I Mars Patrol and The One Day Speakers the tixcliange. 55 (iroye Street. 443 0404. 8pm. £6 (£4). .\tel|o\\ \et hard-edged rock from Mars l’atrol. I Hohypsters ('afe Royal Bistro Bar. l7 \Vest Register Street. 557 4703. Split. £4. l’unk.
I Porch Song Anthology Bret.
3‘) 43 Ashton Lane. 343 4‘)66. 6pm. l-‘ree. lix-memhet's of 't’elstar l’onies take a folky turn at this lil Rancho Relaxo eyening.
I Bjorn Again Sli('(‘: ('lyde Auditorium. l-‘itinieston Qttay. 0870040 4000. 6.30pm. £l7.50 £l8.50. .\ trihute t0 the super S“ edes 0f the \e\ L‘llllL'S. from the \yorld's most famous .'\BB.r\ trihttte hand.
I The Assassins Of, Lifeblind, My Farewell, Last Season’s Mistake and A Means to an End Soundhatts. 47 llydepark Street. 33l 465‘). 7pm. £5. ()yer- l4s slioyy'. Metal and screamo hill. I Babyshambles, The Holloways atid Noisettes ('arling Academy (ilasgtm. t3l liglinton Street. 0870 77l 3000. 7pm. S()l.l) ()t't'. l’ete t)ocherty hrings his appropriately named hand hack to Scotland yy ith punky supports. I Crash my Model Car, No 1 Son and Wake the President .-\B('3. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 333 3333. 7pm. £5. ()yer-l4s shoyy. See prey ieyx. page 64.
I Danika Rockers. l4 Midland Street. 33t 0736. 7pm. £4.
I Darkest Hour, Between the Buried and Me arid Mysery Signals King 't'ut's \Vali \Vah lltit. 373a St Vincettt Street. 33l 537‘). 8pm. £l0. ()yer-l4s shoty. t’unk. thrash and death metal coitihine in Virginia hand Darkest ltoiir’s unholy racket.
I Kobai, Crisis Project and Iamchemist ()ran .\tor. 73l 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 6300. 8pm. £5. limoish indie sounds from the feisty Kohai.
I Moneen, Lights, Action! and The Day I Snapped Barfly. 260 (‘Iyde Street. 0870 ‘)07 0‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £6. Toronto ettto rockers. \yho hay c played \\ ith the likes of .\tuse and taking Back Stmday. promote their current alhum The Red 'Iiw.
I Spider Simpson, The Tranquil and Wired Desire Barfly (tipstairsl. 360 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 ()‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £5. Briimmie hand endorsed hy tioo fighters and Stereophonics.
I Joe Viterbo atid My Own Religion Nice'n‘Slea/y. 43l Sauchiehall Street. 333 0‘)00. 8.30pm. lix-Ncystoyy n (irttnt Viterho's music jumps from rock. ska. ptiiik and tan to sttlll.
I Athens The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 336 4380. 7pm. Band of hrothers playing popular cox ers on guitars and hass.
I The Pigeon Detectives (‘aharet Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 330 6|76. 7pm. £6. tinergetic. iny igorating indie rock from young l.eeds hatid.
I Skindred Studio 34. 34 36 ('altotl Road. 558 3758. 7pm. £8. See Sat 0.
I The Bootleg Beatles t'slier ltall. l.othian Road. 338 l I55. 7.30pm. £lS.50 £33.50. Re-liye the sights attd sounds of the 60s as the \yorltl‘s premier Beatles coyer hatid returns \\ ith their multi-media stage production.
I The Midnight Stills llenry ‘s ('ellat' Bar. 8 Ma .\torrison Street. 338 9393. 8pm. £5 t£4i. l’undraising gig to hity some hikes for a yottng Palestinian scout group in Sliatila Refugee camp in Beirut. l.ehanon.
I The Pigeon Detectives .-\B('3. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 333 3333. 7pm. £6. See Stiti I0.
I The Pogues (‘arling Academy (ilasgoyy. l3l liglinton Street. 0870 77l 3000. 7pm. £37.50. Shane .\lc(io\y'att joins the fttll original line-up as they go on one more (‘hristnias tour of shamholic (’eltic folk rock.
I Roughmate and Captain Kate Rockers. l4 Midland Street. 33l 0736. 7pm. £4. Ska-punk rock’n’roll from (’aptain Kate.
I Tenacious D Sli(’(‘. liinniesioii Quay. 08700404000. 7pm. £35. ('otttedy' potnp and metal from ltollyyyood star Jack Black and his mate Kyle (iass.
I The Bootleg Beatles Royal (‘oncert Hall. 3 Sauchieltall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l8.50 £33.50. See Stiti It).
I Daemonolith, Paradox, Centuries Cry and Emersion Barlly (upstairs). 360 ('lyde Street. 0870 ‘)07 0‘)‘)‘). 7.30pm. £4. ()\et'-l4s shoyy. Mix of thrash. death. hlack atid melodic metal.
’5 The Horrors ()i-an .\lor. 73l 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 6300. 7.30pm. £3. See .5 Reasons. page 6‘).
I Duels and The Fridays King 'l'ut's With “all Hot. 373a St Vincent Street. 33! 537‘). 8.30pm. £7. l.eeds quintet l)uels are influenced hy eyerything from Syd Barrett-era l-‘loyd to the Stranglers.
I Ross Clark Bar Bloc. l 17 Batli Street. .574 6066. 9001. Free. Acoustic singer-song“riter likened to a quirky Scottish Bright tiyes.
I The Ghost of a Thousand and The Miramar Disaster Barfly. 360 (‘lytle Street. 0870 907 0‘)‘)‘). (‘;\.\'('tit.l.til).
I Mystery Juice, Deaf Mutes and Down the Tiny Steps the Bongo ('ltth. Moray llUllSL‘. 37 llolyt‘ootl Road. 558 7604. t0pm. £3. free hefore l tpm . Headliners .\tystery Juice celehrate the launch of their neu tit’ at this lience Records gathering hosted hy the Scottish ltoho Society.
Tuesday 1 2
I The Go Hawks, lnvective and Whisky Galore Rockers. l4 Midland Street. 33l 0736. 7pm. £4. Indie rock hill.
I The Pogues ('arling Academy (ilasgoyy. l3l liglinton Street. 0870 77! 3000. 7pm. £37.50. See .\lott It.
I The Bootleg Beatles Royal ('oncert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £t8.50 £33.50. See Suit I0.
I Daniel O’Donnell Sti(‘(‘: (‘lyde Auditorium. liintiieston Quay. 0870040 4000. 7.30pm. £34.50 £38.50. Danny hoy comes to perform hits froin his l\\o astonishingly successful rock‘n'roll alhums. Tell your gran to get her tickets fast.
I Madness and The Aggrolites Sli('(‘. l'iittltiestott Quay. 0870 040 4000. 7.30pm. £38.50. Ska-tinged pop classic after classic in the \lltt} Buys' unashamedly nostalgic set.
I Andy Miller 'l‘chai ()\na. 43 ()tago Lane. 357 4534. 8pm. £3. Singer- songyy'riter performs his acoustic material.
I The Final Page, The Kick, The Fast Camels, Potential Difference and The Silent Transmission Barfly. 360 ('lyde Street. 0870 907 0‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £5. lndie hands streyy ti oy'er hoth floors on this humper. hargainous hill. \Vrecked and lixperience complete the line-up.
I Northside and The Encierro King ’l‘ut’s \Vah \Vah lltit. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 537‘). 8.30pm. £l0. The return (ll. haggy' tykes Northsitle. \yht) suggested ‘Shall We take :\ trip." in the early ‘)()s.
I Tattoed Millionaires, Crystal Kicks and Peepshow Nice‘n'Slea/y. 43l Satichiehall Street. 333 t)‘)()(). 8.30pm. l.ocal hand line-up.
I Chaos Blood and The Hauntings of Assyria 13th Note (Kite. 50 60 King Street. 553 I638. ‘)pm. £3. lixtreme ttietal hand from Hampshire. I Stewart Traquair Beanscene. l‘) Skiry'ing Street. Shayylands. 63380‘)0. ‘)pm. l-‘ree. See Hi I.
I Transaudio Bar Bloc. I I7 Bath Street. 574 6066. ‘)pm. t‘ree. Local electro-rock mixing samples yyith liye hand and talk of a possihle acoustic addition to their set.
I The Debonaires and The Flavours The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 336 4380. 7pm. (‘lassic .\loto\\n atid Stax from these soulful Jain ttouse regulars The l)ehonaires folloty ed hy househand 'l‘he l'lay'otirs.
I Duels ('aharet Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 330 6176. 7pm. £7. l.eed quintet l)tiels are influenced hy eyery'thing from Syd Barrett-era l‘loy'd to the Stranglers. The Horrors 'l'he Vaults tentet' \‘ia Nicol litlyyartlst. Nitltlry Street. .556 8643. 7.30pttt. U I. See Mon l I.
Wednesday 13
I The Business, Fire Exit and Hateful 'l’he ('athouse. l5 t’nion Street. 348 6606. 7pm. £l0. ()\‘et‘- l4s show. Old school punk outfit.
I Mudbone .’\B(‘3. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 333 3333. 7pm. £7.50. Indiana rockers.
I Rocketfox, The Debuts, Anavris, Dead Before Monday, Yesterday's Ashes and The DeLoreans Rockers. l4 Midland Street. 33l 0736. 7pm. £4. Rock night. I The Dirty Hepburns, The Mode arid The AMS (’apitol. 468 Sauchiehall Street. 33] l040. 7.30pm. £5. t.ihertines-y sounds from the Dirty llephurns supported hy Dominik Diamond’s hand The :\.\l.s.
I Breakpoint, Body Experience Review, them Scally Boys, The Only Jones and The Encierro Barfly. 360 ('lyde Street. 0870 ‘)07 0‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £5. tndie hands strewn over both floors on this huinper. hargainous hill. the Shermans. llitlist Youth and The Koroyas complete the line-up.
I Freak Scene, Satellite Dub and I Am Blip Rio ('al‘e. 37 llyndland Street. 334 ‘)‘)0‘). 8pm. l’ree. 'l‘echno and electro sounds.
I lnnes Graham and Claire Wood Brel. 3‘) 43 Ashton Lane. 343 4‘)66. 8pm. Free. 't‘yyo solo artists l.eys is songyyriter tnnes (iraham is influenced hy l)ytan. Mike Scott and Shane .\tac(io\y‘att. \\ liile (‘lait'e \Vood performs on key hoards \\ ith cello and guitar accompaniment.
I Michael Simons ‘I‘chai ()y'na. li'i‘) l)eanston Drive. 64‘) 7358. 8pm. £3. See \Vetl 6.
I Sleepmode, The Firesouls and 5 Sticks of Dynamite .\'ice'n'Slea/y. 43l Sauchiehall Street. 333 0‘)()(). 8.30pm. Sitiger/songyyritiitg hrothers Rohin and .\lery'yn Adams front Sleepmode.
I White Rose Movement, Rubicks and Our Lunar Activities King Tut's \Vah \Vah llttt. 373a St Vincent Street. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. £8. An early 80s cltthlatid \‘ihe mixed in with current indie comparisons including Interpol and Bloc Party from this stylised Ulltlll.
I The Ominous Bar Bloc. I I7 Bath Street. 574 6066. ‘)pm. l‘ree. l’unking it otit old school style htit \\ ith a touch of (ireen Day to the sound.
I Kim Edgar and The Flavours 't‘he Jaiti House. 5 Queen Street. 336 4380. 5.30pm. l’opular singer followed hy' the house hand playing the hest coyei's around.
I Billy Bates, Jess Bryant, My Kappa Roots and Son of Thom llenry 's (‘ellat‘ Bar. 8 16a Morrison
Street. 338 9393. 7.30pm. £5. llolloyy tleart l’arlour acoustic night.
I Malcolm Ross & the Leopards, The Burns Brothers, Buckley’s Chance and Stac Lee ligo. l4 t’icardy Place. 478 7434. 7.30pm. £8. l’op. Americana arid country from Ross formerly a metnhers of Joseph K’s hand. .'\/tec ('ainera atid Orange Juice. pltis Rahhie Burns meets the Stooges from The Burns Brothers (featuring 'l'ain l)ean Burn. Malcolm Ross and Riissell Burnt.
I Blue Wednesdays liorest ('afe. 3 Bristo Place. 330 4538 . 8pm. liree. l.iy'e acoustic music \y itli 'l‘he Bluesfather. .-\l & .’\l and Nick ’l’repka.
I John Peebles Beatiscene. 2 (irosyenor Street. 346 8043. ‘)pm. l-‘ree. See Tue 5.
I The Hive Collective ('ity (life. l‘) Blair Street. 220 ()l25. £thc. ('ollectiy'e of creatiye tidinhurgh musicians frotn iii/l. folk aitd electronic disciplines promoting personal expression and itttproy isation through music.
I Discomilitia, Roses for the Dead, The Vibe, Silver Bullet and Colonel TurnOn Rockers. l4 Midland Street. 33! 0736. 7pm. £4. Rock/metal night.
I The Melvins 'l'he (iarage. 4‘)0 Satichieltall Street. 333 l I30. 7pm. U l. ()\et'-l4s sltoyy. Veteran Seattle hand. noyt stationed in l..'\. \y ho \\ ere litigely influential on the nascent grunge scene. I Paolo Nutini Bai'i'oyyland. 344 (ialloyy gate. 553 4601. 7pm. S()t.l) ()t'l. ()yet'- l4s shoyy. the Paisley pop prodigy runs through future singalong classics from his dehut alhuni ’l’lu'w Streets at the lirst of tyyo ('ht‘istmas homecoming gigs.
I Sensational Alex Harvey Band .-\B('. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 333 3333. 7pm. £l5. See \Vetl I3.
I Andrea Marini 'l‘cliai ()\ na. 43 ()tago Lane. 357 4534. 8pm. £3. Singer/song“riter in the Dylan/('ohen ttiottltl.
I Ghosties, Black Mary and Blue Label Violence Barfly. 260 (‘lyde Street. 0370 ‘)07 0‘)‘)‘). Split. £4. Alternatiye rock.
I Little Green Machine, Epic 26, Hi Watters and The Missing Swimmers Barlly ttipstairsi. 360 ('lyde Street. 0870 007 0‘)‘)‘). Split. £5. t.ocal indie rock line-up.
I San Sebastian, Suspire, Down the Tiny Steps and Gavin Gordon King 'l'ut's \Vah \Vah tlut. 373a St Vincent Street. 33| 537‘). 8.30pm. £5. lilectro rockers Sati Sehastian. atmospheric rock four-piece Suspire.
\\ hose influences include .\lassi\‘e Attack. l’tttk lilo} ti and l3. and hence ('ollectee l)'l"liS L‘Ultlpl‘lse this \aried hill.
I Beerjacket Bret. 3‘) 43 Ashton Lane. 343 4‘)66. l0pin. £5. ()ne-man alt.folk act. coinparahle to lilliott Smith appears at this (hit to Play night.
I The Gems (.lassic (ii‘and. lS Jamaica Street. 847 0830. l0.30pni. £3 hefore midnight; £4 after. (iarage punk set at ('ltth ()lum.
I Cat PowerUrand ()le ()pry. l’aisley Road foil. 43‘) 53‘)6. l’()S't‘t’().\'til).
I Culture Club ('arling Acadettiy (ilasgoyy. l3l tiglinton Street. 0870 77l 3000. ('.-\.\'(‘tit.t.lit).
I Hick Buckler & The Gift the Liquid Room. ‘)c Victoria Street. 335 3564. 7pm. £l0. Jam trihutc hand timy featuring original Jam druitinier Buckler.
I Stewart Traquair Beanscenc. ‘)‘) Nicholson Street. 667 56‘)7. ‘)pm. l’ree. See Hi I.
I The Briefs The three 't'uns \Vitie Vaults. 7 ll llanoyet' Street. 0l3l 335 54 l 3. £6. 'l‘he Briefs are a Seattle-hased punk/next \y a\ e comho.
30 Non t~1 Dee .‘i‘fiti THE LIST 73