llerbaliser). Mr 'l'liiiig and Rob Red Alert (l‘ahric) do their cut'n'paste niain tip (hang.

I Monkey Puzzle at Bluu. lllpin 3am. £5 (lrec). Weekly. (This and l)onald team up with Andy l’irie. Billy Woods. Andrew Back and l)erek lor a weekly trip through electro. electronica. house. lolk. dub. hip hop. ja/I. indie. disco and rare gt‘ooye.

I National Pop League at \y'ootlsitle Social (‘luh 8.45pm 2am. £4. 2‘) l)ec. Monthly. Post-punk. (’So. indie-pop. laughing. good people. dancing. hearts on sleeyes and in iiiotitlis. tears. kissing. handshaking and smiling.

I Old School Funk at the Btill.

|(lpni 3am. £o. Weekly. (iordie. Jack. (‘raig and l)ee play old school tan and lillltlx' classics.

I Pin Up Nights Merry Christmas Edition at Stay ka. lllpiii 4am. £2. 22 l)ec. l’in tip nights decanip lor a night at Stay'ka. l’laying indie. ('So and the like to the ('liristinas posse,

I Pressure at the Arches. lllpm 4am. tbc. 2‘) Dec. Monthly. l)errick Mil}. Stey e Bug. Slain. Magda. Radioactiye .Maii (liyei. ()uenuni (liye). Van l)ow ski all under one rool. The Pressure ci‘c w spoil tis once again.

I Republic DJ Lounge at Bier llalle.. Inpni lam. l‘ree. Weekly. See Thu.

I Rocket at Bamboo. l().3()pni 3am. £(i (£4). Weekly. House music lrom (ieoll M and ('raig s. Rt‘cB and hip hop with (iay in Soinniery ille plus rock and boogie with Stcy ie Sole in the lounge.

I Spit Fire at RAl‘A. 8.45pm lain. £4. l5 l)ec. Monthly. l)elcctahle Soundtrack ol new and classic indie. punk. pop. rock and electro lroni Arcade l‘ire to Nelly l‘urtado.

I Tim Westwood at the Tunnel.

lllpm 4am. £10 (£7). 22 Dec. liach year the Tunnel hosts an exciting with Mr Tim Westwood the undisputed number one

urhan I)! in the l'lx'. Residents Naeeni. AJ and lain ‘Santos‘ 'l'honipson.

I Vegas! at Renlrew l-‘erry. 9.30pm 2am. £0 (£7). 2‘) l)ec. Monthly. The usual shenanigans lroni the Vegas iiioh. This is a truly great night out. You actually leel like you are in Vegas with your gambling ways. show girls. dancing arid the eclectic musical backdrop.

I Vice at the ('athouse. l lpm 3am. £5 lbi). Weekly. “J Martin littles le'Wll hosts an indie rock party on leyel two with tunes old and new. lrom Arctic Monke.“ to Zeppelin.

I XXL at ('rih. lllpni 3am. £h (£4). Weekly. llesky and Big Al play hip hop. dancehall and grime while Ray Woods plays old skool classics.

Glasgow Saturdays


Atlantis Revisited at the Sub (‘lub l lpm 4am. £|(). 3() l)ec. A trip down memory lane as Slam stars ()rde arid Stuart join Suhculture‘s llarri lor one night only. They take you back to I‘M) when their night Atlantis was the night ol choice. See what all the hiss was about.

I Bad Robot at the (ilasgow School ol Art. llpiii 3am. £(i (£5). Weekly. Residents loosejoinls and Stey ie lilenients host a night ol quality music that cuts across the genre (liy ides.

I Base at the Tunnel. llpm 3am. £S (£5 l. Weekly. (This and Martin llesketh. along with (‘hris Harris and Al Kent.

w eay e a line lahric ol lunky house and Riki; ttl Mitchell l.;|tte\ lincst dance emporium.

I Beautiful Soup at Bar Bloc.

lllltm 3am. £2 (l'ree). lo l)ec. l'iortnli-‘hlly Bloc's longest running residents Audio hay e changed the name and concept ol their night. They describe this new yenture as ‘tw it-hop a he hop. electro-llop le mock rock‘.

I Bunker Saturdays at the Bunker Bar. 0pm 3am. l’ree. Weekly. Nl-‘M's Mash is on hand with a new weekly residency playing a hit ol eyerything with a good hassline and an electronic house tip.

I Club Virunga at l’mela.

l().3()pni 3am. £5. Weekly. ll you are looking lor some sexy ghetto grooyes then this is the place to he. l‘rhan magic.

I Death Disco XXXMas Party at the Arches. llpiii 4am. £l2. lo l)ec. Monthly. ()Id l)l) pal lirol Alkaii is joined by (iliininers collaborator (’ajuan and the sound ol silence its Silent Disco takes ()y er the playroom.

I Dirty Record: at (ilasgow l‘niycrsity l‘nion. lllpin 2am. £3 (£2 lree). Weekly. l’aul N'Jie (Ni-M) gets behind the decks to dcliy er a selection ol Rth. hip hop. soul and disco. ()pen Hex is lor tip-and- coming His and runs weekly downstairs in Deep (i. alter a tree 1)] workshop (lroni 8pm).

I Divine at the (ilasgow School ol Art.

l lpm 3am. £0 (£5). Weekly. (ilasgow 's longest-running club residence. lixpect a unique blend ol soul. ltiiik. ska and psych dug deep lroin the My inc sound archiyes. l)iy ine celebrate their loth Birthday ( lo l)ec).

I DIY Disco at Brunswick llotel.

0pm 2am. £3. lo l)ec. Monthly. l)l\' Disco return to one ol the Merchant city 's greatest yenue w ith another dose ol lilectronic music lor dancing. Xmas l’arty Style. (iuests lor this night are ll)l()'l'li(‘)l'li |)Js l-‘loyd and Sinky ol Scribble and Screeh..

I Goodfoot at Riyei'side ('ltih.

llpm 3am. £7 (£4). lo l)ec. Monthly. The ('ioodloot 1)] Team play a selection ol northern soul. luiik and R&B classics and rarities on loyely old yinyl.

I Guru Saturdays at (illl'tl. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5 ). Weekly. (irahame l-‘ergiison plays a mix ol rock'n'roll while Rohiii keeps it lunky with eclectic electric and alternatiye Slls rotating in room three.

I Hanoi Rocks at l-‘irewater. 0pm 3am. l‘rce hclore ll).3()pin; £3 (£2) alter. Weekly. |).ls Joe Smith and (‘raig Wilson play indie lroni past and present to a discerning music crowd.

Review of the Year

Thankfully unlike 2005 this year has been a far happier time in clubland. Of course there was the closing of the legendary Venue in Edinburgh, a club that has shaped the entire dance (and live music) scene in Scotland. We’ll miss it like crazy, but at least it went out with a bang, hosting a few killer nights before they shut up shop for good in June.

Over in Glasgow, the last few months have seen an explosion in new venues. The Classic Grand, Boho, Karbon, Stavka, Guru and The Hold have all proved clubbing’s not dead in the west. It really has been great to see venues opening rather than closing.

In terms of nights that rocked it, our very own Madam S (with help from Hushpuppy) at Utter Gutter has been packin’ ‘em in with their mash up of dirty house, sleazy techno and pumping homo-electro. Xplict proved drum & bass isn’t dead and if you caught any of their shows with Pendulum in particular you’d have witnessed one of the most rammed dancefloors in Scotland. We Are . . . Electric have established that midweek clubbing isn’t a misnomer with some killer guests all on a Wednesday (from Black Strobe to Felix da Housecat). Then again their residents nights are something to behold. So, all in all, clubbing in Scotland is looking healthier than it has for years. Roll on 2007.

Seeing; that Is; the- season of giving; ‘.'.(2 hast": a par of tzttktzts; for onnor the Glasgow or Hiiiiixa'gt li‘izti Kano. (cools; Colors l-logii'iaHay party featuring; 'iaritot; like low (it? Noel. Roi) \‘~.'i.o(:-r {tlltl 2 Many Dds Eilzi‘otirgiit 0"“, . sea l)l(?\.2(?‘.'.' page 55‘». l-or {.(xa el‘ai‘tto to ULEKGIS Just 8(3"Ll a." meal 'itat‘rstxl ‘KANDI . .'‘ you." lh’llt‘i}. address; and whet: econ: no.) Ll llix'ii' to alt-m1: Glasuow oi l:(li'll).ll§ll‘.l to

pr )lll()i.()llf3sC lists ink by no late!

than 120 Doc.