
I Can See in Your Eyes (Te lo Leggo Negli Occhi) l t5) (Valia Santella. ltaly. 2004i Stefania Sandrelli. 'l‘erexa Saponangelo. ('amilla di .\'ico|a. 82min. 'l‘hemex ol‘ matriarchal dixxent and reconciliation are explored through three generationx ol'an Italian family. Part of Italian liilm l‘extiy'al. (i/mgmr I'll/ll 'I'lu'um’. (i/uyeoti‘.‘ l‘l/lll/lrlllu’. lit/inbu/jg/I.

I Walked with a Zombie il’m (Jacquex 'l’ourneur. 1S. 1943) Tom ('onyyay. l-‘rancex l)ee. Jamex lillixon. (iUmin. Supernatural (or l.x it'.’l my .xtery. yy ith \oodoo. loy e gone army and a \yoman trapped in mental paralyxix. I-a/in/nuje/i I-‘l/m (itu'ltl. [filth/Hugh.

In a Year of 13 Moons l 18).... lRainer Werner l‘axxbindcr. (icrmany. l‘l78l \‘olker Spengler. lngrid ('ayen. (iottt‘ried John. 124mm. 'l‘he prolilic and tragic (ierman lilmmaker der ex into the ttniy‘erxal qucxt for acceptance in a dark tale xet in the linal day'x in the life of a tranxxexual in l‘rankl‘urt. Rarely xcreened l‘axxbinder llick getx a wry rare outing. (irim btit \yelcome. Part of l‘axxbinder xeaxon. ('(I'l. (l/(M‘k’tltt‘. Intimate Lighting (lntimni Osvetleni) tl’( it D... llyan l’axxer. ('lech Republic. 190m [denek Bc/uxek. Karel \'la/ck. .‘yliroxlay ('y‘rk. 81min. A yyeckcnd in the country \y ith tyyo muxicianx becomex an intimate and exprexxiye portrait of the human condition in l’;i.x.xc-i"x .xk'illed handx. A perl'cctly l'ormcd diamond of a moy ie. Part of .\liroxla\ ()ndricek xeaxon. l'i/m/iouw. lat/inburg/t.

The Italian Job ll’(il .00. (Peter (’ollinxon. l'K. 190% Michael ('aine. Benny Hill. .\'oel ('oyyard. Ral‘ Vallone. ()‘hnin. Seminal (illx caper heixt moy ie. lailbird ('aine takex hix xelli-prexeryation xociety oi criminalx to Rome to rob the place xilly. Altogether noyy: ‘You \y ere only xuppoxed to bloyy the bloody doot'x olll‘ (ireat action. great tunex. a claxxic lkind of). Part of lleixt Almighty? xeaxon. I-‘i'lm/iouye. I-[tli'Ii/mrg/i. Jackass Number No l lxi COO tJell"l'remaine. l‘S. letloi Johnny

Knoyy ille. Bam Margera. Steye-(). 92min. See :\le Releaxed. page 4(i. (ieneral l'L'lL‘tle‘.

Jimmy from the Hill (Jimmy Della Collina) l 18) tlinrico l’au. ltaly. Zoom Nicola .Adamo. Valentina ('arnelutti. l't‘ancexco ()rigo. Ullmin. Jimmy goex cra/y at the idea ol‘ xpending hix lil'e working in an oil refinery. only to realixe that there are \yorxc latex. Part of Italian l‘iltn l't‘xllHll. (I/ilyg'mi I'll/m 'llIt'ulI't‘. (i/uyemt',‘ l-‘i/m/muu'. [filth/Hugh.

* Johanna l is» coco (Komel .\lundruc/o. Hungary. 3005) ()rxolya 'l‘oth. lldiko ('xerna. lxtyan (ianter. l)enex (iulyax. 87min See rey ieyy. page 44. (ill: (iluxemi; Journey to Italy (Viaggio in Italia) ll’(il .... (Roberto Roxxellllll. ltaly. l‘l54l Ingrid Bergman. (ieorge Sanderx. llllmin. Roxxellini‘x xour. cleyer and ey en today modernixtic dixxection of a crumbling marriage. Sanderx atid Bergman yy ere ney er better than they \y ere here. Part of Italian l'ilm liextiyal. (iluyemi' l‘ilm 'I‘lu'um'. (i/uyemr: I'i/m/muu'. [climbing/t.

Joy Division l 15» O. (Reg

'l‘ray ixx. l'K/(iermany/llungary. Zoom lid Stoppard. Tom Schilling. Bernadette lleeryyagen. ltlfimin. Not unlortunately one ol‘ the [no lilmx currently in production about the legendary .\lanchexter hand thix ix a WW2 llick about a young man yy ho. alter lighting againxt the Red Army. dixappearx behind the Iron ('urtain and reemergcx ax a Soy iet xpy. l7 yearx later. llix paxt lite and lo\ e. hoyy ey er catch tip yy ith him. ’l‘rite and fairly xilly imagine it the makerx ol Ileurl/n-ul tried to remake linker lili/or Soldier S/n' and you are hall'yyay there. There ix. hoyy e\‘er. xotne nice ()ll\ period detail on xhoyy. Shun-(me (lilt'flltl. ('Uul/H‘lr/ur’. (l/uyg’rm'; ()(lt'nll I'iH‘l Kin/mini. I'Jr/iIt/mre/i.

* K2 l l3) .... (Rex Bloottlxletn. l'K. 2005) ‘)7mm. See rey'ieyy, page 4(i. I'i/m/muu'. lit/inlim'e/i.

Katzelmacher nhci O... l Rainer Werner l‘axxbinder. (iermany. 1969i Hanna Schygulla. l.ilith l'ngcrer. Rttdoll Waldemar Brem. 88min. A bunch of bored (iermanx turn from their ennui to attack an interloper into their group. a (ireek immigrant. Very

52 THE LIST 16-30 Nov 2006

rate eat'ly l";tx.xl)ltttlct' Ult lllL' big xcreen. l’raixc be. l’art til. l'lihSllllltlL'l' xettxolt. Edinburgh I'i/m (iii/Ill. [film/Hugh.

The Killing tl’( it 0... (Stanley Kubrick. l’S. 1950» Sterling llayden. ('olcen (iray. \‘ince lidyy'at'dx. 83min. Kubrick'x partially abxtract \ ixion ol‘ Jim 'l'hompxon‘x noy el createx claxxic li/ni nolr yy ith itx perl‘cctly caxt and rayy ly \ iy id depiction of greed and corruption. An e\- con recruitx the help ol' xmall time crookx to rob tyyo million from a racetrack. and the tightly xtructured narratiyc l‘olloyyx the enxuing chaox ax the plan lallx apart. Influential heixt lilm. \yhich xet Kubrick on the road to greatnexx. l’art ol' lleixt Almighty? .xeaxon. l'l/HI/IUHM'. [Jilin/melt. Krisana (Fallen) 1 IBM 0... il-‘retl Kelemen. (iermany /l.aty ia. lellfii ligonx l)otnbroy \kl\. Nikolai Koroboy. Aija l)/erye. 88min. 'l'hix uncompromixing exixtential parable l‘rom (ierman auteur Kelemen concernx a lonely\ ian

at‘cliiy ixt. .\latixx il)ombro\ xklxl. \y ho ix conxumed by guilt at tailing to preyent a xtranger apparently taking her oyyn lite by jumping from a bridge. taking it upon himxcll' to my extigatc her life. l'nabaxhcdly auxtere and contetttplatiye lilmmaking. (i/uyemr I-i/m 'I‘ln'um'. (i/memr; l‘l/lll/lnllu'. l'.‘t/i'Ii/)iujeli.

The Ladykillers «ti 0...

l.-\le.\ander Maekendrick. l'K. 1055i Alec (iuinexx. ('ccil l’arkcr. llcrbert l,om. l’cler Sellerx. 97min. ('laxxic. brilliant lialing heixt comedy in \yhich a bunch ol' criminalx pretend to be tray elling muxicianx in order to hideout in an old lady 'x home. The only trouble ix that the old lady ix a little bit more of a handlul than they e\pected. (iuinexx. and Parker \yerc rarely better than here and the young Sellcrx xhoyyx hix great promixe. l’art ol‘ lleixt Almighty? xcaxon. I‘llIII/IUILH’. Int/lltlmrelt.

Las Cajas Espafioles (The Spanish Crates) llil (Alberto l’orlan. Spain. 2004) Ullmm. Documentary about the e\acuation ol' .\ladrid‘x l’rado .\ltixeum in l‘Ho to protect the contentx l'rom l’axctxt air raidx. The director \y ill giye an introduction belorc the xct‘ecning. lli'ylun link. [filth/Hugh.

ltJian Film Festival

The Last Kiss 1 Lil 0. (Tony (ioldyyyn, l‘S. Zlehl /.ach Bral'l'. Jacinda Barrett. (‘axey Al'l‘leck. Rachel Bilxon.

l ISmin. Sn-u/n' Bral'l' playx a young prol'exxional yyho dealx \y ith hix early -mid- lil'e crixix by haying a lling \y ith a gorgeoux and dim young co-ed tBilxon i. ’l‘hix reyyorking ol the 2001 Italian lilm I.'( llle Bur/u ix a xmug dram-rom-com that ixn't nearly ax xmart. original or true to life ax itx makerx \yould ey idently like to think it ix. (ll/It'n'nr/t/ I’ul‘k/lt'tltl. (i/(tyg'nit.

Les Choristes l 12A l it'hrixiophe Barratier. lirance/Syy it/erland/( icrmany. 3004i (ierard Jugnot. l-rancoix Berleand. Jean-Baptixtc Maunier. ()(lmin. Another

l-‘rench heart yyarmcr. xet in the xamc kind oi

territory ax the hugely xuccexxl'ul documentary. lim' (’1 Amir. ’l‘hix lilm l'rom lirxt-time director. Barratier. l‘olloyyx a muxic tc';ic‘lic'i"x attemptx to bring happinexx into the liy ex oi hix troubled xtudentx. l'm' I‘ft/iitlmrg/i ()t‘t'uii. I'jl/I'Iilitu'e/i.

The Life I Want (La Vita Che Vorrei) l l5) ((iuixeppe l’iccioni. ltaly. 3004) Sandra ('cccarclli. l.uigi l.o('axcio. Antonino Bruxchetta. l35miii. Reality and liction are conl'uxed \\ hen an axpiring actrexx ix caxt alongxide an extablixhed xtar. enacting a forbidden loy e allair on and oil xL‘t'cett. l’at'l ol' lltlllttlt l'itlttl l‘exti\al. (i/uyemi I'll/n 'l‘lii'uln'. (iluyeon .‘ l’l/lll/lllll.\¢’. l'.'¢///iliiu'eli.

Little Children I l5) 0... (load l‘icld. l‘S. lelloi Kate \Vinxlcl. l’atrick \Vilxon. Jennil'cr ('onnelly. llllmin. In the big xcreen adaptation of Tom l’errotta‘x ttoy cl. an unxatixlied couple come together in an olltel‘yyot'ldly xuburban community. The unyyanted prexencc Ul- a xtlxpcclc‘tl xe\ ollendcr and the tixc iii an tinuxual third pc‘l‘xtttt narrator add to lllL' lit Ills/ll /.'UII(' feel in thix xuperb adaptation that ix only let doyyn by too much e\poxition. (it'ni’ru/ I'r'lr'uu'.

Little Miss Sunshine l lit 0... (Jonathan Dayton. Valerie l-arix. l'S. Zoom Abigail Brexlin. (ireg Kinneai‘. l’aul l)ano. Alan Arkin. 'l'oni (‘ollctte llllmin. Probably the planet‘x llltixl dyxl'unctional lamin embark on a road trip to that totem of

American axpirationx: a childrcn'x beauty context in ('alil'ornia. An amuinth \cril’t. imprexxiye acting and memorable l'antaxy xequencex round out the critique ol the preyailing \yin-at-all-coxtx culture. (i/meuu- I'll/III 'l-llt’UlI't’. (i/rlygmi.

Loneliness of The Long Distance Runneri l2) 0... (Tony Richardxon. lily. l‘)(i3l Michael Redgraye. Tom Courtenay. Alec .\lc(’oyy en. l l4min. Adapted by Alan Sillitoe l'rom hix o\\ n xtory. thix ix a line example ol' ()l)\ Britixh cinema in the xocial realixt \ein. ('ourtenay e\celx ax the rebellion youth yylto ix xend a boy ’x rcl'orm xcliool al'ter robbing a bakery and puxhex himxell to turn hix me around. (i/uyeun I‘ll/n 'l'lti'uln'. (i/(tygmi:

The Lost Boys l lSi .00 (Joel Schumacher. l’S. NS?) Jaxon l’atrick. (‘orey llaim. Barnard llughex. 07min. Anacmic comic horror ax a Santa Monica teen lallx into bad company in the xhape ol a mad. bad and tlattgct'ottx-lU-ktttm gang of \ampirex. ('onxtant .\l'l‘\' \ ixualx make thix an altogether rexixtible allair. (‘i/ieimr/il Iii/inlim'e/i. I'fi/I'It/turg/t.

Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D it) 00 (Mark (my en. l‘S. 3005) Tom llankx lnarratorl. Brandy Blackledge. (iarrixon llerxhbergcr. Andreyy lluxmann. Aaron \Vhitc. 40min. 'l‘om llankx narratex thix homage to the I: men yy ho \yalkcd on the moon betyy een No” and 1073. 'l‘hix xpectacular documentary re-cnactx the landingx in an oyerbcaringly dramatic laxliioti. l.)I.-l.\' 'Iltr'tlll‘t'. (i/rlygmi.

The Manual of Love (Manuale D’Amore) t l5i ((iioyanni \'croncxi. ltaly. 2005i (’arlo \‘erdone. l.uciana l.itti//etto. Sily io .\luccino. lllimin. Low and relationxhipx. Italian xty le. in thix poignant comedy about emotional interdependence. Part of Italian l‘ilm l‘extiyal. (i/meoii' l-‘i/m 'I‘lu'ulrt’. (iluyemi .' I'i/m/inuu'. I'.iltiilrtil‘eli. Marcello: A Sweet Life I IS» ifytiu-io (‘anale. Annaroxa .\lorri. ltaly. 3mm 98min. A look at the lite ol- Italian xcreen heart throb Marcello .\laxtroianni. l’art ol ltalian l‘ilm l‘extiyal. (l/meoii‘ I’ll/n ‘I’lu'ulre. (iltiyeuu .‘ I’I/m/muu'. lat/Ili/nu'e/I.

The 13th edition of Italian Film Festival UK is ‘una cosa bella’. In fact it is more beautiful than it has been for quite a while. Italy shifted from being a byword for

great cinema some decades ago, but judging by this collection its star may be on the rise again. Not only are there great new films from the most promising and gifted local filmmakers, Nanni Moretti (The Caiman), Roberto Faenza (The Days of Abandonment), Cristina Comencin (Don’t Tell), Paolo Sorrentino (The Family Friend, pictured) and Ferzan Oztepek (Sacred Heart) but there are also screenings of Fellini’s La Dolce Vita, Rossellini’s Journey to Italy and a rare chance to see Isabella Rossellini’s 16-minute tribute to her father, My Dad is 100 Years Old. Ciao! Visit for more information.

I GFT. Glasgow 8 Fl/lll/l()l/S(-), Edinburgh from Fri 17 Nov.