
BEAT YOUR WRITERS Re: DVD Reviews (564) Attor roadrng your humhlo royrot'xor's (:rrtrrruo of tho latortt (:lassro Srr Hon/y at Raw/r/tson End. l was (tompollod to wrrto and horato your otnorwrso \.'/orthy (:oIour'rrrg»rr‘. hook. I'vo no rdoa whoro your [DVD dogo drd his drsmal rosoaroh. out Mr John Pool drd not (:o t.'.'rrto tho radro yorsron ot Vr\. ran Stanshall's grrpprng soap let's not oasyr Hort“; a! R’rvw/rnson 5170'. ll your rrtag wrll grvo tho lato JP (:rodrt for that wrll you also ho (:rodrtrng him wrth (:o wrrtrng ‘Bo l)()p a loo Ia'. rust hortauso no ‘«.'.'as ono of tho last hlokos to r‘ooord (Eorto Vrnr:ont'?

Your mag rs trno hut poat your wrrtor‘s moro.

Cord Blrss yor Frank P Rooney Glasgox'x


Re: J’accuse (564)

In our last rssuo, '.‘.'o pom/sh 2d a r’ottor to H/sto/io Scot/and from St Pom/"s Bur/dang Prosorvat/o/t [rt/st. amt/slog tiro o/‘garrrsatro/t of ft'rr/rrtg rr; (ts oor’rgar‘rons 3o p/otoor‘ f/ro our/ding to '.'.’hr<;/'t 2t l‘las g/‘xon a G/ado A list/Hg, iioro :s Ivlrstor'rr,‘ Srjt >r‘r’arrd's Iospo/ tso.‘ Although wo do not a(:<:opt Mr Dottonhaugh's <;rrtrt;rsms ot llrstorrr: Scotland. wo nonotholoss ‘.'.'ol(:omo hrs onthusrasm ahout St Potor's Somrnary Wo aro (:ontrnurng to work olosoly wrth tho ownors and tho local plannrng authortty to v‘os<:uo t'no hurldrng. XIV/o must stross though that wo holrovo that thrs rs possrhly tho most (:hallongrng hrstorrt; huridrng (Laso rn Sootland at tho prosont trrno.

Historic Scotland


XFM Winter Wonderland Carling Academy. Glasgow. Thu 7 Dec

Mark Porter

2THE LIST '~'- Han I .2:

T he Vrew woro groat - really (trite-rent. But I lrkod Get Cape. Wear Capo. Fly. as y-roll.

The List,

Orr Doha/r" of all [no s/gnator/os to llro [ rst's (granola/gr) to savo 8! Pofo/ 's. '.‘.'o aro dolrghr‘od that /‘ Astor/<7 Soot/and rs avorkrng to rostruo tho our/ding. l'Vo tar/ll ropor‘.’ on fr/rtnor

tfor/o/oyorrmtrs as {hot nappon.

SALE OF THE CENTURY Re: Guerilla tactics (564) Thor'o aro so many pooplo to thank who (:ontrrhutod to tho str(;<:oss ol SWGIS's frrst annual tundrarsor. l‘rronds and artrsts who donatod tho:r‘ trrno and 'noautrtul xix/orks of art. Camphoil Armour who (:onduolod tho auotron ol thoso ‘.'./orks. lloathor Suttro who 'nostod l'no o--.'<;-rtrng and oxvoryono rr‘.\.'()l‘.’o(l El) tho produr‘tron . . a hrg thank you.

Tho oxonrng ‘~.'.'as ‘Jory woli attondod. ()yor ?()() guosts. somo famrrrar and somo not so. '.'.'o."o lod rnrnr:o 8. tattros. lrsh pro and ot'nor comfort gruh. drank good '.'-.'rno and (l(}(‘.(}l‘l 'noor 'ooforo horng ontortarnod by a tashron show of urntago and (:urront soason ()ommo dos (,3ar'<__:ons.

Thon (:amo tho atr(;tron. [)onatrons trom rosrdont artrsts. trronds of tho studro and othor‘ Glasgol'.’ hasod artrsts holpod rarso a total of 30-160. twroo .'.'hat wo hopod tor!

Plus '.'/o strll hayo a Darmlor to solll Mutley

(El; 1st row

GUIDE ME TO THE GUIDE Wo woro ax'ray whon you pu'olzshod your annual gurdo to plaoos to oat out. Is thoro- somox'xhoro lll ()lasgox'.’ or Ldrnllurgh I (:an go and puroltaso rt now? | tropo so. Wo lrnd rt nory usolul and no longor hayo our proyrous (:opy. Judith Duncan

By ornarl

You can nuy on." I at/ng and [)r‘rnk/ng (Err/do at good

14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE

or The List at the CCA

350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow 62 3JD or email

nowsagonts and hooks/tops for £23.95. or ordor ono d/r‘oot/y from us at rr'wnrr'x./

Chock out our oxpandod [-a! a

Drink soot/on (pago I I I; for nows and rot/rows of tho latost rostar/rant oponrngs.

LESS THAN THRILLING I'm ama/od that Rod Road should ho mot wrth such a(:(:olado. It's anothor trrod horso from tho grrtty harsh stahlo ol Brrtrsh rndoportdont

ornoma. It porpotuatos tho vory

rrnago ol thrs country and Glasgow rn partroular that I

would hayo thought wo would

to tlrroo good usos.

Annie Nettleton L < in rl )t rr'( rh

rt rrght wo oan assrst othors to honolrt too. wrthout rrrakrng tho samo mrstakos as us.

I'm sayrrrg don't rust thrnk ,a(:t too.




want to rovorso. Glasgow rs a hoautrtul (:rty. and Rod Road's doprotron of hrgh rrso 19605; flats. lrllod to thorr 50th floor wrth rllrtorato (:rrmrnals. stamps all ovor tho turnrng trdo srnco Glasgo‘~.‘./'s solootron as caprtal of Culturo and Arohrtocturo rn tho 90s. Glasgow's Charms and photogonrr: gualrtros are to ho oolol)ratod on tho hrg soroon. not produorng sornothrng whroh sooms dosrgnod to lorovor froo/o rt rn tho concroto hunkor of doprossron.


By omarl


Alox Boil rlottor's. {soot rs rrght to suggost a dohato on

onyrronmorrtal ssuos. But wo nood to onsuro dohato doos not load to rnaotron. Whrio rt may somotrmos mako sonso not to roplar;o an old car wrth a hrand now ono rloy-J ornrssron or not). It '.'.rould mako tar hottor sonso not to ropla(:o tho old car full stop. Buy a trayol pass rnstoad. Walk or (:yt:lo to work rt you can. It yotr (:an't hooauso puhlrr: transport rs too poor. thon your or support groups lrko Frronds of tho Earth who aro tryrng to got goyornmont to rmpr‘o‘lro thrngs tor o\./oryono.

()n rooyolrng Mr Boll noods to thrnk a lrttlo smartor. Thoro rs no nood to rrso not wator or rrnso out rtorns tor rooyolrng. Srmply wart untrl y~<)tr"~.((> ‘-.‘t/asl1od tho drshos and uso tho Iuko ‘.‘./arm l'xator loft to rrnso out tho trns and glass. [.asy - no now \.'.'atot' rogurrod. It you'ro luoky onough to havo a gardon. lrnally uso tho anterior to food tho plants. That's ono howl ot wator put

lakrng arttron to roduoo your porsonal olrnrato omrssrons doos mako a drttoronoo. And tho rnoro pooplo that act togothor tho hrggor tho drltoronrto. Wo rn tho doyolopod natrons hayo a moral ohlrgatron to act trrst. Attor all ‘.‘.'(} hayo alr‘oady honotrtod from almost a (:ontury of pollutron. It wo got


Kimberley C/vrl Sort/ant

I canto to sue the. Dykoonres and wasn't drsappointed. There's always a lull nrght and a good INTO-tit) at tho Carlrng Academy.

Graham 8m man Tho Vrew are on trro! Thoy'ro tho

new Lrhertrnes. One to watch for next year.


CONTRIBUTORS Publisher 8 General Editor Robrn Hocqe


Editor Nrck Barley

Deputy Editor Mark Robertson Subeditor Allan Radclrfle Research Manager

Julre Graham

Research Henry Northmore (Clubs. Folk. Rock 8. Jazz). Krrstrn Innes (Around Town. Dance, theatre. ‘Jrsual Art). Sran Bevan (Comedy). Julre Graham (Books. Classrcal. Frlm 8 Krds). Suzanne Black (Rest of Scotland. Frlm)

Editorial Intern

Elspeth Rushbrook

SALES & MARKETING Advertising Sales Manager Rachel Shrelds

Senior Media Sales Executive Brrqrd Kennedy

Media Sales Executives chhre Meldrum. Clarre Denar Media Sales Support Maxrne Cadzol':

Promotions Manager

Sherr t'rrers

Marketing Executive iracey Frsher

Circulation Executive

Davrd Mchrsh


Art Director Krrsta Robertson (Maternity leave)

Senior Designer

t‘rrc Campbell

Production Manager

Srmon Armrn

Designer l ucr Reeves Production Assistant

Matt McLeod

ADMINISTRATION Accounts Manager Georgette Renwrck Accounts Assistant Manager Donna layior


Sldn 80‘.“le

Edinburgh Office Manager Katre Scott

Glasgow Office Manager Sharon Stephen

SECTION EDITORS Around Town Krrstrn Innes Books Brran Donaldson Clubs Henry Northmore r.'.rth Sandra Marron) Comedy Brran Donaldson Comics Paul Dale

Dance Kelly Apter

Eat 8 Drink Barry Shelbv Film Paul Dale

Gay Robrn Lee

Kids Kelly Apter

Music Mark Robertson

r.-.rih Norman Chalmers. Carol Marn Kenny Mathreson, l‘rorta Shepherd)

News Allan Radrlrlfe

Play Henry Northmore Television Brrart Donaldson Theatre Steve Cramer Travel Krrstrn Innes

Visual Art Alexander Kennedy