llouxc. 5 ()ticcn Strcct. 22h USU 5.30pm. l‘rcc hclorc Ullpin. L5 hclorc lain; £7 altct. Scc l'l'l (i.
I Eric Bibb ()uccn'\ Hall. 37 80 (Ink Strcct. («i8 201‘). 7pm. No.50 \Vcll trawllcd intixical hobo gncx an acouxtic \ct \lltnklllf.’ oll lll\ \tidc ranging; llliltlL‘llL'L'\ lroni tlic Mixxisxippi l)c|ta throuin lztii'opc to Attica,
I Alyn Cosker Trio 'l'hc Ja// Bai. l ('hainhcix Sttcct. 220 4200 0.30pm. l'i'cc, Ja/I drtiinincr loincd h} RUSS Hamilton on ham and Hand l)tlll\lllllll on guitar,
Saturday 1 4
I The George Penman Jazzmen |)o\\nto\\n ilotincrl} .\lontroxc (‘cnttal i. (i/S’ \Vatciloo Strcct. 22| 0500. 2. illpni, l'i‘cc. Scc Sat 7
I Jim Whyte Quartet Bit-I. W 44 x\\lllttll I.anc. 342.1000 i opin. l'i'cc. Martixti'cain ia/l lroni tlic accoinplixlicd di'uinincr and hand.
I The Michael Deans Quintet Bar Bloc. ll7 Bath Slt't'c‘l. 57—1 (illhh. 5 Spin, l'lL'L'. XL'L‘ Sal 7.
I The Mellotones an ()ticcn Strch Bar and chtaurant. Sll ()uccn Strcct. 22h 5097. 2.30 5.30pm. l'i'cc. Scc Sat 7 I Mike Rogers Quartet S0 ()ticcn Sti'ccl Bar and chtatii‘ant. Sll ()ticcn Strch 220 5007. ‘lpin. l'i'cc. Rogcix and lllS qualit} qtiartct dcli\ci‘ thcir (m n intcrprctationx ol \oinc ol‘ lltc hcxt tlic (ircat :\incrican Songbook ll;l\ lo ol'lcr. I The Jazz Bar Quintet 'l‘hc- .la// Bar. l (‘lianihcrx Strcct. 220 4200. ‘lillpltl. l’t'cc. SL‘C Sat 7.
I Fish Fry 'I'hc Ja/I Bar. I ('hainhci‘x Sti'ccl. 220 4200. l|.30pin .iillll. £5. .
Monday 16
I The Great Jazz Jam Session ‘l‘hc .la/I Bar. l ('hainhcrx Strcct. 220 4200. ‘)pin. l-tcc. Scc .\lon 0.
Tuesday 1 7
Glasgow I The Swingcats: At the Movies (‘it\ llall\. ('andlcriggx. 353 S000.
7.30pm. £12.50. sc-c- liri n.
I The SHJQ Quartet 'I‘ltc Ja/l Bar. l ('liatnhcrx Strcct. 220 4200. 0.30pm. l'l'L‘L‘. SL‘L‘ .l‘llL‘ lll.
Wednesday 18
I Michael Marra 8. Mr McFall’s Chamber, Occam’s Razor and Sandy Wright 'l'hc Bongo ('luh. Mora) HUUSL‘. 57 llt)l}t‘tmd Road. 553 7(tll—l. 8.30pm. £8 ([0). Now or thc .»\ho\c rcturnx l‘oi' anothcr ini\ ol unclaxxiliahlc lllllSlL‘éll \t}lc\ t'roin traditional and \mrld to ja/l and L‘lthxlc‘ttl punk. l’lll\ ptK‘lllS l'roni lilxpcth .\lurra_\.
I Jazz Jam Session Rio ('ai'c. 2" ll}ndland Strcct. 334 000‘). Spin. l'rcc. Scc Thu 5.
I Barclay Beats, Liz MacEwan Quartet and The Debonaires 'l‘hc Jain llouxc. 5 Quccn Strcct. 220 4380. 5.30pm. l-‘rcc hcl‘orc l0prn; £3 al'tcr. Blucs dtro Barcla} Bcats arc l'ollou cd h} great jit/l l'rorn Macliu an and houxc \ottl hand 'l‘hc Dchonaircx.
I Stefan Grossman Edinburgh l-‘olk Club. (‘aharct Bar. ()0 The l’lcaxancc. 650 2340. 8pm. £8 (£5 {7). .-\incricana hlucstnan and tingcr-pickin' lcgcnd.
I Ryan Quigley Quintet Jan (‘cntrca The Lot. 4/6 (‘rrasstnarkcL 467 5200. 7.30pm. £l0. Scottish quintet fronted by
lcailc“ tr‘tiinpctci ()tiiglc} \thc tcchnical l‘ltl\\c'\\ IS unparallclcd
I Benn Clatworthy Quartet Inc- Jan Bai. l ('lianihcix \ltcc‘l.:2ll»1:"ll S illpiii L5 l‘\llll.ll.tllll:_' \.r\ uoik troin tln\ loinici Ronnic Scott pupil
I Moishe’s Bagel (‘titnhcinanld
'l licatic. Kildi'tini. 0| 2 in a USS"
" 45pm L‘l ifi .la// inllcctcd klc/nict and Balkan dancc lllll\lc lcattirin; (iicg laxuon i.\li \lcl'all\ (‘liainhci l on iiddlc. l’clc ( iainct on .iccoidion. l’lnl .’\lc\andci on piano and \laiio (‘aiihc on haw
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henry©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Norman Chalmers.
Thursday 5
I Alistair Hulett & Dave Swarbrick Saint :\lltllt'\\ \ in thc Squai'c. St
'\lltllt'\\ l\ Sillllllt'. 55‘) 5‘)“: Spin. LIN (UN. 1 lic Scot~ \octalixt \ingcr/xong“i'itci and c\ l'.lll’|‘ttl'l hounian \tci‘c lilSl pai'tncrcd on \ocalx/gtntai' and liddlc/inandt)lin \xhilc thc} \tcrc hoth i'cxidcnt in .-\u\li'alia.
I Scotland: A Celebration in Poetry and Song Scotllxlt I’octt‘} lilirar}. (‘richton'x ('loxc. ('anongatc. 557 2870. 3 -lpin. l'icc hut lickctcd. Scolli\lt [ltlL'llh and songs l'roni ladinhtirgli Makar Sicu art (‘onn and .lock 'l'ainxon'\ Bairnx \ingcr/guilarixt Rod l’alcr‘wn. ’ui'l u/ .Vimomr/ I’M'm Hm.
I The Willy Clay Band 'l‘oxxn Hall. \VL‘SI .\l;tlll Sll'c‘cl. l);lt'\c‘l. (H.505 523500. 7.30pm. L‘lll. Promoting: a ncu lil’ arid launching: a li\c ('l). tlicxc li\c intisicianx il'tllll Sucdcn'x northcrn .-\rctic UlllptlSl ol' Kiruna dccidcd to lorin a hand. ttirncd lttl\ ol hcadx. and arc lll\ itcd out to 'l'cnncxxcc to inakc an album \\ ith a top .\'a\|i\ illc produccr. (iarth lludxon i'l‘hc Bandi hcarx llic tlL‘llltl\ and axkx to \ll In on tlrc \L‘\\lt\ll. 'l‘ltc rcxt ix lllNlUl'}. Support ll'tilll Slaid ('lcawx.
I Marian Bradfield l‘allxirk linlk
('ltih. 'l'hc l’oli\h ('ltih. .'\rnot Strccl. (ll324 (il3.‘~‘)5. H.3(liiiii. [5. ()nc ol'
li‘cland'x top \ocali\t\.
I Taiwan Folk Music .-\\\ctnhl} Roolttx (icoi'gc Sti‘ccl. 228 l I55. 7.45pm. l’rcscntcd h} (‘liai lound .\lti\ic \Vorkxliop in support ol' (’apahilit) Sc‘ttllltttd.
I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh Dance .'\\\L‘llll‘l.\ Roornx. (icorgc Strcct. 33‘) 537 . .S'pin. {S L‘lll. l)ancc hand lll.|
\\ ith callcr Kcn (itHll‘ld).
I The Foghorn Stringband [hit 2". |.}ncdoch Strch llltlllSll‘ltll lixtatc. «Spin. L'.\' L' l0. l'ixc brilliant singcrx and intixicianx l‘roin Portland. ()rcgon pla_\ Appalachian good-tinic. Cajun. and autlicntic old-\l}lc liddlc lllllSlL‘,
I Calluna and Christine Kydd llighgatc llallx. .\lain Strcct. Stronc. (ll30l 70350-1. .S'pin. LIS‘ i£5i. l-‘iddlc. clat'xach. lltitc and Scoh \ocalx.
Kilmarnock I Music at Craigie 'l‘hc (‘raigic Inn.
('i.ii~_'ic.lll5h§ Soll2.\o .\ ll l5pin L" it? UH Blucgia“ lioni \ppalacliian \ihl
I The Selkirk Sessions \anum \t'llllt‘S. ill"5ll 22104 lllllL'\ \ai} l’ricc\ \.tl_\ liaditional lllllSlc cxcntx \\Hll\\lltlp\. \t'llltill \ldllt'c'S and .t \t‘llt‘\ ol Inc conccitx lioiii pla_\cr\ including; llic l on \\at\on llticc. .\l|\l.tll lltilctt and HM c Suaihirck and llL‘dtlllllL‘h l)cat Shcplicid
I Refugee Survival Trust Ceilidh Rlldoll Sicinci llall. Sptlau Road. ‘1“ H 10 "pin. L l0 i Uri ('clcltiatc tcn Manx oi thc RL‘lllth'c‘ Stii\i\al llllSl \\llll lltid \ci \\ llt‘c'Slll. \/ct tlic .\/t‘l'l‘.ll|.tlll ()pcia Singgci and an organic l‘ai and ialllc
I The Foghorn Stringband ()ticcii \laigatcl Hall. Blackiicw Road. Hpiii {ill SUV in (l.
I Capercaillie, The Richard Gilpin Band ‘loun Hall. \\c\l \lain Slicct. l)ai'\cl. HISM 52 i5‘“). 5 10pm. l; l " lop (iaclic lolk [Mlklch
I Rab Noakes lolhootli. .lail \\}iitl. l)|71\(l27~iililil,KPH], Lin l w. (‘laxct Scoh \itigc‘r'»\oitg_'\\ ritci‘ \\ itli a carcci
\pallttittg I5 ull‘tlllh.
I Adam Beattie l'hc .\i'c|ic\. .'\l'f_‘_\ lc Sli'ccl. llhfi'll 2-H) 7523. 'l‘otii \\ail\ inl‘lucnccd hlticx/lolk lingci‘ st} lc lellldl'txl.
I Eleanor McEvoy (Kilian-t \‘oltairc. Blair Sti'cct. 220 MW». 7.30pm. L'lll. llugcl} adinii‘cd ll'ISll \inggcr/xonguritci'. I Jim Malcolm “cc l-olk ('Iulw. l<tl_\;ll ()ak. lnlirinar} Sti‘ccl. 557 2070 Sillpin. U. Brilliant inootliic platcr and \ingcr \onguritcr. c\-()ld Blind l)o3_vc_
Monday 9
I The Foghorn Stringband Bic-I. .\\hton l.anc. 342 40M». .S’pin. L'lll, Scc l‘il‘l (l.
I Jim Malcolm Stirling: l‘olk ('ltih. Stirling: (‘otinl_\ Rugh} l'oothall ('ltih. Bridgcliatigh l’ai'k. ('atixcninhcad Road. 0|25‘) 2|S52l. Spin. Scc Sun S.
Tuesday 10
I Folk It! 'l'hc .\li\ing_' RtNllllS. \Vc\l chcnt Strcct. 221 730‘). Sillpin. l'i‘cc. Scollhlt/It‘ixli \L‘SSIUH \Hlll l-iona Young,
I Nick Keir Icitlt l-olk ('ltih. 'l‘hc Villagc. Stillllt l‘vtii‘l Sli’L‘L‘l. 47H 73“). 7.30pm. L5. .\ .\lc('alinan \lllglllg \olo. and pla)in;_' guitar. mandolin. \Klll\llc\ ttlld tlttltilhic,
I Ceilidh Club lltc l.ol. (it'axxittai‘kcl. 225 229‘). Spin. Ur. Dancing \xith callcrs to lcad _\ou through thc \tcpx. and MW inuxic ll'tllll .-\n 'l‘alla Ban.
Wednesday 1 1
I Michael Simons 'l‘chai ()Vna. l)can\ton l)ri\c. Ml) 735x. Spin. £2. (ilaxgou-lmwd guitarixt pla_\\ l'olk/hlucx.
I David Vernon and Dick Lee lidinhurgh Folk (‘ltih ('aharct Bar. 'l‘hc l’lcasancc. 228 l I55. Spin. {(3 iL‘J £5).
\ccoidion. claiinct and \a\ophonc in a \xoild inti\ic coiiiho lioin tango to ltoia. laincnt to uali/ and ran to tiad
I Duncan Williamson lluntciinlinc lolk (lili‘. lllhllt‘ la\cin. li.tltllltl;‘c‘l‘lllll. lll VS“ 52W~M~ Spin 15 llic llllltlllx‘l§ .iullicntic ti.i\cllci. \lttl\lc‘llc‘l and xiiigci
I Scottish Guitar Quartet \dain Sinith lhcalic. Bcnnoch} Road. 0| 502 H.702" Spin 1‘ 50 t UH Jan. I aim. tiadilional and world lllll\l\ lioin thc lll.t\lt'l lotiixoinc
Thursday 12
I Tommy and Moyra Sands Si \ndicxx '\ lll tlic \tllldlt‘. St \ndicu \ Stinaic. 55" 500: .Spni LS rigor lll\ll \inynci \oiiyuiitci and \ocial acti\i\t \\llll lllllSlcdl .lt'ctlllll‘dllllllt‘lll lioni lll\ tl.tl|j.1lllt‘l
I The Handsome Family \ll( ‘2. Saticliichall Slit-ct Spin tlll lickctx ii.\"ii .1000 .\l.\ t'uli lllt\l\.rlltl and \\ilc duo Bictt and Rt‘lllllt' Spaikx liiingi nioic ol lllt‘ll lilcak iron_\ and tllllllx§ \onggx. [llt‘lllttllllfj thcii latcxl allunn '| .i\l I).l_\\ tll \\tlll\lk'l‘
[ £181 Killn‘itlo
I Fiddlers Rally \ lll.t_'_'c‘ Ilicanc. .\la\\\cll |)ii\c. lll ‘55 2-lStth‘l Spin Ur \lll\lc' lioiii llic ('alcdonran l'iddlc ()iclic\ti.i l.tl\lllj_‘ inoiic} lot I axt Kilhridc Sliop \loliilit}
I Heather MacLeod 8. The Healthy Measures l’.ri\lc_\ \Il\ ('cnlic. \cu Sti’cct. SS" llllll 5. illpin, L") i Uri. l‘olkx} |a// and littll\ pop lioin thc l-dinhinpli liaxcd t'llalllt‘lhc
I Eric Bibb ()uccn'x llall. (‘Icik Sticcl. (MS 20!” 7pm. L M50 \\c|l lia\cllcd lilucx lcgcnd gncx an acouxtic lll;t\lt'lcl.'t\\ in lll\ \\ idc l;lllj_‘lllj..‘ inllticnccx lioni lllt‘ .\ll\\l\\l|lpl |)c|ta through l-.riiopc to .-\liica.
I Thunderdog Ceilidh Dance St l’clci'\ (lunch. I titioii l’lacc.
Spin inidniglit. Ur ('olin c';tll\ and lhc ho.“ haxh otit tlic ltml \lttlllplltt' lllllSlc. lilt'hk'lS on lltc door oi lioiil
iainlr' llttiildcidogco tik
I The Royal National Mod Vai‘iotix \ciiticx. (ll-lo} 700705. 'liincx \ai'}. l’i'iccx \at'}. Scotland'x coinpctttnc chtnal oi (iaclic lllll\lc. \on}: and dancc.
I The McCalmans l’aixlc} 'lonn Hall. Milk-t ('Imc_ SS7 Illlll. lell. U0. ’l‘lic .\lc(‘alinan\ haw hccn on tlic road lot mcr 40 )c-trix. Ill thrcc~part harinon} and good humour. I’m! of Mir l'Ill\/t'\ ('lrom/ /('\Il\(l/.
Saturday 14
I Aly Bain 8. Phil Cunningham ('tnnhcrnatild 'l‘licati'c. Kildi'titn. 012V) 732F047. 7.45pm. U3 it'llli. Star liddlc and accordion duo.
I Crossford Live ('arncgic Hall. liast l’ort. HHS} H4000. 7.30pm. £7 tUrl. ('roxxlord SL‘Hlllxlt .\lu\ic (iroup prcscntx an cntcrtaining owning ol‘ ccilidh lllllSlL‘ and lit/l. \xith )oung ladinhurgh hand (inc \Va} and coinpcrc Alastair McDonald.
I The Royal National Mod Various \cnncx. 0Ho3 709705. 'l'iincs tar}. l’rtcc\ \ttl'). sc-c- l-‘ri i3.
'3 "ff/.1 2","1", THE LIST 75