Merchant City, 191 Ing'am Street, Gmgow, 0141 552
1 101
Still one of the premier places to take friends in from out of town. which shows off one clear example of Glasgow’s new motto: ‘Scotland with style.“ Run by the ubiquitous Gt Group (Arta. Polo Lounge. etc). Corinthian houses five levels of bars. a nightclub. and restaurant. It’s hard not to be awestruck by the architecture.
City Centre, 1 1 Exchange Place, Glasgow, 0141 248 4055
Enter and be transported to the art deco elegance of the 19308. This Glasgow icon opened when Cunard‘s Queen Mary was being built on the Clyde and shares elements of its opulent design. It’s wonh re-mortgaging your flat for a seriously sophisticated gin Martini. or perhaps champagne and oysters?
City Centre, 373-377 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, 0141 333 3940
This Russian theme bar from CPL (Undenrvorld. the Garage. et al) has cocktail bars. a slightly Soviet style beer hall. and a dining space called the ‘lmpenal Rooms' (below). with velour and candelabra. Down a Baltika or vodka to the cheer of ‘dasvedanya.’
Old Town, 30a Chambers Street, Edinburgh, 0131 624 4545
Since its launch in early 2001, we‘ve not seen a lot of caviar consumed but the name implies class and we remain impressed by the inspired design. This city centre style bar offers a drinking den. generally full of party-hungry types imbibing to a soundtrack of DJ-spun tunes.
100 THE LIST 1%!) No. 11'. l)(3(: yogi;
Hamiltons Bar Kitchen
Stockbridge, 18 Hamilton Place, 0131 226 4199 the classy but simple menu ensures stylish eating in an upmarket pub eny'ironment.
Human Be-in Southside, 2-8 West Crosscauseway, 0131 662 8860
l-‘ood ranges lrom chips and burgers to pheasant with mashed neeps. Recommended for pre- elub drinkies. while on Sunday it's a smart choice for brunch.
Stockbridge, 21) Jamaica Street, 0131 476 5333 'lhis cosy but lunky little bar has decided that fresh. local and yy'ltereyer possible organic produce is the yyay to a sustainable future. We agree.
New Town, 34a North Castle Street, 0131 225 6431
This cocktail bar allows the l)ey'il's Kitchen to handle the tood side. Smart moy e. You knoyy a place is scl'lolls \y hen it
names dishes alter local suppliers
lor esample. the (ieorge Bo“ er
\‘Clllsoll burger.
HANGOUTS A relaxed, traditional place or
comfy yet contemporary local.
Arches Café Bar City Centre, 253 Argyle Street, 0870 240 7528 ()ne of the most Versatile and progressiy e cultural yenues in Britain. the chilled-out cale bar is a drayy in its oyyn right.
West End, 93-95 Hyndland Street, 0141 357 5825 Bttilt in lh'oS. this lormer church's laid-back ptib is one of the most popular places in the West Iind.
The Doublet Bar West End, 74 Park Road, 0141 334 1982
l’ounng pints since l‘)(il. this
Cottiers, Glasgow
traditionally styled street-ley‘el pub ollers gttesl ales and some
top premium lagers on draught.
The Goat
West End, 1287 Argyle Street, 0141 357 7373 Lou -slung solas attd eyen a church peyy combine with plasma screens and modem tables. there is a commitment to promoting local musical talent. shoyycasing indie. acoustic. pop
and lolk gigs tyy ice a yyeck.
City Centre, 200 Bath Street, 0141 331 1777 listablished as a thriy ing pre-club hiye. this place has a stylish charm that has found a broader appeal.
Oran Mor
West End, 731-735 Great Western Road, 0141 357 6200
Non established as a pre- eminent one-stop drinks and entertainment emporium. the big bar is always busy. while a more industrial leel giyes the
basement a touch ol' street cred.
Rab Ha’s
Merchant City, 83 Hutcheson Street, 0141 572 0400
l'nlike the more cayernous style hats ol the Merchant (’ity. Rah
lla's alyy'ay s has a cosy l‘eeling.
Red Lizard
Merchant City, 51 Bell Street, 0141 552 3539
:\ Victorian hunting lodge look thorns and a moose head are mounted on red and gold llock yyallpapet‘l makes 'lhe l.i/ard an allable place to hang ottt.
Rio Café
West End, 27 Hyndland Street, 0141 334 9909 This retro diner bar has become a eottlidettt. il'ollheat. \entte l‘or
relaxed Me music ey'ents
Variety Bar
City Centre, 401 Sauchiehall Street, 0141 332 4449
Sty le bars can cotne and go. bttt the moody art deco Variety
Oran Mor, Glasgow
Stockbridge, 4-6 Dean Street, 0131 315 3311 Popular \y ith locals seeking a drink or a snack \\ ith a quiet pint. as yy ell as tor a lull meal in
a separate. cosy dining space.
New Town, 10a-12a Bnoughton Street, 0131 557 0097
One ol the reasons this street got cool. and still leading the yyay. this eyer-nipular bar yyent through a relurbishment in 2006.
Bennet’s Bar Southside, 38 Leven Street, 0131 229 5143
Best y'ieyy ed as a sacred retreat to re-ayyaken a line of drinking especially il’ you‘ye become jaded and bored by sleek modem bars. Better than ey er.
Black Bo’s
Old Town, 57-61Blackfriars Street, 0131 557 6136 Bo's attracts intellectuals keen to jays for all they 're \\t)l1ll. But
\y liat‘s charming is the battered denims and \yell-yyorn elegance
ol the bar. ()pen eyenings only.
Boda Bar
Leith, 229 Leith Walk, 0131 553 5900
Boda does “hat a bar should. Satisl‘y the custom \s ith a good array ol drinks and a smattering
ol' nibbles.
The Brass Monkey Southside, 314 Drummond Street, 0131 556 1961
.\ stalyyait for students and brolessionals. A line selection of alcohol coupled yy ith l)VI)
screenings in the back rootn.
The Canons’ Gait Old Town, 232 Canongate, 0131 556 4481
One ol' the better ptibs along this hit ol‘ the Royal Mile. despite any
pitch to the passing tourist trade.
City Café
Old Town, 19 Blair Street, 0131 220 0125
'llte ( 'ale. yy ith its last Village Manhattan yibe. endures \y ith
seemingly ell’ottless cool.
Southside, 105 Lauriston Place, 0131 622 7124 Laurie's is t‘ormerly a de lacto locals-only establishment
\y hose bright redecoration job has seen comly leather solas installed. The rela\ed liy ing room atmosphere \y ill surely appeal to students at the nearby ('ollege of Art.
The Orchard
New Town, 1-2 Howard Place, 0131 550 0850
A gorgeous neyy diner‘s bar in \Varriston. the Orchard adds ntuch to the area. ('lassically decorated \y ith ornate lighting. it otters a list ol' loy ingly - prepared pub l'ood staples tsteak and (iuinness steyy. beer-battered haddock.
Allct‘tlcclt Angus steak l.
The Pond
Leith, 24 Bath Road, 0131 467 3825
Oil the beaten track and all the better for it. the Pond is knoyy n as the best spot near the shore by
more discerning drinkers.
Rutherford’s Southside, 2 Drumde Street (no phone)
l't'ont one point of y ieyy. the Rutherford may only appeal to connoisseurs ol‘ tlte utterly unlashionable tor tans ol' Rl. Stey c‘ltsoll. \yllo drink heret.
The Shore
Leith, 3/4 The Shore, 0131 553 5080
This long-established l.eith tayem proudly boasts that it mises ‘class and couthy '. the latter is most M ttlclll in tlte traditional bar yy ith its dark \yood charm and crackling ripen tire.
Leith, 65 Henderson Street, 0131 555 1979 United by the Syyedislt couple \yho also run Bar Boda. Soli's is a smidgen better because it has a little hit of additional space.
Victoria Bar Leith, 265 Leith Walk, 0131 554 5706
The Victoria Used to be a lairly tinreconstructed drinking joint. btit a recent relurbishment has seen the interior brighten tip.
Villager Old Town, 49-50 George IV Bridge, 0131 226 2781
Villager pulls oil a cool \ ibe thanks to its easygoing stall and colonial decor. ()Id lots n prolessionals mingle near the bar. \\ hile others bag a space in
the sola-clad dining area.