
Competition (Konkurs) I t’( I I 000 I.\lilox l‘ot'man. ('Icclt chuhlic. l‘NIh \'ac|a\ Bllllllt'lllt‘lkl. llI'ttld llL'gL'I‘IIxa. l.adixlax .lakim. 87min. .-\ cincma xc-ritc

xtx lc docudrama. ohxcrx ing thc coIIIpctIng pcrlot'tnanccx and pcrxonaliticx lll an orchcxtt'a rchcat'xal and talcnt coiIIpctItIoII. l’aI't ol~ thc _\lIroxlax ()ndI'Icck xcaonI. I‘IIHI/IUHH'. III/IlI/HH'QII.

Consequences of Love I ISI .00 Il’aolo Sorrcntino. ltal_x. _‘llll-lI 'l‘onx

Scrx illo. ()lix ia \lagnam. :\dt'iatto ( iIaIIIIIIII. llltlmin. l'ltt'a xcllrconxciouxl) dircctcd. looxclx cxtxlcntial tln'illcr lI'om Italian l'IlmIIIakcr Sot‘t'cnlttto. 'l'itla IScrx IlloI. lIxcx ;IIIIIIIxIIIIItIx|} III a hotcl. plax ing cardx.

xx atching othct‘x and taking dclIxcr) ol xtIitcaxcx containing InillIonx ol' dollarx. Sloxx l}. tlIc m_x xtcrx hcgmx III unraxcl.

I'cx calmg lIIx Ixolatcd c\Ixtcncc. lill'IcIcnt hut minor. Part In" Italian l'lllll l-cxtixal. (i/IichIIII I‘IIIII lIH'tl/I't’. (i/IngIm .' I'I/III/IIquI. It‘I/III/IIII'g/I.

Cool and Crazy (Heftig og Begeistret) I ISI .00 le‘IIIII t.I-Ik Jcnxcn. \orxxax. 3H0] I 105mm. Joining a malc \oicc choir Ina} not hc cxct‘xIIIIc‘x Idca III" a good timc. hut gtxcn that ltcrlcxag'x othcr main Icixut‘c actIx Iticx xcctn to hc xmokmg t‘olIch and xlaring ottl to xca. tlIIx locai cnxcmhlc ix a popular onc. Hct'lcx ag xle on thc cdgc ol' tlIc Barcnt Sca. and Jcnxcn docx not xlut'k l'rom xlonx mg lhc monoton_\ ol tlIIx xInall \orxxcgtan toxxn. .\x a lilm. (‘IIII/.lnIl ( 'I'Iigi could do xx llll a lIttlc moI'c narI'atIx c drIx c. But ax a xocIal portrait it ix impcccahlc. and It lIax Itx o\\ It potcm and ratlIcr xtoic l}l'lL‘l\lll, Spchal clIaI'It) xct'ccmng III mcmorx III SlIII'lc} (iIlmoIIr. :\ll pt'tk‘u‘c‘th go [o Sl (‘UlllllllNl.\ llU\PICL‘ and llomclcxx World ('upI /-'I/III/IIquIx [CI/III/llll’L'Il.

The Creature from The Black Lagoon 3D I ISI 0... I.Iack .-\I'nold. l‘S. IUS-lI RIchard (‘arlxon. .lulIa J\tlillll\. Ricou Broxxmng. "‘lmm. 'l‘hix SIIx IIIoIIxtcr mox ic claxxic hax a part} III chcIItIxtx IIII an Ania/on cxpchlIon decoxcrmg a xtrangc amphihioux crcatut'c. tlIc gill man. xxlIo procccdx to tlIrcatcn tlIc xalctx ol tlIc cntIIc group. lInprcxxi\ c nndcrxxatcr catncraxxotk and xonic x_x mpatlt} loI' tlIc hIg grccn lclla lllttl'k lltlx out :tx l;tl' \llpx‘t'lol' [0 mod IIl lltx‘ gt‘lll'c. (iI'IIxt I'IIIII; (iIIng'IIII.

Cyberworld 30 Il’(iI I\'aI'Ioux. [8. 300m Jcnna lill'man. .\latt l~I‘I'xch'. \Voodx .v\llcn. -l-lnIIII. Jcha lillinan Ix lhc cx hcr- lont xxho introduccx IIx to xarIoux unrclatcd xcgmcnlx ol' c} hct' anitIIalIon. IIII’ _\I/II/IIIIIII and .'lIII(. tttakc .il) appcaranccx III a xpcctacular dixpla_x ol todax 'x moxt imprcxxn c graphic tcclInologx. /.ll.l.\' IIII'IIII‘I‘. (i/legmt.

The Days of Abandonment (I Giorno delI’Abbandono) l ISI

0... IRohct'to l'acII/a. ltal}. IUHSI .\larg|IcrIta llux. l.IIca '/.Ingarctti. (iot'atl llt‘cgox ic. .-\|cxxIa ('IorIa. ‘NIIIIIII. Suhtlc hul l'i'aught cmotional drama about a xx Ilc



xpurncd lot‘ a xoungci lox ct. l'acII/aK ncxx lilm hoaxlx grcat pcrlormanccx. dcltcatc dII‘cctIIIg and Ix xx cll xxortII clIccking out. l’art ol ltalIan l'lllll l'cxttxal. (I'IIIIQIIII II/III 'I'III'II'II'I; (I'IIngIIII 5 l’lI/Il/IIIIIH'. Ia/III/nu’g/z. The Departed I IxI ooo l.\l;ll'llll Scorxcxc. [8. JOHN Iconardo l)I('aprIo. Matt Damon. .lack .\'IcholxIIII. \lat'tm Shccn. .\lark \Vahlhctg. l5 1 mm. 'l’lIIx rcmakc ol thc llong Kong tI'Iad llII‘IIlcr lIIII'I'IIII/ lIIIIII x Ix not ax good ax thc Scol'xcxc claxxch hut xtrll hookx tight to thc \crx laxt xhot xxIth a detIIIgtItxhcd caxt l)I('aprio linallx lIndIng a I'olc that xuttx and xcxcral xtIpcI'lI xct pIcccx along tlIc xxa_\. (I'I'III III/ II II an.

The Devil Wears Prada It’( I I 0000 Il)axId l’rankcl. l’S. IlItIIII \ch_\l Sttccp. .\nnc llathaxxax. l'.IIIIl_\ Blunt. lll‘ltnm. \Icc. lxxcc \xannahcc IoIIIIIalle \IIdx Illalliaxxax I lindx hcrxcll cmploxcd ax oIIc ol txxo pcrxonal xch'ctarch to thc loIIIIIdalIlc _\lII'aIIda l’Ichtl) ISII‘ccpI. an .'\lll].t \VIIItoItI‘ xtxlI‘ laxhton chtoI'. \VItlI ktlch onc lIIch. Icallx xx cll I'oundcd chatactctIxatIoII and c\ccllcnt pcI'loI'IIIanccx. Il'x IlIllIcult not to lall lor Itx m_\I'Iad clIaI'mx, l'lIoIIglI lormttlatc. III thnIx ol dcccnt IIIaIIIxtIcaIII

l’S lilIIIx tlIIx )Cdl. tlux cnloxahlx Innocuoux.

hitch} romp. Ina_x lIc ax good ax It gctx


Dhoom 2 I l3.v\I O. ISaIIIax (iI'ltlll\l. lIIdIa. ZIIIIIII \hhtxltck llaclIclIaII. l'dax ('lIopIa. llrtllttk lx’oxhan. -\IxhxxaIxa Rat. litpaxha liaxu. lfillmin. Scc llollxxxood round tip. pagc ll. .\I II I III! IIIt IIxI' Django I IS I C... ISchIo ( ‘oIlIuch. ltal_x. Spam. I‘IIIIII l‘l‘ttllx'tt \cIo. .loxc Bodalo. lot'cdana \ttxc‘ttik. (IIIIo l’cI'IIIcc. ‘llmm. :\lllltlll“_‘ll II xxax a llll on IIIc mlcrIIatIonal cIIcuIt. liIttleI audIcIIccx ll.I\c had oIle IaIc clIaIIccx to x chx ('oI‘huch‘x cult \chlcrn. \thlt Itx cIIIphaxIx on UK

x Iolcnl and hI/arrc. tlIIx xxax onc ol tlIc louIIdIIIg lathch ol tlIc xpaghclti \\cxtcrn ocuxtc and a [at cI_x lIoIII llIc lllll ol tlIc IIIIIl I'c\cngc dt‘atnax IIItcn chtIIncIl out In llIIll_\\xood. l’aI't ol l’xxc‘lIIItIIIIIII' ('mcIna'x .\londo ltaltano' xcaxon, (I'I'II-ngIII III/II


Dog Day Afternoon I ISI oooo ISIIlIch l.tInIcl. l'S. I‘VSI .\l l’actno. .lIIIIn (‘a/alc. ('harlcx l)IIrIIIIIg liIIIIIIII. l’acInII'x gI'aIIdxtaIIdIIIg ax thc aII\II'tx ttddcn \cxx \orkct altctnpting to roh .I hank to pax lot lIIx ga_\ loxcr'x xc\ clIaIIgc opcratton conln‘mcd lIIx xtatux ax onc ol lIIx fix‘nctalton'x lcadIan actorx. “\ltIca .\ttIca" 'l'lIIx Ix Imdouhlcdlx tlIc gt‘calcxl lIctxl IIon II‘ III tltc l‘lfillx. ()I Ix ll .’ ,ltIIlgc loI' _xottIxcll. par lol thc lchxt v\|IIIIglItx7 xcaxon. /'I/III/IIquI‘. I'.IIIII/IIII;II'I.

La Dolce Vita I IS I .0... It-I-III'I-Ico l'clltm. llalx 'l'IaIIcc. l‘HIlII .\laIccllo .\laxtI‘oIanIII. .'\llll;t l‘khcrg. .'\nouk .\llllt‘t‘. l” iIIIIn. l’apat‘aHo \laxtIoIaImI Imxcx xx ItlI llIc hcautilul pcoplc ol I'IcII Roman xocictx and ix amhnalcntlx xlIockcd and laxcmatcd hx tIIc x IgouI III that cxccxxtx c dccadcncc. lzxcrxthtng _\oII cch xxantcd lI'oIII a l'cllim

Sergio Corbucci’s iconic 1966 spaghetti western about the man they call Django, who drags a coffin behind him and settles scores with pre-ASBO bandits. But what’s in the coffin? And why did he save the girl? And what’s his relationship with the baddies? About as cult as westerns get, this is part of Psychotronic Cinema’s Mondo Mafialseason.

I GF7, GIIISQOW ()l) Vl/(XI 22’ Nov only.

IIon Ic hlack humour. gI'otquuc xI‘\II;Ilit}. IIprII‘cd \ Ixual Imagination and thc xxondcrlul \lat'ccllo. Scc II. Part ol ltalIan l'tlttI l'cxltxal. (I/IIxQIIII I’IIIII IIII IIII'I. (I'IIngIIII .‘ II/IIIIIIquI. la/IIIIHII'g/I.

Don I l3.\I O. ll'Itl'llttll .'\lxlll£ll'. lndta. _‘(ItltII Slialu'ukh Khan. l’I'I_xaIIka (’hopra. .\I'Itm lx’ampaI. Karccna Kapoot'. ISUIIIIII. Scc liIIllxxxooIl Iotmd up. pagc -l_‘. ()I/I IIII .lI IIII QIIIII. (III/won ; ()III I'll lIIII A'IIIIIIIII'II. /.IIIII/IIII;'II.

Dust of Naples (Polvere di Napoli) I l5I l.\lllIIlllII ( ‘apuano. ltalx. I‘NNI Stlxto ()I'laIIdo. 'l'ontno latutt. lola l’agnan. 'lct'cxa Saponangclot. llllIIIIn :\ coIanlatIon ol Inodcrn \capolttan xtoI'ch lcalurmg gamhlcix. xax plaxcrx. lotIIIxtx and an actor xxaIIch'IIIg through lix c x Igncltcx l’at‘t ol ltalian l'lllll l-cxtIxal. (I‘III'ngIII III/II I/II'II/I'I'. (I/IngIIII .‘ III/II/IIIIIxI'. /.I/III/’Hl 3/1.

The Earth (La Terra) I ISI ISI-IgIII lx’tIhInI. |tal_\. .‘IIIIIII l‘dl‘ll/ltl llcntixoglto. l’aolo llrtgnglia. \laxxIIIIo \cIIttII'Icllo. |l.‘.IIIIIi lll tlIIx gaIngth coIIch_\. l.ngI l)I Santo I llcntixoglIoI I'cttIIIIx homc to tlIc Southcrn ltaIIaII t‘chon ol' l’ttglta and lIIx \lalia thIlagc l’art ol llalIaII l'lllll l'cxttxal. (I/IngIIxI III/II IIII IIII'I. III/II/IIquI. IIIIII/IIII g/I. Eight Below I l’( II .0. I l-I‘ank \latxhall. l‘S. _‘tItIoI l’aul \Valkct’. llrucc (Irccnxxood. \loon liloodgood. ,laxon litggx. lIUIIInI. \\'lIcII an .'\lll.‘tlc‘llx‘ cxpcdition lallx Ioul ol crackx III tlIc Icc. llIc lIIax c lItkach xaxc hoth ol tlic luInIanx' lIxcx h) ti‘aIixpoItmg than to a IIcaI'hx lIaxc. htIt xx ItlI

(III/\Q’I Ilt j

an cIIIchcncx cxat tIatIoII undcrxxax. poor \la_xa. Shadoxx, SIIIIItx. \la\. Al'llllllIlll. and l)cx\c} aIc lclt to tough out IlIc \\ Inch alonc. likcahlx old laxluoncd action ctcattu'c lcallttc. \III IzI/III/III/g/I ()I I till. III/II/IIII'g/I. The Family Friend (L’Amico di Famiglia) t l.\I O... Il’aolo SIIII‘cIIlIIIII. Ital}. IIIIIIII ( IIacoIno lx’II/o. l'ahrI/Io licntixoglio. lama ( ‘lIIattI. ('lara lhIIdI llllIIiIII \loIch chIIch (icI'cIIIIa IIIxIntIatcx

lIIIIIxcll Into tlIc lamle ot a _\otmg hI'Idc. .Iltci‘

tlch atc Iotccd lo horioxx IIIoIch ltom lIIIII. Sortcntmo IctIIIIIx lI'oIII tlIc mIIIImalIxt [‘x‘l\x'l \lllx'\ Hl IIII (II/1H I/III III I \ (’I III} I' xxitlI tlIIx odd hut plcaxtng l'clltnt qunc larcc l’aIt ol ltalIan l'lllll lcxtixal. (I'IIII;IIII-. III/II IIII IIIII. (IIIIIgIIIx .‘ l'lIIlI/lI'IIH, IaIIII/HII'g/I. FatedIISICC I.\'tcola.\'coll. l'K. _‘IIIIIII llIcIIdan \lackcx. Kalc Rohhmx. \lIclIacl .\IIgclIx. ‘llIIIIII. Scc \lxo Rclcaxcd. l‘IlfJC I“. .\I III II II II II II\I.

Ferris Bueller’s Day OffI ISI .00 IloluI llughcx. l‘S. l‘).\(II \latlltcxx lttochIck. .chmIch' ( ii‘cx. (‘harltc Sliccn. lll,;llllll. \ xIIIIIIx SpIIIIg dax III (‘lIIcago Ix lttl lIIII _L‘IIIIIl lII \Pt‘llkl lIIL'lxI‘Il III .I c‘l.l\\t'IIIIIll xo tlIc ItI‘cpchxIlIlc l'cII'Ix llucllct IchIIx a III.Il.Ile. cutx claxxcx and pIoIIIIxcx lIIx txxo hcxt ll IcIIdx a dax to IcIIIcIIIlIcI‘. ('lIaIactcrIxtIcallx llttghcx tccn comcdx that chII'cx \\ ItlI lchlI dialoguc and appcaltng clIaIacch'IxalIoIIx. lItIt lIax tlIc dIaxx hack ol onIIc lahourcd larcc and thc nccd to makc mcamnglul \l.tlx‘lllt'lll\. \I II/xIIIIIII _\I II I III/I: Ix’IIIIIII. /'.IIII:/Iuig/I.

The Firemen’s Ball It‘Ioooo

I\lI|IIx l‘tllllldll. (‘xcclonloxakia. l‘HFI .lan \II\ll‘L‘ll. .lIIxt‘l S\x‘l. .lII\x‘l Ktlll‘. l'l;lllll\L‘lx Hchclka "Ilium. 'l'lIc liIc dcpaI'tIIIcIIl III a xmall (‘/cc|I toxx II Ix lIax mg a htg partx

xx lIcII tlIc cx hoxx ol thc dcpatlmcnl cclchtatcx lIIx Mtlll lIII'tlIda). hut tlIIIng don't go ax pIaIIIIcIl. l ox clx. gcnllc (‘omnumtxt cra comcdx xxlIIclI hax Inorc lIItc than _onI might think. l)ucctoI l‘IIl'lllatl xxcnt on to tlllx'x‘l .l/IIIII/I II\ .llltl l/IIII III! [III .‘II’I'II. l’dll ol \ltIIleax ()IIdI'Icck xcaxon. III/II/II'IIH. /.I/III/IIII;'/I.

Flesh for Frankenstein I I.\I Il’aIIt _\lttl‘ll\\x"\. Ital} l-t'ancc. I‘l" iI l’do lx'cII‘. .loc l)allcxandio. \loIIIIluc \an \‘ooicn. ‘l5IIIIII. (int) and xx‘\}. \lHttlxxx'} '\ l\\ I\l IItl lllt‘ llaInIncI moxch Ix a hugclx cntcttatmng camp lcxt. \\ lIat‘x Intctcxttng Ix llIc political lcxcl tlIal‘x gtaltcd on; llchc IIIoIlectx arc to lIc paIl ol a Sctluan IIIaxch t'acc tand llIc tIxc ol \\.IgIIcI 'x III/IIII’IIIIIII I: IIIxII [IIIIIII\ lI\ III IIII\ III/II IIIIIII. l’aIt ol l’x_\clIotIonIc ('IIIcIIIa‘x \londo ltalIaIIo xcaxon, l'IlIIIlIouxc. ItdinhuiglI.

The Flying Scotsman Il’t il .00 Il)ouglax \ldx‘KlllllUll.l K. _‘(HIIII .loIIn_x lcc .\lIllct. liillx lioxd. l .IIIIa l-raxci. lirtan ('ox. lllfinun llIglI piolilc dI‘aIIIatIxatIon ol tlIc

(iraltattt ()hrcc xtor_x. ‘l'lIc L‘}L‘ll\l xtrugglcx

xx llll pcI'xonal dcmonx and a lIomcmadc hikc to xct a ncxx xxorld ouc-hour cx cling rccord. (III/won III/II 'IIII'IIII‘I'. (iIIngIIII. Garfield: A Tale of TWO Kitties Il'I I'l'im Hill. [8. Boom Brcckin .\lc)cr. .lcnmlcr l.oxc llcxxitl. Bill) ('onnollx. Bill _\lnrrax. lan x\lk‘l'c‘t't)ltll\tx‘. Rogcr Rccx, Xlltmn. ln lIIx rcturn to thc htg xct'ccn. thc clcxcr gmgcr l'clmc Ionccd h} .\lurra_x I. takcx a trip to Blight}. and through a caxc ol mixtakcn Idcnlitx cndx up rulmg oxcr a I'atIIcI‘ ll;leva countrx lec, 'l‘hc nclat‘iottx l.oI'd l)aI'ng I('onnollx I lIax othct' idcax llIottglI, lam/III'I' (I\(/('/Illlllx. (IU/(I’IIII/x.

A Good YearIl’UI ooo IRIIllI-x Scott. l‘S. letlm l‘I‘cddic llighmorc. .v\lhcrt l‘lllllt‘}. RtIxxcll (’roxx c. Ralc Spall. x\rchIc l’aniahl. l 18mm. Scott'x gladIatoI' I(‘I'oxch pla_x x .\la\ Skinnct'. a l.ondon xtockhrokcr xxlIo inlIcrle lIix unclc‘x chatcau and laIlIIIg x IIIc‘xIII‘Il and hcgrudgmgl} decoch'x lIappIncxx III a xloxxcr pacc ol lilc. .launt_x. chcck} and colout'lttl. .l (I'IIIII/ )I'III' lIax a good Ionc. cxcn Il~ It lallx to lingcr on tlIc palalc. /)IIIIIIIIIIIII. IzIIIII/IIII'g/I.

The Grudge 2 I l5I . I'l'akaxlit Shunt/u. l’S. llllltII Sarah .\lichcllc (icllat'. ;\mth lamhlyt. l.deoII (‘hcn IIIZmin. Shunt/u lIax turtch a xImplc liorI'oI' Idca Into a IcpclItIx c and lllltlx‘l‘\\ lIclmmg xcricx. 'l‘ltix gat'hlcd Incxx pickx tip altcr tlIc prcx Ioux lilm \x Ilh Kat'cn I( icllarI‘x littlc xixtct‘ I‘l’amhlx III and a xtoI‘x that hounccx Incohcrcntlx hctxxccn Japan and _\cxx York xx ItlIoIIt dclich‘IIIg a modicum ol xcaI'cx. X/IIIII I (I\(' (.IIII'IIIII. /)(II\/('\. /’IIIxII'\.

The Guardian I I.‘:\ I 00 I \ndrcxx l)ax Ix. l‘S. _‘(IINII ch III ('oxtnct'. .-\xhton lx'utchcr. l)crck .v\damx, li‘lmm. ltcn I('oxtncrI loxcx all lIIx collcagucx III a I'cxcnc attcmpt and imixt tcach at thc (‘oaxt (iuard'x clttc tt'aIIIIng xclIool \x lIcI'c .lakc IKIItclIcI'I Ix thc cock} cadct. ‘l’hc pair plax xx cll oll cacli othct. l’I'chctahlx. hoxxcxcr. tlIc} arc xcnt on a tIrcxomc poxt graduation rcxcuc mexion. \iII' /'.IIIIIIIIII';'/I ()I'I‘II'II. l‘.I/III/HII';’/I.

Heroes and Villians I I5 I oo

ISc‘lxxxtt lx’ohcrtx. l‘lx'. IIIIIIII l)ax Id

Rax IIIoIId. .lcnnx .v\gutlct'. .lamcx ('oI'chI. ‘lllllllll. (‘ack lIIItleI I'oIIIanch ahout trtIxtIIIg and tcxlmg xIItII‘ lox c pat‘lnct‘ or xomc otlIcI' xuclI noIIchIxc. l‘atrl_\ good (Illx xIIundtrack lonxcch‘ and ;\gutth' Ix in It xo tlIat‘x a xltgltt lIoIItIx. XIIIIIII IIH' (.IIII'IIIII. (’IIIII/II'II L'I'. (I'IIingIII ; ()III IIII III/I A'IIIIIIIII'II. Iz'I/III/IIII'g/I. His Big White SeIfI ISI oooo I.\'Ick Hroomlicld. l'lx'. IlllltII ‘IIIIIIII. 'l‘ltc IIItIcpId and mnglItlul dIIcumcntartan ttII'nx lIIx catncra on South .‘\ll'l\';lll xx lIIlc xupI'cIIIacht l~.ugcnc lcrrchlanchc. tlIc man \xIIo xcnt lum dcatlI thrcalx lolloxx mg a l‘l‘ll docIIIIIcIItarx ahout tlIc x\partthd, II/IIIIIHIIH. l'.IIIIlI’/II'L’II. The History Boys I ISI 00.

I\Ic‘lIIIl;Ix llxtttcr. l'lx'. lellol Richard (il'lllllll\. ('lIx c \lcrrIxon. Stcphcn (‘amphcll _\loorc. lll‘IIIuII. ‘l'hc htg xcrccn adaptation ol .-\lan llcnnctt'x lIIggcxt \cht lind hIt ahoul a group ol l‘lbllx xtudcntx and tltc mllucnccx ol llIcIt tcaclicrx IIIanagcx to IIIaIntam onIIc ol thc humour and pathox ol thc IIrIgIIIal dcxpitc clIatIgcx lll thc xlrtIctIIrc and l'atc ol .1 ccntral clIat'acch‘. (‘IIII'II III/II I’II‘I'AIII III.’. (iIIngIIII .‘ NIH/Hutu”, IzI/III/IIII'u/I. Hollywoodland I ISI 00. I.-\lII-II (‘oullctx lb. IIIIIoI licn .v\lllcck. .'\tll'lL‘ll lirodx. lltanc l.aIIc. IIIImm. Scc rcx icxx. l‘ng' ll. (II'III'I'III I'I'II'IIH'.

Hoodwinked l l I ... ((01?) IV 'l’oIlIl l‘.tl\\;ll'tl\‘ ['5, Zoom x\llllC llathaxxax. l’att‘ick \\‘at'hurton. .lIIII llcluxht. .\lmm. l,Ikc a hcdltmc xtor} told h} an amtahlc drunk. llIIx Ix cqttal partx lx’ax mond ('handlcr and .XIII'IA ax lx’cd lx’Idmg llood Ill.ItlIaxxa_x I. \xoodxman IltcluthI and Mg had xxoll' I\\'arhurtonI all gct to tcll tthI' xtdc ol lhc \ltll'}. /\’II\/II’IHUH \l} lL‘. llU“ L'\L‘l' lllt' .IIIIIIIatIoIt lallx \xa_x xlIoIt ol llIc xtandatdx ol' l)l\.ll' illlxl l)l\llL‘_\. .\( II I II III II II'IIH’.

The Host (Gwoemul) l ISI ooo

Iliong .loon ho. Japan South Korca. IlllltII lx'ang lIo Song. llIc hortgli}co1I.llac Il Park. | l‘lmtn With a I‘adIoactIx c xtIhxtancc III tlIc xxatcr xupplx. a lItIgc monxtcr lixh and IIIIIIIIIIcnt deaxth'. llIIx lIkcahlc ( iod/illa~

xt_x lc monxth Ix a xaIleactoI‘x mI\ ol xtatc ol Ihc art ('( il cllcclx and xxarm charactcrtxatIon. :\llL‘lllltIll to dctaIl. ahxurdtt} and comic touchcx dcll\cr llIc hig climax and tlIc lIIg laughx. Sl’lt't'lt'tl NII’IIH'.