Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art@list.co.uk. Listings compiled by Robin Lee.
353 x\t}_‘}lc Street. “37” 3—“) 7533. Illam lllpm; Stiii noon lllpm. Manniskor (People) l'ntil the 3| ()et. llllL‘lle‘ ptil‘ll'alh lrom auard iiinmng photographer .larinica Hone).
350 Sttttcltlcltttll Street. 353 4W)”.
Inc In llam (ipm; Sat Illam (ipm. Migratory Projects Sat 7 Oct Sat Ix .\'o\. .-\ \eriex ol crtixx-dixcipltnar} uorkx lttL'tISlllg on migration. mobilrt} and propoxed elaborations on .-\ti\tralian do- li-_\t)lll'\c‘ll cultttre b} .-\ttdt'e\\ Stirile} Smrth. in llt\ lit'xl l'K \olo \litt\\. Ni Si l( )Vv’.
The New Co-Efficiency in Art 'l'ue l7 ()ct. Illam 5pm. l'rce. S}iiipo\ium in collaboration \\ ith (ilttxgtm Sculpture Sttidiox and (ilaxgou School ol .»\rt. Si\ e\pertx in their lield oller llL‘\\ perxpectixex on how e\cr}da} codex cart interconnect \\ ith art.
l'ni\er\it} ol~ Strathc|}dc. 33 Richmond Street. 543 355S. .\lon l‘ri Illani 5pm; Sat noon -lpiii. l‘ree.
Green: Exhibition by Design Ed l'ntil Sat 1 l .\'o\. l"ree. l3 e\tablixhed arti\t\ l'rom an lidinbtirgh collaboratin- \\ ho uxc rec} cled lllttlL't‘lttlS and experimental lL‘L‘lllllt]llC\.
I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Ro)al li\change Square. 33‘) I‘No. .\loii \Ved & Sat 10am 5pm; ’l'hu Illam Spin; l’ri & Stiii I lam 5pm. Artists without Walls l'ntil Sun I‘) .\'o\. l‘ree. :\ \ ideo docurttentar} ot a collaboratiVe ex eitt between lxi'aeli and Palcxtinian ttl‘li\l\. l‘ilmx \\ ere projected \imultaneouxl} onto the contrmerxial "\ecur'it} uall‘ \o that Palestinianx could see l\t';tcli\ ttltd \‘lL‘C \‘L‘t‘xtt. making it ‘tranxparent’ l‘or xeieral ltt)llt'\.
I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 48 King Street. 553 0704. Tue Sat ltlam 5.30pm.
Rosalind Lawless l’ntil Sat 2| ()ct. Abstract urban armorkx b} thix recent graduate ol‘ the Ro}al (‘ollege. Sarah Stewart l'tttil Sat 3| ()ct. SIC\\RII'I.\ llllL‘l'CSl llt‘S lll IlIL' L‘llL‘L‘lS til. etclting onto \ih er. Here \he e\plorex tlte IllL‘IllC til. ltlttc‘k tttttl “lttlc. L‘;t\l \liadtmx attd multiplex.
I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART IN Renl'ren Street. 353 453(i. .\lon l‘ri Illant 5pm; Sat Illam 3pm.
Back to the Drawing Board Thu 5 Sat 3S ()et. Atrium (ialler_\. .-\n e\hibition celebrating tlte return to draning in te\tile\. (‘ttrated b} Jimm} Stephen-(ran. NEW SHOW.
Staff Show l'ntil Mon 30 ()ct. Mackintoxh (ialler). .-\n e\hibition ol' \\Ul'l\ b) the (il;l\gtt\\ Scltool ol‘ :\rt \lall‘.
I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'ni\er.\it) ol' (ilaxgoxi. S3 llillhead Street. 330 .543 I. .\lon -Sat
0.30am 5pm. Free.
Doves and Dreams: The Art of Frances Macdonald and J Herbert McNair l'titil Sat IS .\'o\. Li‘s tilt. .-\ \electiori ol‘ rarel} \een \xorkx b} tlte artistic couple in ho. \\ itlt (‘R Mackintoxh and Margaret .\lacl)ona|d. ltH’lllL‘tl the lamoux ‘(ilasgoxx l-‘our' t. including watereolours. graphics. furniture. inetalwork and textiles.
.»\rg}le Street. 3"b 959‘) \loii llitt .\ Sat lllaltl .5pm. in it Sun llam 5pm I‘l'L'L'
Bronzes from Benin in o ()cl. I330 lpm l-iee. l)l\ctl\\lt\li on art. religion and mud} in the hixtoric kingdom ol Benin. Including obiectx that came to the [K in lS‘l". ax \xcll ax a next Benin bron/e b} .tl'll\l luck} ()boh “If! It] li/tltk I/l\llll'\ .UHIII/l SW”)
The Earth Turned to Bring Us Closer Sat " Oct Sun 35 l-eb lhe lirxt ttta|or e\hibition tor Kelxmgrme ~tricc |l\ makem er lL‘tlllllt‘S a cloxe tip tilm portrait ol the triltabrtatttx ol (ilaxgotx. \ct againxt a backdrop ol the earth iti orbit The uork. b} \ISllttl ttl'll\l\ l).il/lcl + Sctillion. \\ Ill be accompanied b_\ a \peciall} c'ttlltllthlttllCtl piece b} (ilaxitegian c'ttlliptt\t'l ('i'aig .\rm\tiong. See rc\ ieti. page ‘tti. NE St W Kelvingrove - a Black Perspective lllL' Ill ()ct. noon lpiii. l'i'ee. llott doex Kel\ tngrme rcllect .'\ll'lC;tll ctllltll't'x or the .-\lrtcan Scol\ hung in Scotland toda) 1’ (iraham ('ampbell. commtiiiit} acti\ t\l. lead\ a tour and critical tll\ctl\\ttill. ’tJI‘I HI Ii/tltk thurt .llulil/t DUN/L
I THE LIGHTHOUSE ll Mitchell l.atte. 33l U303. .\lott tk
\Ved Sat llt.3llani 5pm; 'ltie Ilaiit 5pm;
Sttri noon 5pm. £3 tSttpi.
Handmade l'ntil 'l'ue 3| .\'o\. ()\er Ht) poxterx lrom the .\lti\etim ol' l)e\ign in Zurich reprexenting the “nth ol Sit l\\ and international artixtx \\ ho ha\e [ISL‘tl their oun handx iii their \iork.
NORD l'iitil Stiit S ()et. ('eramicx l'rom thix llltllll-tllSL‘lpllltttl‘} architectural practice. [ASI' (It lANCF l0 SH'.
I LILLIE ART GALLERY Station Road. \lilngtn ie. 57S SS4? 'l'ue Sat ltlani lpiit & 3 5pm. Glasgow Society of Women Artists Sat 7 Oct Hi l7 .\'o\. lircc. Ne“ \Htt'k l3} llti\ lttttg e\tablixhed Stictcl} e\ploring the subjects (ll. \lill lil'e. landxcapc and portraiture. NE’W SHOW.
I THE MACKINTOSH HOUSE lluriterian :\rt (itillL‘f). l'nher‘xit} ol' (ilttxgtm. S3 lltllltcttd Street. 330 .543 l. .\lon Sat 0.30am 5pm. £3 t£3t. Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh l'ntil Sat lS .\'o\. .-\x \iell ax being the Partner of (‘harles Rennie Mackintoxh. Margaret Macdonald \HIS one ol' the lttoxl git'ted l'cmale artixtx ol her generation. This e\hibition t‘ocusex on her contribution as a \iatercolour painter and graphic dexigncr.
(‘entre lior l)e\elopniental .-\rt\. IS Albion Street. 553 3833. Mon Fri
lllam 5pm.
My Paintings l'ntil Hi 34 .\'o\. .\ \olo e\hibition of oil painting\ b} 'l'rongate Studiox artixt Julie .\1 Bo}ce.
Patterns l'ntil Hi 34 .\'o\. .-\it e\hibition ol' \xoodcan tttg\ b) Project .-\bilit) artixtx. aitd ol‘ te\ti|e\. printx. photograph} and pttllllingx as part of the Scottixh .'\c‘;lLlL‘lll_\ of Asian .-\rt\ programme. Port of Black History .llonrli 300/).
.3 ('thllc Street. 55.3 35.57. Mott Sttl ltlam 5pm: Stiii llam 5pm.
The Tontine Heads Sat 7 ()et.
3 3.30pm. Free. l)i\co\et‘ the
epon} moux ke} \tone\. the tobacco lordx arid the (ilingtt\\ \Iaxe trade \\ ith 'l‘on} l.e\\ ix. curator ol~ Scottixh llixtor}. I’urr ol'li’lttt‘k History .lloiirli 30W).
3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 Siltlt). Mon Sat l()am -(ipm.
Robert Heindel: An Obsession with Dance hail the 3| ()ct. liree. A retroxpectne dixpla} of 30 original painting\ and \ketchex documenting the
artqu lllli‘l'c'SSlttlh ot liiiti\h ballet met the [‘.t\l llllL‘L' tlcc.ttlL‘\
ltltl Rentrexx Street. 333 5H5" \lon I'll ‘lam bpm. Sat "am 4 30pm
Sandy Sharpe - Cameo Roles DO. l'ntil ltie il ()ct \ l'elloxx ot lllc‘ I{tt}.tl Photographic Soctct}. lltt\ e\hibition l\ the product ot 31' man ol \llCCl photograph}
3 ('axtle Street. 553 355~ \lon lliti .\ Sat Illam 5pm. l‘ll tk Sun llam 5pm I‘lt‘t'
Vivid Voodoo l ntil Sun I-l .lari l’liotogt.iplt\ b_\ /tima [‘llttlttlttlllllalhl l.c~ Stone. e\ploimg the practice ol \oodoo on the ('aribbean l\l.llltl ol Haiti
(iraham Keri Budding. l'nixeixit} ol (ilaxgou. 3 3” ~1-"3.
Blue Antelope l'ntil I'll 3-1 \m. ‘lam 5pm. l'iee. .\n e\hibition leattirmg the rare \kull ol the blue antelope and L‘Hll.tlitil';tll\c \kttl‘k l\_\ Kate l'tMlcl .tlttl lla_\den l.orimei.
Private Galleries
loo S lirunxmck Street. 553 (Mill, l)ail_\ Sam midnight.
Lost in The Forest l‘nttl Sun 39 ( )ct l'ree. l'xing photograph}. painting arid collage. artixt (ircgor l.aii'd creatcx an enchanting arid tlttltgc‘t‘ttth lot'c\l \xorld. draun lrom childhood. the lirotlierx (irimni. and more recent ga} e\pct‘tcttce\. I’url r" (i/utgttt,’ 31"”).
l7H \VL‘Sl Regent Slt'L‘cl. 33l (i370.
.\lon Sat 0.30am 5.3Hpm. Imagination and Reality l'titil 'I'tie 3-1 ()L‘l. l’;tlltllllg\ ttl ll‘cL‘\ ttlltl \ttitttllttltd \\ ith a dill'erencc b} .lamex 'l‘ueedie.
I MARY MARY l'lat 3/1. b l)i\on Street. H7730 (iSl—ll5. 'l‘ue Sat noon 5pm.
Torsten Lauschmann oooo l'ittil Hi (i ()ct. .\'e\\ photographic norkx and liltii/\ ideo protections l'rom thix (ierrtian born ttl'll\l \\ lttixc \tor'k e\plore\ the mechanic\ ol producing an iriiage.
73 Robcrhon Street. Suite b. How I. 3-18 37l l. .\lon l‘ri ltlam 5pm; Sat noon 5pm.
Jeremy Deller - Edited Rushes O. l'ntil Sat 3S ()cl. Ne“ \tork l'rom the 300-1 'l'tirner Pri/e \\ inner. created h} l)cllcr bet“ eeti l‘NS and 3001. The artixt lilmed nearl} Itltl littlll‘S of random l'ootage. mainl} on the \treetx of London. ('ollaboration and participation are central to l)L‘llct"\ \ktit‘ki he takex on a range ol PH‘lL‘L‘lS. including orchextrated e\entx. lilmx arid publicationx \ihich drau attention to culture on the l'ringex ol~ the rnainxtream. or re\eal hidden hixtoriex. Sec re\ text. page S‘).
l3 Kingx ('ourt. King Street. 553 9453. Sun 'l’hu noon midnight: l-‘ri Sat itoori midnight.
Fighting for Refuge: Glasgow to East Timor - Worlds Apart? l'ntil IllL‘ 3| ()ct. Photographx coriiparing the e\periences ol ax} lum \eekerx in (ilasgott \\ ith that ot' liaxt 'l'iniorese rel'ugecx e\caping l‘rom the recent cii il \xar. b} the late independent journalixt Robin 'l‘audex in.
3- 5 (ithum Street. 3-“ (ll ll).
Sani—l lprn.
North Sea Circle L'ritil Tue 3! ()et. .-\rt created iii rexponse to remote or interexting site\ in the northern hernixphere b} the collecti\e Hit.
Visual Art
Gossip. chat and rumour from the gallery floor
23 . :‘I‘
I The List reported last year that art mogul Anthony d’Offay had been in discussion with art galleries throughout the world, hoping to find a home for his important collection of post- war modern and contemporary art. d’Offay, who was educated in Edinburgh, wanted to bring his horde to Scotland (it was originally reported that he hoped the full collection would come to the National Galleries of Scotland), but the works will be split between the Tate and the NGS, providing a much needed representation of contemporary art in this country. The collection includes important works by Diane Arbus, Georg Baselitz, Joseph Beuys, Gilbert & George, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Jannis Kounellis, Robert Mapplethorpe, Ron Mueck, Bruce Nauman, Gerhard Richter, Ed Ruscha, Robert Therrien, Bill Viola, and Andy Warhol. It is still not clear how the work will be diwied up and made available to the lucky public. A big saw, a free for all and a heap of art on the border near Carlisle were ruled out. Now, where to put it all? Leith docks?
bridging the gap bettteeri the murk} tl;tl'ktlc‘\\ ol a photograph} department and the K} conceptualixm til
en\ ironmeiital art.
36 Washington Street. 33l 3133.
Mon Fri 9am 5.30pm.
group? O... l'ttltl l'it‘t 3 .\'o\. l'rce. Recent work and next tlll'CL‘lltlllS l'rom :trlt\l\ \\ ho ha\e prex iotrxly \hoiin in the Pentagon. Including landscapes by Stuart Macken/ie. liguratiie nork b} ('raig Peacock. urbanxcapex b} Martin Mclnall}; and \Hirk l'roni Mark Campbell. lirrtesto \'a/. John l‘err} and (icrr} Morris. See rc\ ten. page 8‘).
X7 8‘) Saltniarket. 553 7578. llama 5pm. Hey l-letero! Mon 9- l-‘ri 27 ()et. l-‘ree. Public art collaboration between artist Deborah Kelly and photographer Tina l-‘ii'eash. ('heekil} poking fun at the rituals and customs ol hetero lil'e. these ‘adienixement' posters encourage
\ ieuerx to consider the scrutiny that noti- hetero ll\C\ are put under. Part of (i/usuu‘tf 300/). NEW SHOW.
54'; Oct 2006 THE LIST 91