Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Robin Lee.


Activities & Events

One Scotland Ceilidh on Ice (ieorge Square. 7 l0pm. l’ree: tieketed. Seotland‘x lll'Sl L‘\ Cl' L‘t‘illtllt tilt iee. l0 L‘L‘lL‘lh'ttlL‘ SI Andre“ \ l)a_\. Skate or learn to eeilidh danee \xith (ilaxgou \ hext tllthlt‘ittllx


David I-layman Royil (‘oneert Hall. 2 Saueltiehall Street. 353 S000. l 2pm. £4 in adxanee: £5. ()ne ol' Seotlaud'x tnoxt \ueeexxl'ul and \\ ell-rexik‘eted tIL‘tot'x \;i\e\ his real passion l'or eharit} \\ork. ScottishPower Planetarium Evening Lecture (ilaxgou Seienee (‘L‘ltll‘tfi 5” Pacific ()tltt}. (LS—fl .54“ lllllll. 7 S.30pm. £4.95. .loin radio astronomer Boh Boner and dixem er the nigltt \k) using ordinar} hinoeularx. Booking L‘\\L‘lllitll.

Activities & Events

Eat to the Beat II \l;ti‘}ltill ('ommtmit} ('entral Hall. 304 .\lai"\hill Road. 332 ‘H l5. Spm midnight. £5 donation. .\'ight ol‘ li\ e lllllSlC and entertainment in aid ol' anti -po\ert} ehat'it} \orth (iltngtt\\ ('ommtinit} l-ood lnitiatn e.

Activities & Events

Go Bike! Cycle Ride ltell\ Bridge. (‘ollgt't‘v Road. 0-7952 40000.3. llltillt. l-ree. .\lonthl_\ da_\ e_\ele trip in the Strathelyle region \ ixit

\\ \\ u.gohike.tri‘g/t‘idexphp for details.


STAG 8th Glasgow Parks Championships Varioux \enuex. (ilaxgou. (ll—ll 770So7l. l0ain. £7 (£3.50). ('o\ er three parks iit otte da} at this orienteeriug meet. (‘ontaet

tei‘I‘) (" tohrien l .\\anadoo.eo.tik l'or into.


Your Sound King 'l'ut’x \Vah \Vah Hill. 37:11 .Sl Vincent Street. Ill 527‘). 4 (Spill. l-‘ree. Networking e\ent l'or loeal hands “timing to get in toueh \\ ith the ntedia and muxie induxtr} delegates.

Monday 4

Activities & Events

Words and Music Samuel l)o\\ 'x.

()7 7| \ithxdale Road. 423 0l07. 7.30pm. l't‘ee. ()pen stage poeti'} and inuxte nigltt.


Tchai Ovna Book Group 'l‘ehai ()\ na. lot) l)e;tll\lttll l)ri\e_ (i-l‘) 725S. Spm. l‘i'ee. \lonthl} meeting pathologixing \xorkx ol' literature.

Thursday 7


The Link Between Dowsing and Mediumship l'ni\ei\it_\ ol ( iltl\gt)\\. Bind ()rr Building. 33‘) SS55. 7.30pm. £4 l'or non-memhei‘x. Seottixh Soeiet) l‘or l)\}L‘lltt‘;tl RL'St‘ul'ell \L‘L‘I'L'lttl') .'\l't'ltlL‘

l.;t\\ l'iL‘ Pl'L‘SL'IIIS lllC I'L‘Stlllx til. lti\ lt‘u‘uit'll.

Friday 8


Café Histoire Alliance li'aneaixe de (“UV—'0“. 3 Park (‘ireux 33‘) 42SI.

4.30 (rpm. £5 t£3i. l’reiteltlanguage historical tliSL‘thSlHll \\ ith l’atriek l.andt'i. on l.tttll\ XlV.


Scottish Athletics Indoor League Kelxin llall International Spot'lx Arena. l445 .-\rg} le Street. 357 2525. 'l‘raek and lield meeting.

Wednesday 1 3


Big Knit Out Christmas Party .\'orth Star ('al'e. I08 Queen Margaret l)ri\ e. 576 0| l3. 7 9pm. l’ree. l-'e\ti\e knitting l'tm.

Activities & Events

Glasgow on Ice t‘ntil Sun 24 Dee. (ieorge Square. ()S7l 200 3040.

l0am l0pm. £o £3.50l£5 £o: lamil} £22.50). See llllli\l.

IKEA Winter Festival l'ntil Sun 17 Dee. llx'li.i\ (illhgtm. 0‘) Kings lneh l)ri\ e. 0845 355 22(ro. limes \ai‘}. I‘ree. SL‘L‘ llllllSl.


Scottish Rocks Basketball Braehead Arena. Kings lneh Road. 880 S300. 5pm. £S i£5l. The British Basketball league campaign continues. against l.eiee\ter Riders i3 Deer and PI} itiotitlt Raiders t 10 “Gel.


Creative Writing Workshop Hi I. ‘l‘hu 7 it Thu l4 Dee. Kehingrme .-\rt (itlllt‘l'} & Museum. .'\l':_'_\ le Street. 27o 950‘). .3 5pm. l'i'ee. l \e Kel\iugro\e\ eolleetion as a starting point tor \\ riting. .-\ll \tomeu \teleome. lneludex a museum tour ll l)eei.

Partick Beat l'.\L‘i'_\ \VL‘tl. 'l‘he :\tillL‘\C. ‘la Steuarn ille Street. l’artiek. 357 (r747. o S45pm. l-‘ree. ('ommunit) :J"“l'l‘ praetixing norld heat and tribal drumming. Beginners l‘rom (r 7.l5pm; Intermediate l'rom 7.30 S.45pm.


Activities & Events

One Scotland Ceilidh 'l‘lie l.a\\tunarket. Ro}al .\lile. 7.30 l0.45pin. l‘ree. ('elehratiou ol‘ Seotland‘x man} L‘tllllll'L‘S. \iith li\ e muxie lrom Seotland and he}ond. on an open-air stage and lllSlle‘ lllL‘ lltlll.

St Andrew’s Day lidinhurgh ('axtle. Ro}al .\lile. 225 ‘JS-lo. l'ree. liaeh )L‘;tt'. llistorie Seotland eelehratex It} gi\ iitg tree eutr) to lidinhurgh ('axtle.

Activities & Events

Nativity Carol Service \\'e\t l’rineex Street (iardenx. 4pm. l‘i'ee. lidinhurgh‘x ehurehex bless the eit) eeiure‘x nati\ it}. ineludiitg ehoral pet'liirmanees.

Spokes Sunday Rides t'xher llall. l.oihian Road. 445 7073. 10am. l-‘ree. li\plore the l.0llllttll\ on a guided da_\ L‘_\L‘le l'ltlL‘. \lL‘Cl UlIISltlL‘ lllL‘ l-Sllt‘l' llttll till l.oihian Road.

Monday 4


Magnetic Lights: A Guide to the Aurora Rinal ()hxeiwator} Visitor (‘entie Blaeklot'd Hill. (‘08 S404. 7.30 S.30pm. £3 t£|.50i. See llilli\l.

Tuesday 5


Adventures Through Bee-Iize lidinhurgh /.oo. ('orstorphine Road. 334 ‘)|7l. 7.30 0pm. £5l£3111L‘|lllk‘l'\l. l)a\ id llai'ela) discusses human/n ildlile eonl‘liet issues and the distribution ol' tttpit'x and lit)“ ler tlionke}\ in lleli/e.

Peter Browne on Oigong lhe Meeting House. .7 Vietoria 'lei‘raee. 4m 55S5. 7pm. l’ree. lhe practising

homeopth lltls studied taiqi and qigoug l‘or met 20 _\ears. and aekntm ledges liastern roots along \\ ith the Western understanding ot. the body.


No Sweat - Inspiring the Ethics of Fashion lleriot-“att l'ni\er\it_\. lidinhurgh Business Sehool. Rieeaitou. 44‘) 5l l 1. 7pm. £3. An examination of laxhiou'x needs and aspirations. and “hat it means for eountries in dex elopmetit. Book through the l'xher Hall on 0l3l 228 1 I55. l’url oft/iv [Jilin/Hugh Let‘lun'x .2000.

Tropical Forests of the Caribbean The (iuide Hall. 33 \lelx'ille Street. 7.30pm. l‘ree. Barhara Riehardxon girex lltix Scottish Wildlife ll'tlxl talk.

Saturday 9


Winter Duathlon Kit'k‘lisloil Leisure ('enti'e. Kirklandx Park Street. 443 335‘). £8 1% 'l‘ri-Seotland memherxl. lidinhurgh Road ('luh raee eomprised ol' 2.5-mile rtut. l0-mile e) ele and 2.5-mile rtm. lo L‘lllL‘l'. L‘ltlttil \\ tl\((l \\‘llil\oli.ttlk‘l.L‘t).tll\.

Activities & Events

Christmas Concerts Royal Museum llzmthornden (’ourt. 2 (’hamhers Street. 247 42l‘). l.45pm. 2.45pm ck 3.45pm. l'i‘ee. llear l‘extix e lltllC\ performed h} six tlill‘L‘t'L‘lll :tlltl tli\L‘l‘\L‘ L‘llUit'S.

Activities & Events

Poetry Book Group Seouixh Poetry l.ihrar_\. 5 ('riehton'x ('one. (‘anongate. 557 28%. (3.30 S30pm. £5 t£3l. [p for dixeuxxion this month is lire/gr l)ii_\' h) Rielittt'tl Price. in a \L‘SSlUll led it) Julie .lolmxtone. l’leaxe hook in aduutee.


Forensic Anthropology - The Journey from Culloden to Iraq Rinal Soeiet) ol' lidinhurgh. 22 2o (iL‘tit‘gL‘ Street. 240 5th)“. ()Plll. £5. lllL‘ identilieation of human remains is dirt). dangerous and tremendouxl} satixl‘ying. introduced it} l’i'olexsot' Sue Black (not suitable l'or under- l-lSl. Book through the l'xhei' Hall on 013l 22S ll55. l’url oft/Iv lit/ill/ilu'ull /.('t'IIi/‘i'\ 2006.

Wednesday 13


Writers’ Group .\'orth lidinhurgh Arts ('etitre. l5a Penn)“ ell (‘ourt. 3l5 2l5l. (r45 S.l5pm. £4 t£2 £2.50i. (iet together with l'elltm \erihhlerx at the l’ortniglttl} \xritiug group. led this term h} auard-

\\ inning Seottixh pla} \\ right lxahel \Vrigltt.

Activities & Events

Christmas Walking Tours Sun 3. Sat ‘l & Sun l0 I)ee. .\lereat (’roxx. High Street. 2.30pm. £7.50 (£4). l)i\eo\et' the Old lo“ n and its (‘hristmax curiosities. City Lights ililltl 50 Ni“ Wed (3 l)L‘L‘. linjo} the loeal light snitch—on. See

\\ \\ \x.ediithtu‘ghxehrixtmaxeom l'or \enues and times.

Edinburgh’s Christmas l'ntil Sun 24 Dee. l’l'illL‘L‘S SII‘L‘L‘I (ittt‘tlL‘IlS light. 'l‘illles \ar_\. l’rieex \ar}. All the inn ol‘ the lair. tl\ the hig \\ heel. iee rink. earouxel and hungee dome open for business. See

\\ \\ \\.edinhui'ghxehrixtiiiaxeom tor details. IKEA Winter Festival t'ntil Sun l7 l)ee. llx'li.>\ lidmhurgh. Straiton Road. l.oanliead. 0S45 (r34 4252. Mon l'l‘l

l0am l0pm; Sat/Sun l0am 7pm. See llillixl.

Rebus Tours Sat 2. Sun 3. Sat 0 & Sttn l0 l)ee. Roytl ()ak. lnlirmar} Street. 557 207d lpiti. £l0. l-‘ind Rattkin'x dark lli'r/t/i'n lat/inland: 12 x 9 Dee) and

Around Town


\lll‘lll.\. lilil-Z‘i

The Glasgow Almanac Stephen Terry iNei/ l'/i/sonl Compiled front a decade's inxorth of short \.'ignettes that appeared in the Evening Tunes. this compilation of c'ty life covers subjects from medicine to architecture. to (Zl‘lOl'iEll'llllOltl and war, and more. Arranged thematically. with cross-references. it's a seeial lllSiOl'} treasure trove. The Edinburgh New Town Gardens Connie Byron 'Bir/i/tni Chronicling; the history of those serene green spaces that “take living in the New Town so "‘.‘."l|ll§;. Usually under residents 'ock and key. Byron opens the garden gates and shows then changing z’tppearance. and how their we", eXistence has been challenged down the years. The Literary Traveller in Edinburgh Allan Foster i/‘flt'i/nstreair:i Few ‘.‘.i'."ll(}fi‘:. :sitc's and t'OSKlOl‘lS cotiid resist passing; continent: World Cit, of Literature with a thrivzng international cook festival. the Scottish canitt can :ze traversed a authors as worse as Robert Louis Stevenson. tv‘itiixel park. lane Welsh and JK Roux/l 'igi. Murder Capital Reg; i'vicKai' tB/ack and l'i/h/fe: lnx'estigat'x'e iour'talist. crime (Z()hlt“il‘il8i and ex- social ‘.'.’()."K()t‘ McKay exposes .he underoeléi, of' Glasgow. murder capital of Europe. where you're twice as likely to meet that t'ate than in L()'t(l()l‘. Gangland signings. ctitcltered papies. killer neighbours pttli the ccxers .ip ligl‘l.

disem er Rehux on the [fut/r I’o/i'li'i' tour i3 & l0 l)eel.

Saints and Sinners Sat 2. Sun 3. Sat t) K Sttn l0 l)ee. .-\pe\ ('it} Hotel. The (irasxmarket. 300 3450. l lam. £7 i£5i. litiio} a \ialkittg tour around lidinhurgh. \xhile tinding out about the darker side to :\tlltl RCL‘kiL‘\ llixlut'}.

Special Christmas Weekend at the Royal Yacht Britannia Sat 2 & Sun 3 Dee. Ro}al Yaeht Britannia. ()eean l)ri\e. l.eith. 555 55(io. l0ain 3.30pm. £7 £9 (£5 ehild £25 lattiil} l. The \hip is decked out in (‘hrixtmax deeot‘atiom. ineludiitg a tree on the bridge. With a \peeial eltildreu‘x tottr and treasure hunt.


Edinburgh International Hi I Sun 3 l)L‘L‘. .\llll'l‘tt_\ llCltl lL‘L‘ Rlllk‘. Ri\L‘l‘\tl;llL‘ ('i'exeent. 3l3 2077. Seotland's top eurlerx laee tippuxilititl from abroad.

3;: NU». ‘4 [)ei‘ L”.‘.'i1 THE LIST 29