I Mostly Autumn The Liquid Room. ‘)c Victoria Street. 335 3504. 7pm. £15. l’rog rock band In)!" Yorkshire who are also inllueneed by tlte l‘olksier sotittds ol' I‘Ieetwood .‘vlac attd liairport (‘onventiott I Steve Harley 8: Cockney Rebel Queen's Hall. 87 8‘) ('lerk Street. 008 301‘). 7pm. £30. The origittal (‘ockney rebel returns to play hits lrom his new albunt 'l'lit' Quill/It- offlllenjv. and some other song . . . can't think 01 what it‘s called.

I Lostprophets (‘orn t-Lseltange. l l .\'ew Market Road. 477 3500. 7.30pm. S()l.1)()1"1'. The Welsh nu-metal kings in support ol' their new albttnt Lilit'ruriun lithium/“ion.

I Tilly Brooks Destination. 17 Albert Place. 078‘)“ 0931181). 9pm. I’ree. New recording artist Brooks premieres her high-tempo single .-1// .rllmul Set. and otlter tunes.

Monday 4


3i: Arab Strap attd Viva Stereo ABC. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 333 3333. 7pm. 801.1) ()1 "1.. ()\er- 14s show. See Fri 1.

I The Charlatans and The Longcut ('arling Academy (ilasgow. 131 Iiglinton Street. 0870 77! 2000. 7pm. £33.50. Still goittg strong. the ('harlies perlorm their ow n brand ol~ rottsing. anthetttic indie rock on this ‘Singles' tour.

I The Magic Numbers Barrowland. 344 (iallowgate. 553 4001. 7pm. £10. See Stttt 3.

I Ayrial, Experience, The Ideals and Recliner (‘lassic (irand. 18 Jamaica Street. 847 0830. 7.30pm. £4. Melodic rock'n‘roll quintet Recliner are part 01 this local band bill.

I Syth, Argonath, Maelstrom attd Concept of Time Barlly (upstairs). 300 ('Iyde Street, 0370 907 0990. 7.30pm. £4. ()ver- 14s show. Authentic power metal lrom Syth. with support lrom warrior tnetal. black ntetal and prog rock bands respectively.

I Billy Bragg The Old liruitmarket. ('andleriggs. 353 8000. 8pm. £10.50. The ‘Bard ol' Barking' continues to nterge the personal arid the political on Itis ‘llope Not lIate' solo tour.

I Yashin, Information Control, The Strand attd Fluid BC Barlly. 3(i0 ('lyde Street. 0870 ‘)07 0‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £5. littneral 101‘ a liriend-sty 1e etno rock lrom Yashin. I Pull Tiger Tail, The Draymin and The Cuts King 'I'ut‘s \Vah Walt Ilut. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 537‘). 8.30pm. £0. Bold London-bitsed indie pop tl'i0.

I Kingston l3th .\'ote ('al‘e. 50 ()0 King Street. 553 1038. ‘)pm. £3. With more acts the.

I Darkwater Strathclyde l'niversity I'nion. ‘)0 John Street. 553 18‘)5. Local alternativ e rockers now limited by .\' I'tlt'lttl' auditionee Lora 'l'herese.


I Tom McRae Presents Artists of the Hotel Cafe (’abare! Voltaire. 3b 38 13100 Street. 33110170. 7pm. £13. See Sill

I 3Men and Black The liquid Room. ‘)c Victoria Street. 335 3504. 7pm. £13 £14. See Stilt 3.

Tuesday 5


I The Cigarettes, Fall to Order, Kissy Jafta 8: the Minnows, The Hoffs attd The Manikees Rocket's 14 Midland Street. 331 0730. 7pm. £4. Indie rock nigltt.

I New Found Glory, The Early November and Hit the Lights (‘arling Academy (ilasgow. I31 Iiglinton Street. 0870 771 3000. 7pm. £15. ()ver- 14s show. More 01' tltat ubiquitous raucous American punk pop.

I Gullet Soundhaus. 47 llydepark Street. 331 405‘). 7.30pm. With more acts the.

I Nu Ground, Castro and Yellow Bentines Bartly. 300 ('lyde Street. 0870 007 0‘)‘)‘). 8pm. (her-10s show. l’iano pop It‘ttllt Yellow Bentines.

I It Bites King Tut's Walt Walt Ilut. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 537‘). 8.30pm. £17.50. Pomp pop motley crew who had a eottple ol' ltits in the 80s. inelttding ‘(‘alling All the Heroes". rel‘orm without original l‘rontman Francis Dunnery.

I The Symbolics, The Rising and The Teeth Nice’n'Slea/y. 431 Sattchiehall Street. 333 ()‘)()0. 8.30pm. Ittdie rock with blues influences.

I Foy Vance Bar Bloc. l 17 Batlt Street. 574 0006. ‘)pm. l‘ree. Alternative. heartlelt songs from a distittctive. soull'ul voice.

I Glasgow Songwriters Blztekl'riars. 30 Bell Street. 553 5‘)34. ‘)pm. Free. Fortnightly gathering of the ntusicians’ collective with l‘eatured artists. open tnic and a strict original material policy.

I John Peebles Beansccne. I‘) Skirving Street. Shawlands. 6338090. ‘)pm. Free. Sitiger/songwriter.

I You Can’t Eat the Word Food 13th .\'ote (are. 50 ()0 King Street. 553 1038. ‘)pm. £3. Alternative rock.


I Peter, Bjorn and John The Liquid Room. ‘)c Victoria Street. 335 3504. 7pm. £‘). Swedish Peter. Bjorn and John headline this night ol' indie pop.

I Interstate 6 The ('hanter. 30 33 Bread Street. 331 0575. ‘)pm. I-‘ree. 'I'he cotttttt'y-t‘0ck/:\tttet'icalta live piece introduce their new vocalist Kirsty.

Wednesday 6


I Placebo, The Archie Bronson Outfit and Howling Bells S1i(‘(‘. l-‘innieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. (v.30pm. £33.50. More sex. drttgs and death references lrom the increasingly creatively barren alt.rockers.

I The Game ('arling Academy (ilasgow. I31 liglinton Street. 0870 771 3000. 7pm. £35. ()ver- 14s show. 50 ('ent's sparring partner/sworn enettty. depending on how many records the status ol' their relationship can sell. Play nice. boys.

I Lil’ Chris :\B('3. 330 Sattcltiehall Street. 333 3333. 7pm. £8.50. ()ver- 14s show. Inl'ectious. high energy pop rock brimming with attitude l'ront the cheeky scatttp who may actually be knee-high to a grasshopper.

I Rocketfox, Midnight Still, Yahoo Serious, Kinkystone, Thy Shall Reign and Jo Jo & the Swaggers Rockers. 14 Midland Street. 331 0736. 7pm. £4. lndie/punk/powerpop lrom the headliners.

3:3? James Yorkston, Pop Up and Yellow Bentines 'l‘he (ioat. 1387 Argyle Street. 357 7337. 7.30pm. l‘ree. 'l'he dolor'otts I'iil'e Iolkstet‘ headlines tlte bill at this launch event t‘or \v'IiRth‘ntlstit‘. a series ol‘ events taking place across six Scottish towns arid cities early next year.

I Beth Fouracre, Acoustic Bug, Billy Bates and Emmy Jayne Rio ('al'e. 37 llyndland Street. 334 ‘)‘)0‘). 8pm. I‘ree. livening ol acoustic sounds. I Damien Jurado and J Tillman Bar”). 301) ('lydc Street. 0871) ‘)l)7 ()‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £7.50. Downbeat Seattle singet'/songwriter.

I Michael Simons 'l‘ehai ()vna. to‘) I)eanston Drive. 04‘) 7358. 8pm. £3. (ilasgow-based guitarist playing t‘olk. blues and beyond.

I DBSB, Joe Famous, Mistake Us for Friends aitd Long Story Short .\'ice'n'S|ea/y. 431 Sattchiehall Street. 333 0‘)00. 8.30pm. Punk and etno line-up l'ront Struck I)um Records.

I Cowtown (ilasgow School ol' .-\t'l. 1(i7 Rentiew Street. 353 4531. 10.30pm. £4 t£3/£3l. I)evo-esque band li'om Leeds play at the Art ol‘ I’arties club night.

I Gary Numan Queen Margaret I'nion. 33 University (iardens. 33‘) ‘)784. £18.50. The ntan who‘s l‘orged a decent career from imitating David Bowie at his most robotic. At least along the way there have been some storming records.

‘4 , Tu ._ \..‘4> ’. s t. - ‘2 '3“

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