llL'illllllll Slit-ct. llhqll "I 3H4)” _[‘lll mm oi 'l (ht-r le aw. \t-ttwilt- liw piut- \i.i\tiito l’atk lt-ad lllk' pml l‘lall/ dclugt' \kllil lht'n t‘dg} IlltllL' pop lnnm and llarnhlnanl lionlnian \Kllil tonihoxt-t Paul Smith

I Peter, Bjorn and John and Loney Dear .\ll( '2. Ho \autlnt-hall Slit-ct. “3 33*3 3pm if ()wr l~1\ \llll‘\\ \t't‘ I'.\[lo\tltt'. page (i-

I The 1,2,38, Cortez, The Vegetable State, Rosewood and The Dead Generals Rt'nlrt-u l-t-it}. \iltlt'l\lllll ()ua}. lht' Hioonnt'lau. llltitlH mo 085 "pin L5 l li\l“__'llk'\l llillltl \ilii\\ (.txt'

I Disturbed and The Zico Chain Barron land. 3-H (i.lilil\\_‘_'.llk'. 553 violll 7 illpnt St )I .I) ()l l ()\L'l l-lx \hoxx. ('hit’ago nit-lal band who mm H liiillioii t'optt'x ol lllL‘ll dchul album [In \lr Allr'n and implicit lllk‘ ['5 album L‘hatlx \\ Ilh It‘ll Illuuulm/ / [\I\ llk' int-lal Illk‘\\ lll.’l_\ halt' tht'ni hut lllk' lxltl\ can‘t get enough

I Finniston, The Scuflers and The Fortunate Sons Rt-pt-rtoiic.

I57 15‘) North Slrt'ct. 33| I lJ-i. Hptn l'lL'L'. l'lL't' (and) St-xxionx night ol .‘lt'iltlxllL‘ \L'l\.

I The Minnesota Fats .llltl Halcyon ’l'hL' Vitlt'. .5 l)tllld.‘l\ SII’L'L'i. “3-1933. Spin. H. lndrc rock

I Viva Melodica, Little Doses and Slow Club Hatll}, 3(il) ('|_\dt' Stit‘t‘l. ll.\'7tl ‘Nl7 (liltl‘). Spin. [4. (Hitch) gtntai pop lioin Stirling‘x Vixa Mclodita

I Battle King 'I'ut‘x \Vah \Vah Hut. 373a St Vincent Stl‘ct'l. 33| 537‘). 3.30pm. to. l.ondon lour PICCL' mth .lo_\ l)i\ l\lU|lL'\l|llL‘ poxlrplllllx tt'ndcnt‘tcx who haw \upportcd thc lilwx ol llll‘ Rakt'x and “log Part}.

I Frightened Rabbit, Y’All is Fantasy Island and The Mickey 9’s Nicc'n‘Slca/y J3| Sauchichall Strt‘t'l. ‘33 (Will). 8.30pm. £3. \\'cu'd l'olktr'oniui li’tllll \".-\II I\ l‘anlah} lxltlltd.

I Trademark, Babybones and Bozilla Hill Note (2th. 5” M) King Sll't‘t‘l. .555 I033. With. [5. liool} \haking t'lcclro hcat coinho Halt} Honcx gncxt at this inontli'x Iind ol the Month (‘luh

I Spiders on Mars .\lc(‘liuillx. 4t) High Street. .553 3H5. lllpin. l'lL'C. Bouic trihutc.

I Victorian English Gentlemen’s Club and Blood Red Shoes Bill”). 3N) (lulu Sll’L‘L‘l, 037” ‘)()7 009‘). ll).5(l|llll. [5ll.'~1l.lhc hcadlinct'x at lhl\ l H) Spitlircx night are an illitll‘tlg}liitll\ ('ardil‘l' trio \\ ho \a) thc) \xl'itc ‘t‘otttcinporar} \oltg\ ahout thc cltortw ol llltlth‘l‘li hit”.

I Stop Starts (ilaxgon School ol .-\I'l. lo? chl'rcn Sti'ccl. 35‘ -i5.i|. l lpin. U) (£5l. .-\ngu|ar pop lllll\lt' l'or non pcoplc at thix nu“ Hadt'ohol club night. I Matt Costa ()ran .\lot‘. 7.” 735 (il‘t‘al \Vt‘xlt‘l'lt Road. 5.57 (i300. U |. Former \katchoard t-nthuxiaxt lroin (‘alil'ornitL \\ ho snapped hix hoard tor a guitar al'tt'r an accident haltcd onc potcnlial t‘arccr.


I Gonzo A-Go-Go \\'Iti\tlchinkic\. 4 (\ Sillllh lil‘ldg‘t‘. 5.57 5| l-l. (lplil. l‘i‘L‘L‘ l‘Cl‘Ul’L‘ lilidlilghl'. L4 ttllL‘l'. Indic and rock Ctl\L‘l'\ and origtnalx \\ ilh inorc aclx thc.

I Global Battle of the Bands ('aharct Voltait'c. 3o 38 Blair Strcct. 33() MW». 7pm. £5 tn. the \\oi'ld'\ Itiggcxl hatth ol' lhc handx coinpctition \\llh a Sllltllltlll linal pit/c. l‘or inorc into and ho\\ to enter chuck

\\ \\ \\ .gholu‘otn.

I Limehouse Lizzy 'l‘hc l.lL|llltl Room. 9c Victoria Strccl. 335 350-1. 7pm. L' Ill. 'l'rihutc to Thin l.i//).

I Terra Surla, Little Green Machine and Moleck Banncrinan'x. \lddl') Strcct. 550 335-1. 8.4.5pm. [-i. ('oincd) anticx l'roin L‘\pcriincntal \url' hand tiara Surla.

I Let’s Rock! Ro\al Highland Centre.

Inglixton. 33502101(t-xxr‘tatttat).




1 They’re the nearest Britain’s got to Guns’n’Roses Ridiculously overblown yet fantastic cock rock. revolving door line-up policy. countless lawsuits. a 20-year trail of destruction and a lead singer with a messiah complex. Sound familiar? They were also once supported by an unknown G'n'R, who pinched their drummer.

2 It’s like Jim Morrison risen from the grave Singer Ian Astbury is seriously obsessed with the Lizard King. turning down the role in Oliver Stone's film The Doors cos he didn‘t like how St Jim was being represented. He got to live out the dream. though, singing on tour with some of the remaining members as The Doors a few years back.

3 They contain Manchester City’s biggest fan Guitarist Billy Duffy. the only other constant member besides Astbury. is so obsessed with the light blues that for a while he would only play guitar with correctly coloured picks embossed with the club crest.

4 They wrote a stonewall classic goth album 1985’s Love brought goth into the mainstream with hit singles ‘She Sells Sanctuary“ and ‘Rain'. Not content. they completely changed direction, and trumped themselves a hundredlold (see below).

5 Then they wrote an even stonerswall classic rock album Electric was a stupendous record. made from 100%-prooi distilled AC/DC and Aerosmith. which went on to sell millions. The Rick Rubin- produced howling, gonzo daitness ol ‘Wildilower'. ‘Lil Devil' and ‘Love Removal Machine‘ should be a staple in every aSpiring rock kid's riti repertoire. (Doug Johnstone)

I Carling Academy, Glasgow, Tue 26 Sep.


I Porcupine Tree and Paatos ('arling Acadcnt} (ilaxgon. l3! liglinton Strccl. ll.\'"(l 7'l 3lllltl. "'pin. U5. ()wr- l4x show (‘ult p\_\chcdclic prog hand

\\ ho dodgc (tllcgtll‘httlltlll and trcndx.

I Seether and Engerica 'I‘hc (iaragc. Jilll Saut‘ltichall Street. 333 I I3“. “pin. E It). ()wr— l-l\ \lill“. South .»\lrica-hrcd. l'S-haxcd anlhcntic. aggt‘mqw t'ockcrx \\ ho haw \upportcd laxancxt‘cncc on tour.

I Teddy Thompson and Kamilla Thompson The Art-hex. 253 My lc Strcct. (lS'll 3-H) 7538. _plll. {I 1.50. Richard 'l‘honipxon‘x \on l'orgo a carccr in hix o\\ti right. and is \UPPUI'ICd h} his xixtcr on thix tour


Glasgow ABC Saturday 30th September

.-_. ich Jpl NE Tm}


(-il lim‘; \i .itli lii\

Sunday lsl October

Patty Bast Shifter I

m. Mars Patrol

Thursday 12th October The Cathguse

Antonio l‘orcione Quartet

Sunday 29th October 5 the Arches. Glasgow


' L - _ _ 2. .. ' " 1- Jarrowland

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' ./ ' THE LIST 75