Laura Dunne perlorms alongside other new» singer-songnriters at this regular
I Fundraising Ceilidh Dance St Bride's Centre. ()m ell 'Terrace. 555 76634. Split midnight. EH (£5i. l‘llllllfttlslllg cetlrdh tn memor} ot Dougie Blair, \Hll] lllL' UtthoolL'} Ceilidh Band. ('otllttcl :\dtlll Learning l’rorect Scots \ltlslc (il'ottp on 555 7003 or
sheilacapesselllfl alpscritsrriusicorg tor lurther inlorrnatron.
I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh Assembl} Rooms. (ieorge Sll'L'L‘l. 33‘) 5374. Split ES Ell). Dance band “LI and callct‘ Keri (iotirla_\.
I Palaver Lauries Bar. King Street. (H4! 552 7l23. 3pm. Free. This all- l'emale a cappella grotrp joined b} lriends such as (iordeanna McCulloch. Chris
M) les and Aileen Car lor this traditional sitigirig concert. l’ar't ol' the .Wr‘l'r’llrllll (in l'i'stlt'ul.
I Middle Eastern Cabaret Artists in lisile (ilttsgtm. ()shot'nc Street. .552 7on3. 6pm. l-‘ree. :\s_\ him-seeking and refugee Middle liastern artists create art e\ening ol poclt‘}. art and music. Part ol the .Ur'l'r'ltrllll ('iIr l'i'slit‘ul.
I Fundraising Ceilidh Dance St Bride's Centre. ()rss ell 'I‘errace. 22S 37| 2. 8pm midnight. ES tt.'6i. l-‘undraising ceilidh \\ ith the Columcille Ceilidh Band. in aid ol‘ the (iarsald Centre. Contact (Brace Nicol on 228 37l2 or
gracenieo|(0 gar\ (or further information.
I Charity Ceilidh Dance Hilton Hotel. (iross‘enor Street. Spin. £6 (£5). Reeling and rocking at this Samaritans benelit
\\ ith a live caller arid Me music from 'l'lltttidct'dog.
I Traditional Singing Competition Lauries Bar. King Street. (ll4l 552 7l23. 3pm. Free. All \s'clcottic \sith L'lllfl tirsl lll‘i/e on offer. l’art ol' the Merv/tun! Cili- l‘l'Slll'llL
* Davey Graham ()ran Mor. 73 I -- 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 6200. 7.30pm. U4. lltigel) influential guitarist W'llosL‘ instrumental track ‘Angie' helped to kick till the British lolk boom of the 6(ls. See pl'L‘\ lL‘W. page 66.
I Young Voices (‘al‘e (‘ossaehok. Russian Cultural Centre. King Street. 553 0733. 9pm. £5 (£3). Russian sopranos. Maria ls'o/losa and ()ksana Mas rodii perform a selection of Russian romances and arias. Part of the Merchant ('in Multan].
I The Yiddish Song Project The Lot. Cirassmarket. 07739 IS4 480. 8.30pm. £7 (£5). See Thu 2l.
I Jim King Wee Folk Club. Royal Oak. Inl'irmar) Street. 557 2976. Cilasgost singer-songwriter.
Tuesday 26
I Folk It! The Mixing Rooms. West Regent Street. 22l 7369. 8.30pm. Free. Scottish/Irish session with Fiona Young.
Wednesday 27
I Michael Simons Tehai ()\ na. Deanston Drive. 649 7258. 8pm. £2. Glasgow-based guitarist plays folk/blues.
I Johnny Dickinson Edinburgh Folk Club. Cabaret Bar. The Pleasanee. 650 2349. 8pm. £6 (£5). Delta blues from the North West of England. plus lrish airs and
potserlul \ocals. all accorrrpanred on masterlul slide guitar.
Thursday 28
I Back of the Moon Si \ndreu 's [H the Square. St .-\ndre\s ‘s Square. 559 5902. Spin. ES (UH 'l‘raditronal songs and times on pipes. liddle. \shistles and guitar lrom the established soung hand
I Jamie Laval 8. Ashley Broder The .-\nne\e. 9a Stetsarts rlle Street. l’at'tick. 5.57 (i747. 7.30pm. {4. See \Vc‘d :7
. Judy Collins ()llL'L'th Hall. (.ith-Ts Street. ()63 2lll‘). 7pm. 9; l 3.5”. (ills song di\a \srth her unique blend ol chanson arid ballad.
I Emma and the Professor Wee l-‘olk Club. Rosa! ()ak. Inl'rrniar} Street. 55" 2976. 8.30pm £3. limma Heath and Mark l)a\ ies come l'rom south Shropshire to perlorm traditional and sell-penned songs draining on l'olk. rock and blues influences.
I FOIK It! The .\lt\lltg Rooms. \Vcsl Regent Street. 22| 7369. 8.30pm. l'i'ee. See Tue 26.
I Deaf Shepherd l.cith l-’olk Club. The Village. South Fort Street. 47S 78“). 7.30pm. ES. (iet sour tickets earl) lor one (it Scotland's most popular l‘olk bands in the \see white.
I Slaid Cleaves and Albert & Gage Cabaret Voltaire. Blair Street. 220 6| 76. 7.30pm. L' I 2. North .-\merican countr} lolk singer/song“riter perl‘orms ness material from his latest album li'rsli/mnes.
Wednesday 4
I Steve Forbert The Arches. .-\rg} Ie Street. 0370 240 7528. 7pm. U2. l‘tit‘liert's appeal lies in his talent for conveying keen ohsc‘t'thllotts through tough. terse poelr). a read) tunel'ulness and a warm rasping \oicc.
I Rab Noakes Brel. 3‘) 43 .-\shlott Lane. 342 4966. 3pm. £8. Cottttlt‘}. fools} sllllT from the redoubtable Rab.
I Michael Simons Tchai ()\ na. l)eanston l)ri\e. 649 7253. 8pm. £2. See Wed 27.
I The Gipsy Kings l’la) house. Cireenside Place. 0870 6063424. 7.30pm. £36.50. The legendar) l’t'cnch band return \\ ith their muscular flamenco song tradition.
I Martin Macintyre Nether-host Arts Centre. 4345 High Street. 225 4326. 7.30pm. Free. l’oetr). music and song to celebrate the publication ot‘ Let Me Duncr' it'll/t Your SIMHIUH'. poetr) in (iaelic W till linglish translations.
I Kieran i'lalpin lidinburgh l-‘olk Club. Cabaret Bar. The Pleasance. 650 2349. 8pm. £6 (£5 l. In the last 26 wars the Scots-resident lrish singer/songtsriter has recorded 17 albums. arid he's just released his latest.
I Alistair Rulett & Dave Swarbrick Use at the Star. Saint Andre“ 's in the Square. St Andre“ ‘s Square. 559 5902. 8pm. £8 (£6i. \I'ocals/guitar and fiddle/mandolin from the Scots socialist singer/songtsriter and the ex-Fairport tiddler.
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Carol Main.
I BBC $50: The New Babylon (its Halls. Cartdlerrggs. 353 Still” 5 3llpm Elll The BBC SSH perlorms Shostakmtch's brilliant score The alongside this celebrated silent cinematic drama. based on .\lar\'s account ot the lbql l’aris Corrmitirie ’lu! oi [llt'
.‘It‘l'r lulu! Cl“ [1 sliio'i' 21"”)
I Edinburgh Telephone Choir l’olmont ()ld Parish Church. Bo'ness Road. The Name. .\laitt Street. “I 324 7l5l66, Elbc l’opttlai' light music lrom the ladinburgh 'l'elephorie Choir
* RSNO: Classic Bites 1 sher' llall. l.olhtatt Road. 22S I155. (rpm. E5. Highlights (tom the lorthcomrng season \\ itli conductors Stephane |)ene\ e and James l.o\\e at the helm. guiding the orchestra and audience through e\cerpts l't‘oni classical \sor'ks including .\lttssor‘gsk_\ ‘s l’lr Inn's rrl (Ill Iain/mum. l)\ol‘;lk\ .Vr'rr lliir'lll Sun/i/rrilit. .\lassenct's .llr'tlllurrun lmm Hill“. and lic‘l‘llflc‘tlhs lli'tl Sir/4‘ .Slrrl't.
I The Swingle Singers St 'l‘liouras ol .-\quin's School. 2 2H Chalmers Street. 229 S734. 7pm. Etbc. liight r'ertiarkabI} \ersatile \oices become a s) lllplltlll} orchestra. big band. cathedral organ and rock group.
* The Dunedin Consort Queen's Hall. 37 h") ('lcl'ls Sll‘t‘c‘l. (“l3 2”“). 7.3”Plll. E9 U5 (E7 El2i. .lolrrt Btttt conducts the acclairticd \ocal erisertible in a pcrlot‘tttarice ol' Bach's lic/er'r .IMH. mun \E'rlrilrer'n. SL‘lllll/s l'm (ll Com will. and the “mid premiere ol' lirr‘oll) ti Walleri's Cunt/or] Illt' it till App/cs.
* RSNO: Classic Bites Ro}al Concert Hall. 2 Sattchichall Street. 353 S000. 6pm. £5. See Fri 22.
I BBC Radio 3’s ‘Hear and Now’ Cit} llalls. Candlerrggs. 353 Stillll. 7.30pm. t.'|(l. The BBC Scottish
S) tttphott} Orchestra and clrrel conductor llan \'olko\ are joined b} pianist .\'or'iko Kauai lor the Scottish premiere ol James |)illori's \ir'tuosre piano concerto. .-\mlmnmlu. The per‘l'orrtiarrce W ill be recorded l'or broadcast in BBC Radio 3's late-night ness music programme ‘llear and Non '. I’url of Illt’ .llr'n limit (in I'(‘\Il\(l/ JUN/i.
I Simon Thacher: Guitar Recital Nicolson Square Methodist Church. 25 .\'icolson Square. (ll875 340] 32. 7.30pm. ES (UH. litiropeaii masteruor'ks spanning tour centuries are perl‘ormed b} anard-
u inning guitarist Simon Thacker as part ol a httgel} \arred programme. liarl} music comes troni one ol' the greatest stiltg‘Wl‘llcrs of all time. Renaissance composer John l)o\sland. \shile rnoderrt masterpieces are l'rom Nigel Osborne and l)a\id Fenness}.
I Rudsambee St Martin's lipiscopal Church. 230 l)a|r) Road. 7.30pm. Well- respected a cappella choir W ho sing songs from around the World in man} languages. In aid of the Bethan} TrUst.
Glasgow I Young Voices Cale Cossachok.
llit >l<
It RSNO: Classic Bites] Mahler’s Resurrection The Royal Scottish National Orchestra moves from one extreme to another. Finger food for the ears comes from a mezze of well known classics. while the opening concert of the season is the rather more substantial hour and a halt-long second symphony by Gustav Mahler, given its name because of the Resurrection Ode upon which the chorus material is based. Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Fri 22 8. Fri 29 Sep; Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Sat 23 & Sat 30 Sep
=3 Scottish Opera: Der Rosenkavalier Scottish Opera starts the 2006/07 season with a revival of its hugely successful production of Richard Strauss’ much-loved comic opera. It opens in the bedroom of the middle-aged. married Marschallin in the company of her teenage lover. Octavian. the latter played by the stunning young mezzo, Sarah Connelly, who makes her debut in the role. as well as her debut with the company. Theatre Royal, Glasgow, Wed 4 Oct.
* Dunedin Consort Continuing to celebrate their tenth birthday. this small but perfectly formed ensemble of voices take inspiration from the theme of Love and Death in the Lutheran Baroque. Music that is characterised by extraordinary sensuality and emotive power, it is complemented by a new piece based on the amorous poetry of the Song of Songs. Queen '3 Hall, Edinburgh, Fri 22 Sep.
Rtrssian Ctrltural Centre. It) King Street. 553 0733. 9pm. £5 (L'3i. Rtissian sopranos. Maria Ko/lo\a and ()ksana Marrodii. perl'ormtng a selection ol' Rtissian romances and arias.
I The Edinburgh Palm Court Orchestra Queen's Hall. 87 89 Clerk Street. 66% 20W. 2.30pm. £5 £9. Re\isit the good old d;t_\s as the orchestra take it trip doun mentor) lane under the direction of pianist David Lyle. “ith guest soloist. soprano Fiona Main.
2" Set/~63 Oct 20% THE LIST 79