Music Rock 5.

I Prime Suspect .lml Sabai \Vluxllcliinlxim. 1 081mm Hinlgl'. 55“ 5l IJ 0pm l'l'cc l’runc Suxpul .uc .1 duo lmluilnj: l).i\c l’llll}.‘t"ll| nl llic l‘\llill SlhpL'k l\

Monday 16


I Heavens ’l he ()uliuuw. l5 l mun Sim-l. llxnmm “pm Llll ()xL'l I.1\ \llll\|., Slimlinlinul l.,-\ iml. linm m .'\ll\.’lllllt‘ 'llio m.m \lull \kilm .lllll ncu lmnilmulcx

I lnfadels .\l£( '2. W) Sunl'lm'lmll Shawl. 333 3333. 7pm L7 ()wi l~lx \ll(l\\ lllul‘imj: lllk' llllt'\ l‘t'l\\k't'll 1m k and ilginu' ;l\ l.l\\ punk .md lunl. llincn L‘li’t‘llll llmpx tilllltlt'

I Kill All Celebrities, Avarice, Centuries Cry and The Black Chain Snunlllmu» ~17 ll}tlt'[‘.lll\ Slit-cl. 33| -l(l5‘l 7pm (MCI l-lx \llllV- \lclul .mll llillllL'HlL' linv up.

I Hot Chip and Junior Boys lllC ;\It‘lll‘\. :5 i Alp} lL' Sll‘m'l. “1‘57” 31” 753K 5' 30pm. \( )|.l) ()l"l ()uulq ulwi (Luigcnhlc clu'linmtu llnm llic '( MM and ()wl‘ t'nllu'liw. \\llH |u\l lll|\\t'll out on llic \lcluu} \lll\lL' l’i’i/v In llic ulnqunluux Milly Monk-p,

I Kenny Rogers SH '( ‘: (“lull- :\lltllllllllllll. l'llllllt‘xlnll ()uu}. llh‘ll 0.10 ~lll0ll 30pm. L' 30 L" 35. 'l lk‘ lt’fJL'lltlJl} gmd nlm \uiggitull} cnligmu'd pnunli} \lill pt'i'lnimx \m'li L'l;l\\lL'\ ;l\ ‘( 'mmill nl llic (‘nunly .ind ‘Ruln l)nn‘l lukc \nul low In 'lmxn'.

I Acoustic Jam \lt'c'n'Slm/_\. -l3l Suut'lnclmll Sliu'l. 3330000. 3pm. l'lL‘i'. St‘t' .\l()ll 9.

I The Glitterati, 21 Grams .lml Our Lunar Activities Hal-ll}. 3N) Xllg‘g‘l. “NT” (Ml-,7 “Willi. KPH] Lil lllt‘ llL‘HllllllL‘h .llL‘ .l l.t'L'tl\ l‘lL‘Ll. l.nnilnn lizixcll gurugc gang.

I Maple Thieves .md 2 Thirds of Youth (‘zipilnL Mix Suucllu'lmll \nwl. 33l Illlll. 3pm L5. llltllt‘ mghl. Scc lllll l3 lni .\l;iplt' 'l Ilium.

I Clean George IV King; 'l'ui\ \\.ili \Viili Hill. 373;: SI \iizccnl Su'u'l. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. £5, Scll«l)lul \t'licmic pro): \lnncr pup' lmnd.

I Rose Kemp Hill .‘x'nic (Rule. 50 on King: Slit-cl. 553 M38. ‘lpm. s\t\'l.umul 30 )t'ur old \lllth‘l' ulin ll;l\ \uppnilnl King: ('l’cnxnlc .md Sclll lulwmun. Pl;l)lllf_‘ ;l\ purl nl lllc ()\|.un \ci'im nl 34135 In luiw lundx lnl' ( )\l;un.

I Devil Sold his Soul, Second Smile, Genetik Blueprint and Second Smile King; ’I'ul\ will will llul. 373.15! \‘inu'nl Sli‘ccl. 33l 537‘). ('.'\.\'('l:l.l.l-.l).


I Boy Kill Boy ()uccn'x Hull. x“ .w (‘lcrk Slim-l. (m8 30l‘). 7pm. [I350 Scc Sun I5.

I Camera Obscura ('ulmrcl Valium: 36 38 Blair Slit-cl. 330 M76. "pm. [8. \\'mwmv. prcll}. dcliculc. iunglmg indic wund\ lrum (iluxglm \ ('gimclu ()hxgul'u, I Kim Edgar llcunwcnc. 3 (irmxcnnl' Sll't‘t‘l. .340 30-35. “pm. l'lCC. SL‘C \Vt‘tl

l I.

I Open Mic \Vliixllchinkicx. J (i Snulli liridgc. 557‘ 5l l4. ‘lpm. l‘iu‘. Scc Mon



I Hellwood and Paul the Girl .-\l£(‘3. 3308;1ucliicliull Slit-cl. 333 3333. "pm. U350. ()wr- l4x \litl\\. .'\l\;l Jim \Vlnlc and .lUllllll) l)U\\ d ' lllL‘ Hurkc .ind llurc nl' .ill..-\mcric;in;i‘ m collulmmliun. I Lemonheads .-\li(‘. 330 Sgiiicliiclmll Slrccl. 333 3333. 7pm. L'lh. ()wr- le \llU\\. Sloncr tllltlt‘ l‘:\;lll l)illltll\ l‘cllll‘lh \\ ilh mnrc nl' llic \unic lllL‘lUtllC grungc pop mund lic liux liccn l'mnnng lUl' llIL' l;l\l lxxcnl} _\c;u\.

I Triangle Theory, D’Rango Rock, Paradigm Shift, Dark Fusion and Nilight‘s Kiss ’l‘hc (Killinuw. l5 l'nion Slrccl. 348 (mun. 7pm. £5. ()u‘r- l-ls \llU\\. \lclul hill.

72 THE LIST 1" l9 (3.". 333:3

I Kenny Rogers \l-( ‘(‘ (lid-.- \Ilillll'lllllll, l llllllk‘\lUll (gum, HVH Il-lll 1:)er 7 30pm :30 :35 \L'L: \lnn l"

I Amy McDonald llicl. W -1‘~ \\lllHll l.illL'. W: l""“ N‘lll llt't' \t'k' lllt' ill I The Answer, Roadster .mll Rose Hill Drive Kin; lulk \\.ili \\.ili llul. ‘73.: \l \ llltk‘lll \liccl. 33l 537" \pin in ()xci llx \liuu \lvrllicin lll\ll nullil. nmcl .ztmnl ln incl. lilw Il‘\ l‘l73

I Simple Mistake .mll Midge McKay ()\n.i. «l3 (Hugo lulu". 357 -15.‘.«',\pm L3 ltclu’lit' lllllthll nl lixc lll\lllllllL'lll\ .llltl \unplm; [cylinolugi

I The Abominable Iron Sloth, Ghost of a Thousand, The February Solution .md LSD ll.1l'll\. jun ( lull- \lli‘cl, llVll tin“ (mm). spin L" (lwi l l\ \limx lniilul ncu \lullgc lllL'lJl .ul lmluimj; lnimcl lllt'llll‘L'|\ nl ()llllnmn .lllll \\ lll “men

I Blue Meridian, PSS .md Chris Gorman Ilu- \ulc. 5 l)lllltl;l\ \llccl. H3 1‘)3\ \ 30pm L31 \lL'lHtllt' pup linm llk' l '. U .lll lmul \uppni‘l

I Eras; Errata, The Royal we .unl Some Young Pedro \igc'n'Sllal/y -l3l \Jllt'lllt‘lldll final 3330000.

5 30pm. to Mr pm 1c“. pagc (ill.

I Tony Shoebox, Kaster and The Needless Essentials Rulux 'l l'n'cll}. 30" llnpc Slit-cl. 333 MN). 8. 30pm. l'lt'l'. \lt'llltllt llllllL' pup.

I Rocketfox and Rollor I Kill \nic

(3m. 50 00 Km; Sliu'l. 553 l(i3.\' ‘lpm.

L3 l’mwipnp llnm Rudd‘th

I The Sundancer liL‘glllxt‘t‘llL‘. 1‘) \km mg: Sliccl. \li.i\\ lunllx. 0 333090. l’pm licc 8w Sun N.


I Eddie Felson 'l liu .Ium lluuxc. 5 (Jul-vii Slit-cl. 33h ~13.\0. 7pm. l'i'cc. Scc luv l0

I Rose Kemp (lllmicl \illlllll't'. 3!» xx lildll Xllt‘t‘l. 3.3” (ll—7‘). 7pm. [5. SUV \lnll l0

I Salmonella Dub 'l llL‘ liquid Room. W \lt'llllld Slu'cl. 33.5 3501. 7pm. L'l5 Rimlx lcgguu‘. lmx rolling: duh l\;|\\lillc\ \\ llll dium ik lmxx limikx lrnm llux \ll\\lt‘ lmnd.


I Benny Gallagher lilunlun lhmirc. l.ul}\\¢ll \\.:}. \luxwlhuigh. no.5 3310 7 30pm Ll-l aLl lI .\ \HlljJ\\lllt‘l ul ~liccl .lmx tllltl lllxuntnnn ulimc \Hll:_\ haw lwcn tnwicd li} Hymn l-cli}. Hun \\Illl.llll\. (Lulli liinulo. l’lul l \cil) .uid \unnn .mil (Lulunklc In numc hul .l lc“ I Josiah, Gentleman‘s Pistol .mll Lords of Bastard llcni} \ (‘clldi ll.u. .\ 1m \luiiiwn \liccl. 33K “3": \pm :5 lL-ll \lunci “\le

I The Outhouse Jam llic ()ul lluuxc. 13.: Brouglilnn \llu'l lune. 557 (mm .\ 30pm l-rL-c \‘cc 'luc In

I Band Showcase \\ hixilclnnkicx.

J h \nulli lilidgu. 5.57 511—1 “pm l'n'c SCU lllk' lll

Wednesday 18


I AFI Hulimx land. 3-l-l (Lillmxgalu. 553 Mill] 7pm M )l ,l) ( )l 'l (her l~l\ \lln\\. .-\K.\ :\ l-uc lnxulc. .i gull gullixmclul ulmlm linnlul li} lllL' p.l||id I).i\c} ll.l\Hl\.

I Artisian, Chaosphere, Dionysus .lnd Thy Shall Reign 'l'hc ('giihnuw. I5 l’mnn Slit-cl. 343 (mle 7pm. £5. ()xcl l»l\ \llH\\. \lt'llll l‘lll

I New Order(‘.ulm:_' .\c.ulcm_\ (iluxgmx. l3l liglinlun Slim-l. 0370 “l 3000, 7pm. .\( )l .l) ( )l l. lllL' .\l.lnt'lic\lcr lcycnllx lllll lliiuugli owl l\\L‘lll} )cuix nl llltllt' l'ik'lx/tlilllt't' t'l.l\\lt'\.

I Southside Johnny 8. the Asbury Jukes chlrcu l-cr‘r'). .-\ndcl\lnn ()llil}. ll llL' lil'lmllllclim, lllh‘m Will 085 7pm, £03.50 liltl\ l. {3| ulnorl. Springxlccn'x pulx \\llU i'cwl Ill lllL‘ uu'nliidc nl 'mu'ld'x grunt-xi lnu hand.

I Let There Be Music: the RAF in Concert l{n_\;il ('nnt‘crl Hull. 3 Suucliicligill Sli‘ccl. 353 8000. 7.30pm. U3 L'l‘). .\ l’clurn ln Scnllimd lnr llic R.I\l~' lmnd “llll popular L‘l;l\\lC\. mndcrn luncx. \lln\\ «topping: wlm. 'l‘lic} \Hll lw inincd l\_\ llk‘ Rn};il .'\u‘ l’nrcc Squiiilmnuii'w dunu' lxmd.

I Acoustic Open Stage 'l'hc Hail Ball; 100 \Vnmllzmdx Rlliltl. 353 00W). Xpm. l‘l'L‘L‘. SL'L‘ \VL‘tl l l.

A fad can be a blessing or a curse. Why didn’t lnfadels get picked up as part of all this new rave cobblers? Maybe it’s

because they‘re a bit of a classier, even deeper proposition. More Chemical Brothers than SL2, more New Order than D-Mob and remind us just what Hard-Fi could have been had they been, well, better. Debut album We Are Not lnfadels is out on Wall of Sound, and worthy of your

investigation. I ABC. Gasgozz. Hon 76 OCI.

I Michael Simons l'chdi ()x in. HM l)c.ui\lnn Driw. h—W 7358 .\pm £3. Scc \\L'tl l l

I Red Sparrowes Barn}. 3h0 (‘lillc Slrccl. 0570 3’07 00"". .\'pm {8 Mood}. undcrxldlvd pml~rwk in [he \cm nl (imlxpccd You Black limpcmr

I Useless ID, Friday First, Who Shot Jonson .md Four Play li.ll'll_\ lllp\l.lll‘\l. 3h“ ('l'nlc Slrccl. UN-” WV 00"” .\pin 1‘" 50 (her l4x \limx, l’unl. pup lull

I Dan Sartain \lt't‘dfhlflll}. ~13l Siiuglnclmll Stu-cl. 33% 0000 8.30pm. to 8nd llim wunlr} l‘lllt‘\ li‘nulmdnul ll'.l\\l\ Illt‘ i‘nck'n'mll gulch in line (Lixli/(‘nhcn \l_\ lc.

I Dead Men Walking King 'l‘ui'\ will \\'.ili llul. 3734 Sl \int'cnl Slrccl. 33l 53"” 3 30pm. {l5 ()ld .igc punkx {cum up tor ht'iltl Mon Walking: lculul'mg Kirk lliundnn. \likc l’clcrx. ('iipldin Scrixihlc .uid Slim Jim l’liimlnm nl 'l‘lic SIM}


I The Vivians gmd Always Read the Label l 3th \nlc (1110. 50 ()0 King: Slim-l. 553 M35. llpm. £3. 'l'lic \‘niunx .uc .l ll\t‘-Plt‘\'t‘ glam punk lrnupc lrnm lxdmhurgli.

I The Royal We ('luxxit' (ilund. lh’ Jamiuui Slim-l. 10.30pm. Scc 'l‘hu l3 lnr 'l‘lic Ringil \Vc. plinmg: .il llll\ \Vlnlc Hull/NC“ ()i'dcr .‘illcrxlinu purl).

I Gush Oven and Youth Movement (il;l\f_'u\\ St‘lliml Hl .-\l‘l. lh7 chll‘L'“ Slim-l. 353 J5”. llpiii.£41£3 \ludcnlx/L'3 (BSA l. lixn'cmc min dun .uid nu ruw nullil plil} llic All Hi l).lrllL‘\.


I The Bedford Falls 'l‘hc .lillll llnuxc. 5 ()uccn Slrccl. 33h 4380. 5,30pm. l-rcc. Scriii—iimiixnc l'nuh rock and pop.

I Jake Stigers 'l‘hc l.|qlll(l lem. m- VlL'lnrlu Slim-l. 335 3504 7pm. £5. Snullicrn lilucx—rnck.

I Son of Dave (‘uhiu‘cl \nllzurc. In 38 lilinr Slrccl. 330 ()l7ll. 7pm. £7. Sun nl l);i\c |\ llic harmonica-llruling licnjumm l);ir\cll. lni'mcrl} nl‘ (‘rzixli 'l'csl l)ummic\. ulin kickx up a: rim hlucx (luxl \lurm .ill on lll\ nu nxnmc.

I Blood Music and Randan Discotheque llcnr} '\ (‘cllur Bar.

3 Ion Morrison Slim-cl. 338 0393. 8pm. L1 L5. lixpcrimcnlul l'nlk pup. plus :1 DJ \cl l'rnm l’lt'll\ll 'l‘ruil.

I Open Mic I) ()nc. 48 53 (‘nnxlilulinn Slrccl. |.cilh. 553 3030. Hpm. l'l‘L'L'. SL‘L‘ \Vcd l l.

I Michael Marra 8. Mr McFall‘s Chamber, Occam’s Razor and Sandy Wright The llnngn ('luh, Moray Home. 37 llnl}rnml Road. 558 760-1. H.30pm. £8 (UH. Nonc ml. the Ahm'c rclurnx lnr .uinllicr mix ul uncluxsiliuhlc lllll\lL';ll \l}|c\ l'rnm lrudilinnul and world to pin :uid t‘lil\\|L'ill punk. l’lu\ poems lrnm lilspclli Murru}.

I Interstate 6 and Blue Meridian \Vliixllchinkicx. J, () Snulli Bridgc. 557 5| l4. 9pm. lircc. .»\ll.cnunlr) hand lnlcrslulc 0.

Thursday 19

Glasgow I Icicle Works .»\B('. 330 Suuchichzill Slrccl. 333 3333. 7pm. £17.50. (her-14s

\llU“. 'l‘hc rclurn nl lhc pgchcdclic pup Irin lrnm l.i\crpunl uhnxc uidcscrccn pup lullL‘\ uch hriclly popular in the mid-30x.

I Mr Lit :\B('3. 330 Suuchichaill Street. 333 3333. 7pm. £8.50. ()x'cr-l-lx \hU“. Social”) conscinllx Boston ruppcr who is ulw u mcmhcr nl' hip-huppcrs 'l‘hc l’crccplinnislx.

I New Order (’urling Academy (ilusgnu. l3l liglinlnn Slrcct. 0870771 3000. 7pm. SOLD ()l'T. Scc Wed IX. I The Hoydens, The Vegetable State, The Scuffers, Standing Order and Them Over There Fury Murry» ()6 Maxwell Street. 33] 651 l. 7.30pm. £4. Annlhcr liury’s King of Billltk hunt.

I Kenny Young 8. The Eggplants Brcl. 3943 Ashton Lunc. 342 4966. 7.30pm. £8. Oddball semi—acoustic trio